
'Did you see anyone doing drugs at the party?' Chanyeol asked.

'What?' Sehun tripped over the sudden change of subject. 'No. I wasn't actually looking or anything, but no.'

'Me neither. But that's what the police are thinking. I heard my dad talking about it on the phone with one of the deputies. They don't think she got drunk and took an unplanned dive, they think that she shot up and-' Chanyeol pressed his palms together and made a diving motion.

'Shot up? Why shot up?' Sehun asked.

'Needle marks on her arm,' Chanyeol replied. He glanced over his shoulder, then pulled a photo out of the front pocket of his backpack. 'I snagged this from my dad. there were a bunch in a file he brought home. He probably won't miss it.'

Sehun lifted an eyebrow.

'What?' Chanyeol asked defensively. 'Don't worry, I'm going to put it back tonight. I just wanted to show it to you.' He handed the photo to Sehun. It showed a close up of a girl's arm - Sohee's - with two small red marks, not much bigger than pinpricks, on the smooth pale skin inside her elbow. There was a little bruising around the punctures.

'Needle marks. Hardcore,' Sehun commented, running his finger lightly across the picture of the wounds, as if that would tell him something.

'I didn't see anything like this on Sohee when I was with her last week. She didn't seem like she was on anything the night of Hyoyeon's party either, even though it was a party.' Chanyeol shook his head. 'But what the hell do I know? It's not like we were even friends.'

Not true, Sehun thought. Maybe Chanyeol and Sohee hadn't been exactly exclusive. But they had definitely been friends.

'I keep thinking it could be something else,' Chanyeol continued. 'I keep thinking... I could be mad here, but I've seen some things. If I'd put it all together faster. If I'd had the balls to actually accept the truth, maybe I could have saved her.'

Sehun didn't know what Chanyeol was talking about. But he knew one thing. 'This isn't your fault,' he told his friend.

Chanyeol turned away from the water and faced Sehun. 'I want you to look at something with me.'

'Sure. Now?' Sehun asked.

'No. The video-editing suite is full of Tarantino wannabes during lunch. But meet me there after school. Oh, but I guess you have practice?'

'I can get out of it if this is important,' Sehun told him.

'It is,' Chanyeol said. His eyes glittered and his cheeks were flushed, almost like he had a fever. He turned his face away for a moment, and Sehun saw his jaw clench. When he looked back, his expression was grim - and filled with pain. 'That footage I shot at the party?' Chanyeol muttered. 'I think it might prove what really happened to Sohee.'


Sehun stepped into the dim video-editing suite after his last class of the day. He spotted Chanyeol at the station in the back corner, hunched close to a monitor. Had Chanyeol really caught something revealing on film? he wondered. Or was this just a reaction to Sohee's death?

'Hey,' he said as he pulled up a chair next to his friend.

Chanyeol's body jerked in surprise. 'Didn't hear you come in,' he muttered.

'Got here as fast as I could,' Sehun replied. 'What you got for me?'

'It could be dangerous for you to see,' Chanyeol said, his voice so low Sehun almost couldn't make out the words.

'I don't give a crap. Show me,' Sehun told him. He was a lot more worried about Chanyeol than about anything he might see on the film. His friend was acting pretty crazy.

Chanyeol brought his hands to the keyboard, then hesitated. 'You know how I've been making this movie...'


'Well, for a while - since before you got here - it mostly hasn't been a movie. it's been... well, research, I guess you'd call it,' Chanyeol went on. 'Because when I was making the movie, I started noticing things...' He stared at the monitor. An image of Sohee and Donghae on the bed in one of the Moulin Rouge's cabins. 'Things somebody like me shouldn't see,' Chanyeol finally added.

'What's that supposed to mean? Somebody like you?' Sehun asked. he wanted to cover the image of Sohee and Donghae with his hands. Chanyeol was in even worse shape than Sehun had thought. He didn't need to be looking at that right now.


'There are two groups at DeVere. Everyone knows it,' Chanyeol said. 'I don't know why it took me so long to see exactly what they were... I suspected, made lists, took notes and kept filming. But I didn't say anything. I should have told Sohee, warned her.'

'look, maybe it would be better if you just showed me what you want to show me,' Sehun suggested gently. Once he had facts, maybe he could figure out how to help Chanyeol. Right now he had no idea what was going on in his friend's head.

'Okay.' Chanyeol's fingers flew over the keyboard, and a new image appeared on the screen - Luhan and Seohyun stretched out on one of the lounge chairs on the foredeck of the yacht. Both dripping with water, clearly just out of the hot tub.

'I saw the coming attractions for this.  Didn't make me want to see the movie,' Sehun said uneasily. The joke was limp, and he knew it, but he had to say something to hide the wave of humiliation that crashed over him as he remembered what a fool he'd been, scolding Luhan like some wrinkled-up prude while Yuri was-

Focus! Sehun ordered himself. This isn't about you. 'What am I supposed to be seeing?' he asked Chanyeol. Because it couldn't be Luhan hovering over the base of Seohyun's throat, which is all Sehun saw on the monitor. The action was creeping forward, frame by frame, on super slo-mo.

