The park

12 + 1 = 13 Wolves

It’s been a year since EXO debuted. Throughout the year a lot happened. They debuted as a 13 member group consisting of one girl among 12 boys. People were shocked. For months LuLi was hunted down and attacked by angry fans. They didn’t understand why she got to spend all day with their “oppas” and then got to live with them.  She had been attacked several times. Fans pulling at her hair, throwing eggs and tomatoes at her, calling her names, shoving her to the ground, etc. Each and every time this happened, LuLi didn’t say a word. She just bowed her head and walked away. Saying anything would just make the situation worse.

The EXO boys were officially her big brothers now. For the past year, they have been her only friends and family. The bond between the 13 of them was strong now compared to when she had first met them. She loved each member equally, but in different ways.

Suho was like a mother figure to her. He took care of her like a mother would. He dusted off her pants whenever she got shoved to the ground, and comforted her whenever she cried.

Kris was still overprotective of her.  He still made sure of where she was going, with whom, how long, and when she’d be back. He shielded her whenever any other man flirted with her. Most importantly, whenever they went on an airplane or in the van she was always put with him.

Kai was like her cool older brother. She admired his dancing. Even though he was a bit of a dork in real life, she admired the way he presented himself on stage, always showing off till the end.

Lay was always the first person LuLi went to with any worries, fears, or pain. For some reason he was able to heal her instantly, emotionally and physically. She loved how soothing his voice was and how soft his personality was. He was secretly one of her favorites.

Sehun was her twin. The two youngest, Sehun and LuLi, were always sent to do errands and chores for the older members. Eventually they were called twins since they were the youngest and always together.

Xiumin was LuLi’s escape. He was calm compared to the other members. She loved to just hang out with him and watch movies. He was chill and had great taste in foods.

Chen was a troll. Go figure. He still messed around with LuLi left and right, always playing pranks and blackmailing her. She learned early on that the only way to get him to stop was to blackmail him back. It was always war between the two of them.

Chanyeol was the most fun for LuLi to be around. He was always happy and smiling. He cracked jokes and did body gags like crazy. Life was never boring around Chanyeol.

D.O. took care of LuLi like his little sister. He protected her from the wrath of fans. Also he was the best cook of the group, so he taught her how to cook Korean dishes while she taught him how to cook Chinese dishes.  

Luhan was the Chinese member that helped her the most with learning Korean.  Though there were many times when he didn’t even know what was going on so the two of them sat there not understanding a word of what was being said.

Baekyeon was always cracking jokes. He was definitely the life of the party. He was always doing or saying something that had LuLi almost peeing her pants.

Then there was Tao. He didn’t hate her anymore. The two of them had started to get along after a while. After she got past how annoying she thought he was, she noticed how cool he was. In fact she even admired him. He relentlessly, and the two of them flirted playfully every now and then to Kris’s dismay.

LuLi was the same as ever. Stubborn to authority, but the playful and joyful maknae to her oppa’s. She still shared a room with Chen, Luhan, and Kris to her dismay. She wanted her own room but knew that she wasn’t going to get one. There wasn’t enough room for her to have her own. Her Korean was starting to get better, but she still had issues when going on shows and she couldn’t understand what was being said half of the time.

The wolf that LuLi had seen a year ago never showed up again. She never saw any sign of any wolf. She had dreams about it for months and even searched for it for several weeks after seeing it. Nothing ever showed up again. She even researched about wolves in Seoul. There had never been any sightings of wolves in the city before. She couldn’t help but wonder about that wolf. She wanted to see it one more time. If only she could see it just once more…

Little did she know that her wish would come true…



“Hello everyone! We are here with the rising group EXO!” The studio clapped and cheered for the 13 people sitting before them. They were on an interview this morning. They had just made their long awaited comeback with their song Wolf and first full-length album.

“LuLi you are not a wolf in the music video or photos? Why is that?” the MC asked her.

“I’m the beauty, the girl being sung about. So that was my part. I did sing in the song though. I did some high notes and did the ‘saranghaeyo’ parts.” She explained, looking back and forth from the MC and the cameras.

