
Sehun laughed. He didn't mean to, but he couldn't stop himself. The horror of finding Sohee's body, the anger of having to describe it over and over to morbidly curious people all day, and now Chanyeol going totally off the deep end. It was all too much. He felt a little hysterical.

'Vampires?' He couldn't even say the word without laughing harder.

'Go ahead. Get it out of your system,' Chanyeol muttered.

'Sorry, sorry, sorry.' Sehun managed to get himself under control. 'I agree that Luhan is... There's something wrong with the guy, definitely. And maybe he did even have something to do with Sohee's death. But he can't be a... vampire. I mean, there's no such thing.'

'I spent months telling myself the same thing,' Chanyeol answered. 'If I'd just accepted the truth a little earlier, Sohee might still be alive.' He shut off the monitor. 'So what's it going to take to open your mind?' He stabbed his finger at the police photo of Sohee's arm. 'How about two little puncture marks like these, on Seohyun's neck? Because she has them. I guarantee it.'

'I admit that would be pretty damning evidence,' Sehun agreed slowly. 'In fact, we should confirm it. If Seohyun does have the marks, that will show a connection between Luhan and Sohee.' Essential info. Not about vampires, but still essential. 'Any thoughts on where to find Seohyun?'

'Yeah. She has - and this isn't all that uncommon among DeVere High students who live outside the gates - a job,' Chanyeol answered. 'I'll show you the way. You can follow me.'

'If I can keep up with your superfly Vespa,' Sehun said, glad to hear Chanyeol sounding a lot more Chanyeol-like. It was the first time all day that he'd made a rich kid-poor kid joke.


Less than ten minutes later, Sehun found himself in front of Under G's, a lingerie store.

'We have to go in there?' he asked dubiously.

'Just remember they only carry European labels,' Chanyeol advised.

'I don't really need a new bra, anyway,' Sehun said and he opened the door and stepped inside, to be greeted with an astounding array of bras and and other items he didn't want.

'Can I help you?' asked a frighteningly thin woman with slicked-back hair. She looked the boys up and down and wrinkled her tiny nose as if she smelled something bad.

'Is Seohyun around?' Sehun asked.

The woman frowned. 'She's not allowed visitors at work.'

Chanyeol slapped Sehun on the shoulder. 'This is her cousin from Michigan,' he said firmly. The thin woman looked dubious, but before she could say anything, Seohyun bustled over.

'Cousin Sehun,' she said, putting on a big fake smile for her boss. 'I thought we were going to meet up after I got off work.'

'Change of plan,' Sehun said. His eyes immediately went to Seohyun's throat, but a beaded necklace blocked his view.

The boss woman gave the three of them a warning look and moved away.

'You guys are going to get me into trouble,' Seohyun whispered. 'What are you even doing here?'

Sehun said the first thing that sprang into his mind. 'I just wanted to apologize for being such an idiot at Hyoyeon's party this weekend.'

'Oh, Okay.' Seohyun frowned. 'Honestly, I don't even remember talking to you that night.'

'You didn't. I meant that scene while you were in the hot tub with Luhan,' Sehun explained.

Seohyun smiled. 'That explains it. You don't really expect me to remember anything while I was in the hot tub with him, do you?'

'You don't remember this guy screaming at you and-' Chanyeol began.

'She said she doesn't remember,' Sehun interrupted. He really didn't want to hear a replay of his bad behavior, especially since Seohyun didn't even recall it. Maybe she'd had too much to drink. Sehun knew he had. He'd practically squeeze his memories of the party out of his brain. And Luna had been fuzzy too, even though she claimed she hadn't been drinking.

'So I accept your apology. And don't do it again, whatever it was. And please get out of here,' Seohyun said in a rush.

Sehun shot a look at Chanyeol. How were they going to-?


Chanyeol took action before Sehun could finish the thought. 'We're gone. But you gotta tell me where you got that necklace. My mom's birthday is coming up, and she loves stuff with beads.'

Seohyun didn't have a chance to answer. Chanyeol slid one finger under the necklace and, half a second later, beads were bouncing all over the floor. Seohyun dropped to the ground, and frantically began trying to gather them up. Sehun knelt down next to her as if to help, but he ignored the beads. His attention was firmly focused on Seohyun's neck...

And there, without a doubt, were two tiny red marks. Marks identical to the other ones on Sohee's arm.

Sehun scrambled backward, and felt something crack under his foot: a bead. 'Sor-'

'I don't need any more help. Or apologies. Just leave,' Seohyun hissed. Sehun and Chanyeol bolted out of the door and practically ran over to their vehicles.