'Wait,' Chanyeol said. 'It's coming up. Right... here.' On the screen, Luhan raised his head. 'Look at his mouth and her neck,' Chanyeol instructed, hitting a button on the keyboard to freeze the scene.


Sehun leaned closer to the monitor. Something dripped from Luhan's mouth - something red - and Seohyun's throat was smeared with crimson. 'Is that blood?' he asked.

'You see a ketchup bottle anywhere?' Chanyeol replied. He grabbed the police photo of Sohee's arm from a folder on the table and shoved it into Sehun's hand. 'You tell me. Don't you think those marks could have been made bye teeth instead of a needle?'

Sehun suddenly wished he hadn't had that smoothie at lunch. It was trying to come back up. He swallowed hard. 'You... you think Luhan bit-'

Chanyeol didn't let him finish. 'There was blood on his mouth and on Seohyun's neck. You saw it.'

'Yeah, but...' Sehun found all this a bit too bizarre. 'Why would Luhan want to bite someone? That's crazy.'

Chanyeol hit a few keys, and the scene replayed itself - Luhan at Seohyun's throat, Luhan glancing up with blood on his lips. 'Look at it,' Chanyeol insisted. 'Just look.' He replayed the scene again.

Sehun stared at the monitor, leaning in close to make sure he was getting a good look at Luhan and Seohyun. There was definitely blood - on her neck and his mouth. 'One more time,' Sehun muttered.

Chanyeol replayed it, pausing the image when Luhan faced the camera, Seohyun's blood on his mouth. Sehun's stomach clenched. Chanyeol was right: Luhan had definitely bitten her.


Sehun pushed his chair back, wanting some distance between himself and the image on screen. He felt a wave of revulsion toward Luhan. 'You've got to show your dad this,' he said quickly. 'Luhan's some kind of twisted freak. You think he moved on to Sohee after Seohyun? You think he killed Sohee after biting her? Maybe she freaked and knocked her out and-'

'No. You're not getting it,' Chanyeol interrupted. He ran his hands through his already messy hair, leaving it standing straight up. 'I didn't get it either, at first. It's too weird. It's hard to take in.'

'Just tell me,' Sehun demanded when Chanyeol paused. He was feeling quite freaked out. there was obviously some messed-up stuff going on here, and every time he thought he knew what it was, Chanyeol shot his theory down. What was the deal? Chanyeol took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on the picture of Sohee. 'That other group at school I was talking about - the rock stars of DeVere Heights? Luhan is one of them. And so is whoever - whatever - killed Sohee.' His gaze shifted so that he was looking Sehun straight in the eye. 'They're vampires.'



*Note - What?! Major twist! Luhan's a vampire? WTF..... haha :P

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Chapter 26: Omg, this was one of the best stories I've read, really good job author-nim! :D Can't wait for the next story Initiation :)
vanilladream #2
Chapter 26: wow. just wow!
the story was so nice i felt like watching a movie..//thumbs up ^^
so excited for Initiation..would Sehun and Yuri still be the leading role??
anyway, thank you so much for this amazing story authornim..always fighting!!!
xoxo <3
Chapter 25: Omg i love the update! <3
Suho playing the bad guy role is cool :) I can't wait to see how Kris confronts Suho
vanilladream #4
Chapter 25: omo! omo! this is so intense..so Suho is the bloodlust vampire..and Sehun as normal human as he could be, bravely fights with Suho..
wow Sehun. just wow!!
and then Kris come to confront Suho too..woohoo cool ~
Really really cool ~
Thank you for the update authornim <333
Chapter 25: Wait.....so Suho is the bad guy? Wow!
And Kris comes to save the day. ( I hope )
vanilladream #6
Chapter 24: woah this is confusing //in a good way ~
so excited to see what will happen next..is i Suho or Donghae..and whoever he is, i hope he won't up to something bad/murdering that poor girl..
good update..thank you authornim <3
Chapter 22: Woah! Sehun kissed Yuri and Luhan was around! Cool dude
iloveyul #8
Chapter 22: omo cold kris...
haha sehun awkward scene... ''I just wanted to drop
by and say hello''
aww sweet yulhun...omg im happy ...haha they like each other..hmm luhan? did luhan see yulhun kiss?
im really curious about donghae..omoo i like this story so much..thanks for updated author-nim..cant wait for next chapter..update soon.keke ^^
iloveyul #9
Chapter 20: Chanyeol n sehun hwaiting !!!
aww so sehun always think of yul ^^
Chapter 18: So It's like the reason why Yuri and Luhan were a couple because they were vampires?