Second Chance at Love

12 + 1 = 13 Wolves

LuLi stared at Kris, confused. How did he know she was at the park last night? She was the only one to be seen around the park. “Did you follow me?” she asked him. Kris stared at her, speechless. He just had to open his big mouth.

“Uhhh…” Kris started but didn’t know how to continue. If he said yes then he’d sound like a creeper who followed her around at night. If he said no then how would he explain that he knew she was at the park?

“Luhan said he saw you there.” Chanyeol opened his mouth. The others jaws dropped to the floor in disbelief. Luhan gasped and stared at Chanyeol in shock. How could he say that! LuLi already thought that that wolf she saw looked like Luhan. Too late Chanyeol realized what he said and covered his mouth with his hand.

“Luhan saw me?” LuLi stared at the boy. He was panicking, shifting his eyes here and there. She looked closer at him. The wolf from last night had the same terrified eyes that he had right now. She remembered the wolf from the other night being afraid of her. LuLi stared at Luhan, she started to think. Getting up from the sofa she walked over to him. He started to fidget as she got closer to him. Reaching her hand out, she touched his face, caressing his cheek. He froze at her touch, his heart beating a million times faster than before. The girl looked into the boys eyes, furrowing her brow. She recognized these terrified eyes. She remembered how much the first wolf had looked like Chanyeol. She didn’t get to see the third wolf, but the first two resembled two of her members.

LuLi put her other hand on the other side of Luhan’s face. He was completely frozen at this point. The other members stood around, fearful and shocked. LuLi looked into Luhan’s eyes one more time before mouthing one sentence that had the hearts of the boys jumping into their throats. “What are you?” Luhan’s mouth dropped and his eyes widened in a split second.

Tao started laughing, “What do you mean what is he?” He came up to her and pulled her hands off the other boys face. Stepping between the two, he crossed his arms. “He’s a Chinese man in a Korean pop group. Duh.”

LuLi took a look at Chanyeol who avoided eye contact with her instantly. Something weird was going on. She was now determined to figure it out. “Fine.” LuLi looked around at the boys one last time before leaving the living room and going to her own room.



LuLi laid there and thought seriously about everything. How did they know she was at the park? Why do they only go out on full moons? Why did those wolves look so much like the members? These questions kept circling around in her head. What the heck was going on? Flashes of the first wolves big round happy eyes came to her mind. Then the second wolves scared eyes. Luhan came to mind. It had been an hour since she came to her room to think about things. Luhan had look so terrified earlier. What did he have to be scared of? Why was Kris so speechless?

A knock came at the door. Tao walked in and shut the door behind him. “You’ve been quiet this morning.” He said as he walked to her bed and sat at the edge of it. LuLi sat up and sighed. She didn’t know what to think of everything. She was just getting herself confused and frustrated.

“I don’t know what to do Tao…” she looked at her hands, still thinking about last night and this morning’s event.  

Tao stared at her for a moment. He needed her to stop thinking about everything. If she thought too deeply then she’d start to put the pieces together. He didn’t want her to know that he was a wolf. Bad things happened to people who found out the 12 boys big secret.

“Don’t hurt yourself thinking so hard.” Tao poked her forehead and laughed at her seriousness.

“I’m being serious Tao!”

“Yeah I know. That’s the problem.” He grinned at her, trying to get her to focus her attention on something else. He smirked to himself as an idea came to mind.

“You’re a brat you know that.” She went to shove him, but he pulled her closer to him instead. There she was, a few inches from his face. LuLi stared in shock for a few moments before trying to pull away. He wouldn’t let her budge. “W-what do you want?” she stuttered, growing embarrassed. Tao started to lead his head in, staring at her lips the whole time. LuLi froze for a second before getting her senses back. She used all her strength to yank herself free of his grip and push him away. “I-I need some fresh air.” She quickly got up and ran from the room. Down the hallway, past Kai, past the kitchen, and to the front door she ran. Quickly she put on her shoes to leave the dorm.

Tao walked up behind her. He turned her around and pulled her close to him. At this point, the other members were watching what was going on, especially Kris. LuLi stared up at Tao in shock. They had always flirted playfully to each other, but this time it seemed he was being serious. She didn’t know what to think about it. All she knew was that the others were watching and that she felt very uncomfortable with the nearness of his body to hers. Quickly Tao bent his head and layed a kiss on her lips. Stunned, LuLi stood still, not kissing back, not closing her eyes, and just staring into space in shock and embarrassment that everyone else had just seen it. LuLi brought her arms up and went to push Tao away but he just grabbed onto her. She moved her head away from his and stared up at him in disbelief at what he had just done. He stared right back at her, smirking.