“It would have been weird if we made her into a wolf singing about a girl.” Chanyeol spoke up, bringing laughter’s from the studio. He grinned at his success at making people laugh.

Every talk show, variety show, and interview went the same way. They all asked the same questions over and over. “Why is there a girl in the group?”, “What role does LuLi play in the music video and song?”, “Do you all live together?”, “LuLi you are Chinese? Can you speak Korean?”. It was all the same! She got tired of it very quickly, so did the boys. Kai and Lay were always doing dance battles. Chanyeol was expected to be the reaction king, and D.O. always showed off his singing. It never changed. The fans were probably getting bored by the same things being discussed every single time.

LuLi was always embarrassed in some way on a show or interview. She was always asked about the fans that hated her or if she’d date any of the members. Questions like these made her feel very uncomfortable, especially since she couldn’t reply very well in Korean. She would just have to put up with it from now on.

After their last schedule of the day, they all headed back to the dorm. Six members were in one van and seven were in another. LuLi sat in between Luhan and Kai in the back of one fan. She stared straight ahead, fighting dozing off. Next to her, Luhan was intently looking up at the sky.

“It’s a full moon tonight…” he said and sighed. LuLi looked at him and furrowed her brow. She had heard this phrase multiple times from the boys. They always notified her when there was going to be a full moon. On every full moon the boys left her at home and went out to who knows where. Then, they didn’t get back until sunrise the next morning. She wondered what they did on those nights. None of them ever talked about where they went or what they did. All they ever said was that they were having a “guys night out”. Whatever that meant.

“So you are all going out again tonight then?” LuLi asked. Kai looked at LuLi and then Luhan. Luhan glanced at Kai and then smiled at LuLi.

“Yeah.” He said.



“Don’t wait up for us.” Suho said to her as he put on his shoes. The others were also getting ready to leave the dorm. “Lock the door and don’t let anyone in.”

“Yes, mom.” LuLi giggled and stuck out her tongue at him. He laughed and poked her in the forehead. “Be good.” He said before walking out of the dorm.

“No late night strolls.” Kris said, coming up behind her. “Stay in the dorm. It isn’t safe for you to be out by yourself.” He ruffled her hair and then left the dorm with the others.

Chen was the last to come up to leave. He was just about to walk out when he stopped, remembering something. He turned around and grinned at LuLi. “Don’t forget your bra in the freezer.”

“Ok.” LuLi said. Then she froze and realized what he just said. “HEY!” before she could swat at him, he left the dorm, shutting the door in her face.

Now she was all alone. She sighed and walked to the kitchen. Opening the freezer, she pulled out her bra. LuLi vowed to get back at Chen later. “Just you wait..” she said out loud.

She started to search the kitchen for something to eat. Usually she would help D.O. with the cooking, but tonight she was all on her own. She opened the fridge and found nothing. Literally nothing. The fridge was empty except for a jar full of kimchi. They hadn’t had time lately to go shopping for food so they had been ordering take-out for the past couple of weeks. Closing the fridge she looked in the freezer. Nothing. The cabinets all looked the same.

“I guess I’m eating out.” She shrugged and went to the front door, putting on her shoes. In the back of her mind she remembered the warnings that her members had given her. “Don’t leave the dorm.” She heard Kris’s voice say in her head. “I will be fast.” She thought to herself. All LuLi wanted was to get some street food and then she’d be back home.

Leaving the dorm, she walked down to the park down below. To get to the nearest restaurant she had to go through the park. It wasn’t much of a park anymore actually. More like a bunch of trees and grass. It looked like a mini forest. No one ever went to it anymore. There wasn’t anything to do but walk through the trees and hope you didn’t run through a spider web. LuLi still liked to go through it though. It was a change from the city life. She spent so many nights walking around in it, just thinking to herself and breathing in the fresh night air.

