And It Begins

12 + 1 = 13 Wolves

Kris barged through the room, throwing the double doors open and strode into the room, the other five tailing behind him.

The anger was as clear as crystal on their faces as they stared at the man sitting on the sofa in front of them. For a moment,

GD looked shocked at the suddenness of his privacy being disturbed. That shock was quickly replaced by a sly smirk and

dancing eyes. This was all getting funnier and funnier as the days passed by.


“May I help you?” G-dragon sat back and crossed his legs, staring at the amusing scene in front of him.


“What the hell are you doing?” Kris asked his anger about to boil over.


“What are you talking about?”


Suho stepped forwared, trying to keep himself calm in front of the one man that could cripple all of them. “Why are you

following LuLi around? What do you plan to do with her?”


GD laughed, throwing his head back against the sofa. “I don’t plan to do anything with her yet.”


“Yet?” Tao’s eyes were glowering as balled his fists and a low growl erupted from his chest.


GD snapped his head up at him, a terrifying glare plastered on his face. “I wouldn’t take all this out on me if I were you. You

are going to need me very shortly and if you continue to treat me like this then I am not going to be inclined to help you.”


“What do you mean?” Sehun asked, being the calm on in this situation. He decided to hang at the back, letting the others

deal with this. In all honesty, he was afraid of GD and didn’t want to get on his bad side.


GD sat up now, propping his elbows on his knees and resting his chin in the palms of his hands. He looked at the six boys

in front of him and then chuckled to himself. “You are all so foolish.” He glared at Kris. “I’M not the one you should be

worrying about. LuLi isn’t what she seems to be.”


“What?” Chen asked, cocking his head to the side in confusion.


“She isn’t the only one in that body of hers.” GD sighed and stood up, walking over to the boys. He stopped in front of

Sehun, laying a hand on his cheek. “The only way you can save yourselves and her is with my help.” He turned slightly and

looked at the others out of the corner of his eye. “Things are changing. Can’t you feel it in the air?” GD patted Sehun’s cheek

a little too roughly and turned around. He walked away from the boys, his back to them. “I sure hope you all know what you

are doing-” He smirked to himself amused. “Before it’s too late.”


“Before what’s too late?” Suho followed GD and stopped a few steps behind him, not wanting to get too close to the man.


G-dragon turned around, a smile on his face. It wasn’t a genuine smile at all; it was a smile without any feelings attached to

it. “How prepared are you for death?”



Everyone was stunned. They just stared, no one moved. LuLi, or whoever that was, just stood there. She still didn’t look at

anyone. She listened to the sounds of the boys breathing and the shifting of the feet moving away from her. It was as she

couldn’t see; it was as if she were blind.


“Who are you?” Kai asked, looking at the way she swiftly turned her head to the side, towards the sound of his voice. She

started to move, slowly, towards him. Kai went rigid as she reached her hand out in front of her and touched his shoulder.

She still looked at the ground, her eyes glazed over. This time though, she furrowed her brow in concentration. Her hand

slowly moved upwards until she was touching his cheek. Kai clamped down his jaw and stood still. The girl’s hand ran all

along his face; his forehead, his eyes, his nose, his lips. She touched every inch of his face before returning to cupping her

hand around his cheek.


“It’s a shame you are a wolf.” She slightly pouted her lips, but for the most part her face remained emotionless. “You are

quite handsome.” It was obvious by now that she was blind and couldn’t see him. So instead she had felt him.


“Who ARE you?” Lay asked the question again for Kai who was in a state of shock at the moment. The girl turned around

and just stood there. She lifted her gaze slightly and cocked her head to the side. Listening to every little sound she could



“LuLi puts up a good fight.” Whoever it was said. “She has done her best to keep me locked up for the past couple of

years.” She sighed and moved a step forward. “But then you boys just HAD to reveal yourselves as wolves.”


“What does our being wolves have to do with anything?” Baekyeon asked, genuinely confused. He wasn’t all that afraid at

the moment. He had seen worse in his lifetime than his friend turning into a creepy thing. He was just confused at why this

thing was so interested in the fact that they were wolves.


The girl sighed and moved over to where Baekyeon was leaning against the arm of the sofa. She reached up with both of

her hands and grabbed his face in her hands. She stared at the ground and smiled to herself as she locked her arms

around the back of his neck. Baekyeon stood stiff, looking down at her, trying to figure her out.


“I HATE wolves.” The girl said before circling her hands around his neck and choked him. Baekyeon was shocked at the

sudden movement and grabbed at her hands, gagging.


“STOP!” Xiumin ran up and tried to pull the girl off of him, but she held on tighter. Baekyeon was struggling to release her

grip from off of him and Xiumin was struggling to pull her off. All of a sudden, horror flashed in the eyes of LuLi. The glazed

over eyes started to become clearer and they started to focus themselves. She watched as her body was strangling her

friend. She had to do something, she had to break through. She mustered up all of her strength and willpower to fight

against the creature inside of her.


“NO!” LuLi yelled breaking through. She released her hold on Baekyeon and fell backwards, crawling away from him until

her back was pressed up against the wall on the other end of the room. She watched as Baekyeon struggled to gasp for

breath and calm himself down. She raised her shaky hands up to her face and stared at them in horror at what that thing had

made her do. “I’m so sorry…” she whispered, trying to keep herself from crying.


Luhan walked over to her and knelt down in front of her. Her eyes were still on Baekyeon as Xiumin and Lay helped him

back to his feet. Lay put his hands to the boys neck to help take away the pain and any possible bruising that may occur



“LuLi” Luhan grabbed the girls face in his hands. He had been calling her name for the past couple of minutes but she didn’t

hear him. Finally looking at him, she almost lost it and almost broke into tears. “What the hell is going on?” 



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HanHyeRa112 #1
Chapter 20: i think im crazy tht i like GD's character in this.... and he's not even my bias in bigbang...
GOOD JOB author-nim. update seriously soon please!!!
Chapter 20: ahh G-Dragon's everywhere lol
and update when you can :) your story is awesome so readers will wait ^^
fighting and good luck with whatever's going on :)
Chapter 19: this is getting really scary (in a good way), update sooon :D
xoxo_88_kiss #4
Chapter 18: WHATTTT!!! why did you stop no it was sooo good *wait that sounded wrong but you what i mean
Chapter 18: ahhh man whyyyy >< >< >< >< >< >< I love sneak peeks but, but , but >< haha this is too much you better update soon otherwise ><
ahh your story is sooo good :D
I remember the teaser from a wihle ago with tao and then 'bang', I wonder if its this or not, but, please update soon! :D
Chapter 17: nice :D I read this at school haha >< update soon~ :)
Chapter 15: O.O woah.....
that is just... creepy and scary, ahha, this is somewhat horror as well ><
Chapter 15: i love it but the ending somehow make me shivers too.If i was in the story i would cry and hide behind someone
Chapter 14: understood, this was a nice chapter, really good emotions ^^
Chapter 12: i love that you update daily so I know I always have a great story to look forward to :D
and O.O the last teaser! ! sounds like they get shot or something.......
i'll be waiting for the next update ^^ good luck :)