Kris walked up behind. If he could light up on fire from how angry he was he would. “Tao. What the hell do you think you are doing?” He pulled Tao backwards, away from LuLi. The Chinese girl took that as her chance and ran out the front door. Kris continued to stare at Tao, pissed off. “Baekyeon and Sehun go after her. Make sure she doesn’t get into trouble.” The two boys nodded, their eyes turning red as they slightly turned into wolves to keep tract of LuLi’s scent. They ran out of the front door and followed the sweet smell of the girl.

“What on EARTH do you think you were doing?!” Kris picked Tao up and threw him to the sofa. Tao fell hard, but thankfully he didn’t bounce off of the sofa and onto the ground. Kris stomped over to him and grabbed the younger boy by the collar. “Do you have any idea what you have done?!” Tao smirked slightly but dropped it quickly after seeing Kris’s expression. Kris was just about to punch the boy when Kai and Lay pulled him back, holding him at a distance from Tao. “You’ve put her in a trap!” Kris yelled. “You know very well what happens now.” Tao flinched as memories came back to him of the past.

A long time ago, about 100 years to be exact, Tao fell in love with a girl. When a wolf chooses a girl, she is now his mate for life. He is bound to her until she dies, then he may find himself someone new. This girl that Tao fell in love with had no clue that he was a wolf…till the full moon. A wolf may change his form whenever he wants, going back and forth between wolf and human. Except for when there was a full moon. On a full moon, they were forced to change into wolves until sunrise the next morning. Tao had forgotten that that night would be a full moon and changed in front of her. She freaked out of course and ran away from him. For years he tried to explain to her, but she wouldn’t listen. As she got older and he still stayed young, she grew even more afraid of him. Tao ended up with a broken heart unlike any had ever gone through before. He watched her die of old age and vowed never to love again.

Then LuLi came along. The reason why he didn’t know how to handle her at first was because he was fighting the urge to like her. Something about her made him want to like her, to love again. He hated that she sturred feelings in him again, he wanted to hate her. He didn’t want her to know that he was a wolf. That secret is what ruined his first love. He wanted to like her, but then he didn’t at the same time. He couldn’t help that he was attracted to her. It didn’t matter now either. After sealing her with a kiss, he was now bound to her until the day she died. There wasn’t anything he could do about it now. At first he had only wanted to distract her, he wasn’t actually going to kiss her, but then his desire was too strong for his wolf side to handle and he caved in.

“Hyung…” Tao looked up at Kris, tears filling in his eyes as he said these next words, “I want to love and be loved again…I can’t help it.” Kris’s face softened at this and he relaxed his tense body from having a fight. Tao looked down at him balled up fists, “I can’t let her know I’m a wolf. If she knows she’ll leave me! That’s what the last girl did. She can’t ever know…”

“She’s going to find out sooner or later that you aren’t fully human when she notices that you aren’t aging...” D.O. said while walking over to Tao to sit next to him.

“I have a solution to that.” Came a new voice from the doorway. The boys swung around in shock at the sound of the voice. Immediately, they all dropped to the floor, doing the most respectful bow there was. “Nice to see you again…”  


NEW CHARACTER ENTERING THE STORY!!! Ok so I decided to add in another character. I will do a character introduction next. It may be a little shocking who I picked but trust me it will all fit together. 

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HanHyeRa112 #1
Chapter 20: i think im crazy tht i like GD's character in this.... and he's not even my bias in bigbang...
GOOD JOB author-nim. update seriously soon please!!!
Chapter 20: ahh G-Dragon's everywhere lol
and update when you can :) your story is awesome so readers will wait ^^
fighting and good luck with whatever's going on :)
Chapter 19: this is getting really scary (in a good way), update sooon :D
xoxo_88_kiss #4
Chapter 18: WHATTTT!!! why did you stop no it was sooo good *wait that sounded wrong but you what i mean
Chapter 18: ahhh man whyyyy >< >< >< >< >< >< I love sneak peeks but, but , but >< haha this is too much you better update soon otherwise ><
ahh your story is sooo good :D
I remember the teaser from a wihle ago with tao and then 'bang', I wonder if its this or not, but, please update soon! :D
Chapter 17: nice :D I read this at school haha >< update soon~ :)
Chapter 15: O.O woah.....
that is just... creepy and scary, ahha, this is somewhat horror as well ><
Chapter 15: i love it but the ending somehow make me shivers too.If i was in the story i would cry and hide behind someone
Chapter 14: understood, this was a nice chapter, really good emotions ^^
Chapter 12: i love that you update daily so I know I always have a great story to look forward to :D
and O.O the last teaser! ! sounds like they get shot or something.......
i'll be waiting for the next update ^^ good luck :)