Chapter 8

Take me as I am

"Ya, noona. Finally you agree. This is so much awesome. "Sehun smiledear to ear.  " I begin to think of what we will do. We've never worked together, I'm so exciting. It's very grateful of me to have the chance to cooperate with you, Amber Sunbae - nim. Thank you!"

"Sehunie, don't tease me. And I also get my profit, so... that's how thing goes."

"Anyways, you should inform HR department immediately. The resignation process may take more time than you think."

"Ok, I'll do it in Monday and be in Seoul within 2 weeks. There's nothing much to arrange, I've finished all of my assignments. Somehow, I think it's about time to leave Cartier's. It's my dreaming first job and it was so much fun and wonderful. But refreshment is necessary."

" Yes, told you.' Sehun shrugged his shoulder, kept wandering in his thought before spiting it out in sorrow."Noona, tell me what happed yesterday. I've not meeting you just for a day but feel like I missed a very important thing in your life."

"It's not like I won't tell you, Sehun. I just haven't told you yet. I met Henry yesterday, out of the blue on the way home from Mayfield."

"Henry? That jerk? Then you ran away from him?"

" No Sehunie, don't be rude. We talk about the past then he accidently tells me the truth about the reason he broke up with me. It was his mother who had threatened my safety if he insisted in marrying me. Yes Sehun, don't be so surprised. There's that kind of person in this world. She could do whatever it takes to get rid of her obstacles, even in the cruelest way. Henry was very depressed about her but he can't not do anything else. We can't choose our parents. And to protect me from her claws, he chose to give up our love. Anyways, I was so socked about the truth, about the fact that I misunderstood and blamed him for many things he didn't do, I even called him a betrayer. I was so guilty that I can't face him, so I ran absence mindedly and rushed to Kris's car. And the rest story Kris told you."

- So now guys made up. You still love him, don't you? However, I didn't think that he can be that cool. - Sehun said nonchalantly, trying to hold his nervousness. What if they come back to each other?

- No, I don't love him anymore, I realized. That was just the bitterness of being abandoned without proper reasons and we figured it out. We chose to be good friends instead.

- Good to hear, Amber. Now you're free from the past.

Amber grinned and Sehun exhaled a sigh of relief. He was now free too, to pursuit his love. He was nervous that Amber could not get over Henry but now he thanked Henry for clearing the pain Amber had been suffering for years. Now the timing came, his timing.

- I officially inform you, I won't call you noona anymore, Amber.

Sehun said when he drop Amber in front of her house before driving away, leaving Amber not understanding anything about what he had said.



Seoul - A week later.

Kris reviewed his presentation before showing it to the BOM. There was an important apointment discussing about the strategy for the next collection. His ability to build up new Creative team with 2 international class designers was very impressive. Kris's desire was to reassure his position and prove his ability in the company. The fact that he was the heir, not mentioning he was too young made many people suspect his capacity in operation such an empire like Kris Jewelry despite his significant achievements so far. Recruiting Sehun and Amber was just the beginning of his long term plan to affirm himself in the position of Chairman CEO. Anyways, today was the day Amber arrived in Seoul. Sehun would follow several days later to fulfill the remaining of his duty for Cartier's. Kris decided to pick her at the airport by himself instead of assigning a staff since Sehun recommended him to. He worried that Amber would be uncomfortable, she had been out of the country for a long time and this place has many miserable memories for her. Even if Sehun didn't tell, he definitely would. Kris couldn't explain why, he just wanted to do it no matter how. 


Kris was waiting at the gate where Amber's flight boarded. His 1m87 model height in perfect tailored gray suits standed out in the airport crowd, succeeded to catch Amber attention right when she walked her way out the gate.

- Hey Amber! - Kris waved

- Hi Kris, you pick me personally. So kind!

- Well, I finished my work for today and have no plan for tonight. So ... - Kris takes Amber's suitcase, smiling shyly, pretended to glance at another direction.

- Well, surprising! With your high class appearance, aren't many girls chasing you? - Amber complimented innocently, Kris in a suit was very impressive.