'See. You saw them, right? The same marks. The bite,' Chanyeol said.

'I saw the marks,' Sehun admitted. 'I'm not sure what made them. But I saw them.' And he knew that meant that there was a connection between Luhan and Sohee.

Sehun felt like his head might explode. Luhan seemed like such a decent guy. But it seemed he was sick enough to want to get girls drunk and then bite them - maybe kill them! Sehun couldn't believe he'd been trying to stay away from Yuri out of loyalty to Luhan. Hell, he should be warning her...

I should be warning her! Sehun thought with a jolt. If Luhan was dangerous, then Yuri was probably in danger. And for all her knew, Yuri was with Luhan right this very second. He had to get to her.

'Chanyeol, I think you should take this to your dad,' Sehun said urgently.


'I can't even get you to believe me,' Chanyeol burst out in frustration. 'And my dad's a lot less open-minded than you are. If I say the word "vampire", he's going to have me climbing a mountain at one of those camps for troubled boys!'

'So don't use the V word,' Sehun said, pulling his car keys out of his pocket. 'Just show him the tape. And tell him what we saw on Seohyun. Show him the link between her and Sohee and Luhan.'

'No way. The second there's even a hint of legal trouble involving anyone from DeVere Heights, the celebrity lawyers come out, it gets hushed up and it goes away,' Chanyeol protested. 'I need time to get proof that no one can laugh at.'

'Okay. Fair enough. You know this place a lot better than I do,' Sehun said. 'But, look, I've got something I have to do right now. We'll talk about this some more another time, right?'

'Fine,' Chanyeol said. 'Where are you going?'

But Sehun didn't answer. He didn't have time. He dashed over to the VW and jumped in. The tires squealed as he pulled out of the parking lot. Yuri didn't live far away - nothing was far away in Malibu - but it felt as if it took hours to get up the hill, through the gates, and round to her house. He drove all the way up the driveway, getting as close to the door as he could.


A woman who was clearly Yuri's mom - same dark hair and eyes - opened the front door before he could knock.

'Is Yuri here?' Sehun demanded.

Mrs Kwon didn't answer. She just looked Sehun up and down as if deciding whether or not call security.

Sehun did a fast back-pedal. 'I'm Oh Sehun. My family and I just moved into the Heights. I'm in a couple of classes with Yuri. Is she here, please?'

'Yuri didn't tell me she was expecting anyone,' Mrs Kwon said slowly.

Sehun forced himself to smile. To try to look a little less like a lunatic. 'She isn't. I just thought I'd stop by. In Michigan, that was okay. I'm still trying to figure out the rules for California.'

Mrs Kwon finally cracked a smile and stepped back, allowing Sehun into the house. 'Yuri's out by the pool. Straight through the house and out the glass doors,' she instructed.

'Thanks.' Sehun kept himself to a walk as he made his way through the house and out of the French doors. The day was hot, and there was no breeze to cool things down. The water in the pool was perfectly still, reflecting the cloudless sky and the unforgiving sun. Yuri lay on a wooden lounge chair with a plush pillow. Just the sight of her made Sehun's heart leap.


Yuri looked surprised to see him. She pushed herself up onto her elbows. 'Sehun!'

'Is Luhan here?' he asked. The last thing he wanted was for Luhan to come walking in on them.

'You came to my house to see Luhan?' Yuri pulled off her sunglasses and put them on the marble table in front of her. A pitcher of water and a glass sat on the table, bleeding condensation onto the marble.

'No. I came to see you,' Sehun said in a rush. 'Is he here?'

Yuri shook her head. 'What's going on? You're hyperventilating. What's the matter?' she asked, her voice warming up with concern. She pointed to the chair next to hers. 'Sit.' Sehun sat. 'Okay. Now talk.'

'I think Luhan killed Sohee. Or that he has something to do with her death, anyway.' The word stumbled out of Sehun's mouth so fast that he wasn't even sure what he was saying.

'Whoa!' Yuri held up a hand. 'You've got to slow down. Say that again.'

'Sorry.' He took a deep breath and forced himself to speak more slowly. 'I think Luhan may have done something to Sohee. I think he may have killed her.'

Yuri's mouth fell open. She blinked in disbelief, looking a little dazed. 'I have known Luhan my whole life,' she said. 'You're crazy. You're crazy. What would make you say something like that?'