As she walking through the park, she heard noises. She usually doesn’t hear much besides crickets and her own footsteps. Tonight though, she heard other steps that weren’t her own. SNAP! Behind her a branch broke. She quickly spun around and was so stunned by what she saw that she fell backwards to the ground. Before her, just like a year ago, was a massive wolf with red eyes. Last time the wolf was a dark grey, this time the wolf was a sandy brown color. It was just as big as the previous wolf, but it’s eyes were different.

The wolf stared at her, shocked. LuLi saw it looking around as if it was looking for something. Compared to the first wolf, this one was panicked. LuLi slowly stood up and continued to keep an eye on the wolf in front of her. The wolf backed up a step and lowered its head, like it was trying to hide its face from her.

“You look like Luhan…” LuLi said to it as she noticed striking similarities in the eyes of the wolf to her friend. The wolf froze and whimpered, like it was afraid. LuLi started to move closer to it, but stopped when she heard breathing from behind her. Turning around she saw a wolf even bigger than the previous two. Her jaw dropped at the sight of a second wolf. LuLi tried to look at it more closely, but it backed up into the shadows, hiding itself from her. The girl looked back and forth between the two wolves in utter shock. This is the second time she is running into wolves in this park. What were the odds of that happening?

The sandy brown wolf stared at the other wolf. The bigger wolf gave a low growl and then ran into the darkness, away from LuLi. The sandy brown wolf took one last look at the girl in front of him before following the other wolf into the darkness.

LuLi stood there for a good five minutes before heading back to the dorm, no longer hungry. She was scared and happy at the same time to have seen those wolves. Happy because she had been dreaming about wolves for a long time now. Scared because it was unnatural for wolves to be here in the city and that she is the only one that ever sees them. LuLi wanted to know why they were coming into the city and why she was the only one that ever saw them. She thought it was fate. Maybe the wolves keep showing up to her for a reason. But why?



“LuLi wake up.” She felt someone shaking her shoulders. Grumbling, she turned over onto her back and rubbed her eyes. Yawning, she sat up and opened her eyes to find twelve boys sitting around the living room. She had fallen asleep on the sofa last night thinking about the wolves she had seen. THE WOLVES!

“Guys I saw the wolves again! I saw two last night. Two different ones from the one a year ago!” LuLi yelled, excited to share the story with the members. “I-“

Kris cut her off with his own yelling, “We told you to stay here last night. We told you not to leave and not to go on late night walks in the park!”

LuLi stared at him in confusion, “how did you know I went to the park last night?” Kris’s face fell in shock, the other members around him mirrored his reaction. “All you said was not to go on late night walks; you said nothing about the park. How did you know I went to the park?”

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HanHyeRa112 #1
Chapter 20: i think im crazy tht i like GD's character in this.... and he's not even my bias in bigbang...
GOOD JOB author-nim. update seriously soon please!!!
Chapter 20: ahh G-Dragon's everywhere lol
and update when you can :) your story is awesome so readers will wait ^^
fighting and good luck with whatever's going on :)
Chapter 19: this is getting really scary (in a good way), update sooon :D
xoxo_88_kiss #4
Chapter 18: WHATTTT!!! why did you stop no it was sooo good *wait that sounded wrong but you what i mean
Chapter 18: ahhh man whyyyy >< >< >< >< >< >< I love sneak peeks but, but , but >< haha this is too much you better update soon otherwise ><
ahh your story is sooo good :D
I remember the teaser from a wihle ago with tao and then 'bang', I wonder if its this or not, but, please update soon! :D
Chapter 17: nice :D I read this at school haha >< update soon~ :)
Chapter 15: O.O woah.....
that is just... creepy and scary, ahha, this is somewhat horror as well ><
Chapter 15: i love it but the ending somehow make me shivers too.If i was in the story i would cry and hide behind someone
Chapter 14: understood, this was a nice chapter, really good emotions ^^
Chapter 12: i love that you update daily so I know I always have a great story to look forward to :D
and O.O the last teaser! ! sounds like they get shot or something.......
i'll be waiting for the next update ^^ good luck :)