Chapter 4

Take me as I am

Sehun held his phone and took a breath. Sehun used to followed Kris and Luhan everywhere. Kris was like second blood brother to him and they were so much close before him and Luhan huyng went to US for their colleague. Kris even took his winter break to come home, attending Sehun’s high school graduation with Luhan. In between the time after graduating when Sehun could not decided which way to go in his career later on. He had keened on art and had no dream but being an jewel designer, but he had the family company to take care of. It meaned responsibility than the wealth with Sehun. He talked with Kris about his dream, and how much he desired to chase it instead of business man after his father and huyng. Kris, seeing that how gifted Sehun ever since he was a child, he supported Sehun to study art and live to the fullest which was a lot meaningful to Sehun. If it wasn’t for Kris and his huyng Luhan, who had been convinced to promise his parents to taking the giant responsibility of running the business, Sehun could not be him today. Without too much of thinking, he definitely would be back to Seoul to help Kris in this project.

However, he didn't want to leave without Amber. She would definitely say it was not a problem for living by herself here, but Sehun wouldn't. Being a friend of Amber for so long, most of the time Amber appeared to be a independent, friendly elegant young lady with her chic attitude, keeping a safe distance and just being kind enough to everyone, the only exception was Sehun just because she thought they shared a lot in common: were both Korean and had the same taste of food, could speak to each other with their mother language, had the same sense of fashion, could discuss work together and had calm and introvert personality….Even their horoscopes were the same: Gemini. She hardly showed her weary side to Sehun, but once when drunken, Amber told him about the darkest era of her life, about how terrible the world she lived in after breaking up with Henry. She was aware of everybody minus Sehun, who luckily the one she felt comfortable with.  She helped Sehun a lot in academic side of their job as a senior, never steped too far from the friendzone with him but always succeeded in her effort to take Sehun hands through his crisis which every young people had to encouter once in their life time .  Growing up was never easy but with Amber, Sehun felt safe. But Amber had her own pride and no way had she followed Sehun to Korea, not mention of that place had nothing but pain for her. Though, Sehun decided to attempt. He hated laying arm down without making an effort first.

Sehun called Amber out for a dinner. She, as classy as usual, was in her oversize leather jacket, black ankle boots, boyfriend jeans and white Celine T-shirt with a thick red scarf. He catched her sign from a far distance and if a fashion reporter captured her in this outfit and put it on the street fashion corner tomorrow, Sehun would not be so surprise. Amber never wore too much accessories and same went with makeup. In daily time just like today, she went out with just lip and smokey eyes, leaving a cold mystery impression yet stunning. In some occasional days, on party or simply felling joyful for something, Amber would wear her Tom Ford rouge lipstick, still it was perfect fit her natural beauty, changed her image to an English rose. Sehun was also cool effortlessly. With his model height, messy hair and sharp look, everything single things looked impressive on him whether it a suit or just jeans and T-shirt.

They had the meal in peace with some jokes and share something about the job. Amber informed that she had just finished and sent her sketches and samples for a new line of crown accessories to Paris. Unlike her fashion style, Amber's design style were freaking fancy with complicating details and structures, always paired with the royal and Gothic inspiration which amazed Sehun every single times. Sehun, in another hand, nearly completed them but still needed to fix a bit. He asked for some advices from her.  Amber with her special sense of sophisticated fashion never failed to point out the drawbacks of Sehun’s designs.

 As they walked out the restaurant, Sehun decided to go straight to his intention.

" Noona, how long have you left Korea?"

"4 years maybe."

" Ah, you left since your third year in colleague?"

"Yup, after the engagement ceremony."

Sehun remained quiet for a while. He was afraid to hurt Amber but seeing she hadn’t changed in her mood, he continued the story.

" Noona, after finishing this season, I will leave Cartier’s for a half of year to help my friend's company in Seoul. It's a top jewelry brand , Kris Jewelry, noona. Have you heard about it?"

" Is it? So... when will you go then? " Amber embraced herself as a breeze went through her short hair.

Sehun took a step closer toward Amber, held her right shoulder so that he could cover her from the wind.

"You should wear thicker jacket next time, noona.  It'll be winter soon and you are so easy to catch a cold."

Amber shrugged. Is Sehun really younger than her?

"You sound like a gramma scolding a kid, Sehun? "

"I prefer a boyfriend nagging his honey, Amber. Why do you compare me to ugly person everytime? "

Amber just could laugh it off, Sehun could be really obvious sometimes.

" Anyway, I'll leave within 2 weeks after rearrange my schedules. But noona, do you think of going with me? You've been working for Cartier's for over 3 years now. Should you change a bit to get new creative inspiration? And considering your intention to open your own jewelry label, why don't you try to find out more about Korean fashion? It's the second leading market in Asia after Japan, and it's just 6 months... "

Sehun stoped a bit to gather his breath. He knew Amber would never accept his offer right away, but she had to think about it.

"I definitely won't go there Sehun. Seoul is the last place on Earth I wanna be."

"Please help me this time noona. My hyung is on a very strict situation and has to release his brand's new collection within 2 months with all of his creative team left. Me only can't make it and I really want to cooperate with you noona, we always work individually here in Cartier's and you once said you wanted to work with me in the same project... We can do anything we are not allowed to do in Cartier’s.  And for your achievement background, you can come back to Cartier’s if you want or go for another brand after that, you have many opportunities after that, why don't try for something new, noona? Plz think about it. I won't push you but it means a lot to me if you accept me this time."

