Are You Ok?

12 + 1 = 13 Wolves

G-dragon stared at the Chinese girl, smirking all the way. He loved how nervous she looked, how she balled her fists, and

how she stepped back from him whenever he stepped forward. He was having too much fun with this. It had been a long

time since he had had this much fun.


“You know Tao belongs to you right?” G-dragon started to circle her, making her circle also to keep an eye on him. All of a

sudden the man threw his head back, staring up into the sky, and let out a loud laugh. “Isn’t this situation so ironic? You must

be dying inside.”


“I don’t know what you are talking about.” LuLi said with the straightest face she could muster up at the time. Her palms were

now sweaty and she could feel herself start to tremble. She didn’t like this man. She didn’t like the things he said to her and

how much he knew about her.


GD looked at her slowly and smiled. It wasn’t a genuine smile, it was a mocking smile. “Sweetheart, you can’t fool me.” He

moved closer to her. When LuLi started to step back, he lunged at her, grabbing her arm. LuLi’s jaw went slack and she

gapped at him, at his sudden action. She tried to pull herself free, but to her dismay he just held on tighter. He moved in

closer and whispered in her ear. His voice sent chills up her spine and made Goosebumps form all up her arms and legs.

“You know she won’t stop until they are all dead.” With that, he let her go and walked away, not turning back to her, not

saying anything else.


LuLi found it hard to breath after that. Her heart was racing a million miles a second and her eyes were going to bulge out of

her head. She turned to walk back to the dorm, but since she was shaking so much her knees gave out and she fell to the

ground. She drew her knees up to her chest and hugged them till she calmed herself down.


She didn’t like that man. She didn’t like how much he knew. He had something cooking up in that brain of his. LuLi now

knew that this wasn’t just any ordinary man. GD wasn’t someone to mess with.



LuLi had made her way back to her room and was now lying on her bed. She had wanted to be alone for a while to think

about how she should handle things from now on. Nothing was coming to mind. She had no clue what to do.


At that moment, Kris walked into the room. He glanced over at the girl sprawled out on the opposite bed and smiled to

himself. He walked over to his own bed and laid down on it, grabbing the book that was under his pillow. He glanced at the

girl again.


“What’s wrong with you?” he said bluntly and a bit sarcastically.


LuLi sat up abruptly, causing Kris to jump a little at the sudden movement. The girl ran her hands through her hair, messing it

up and groaning at herself. She kicked the air and threw her pillow to the ground in frustration. Kris just stared at her as she

let it all out.


“That bad huh?” he , earning a glare from LuLi.


“Well you’re not the one being stalked by a crazy man!” she groaned again and sat there pouting.


Kris furrowed his brow and sat up, genuinely confused and worried now. “Who’s been stalking you?”


LuLi stared at the ground in distain. “This stupid guy. He keeps telling me personal things that he knows about me that he

shouldn’t. Then he always shows up whenever I’m all alone so I can’t exactly ask any of you to beat the crap out of him.” LuLi

huffed in annoyance and moved her hair out of her face. She was done with this G-dragon guy.


“Well then the cops should be involved if it gets too bad. Do you know his name?” Kris asked. He stood up and walked over

to her pillow that she had thrown on the ground. He placed it back on her bed and stood there in front of her, waiting for her

to answer his question.


“Yeah,” she growled his name is disgust, “G-dragon.”


Kris dropped the book he was holding. Instantly he froze. His draw dropped and he just stared at her. The boys had always

feared her having to meet him, so they tried to keep her away as best as they could. Kris guessed that they hadn’t been

doing that great of a job then.


“You know him?” LuLi asked as she watched Kris go pale white. She reached out and touched his arm, worried now that his

face had taken on a dark expression. “Are you ok?”


Without a word he his heel and left the room. He strode to the living room where the other guys were. They were all

watching a movie at the time when he went and shut off the TV.


“Hey!” several shouted in protest.


“G-dragon has been visiting LuLi.” He said without hesitating. He saw the members grow shocked and angry at this new

piece of news. Kris took a deep breath to calm himself down. “I’m going to go talk to him. I need 5 of you to come with me.”


“I’ll go.” Tao stood up and walked to the door, putting on his shoes and a jacket. Suho, Chanyeol, Chen, and Sehun also

stood up and got ready to go.


“The rest of you stay here. We will be back later.” Kris said before turning and leaving with the others.


“What do you think GD is doing?” Lay asked, looking around at the remaining 5 members. They could all tell that GD had

something planned. He wouldn’t be following LuLi around if he didn’t. Something big was going to happen, they could sense



“I don’t know, but we need to keep an eye on LuLi from now on.” Luhan went to stand up. He turned around and almost fell to

the ground from the shock of what he was seeing before him. “LuLi?”


The girl stood there, her eyes glazed over and her face pale white. Her head was cocked to the side and she stared at the

ground. Her face showed no expression and her body was relaxed, her arms hanging limp at her sides.


“LuLi are you ok?” Baekhyun stood up and moved next to Luhan, pulling him back a step. Something wasn’t right. He could

feel it. They all could. And they were right.


The girl giggled to herself and rolled her head back into its regular position. Those glazed over eyes were what told the boys

that something wasn’t right. The girl gave them a half smile, still looking at nothing in particular. The next words that came

out of sent shivers up the spines of the boys and confirmed to them that something wasn’t right.


The girl put her hand to her ear, shaping her fingers in a way that mocked a telephone. “LuLi isn’t here right now, may I leave

a message?” 

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HanHyeRa112 #1
Chapter 20: i think im crazy tht i like GD's character in this.... and he's not even my bias in bigbang...
GOOD JOB author-nim. update seriously soon please!!!
Chapter 20: ahh G-Dragon's everywhere lol
and update when you can :) your story is awesome so readers will wait ^^
fighting and good luck with whatever's going on :)
Chapter 19: this is getting really scary (in a good way), update sooon :D
xoxo_88_kiss #4
Chapter 18: WHATTTT!!! why did you stop no it was sooo good *wait that sounded wrong but you what i mean
Chapter 18: ahhh man whyyyy >< >< >< >< >< >< I love sneak peeks but, but , but >< haha this is too much you better update soon otherwise ><
ahh your story is sooo good :D
I remember the teaser from a wihle ago with tao and then 'bang', I wonder if its this or not, but, please update soon! :D
Chapter 17: nice :D I read this at school haha >< update soon~ :)
Chapter 15: O.O woah.....
that is just... creepy and scary, ahha, this is somewhat horror as well ><
Chapter 15: i love it but the ending somehow make me shivers too.If i was in the story i would cry and hide behind someone
Chapter 14: understood, this was a nice chapter, really good emotions ^^
Chapter 12: i love that you update daily so I know I always have a great story to look forward to :D
and O.O the last teaser! ! sounds like they get shot or something.......
i'll be waiting for the next update ^^ good luck :)