Sehun hesitated, trying to figure out how he could make Yuri listen to him. 'Look, I know after, uh, what happened on the beach, this could seem like some pathetic attempt to-'

'To get me away from my boyfriend, so you can have a shot?' Yuri offered.

'Yeah,' Sehun said. 'I mean, no. That's what it could seem like. Not what I'm doing. I'm here because I'm worried about you. Sohee had these marks or her arm. Seohyun has them too - on . And I think I saw Luhan put them there. I mean, I know I did. At Hyoyeon's party. I saw Luhan with blood on his mouth right after he'd been kissing Seohyun's neck.'


Sehun knew he was talking too much, saying too much at once, but he couldn't stop. 'Well, obviously not kissing, because that wouldn't have made Seohyun bleed,' he rattled on. 'Chanyeol thinks Luhan bit her, but- I don't know. I don't know what's going on. But I think Luhan may be dangerous. You've got to stay away from him.'

Yuri stared at Sehun as if he'd been speaking in a language she'd never heard before. 'You saw this? You just stood there and-?'

'No,' Sehun interrupted. 'I wasn't there. Not right when the biting happened, anyway. I saw it on tape. Chanyeol's been shooting all this footage. He's convinced that Malibu is being taken over by vampires.'

'Vampires?' Yuri repeated. She stood up.

'Yeah. Insanity, I know,' Sehun said. 'But something is going on. And you have to promise me you'll stay away from Luhan until-'

'Stop,' Yuri ordered. 'Just... stop.' Slowly she sank back down onto her lounge chair. Her dark eyes were troubled.


'I know you love Luhan, but-'

'Seriously, Sehun. Stop talking,' Yuri ordered. She took a shaky breath. 'Okay... Okay.' Sehun thought it sounded more as if she were talking to herself than to him for a moment. 'There's something I have to tell you,' she whispered. 'I'm trusting you here, all right?'

'Of course,' Sehun assured her. 'I'd never...' The words died in his throat as he noticed Yuri.

She'd been sitting there the whole time, of course, but suddenly he really saw her, and his breath caught in his chest.

Yuri's dark hair was glossier than he'd ever seen it, her skin was clear and creamy, almost luminous, and her lips glowed a deep rose red that he didn't think came from lipstick. She was stunning, spectacular, impossibly beautiful!

Sehun realized he was staring. 'What is it?' he asked. 'Yuri you can tell me anything.'

And then Yuri smiled, slowly revealing a pair of very white, very sharp, and very real fangs.



*Note - What?! Another twist! Yuri's a vampire too?! Another WTF moment! Haha :P

Chanyeol and Sehun really have been getting their theory right so far~

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Chapter 26: Omg, this was one of the best stories I've read, really good job author-nim! :D Can't wait for the next story Initiation :)
vanilladream #2
Chapter 26: wow. just wow!
the story was so nice i felt like watching a movie..//thumbs up ^^
so excited for Initiation..would Sehun and Yuri still be the leading role??
anyway, thank you so much for this amazing story authornim..always fighting!!!
xoxo <3
Chapter 25: Omg i love the update! <3
Suho playing the bad guy role is cool :) I can't wait to see how Kris confronts Suho
vanilladream #4
Chapter 25: omo! omo! this is so intense..so Suho is the bloodlust vampire..and Sehun as normal human as he could be, bravely fights with Suho..
wow Sehun. just wow!!
and then Kris come to confront Suho too..woohoo cool ~
Really really cool ~
Thank you for the update authornim <333
Chapter 25: Wait.....so Suho is the bad guy? Wow!
And Kris comes to save the day. ( I hope )
vanilladream #6
Chapter 24: woah this is confusing //in a good way ~
so excited to see what will happen next..is i Suho or Donghae..and whoever he is, i hope he won't up to something bad/murdering that poor girl..
good update..thank you authornim <3
Chapter 22: Woah! Sehun kissed Yuri and Luhan was around! Cool dude
iloveyul #8
Chapter 22: omo cold kris...
haha sehun awkward scene... ''I just wanted to drop
by and say hello''
aww sweet yulhun...omg im happy ...haha they like each other..hmm luhan? did luhan see yulhun kiss?
im really curious about donghae..omoo i like this story so much..thanks for updated author-nim..cant wait for next chapter..update soon.keke ^^
iloveyul #9
Chapter 20: Chanyeol n sehun hwaiting !!!
aww so sehun always think of yul ^^
Chapter 18: So It's like the reason why Yuri and Luhan were a couple because they were vampires?