"Ok Sehun, I'll think about it, but don't hope much."

" Thanks noona! " Sehun said with his husky voice, feeling relief and patted her back. At least she would  consider it.

Sehun rarely asked Amber for anything. If he ever had to convice, it would be pretty much an important problem. Amber didn't want to disappoint Sehun, she loved him as a sincere friend who never let her down. Sehun took care of her a lot, went with Amber through all hard time, insecureness and depressions in their work and life  and Amber felt much grateful for having Sehun beside. He was so kind and Amber could do everything for him in return. But no way would she come back to Seoul. She cut all her relations with it after graduating, all of her friends, relatives... It was her hometown after all but no one waiting for her and no place for Amber to come back. Every single inches of that city reminded Amber of that happy time, which she so scared of the lost feeling toward these memories. It was so beautiful that it hurt her for she knew that it would never happened again in her life. A drop of tear firmed in her eye. Thanks to the darkness, Sehun couldn't see it.

After walking Amber to her apartment, Sehun took a cab home. He had his own car but Amber had the hobbies of walking and feeling the breezes when the weather got colder. On the way, he called Kris. They hadn't talked for a long time. As waiting for Kris to take the call, Sehun recalled of how he used to talk to Kris when something came up. Luhan was his hyung and had his own warm personality and wise point of views, but Kris was kind of see things in whole different ways which were more mature and deeper than Luhan which Sehun found very reliable. Maybe because he always kept silent and observed things, then he could understand the world like no one could. 

"Hello" Kris deep voice was on the phone.

"Huyng, it's me Sehun."

They shared a comprehending silence for some second before Kris continues.

" Sehunie, how long I haven't seen you? I barely remember the last time we met. How thing goes?"

" I'm safe, Kris. I heard about your Dad and the company, huyng. I'm so sorry. It's must be very tough for you. "

" Thank you Sehun. Thanks for Luhan I feel better now. Your huyng is awesome, you know."

"Talking about Luhan, did he tell you that I will be back to help you this time? I'll be in Seoul within 2 weeks, and stay for 6 months, enough right? "

"Yes, Sehunie. But how about your job, you're working for Cartier’s. How can you quit to help me?"

"Don't worry huyng, I can manage those things. The problem is I can't make it alone. I have a close colleague who's amazingly talented. Give me your email and I'll send you some sample of her works, you won't be disappointed. I offered her to Seoul this time but she hasn't made her decision yet. Can you spend some time to get here and convince her? She's one of the main designers of Cartier’s and has quite a reputation in the industry. You should come over to meet her and make an official offer, huyng. I'll arrange a dinner with her. And before hand, we need 4 assistants; I'll also send you the job descriptions". 

" I got it Sehun. I'll be in London in ... uhm ... Saturday, which is 3 days from now. I'll email the exact time of arrival."

"Ok huyng, see you then."

Kris hung the phone and started to thinks of how he could scout that artist. Sehun saved him a giant score and he couldn't  imagine how 2 designers from the glorious Cartier’s could make their way in cooperate with Kris Jewelry. This would definitely be a hit and somehow, in the long term battle with Sky Diamond, Kris Jewelry took the upper hand. Kris swore to make these jerks who betrayed his father knee with tears of bitterness and apology for what they had done.


A/N: for your imagination, this is what Amber design. I was amazed by how splendid these things are. It's for Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2013



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New Krisber short fic :D finish this thing up and I'll continue ws Take me as I am


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Lisakrisber_1 #1
Chapter 8: krisber❤️
Chapter 17: Good lord this was written 4 years ago! And it's still beautiful!
Chapter 18: I am earnestly waiting for an update??
ravepirates #4
I spends 3 hours to read your fanfic . All 18 chapters of it. It really worth it. I do hope u will will inspiration n courage to continue this kris fanfiction. Im rooting for u my dear. I know its hard to continue this story when the character are giving u a depressing state of life. I know how u feel.
U have a great talent in writing n this story is also great. I do hope I will see a red notification saying this fics is updated in the future. Dont waste your talent n pity us who longing to know the ending of this great fic.
Fighting authornim.
Loly21 #5
Chapter 17: I really hope Amber's love towards Sehun never change.. I mean after all of this Sehun is the one who stand beside her and understand her while Kris slowly begin to know & understand her but in the end felt of love is something we can't control and in the end one of them will be hurt. Does Amber really love Sehun in special way or just sibling?? because I think Amber slowly realized her true fellings towards Sehun.. I just wish they be together.. Fighting!!
Chapter 18: yeah I know that felling Kris, Amber please please be with Kris.
Loly21 #7
Chapter 18: This stories so wonderful:) I hope Sehun & Amber will be together ...
Chapter 18: owh no owh yes... im speechless.. its hard for her i guess.. but we cant blame kris for what he done coz,that is love we talking about. how will amber react to that unexpecting confession????? update plz...
Chapter 18: Omfg Kris confessed :o ughhh I am sure she will reject him poor him bit at the same time if she doesn't then she is betraying sehun aww why can't they both just have her