
12 + 1 = 13 Wolves

“Guys come on we have to go after Tao before he gets into trouble.” Kris said to the other boys as they all got their shoes on quickly. Kris looked at the shocked LuLi and sighed. She was going to find out very soon that they were wolves. She had already seen Tao’s red eyes. “LuLi stay here. It isn’t safe right now. Luhan, Baekhyun, and Kai stay with her.” the three boys in name nodded and relaxed on the sofa and chairs. “Lay you need to come with the rest of us. You’re the only one that will have a chance to calm him down.” Lay nodded and put his shoes on. The rest of them all left the house leaving the remaining four by themselves.

LuLi stood there and stared off into space. What just happened? Tao’s eyes…she had seen those red eyes before…on those wolves. What the hell was going on? LuLi thought as hard as she could. Trying to make sense of everything, but bright red eyes just didn’t make the least bit sense to her.

Luhan came up behind LuLi and put his hand on her shoulder. “LuLi we-“ the girl shrieked and jumped away from him.

“D-don’t touch me.” She hugged herself and moved to the other side of the room, away from the three boys. She knew something wasn’t right. She stared at Luhan and saw those big round eyes. She thought about Tao’s red eyes and the red eyes of the wolves she had seen.  They all had striking similarities to each other, but what was the connection? What the hell was-

LuLi’s eyes widened and she dropped to the ground. Finally she had pieced it all together. Red eyes, Tao’s red eyes, Luhan, the full moon. Werewolves. All of them…they weren’t human. Kai jumped up and ran over to LuLi, wondering what was wrong. “S-stay away from me! Don’t touch me!” She swatted at him, pushed him, and kicked him, anything to get him away.

“What’s wrong with you?” Kai tried to grab onto her flailing arms, but she just thrashed around even more.

“What are you?!” she screamed at him. The three boys froze. Baekhyun choked on his water and stared at her, his eyes so wide they took up half of his face. Luhan stared down at her, trying to mask his shock. Kai dropped his arms, not daring to grab onto her again. “I asked you a question!” she shoved Kai away and ran for the front door. Throwing it open she ran out of the dorm barefoot and down the hall. She needed to get away from here and fast. Something wasn’t right, something was happening.

“LuLi!” Baekhyun ran after her along with Luhan and Kai. “We have to catch her guys; don’t let her out of your sight!”

LuLi ran as fast as she could. Behind her she could hear the yells of the three boys. She needed to lose them and fast. Quickly she ran for the park. Her feet were starting to hurt, but it was too late to go back for her shoes. She ran around the trees and deeper into the unkept-up park. Behind her she heard Luhan cry out to her in Chinese, but she ignored him, running even faster.

She didn’t know what they would do if they caught her so she just kept running, wanting to lose them. She stepped on something wrong and it cut into her foot. LuLi let out a cry of pain but kept on running. She knew she was bleeding, but she couldn’t stop now.

Right then, a howl of a wolf could be heard. LuLi halted, skidding to a stop. She looked around, searching for where the howling was coming from. She couldn’t figure it out. All of a sudden a low growl came from in front of her behind the bush. LuLi gasped and stumbled backwards. “H-help me…” she whispered, too afraid to find her voice to scream.

“LuLi run! RUN!!” Kai shouted. Behind her the three boys were getting closer. LuLi looked in front of her, watched the bush rustle.

“LuLi no-“ Luhan shouted as he watched a big pitch black wolf jump out from behind the bush. It landed in front of LuLi, its snout inches from her face. Shocked LuLi stared into the red eyes of the wolf. Unlike the other wolves she saw before, this one was angry. It was breathing heavily; its eyes were intense as it glared at LuLi. LuLi’s voice was caught in and so was her heart. All she could do was tremble and stare at this wolf.

“LuLi!” Baekhyun, Luhan, and Kai caught up now. They stood a few feet behind her, staring worriedly at the wolf in front of her. Behind the wolf came the rest of the boys, all out of breath from running. They all also stopped a few feet from LuLi and the black wolf, stunned to see her there.

“I thought I said to watch her!” Kris yelled at the three boys.

“Tao…” everyone looked at LuLi as she said the wolf’s name. The wolf flinched but made no move. This was Tao she thought to herself. She recognized the intense eyes of his. She looked at the wolves ears and saw several piercings in them. Tao had the most piercings out of everyone in the group, this wolf was definitely him. She couldn’t tell exactly how big he was. His fur was so dark that it blended in with the night sky. All she could really see was big, bright red eyes.

“LuLi you need to get away from him. It isn’t-“ Lay began but was cut off by the girl.

“Tao…” Tears filled her eyes. She was afraid and she felt deceived. She had loved all these boys as her own family, yet they didn’t even care to mention that they were wolves. She wished she would have known from the start. One tear escaped and fell down her cheek. Seeing this, the wolf stopped glaring and stared at the girl worriedly. He didn’t like seeing her cry, especially when it was his fault and doing. “How could you guys…” In one swift moment, the wolf disappeared and instead Tao was kneeling on the ground in front of her. Shocked, she backed up a step and stared down at the now human boy. He panted and looked up into the girls eyes, worried now more than ever. He was about to lose her, he could feel it.

“LuLi I-“ he reached out for her but she freaked out.

“D-don’t touch me!!” she crawled backwards until she was far enough away from him to jump up to her feet and still keep him at a safe distance away. She started to back away from him and the others, moving her eyes from left to right to keep an eye on all 12 of them.

“Let us explain.” Suho started walking up to her, reaching out for her. She screamed and stumbled back once again, trembling with fear.

“Stay back!” She backed away from them all a few more feet before turning around and running once again as fast as she could. 

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HanHyeRa112 #1
Chapter 20: i think im crazy tht i like GD's character in this.... and he's not even my bias in bigbang...
GOOD JOB author-nim. update seriously soon please!!!
Chapter 20: ahh G-Dragon's everywhere lol
and update when you can :) your story is awesome so readers will wait ^^
fighting and good luck with whatever's going on :)
Chapter 19: this is getting really scary (in a good way), update sooon :D
xoxo_88_kiss #4
Chapter 18: WHATTTT!!! why did you stop no it was sooo good *wait that sounded wrong but you what i mean
Chapter 18: ahhh man whyyyy >< >< >< >< >< >< I love sneak peeks but, but , but >< haha this is too much you better update soon otherwise ><
ahh your story is sooo good :D
I remember the teaser from a wihle ago with tao and then 'bang', I wonder if its this or not, but, please update soon! :D
Chapter 17: nice :D I read this at school haha >< update soon~ :)
Chapter 15: O.O woah.....
that is just... creepy and scary, ahha, this is somewhat horror as well ><
Chapter 15: i love it but the ending somehow make me shivers too.If i was in the story i would cry and hide behind someone
Chapter 14: understood, this was a nice chapter, really good emotions ^^
Chapter 12: i love that you update daily so I know I always have a great story to look forward to :D
and O.O the last teaser! ! sounds like they get shot or something.......
i'll be waiting for the next update ^^ good luck :)