- Aren't you tired? It's a long flight though, 15 hours is no joke. - Kris changed the topic. He knew he was hot. There were always girls chasing him ever since high school, even without knowing how rich he was but he didn't care about them minus his ex - girlfriend and a few special friends which are girls by chance. Amber was one of them. And he doesn't like the idea of her taking him as a player.

- Yup! Quite tired and I'm hungry. The food on plane is ! - Amber winced her nose in a cute manner. At least Kris thought so.

- Ok, just wait here, I'll go taking my car and we'll find a fine restaurant for your hunger.

They haddinner together then Kris took Amber to her apartment which he had prepared last week. It was an 11 floor premium appartment building and Amber's house was on 7th. 

- Here's your house's key, and I bought some basic furniture. You can decorate it as you want, using this card, the company will pay for it. You can buy a car, too. Do you like this house?

- Woahh, beyond my imagination. This is so big of a studio apartment. And the view is so nice.

Kris settled on the couch looking at Amber going around the one room 80 m2 apartment. He loved to see how much Amber liked this house. "My effort is worthy"

- Well, there aren’t many apartments like this in this zone to choose. You house is the only one in this building, and the best I can find, very unique. You can walk to our office, 10 minutes from here, but tomorrow I'll pick you up at 8 am since you don't know the way. - Kris explained, actually he turned the zone upside down to find this kind of apartment since it really hard to find one in premium segment. Finally, he found it just 2 floors below his house, in the same building.

- And just so you know, I live at house number 909 in this building. So call me whenever you need help. I'm going so that you can take a rest. See you tomorrow.

- Thanks for taking care of me, you’re so nice, Kris! - Amber pulled Kris for a friendly hug. He made her journey back to Seoul was so much easier than she had thought.

- It's nothing comparing to what you've done to help me, Amber. I just want to make you feel comfortable here. And truth is you are a high level expatriate, this's just the basic things, so don't mind it. - Kris said when Amber walked him to the door- Go to bed early and good nigh Amber. Welcome to Seoul!


A/N: I've been updated daily so far but I'll have a vacation since tomorrow, so see ya in several days. I intend to write some hot situation for Krisber but end up decide to start with warm caring first, hope you guy like it. :* 

Anyways, do you watch the video of Sehun holding on Amber's hand with his 2 hands then Kris pulled him back to approach, checking Amber shirt's tag like a boyfriend? I'm dying, Krisber feel and Sehunber feel are sooo hot!!!








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New Krisber short fic :D finish this thing up and I'll continue ws Take me as I am


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Lisakrisber_1 #1
Chapter 8: krisber❤️
Chapter 17: Good lord this was written 4 years ago! And it's still beautiful!
Chapter 18: I am earnestly waiting for an update??
ravepirates #4
I spends 3 hours to read your fanfic . All 18 chapters of it. It really worth it. I do hope u will will inspiration n courage to continue this kris fanfiction. Im rooting for u my dear. I know its hard to continue this story when the character are giving u a depressing state of life. I know how u feel.
U have a great talent in writing n this story is also great. I do hope I will see a red notification saying this fics is updated in the future. Dont waste your talent n pity us who longing to know the ending of this great fic.
Fighting authornim.
Loly21 #5
Chapter 17: I really hope Amber's love towards Sehun never change.. I mean after all of this Sehun is the one who stand beside her and understand her while Kris slowly begin to know & understand her but in the end felt of love is something we can't control and in the end one of them will be hurt. Does Amber really love Sehun in special way or just sibling?? because I think Amber slowly realized her true fellings towards Sehun.. I just wish they be together.. Fighting!!
Chapter 18: yeah I know that felling Kris, Amber please please be with Kris.
Loly21 #7
Chapter 18: This stories so wonderful:) I hope Sehun & Amber will be together ...
Chapter 18: owh no owh yes... im speechless.. its hard for her i guess.. but we cant blame kris for what he done coz,that is love we talking about. how will amber react to that unexpecting confession????? update plz...
Chapter 18: Omfg Kris confessed :o ughhh I am sure she will reject him poor him bit at the same time if she doesn't then she is betraying sehun aww why can't they both just have her