
Catch Me If You Can

“Jinki, your call,” Minho said as waited for his hyung’s orders.

“I think here would be the easiest to get in through without being undetected.”

“Or we could just use the back door,” Taemin suggest opening the door and poking his head in.

“That could work,” Key said. It was déjà vu. They all looked at each other before running in.


“We should split up. We’ll find it faster that way. Remember be vigilant, be alert and have each other’s back, arasso?”

“Arasso,” The replied in unison.

Jonghyun and Key took the elevator while Minho and Taemin took the stairs.


“Have you gotten anything yet?” Jonghyun asked leading the way.

“No- Wait,” Key said as his device began to beep. “It’s moving. It’s headed the opposite direction was just came from.”



“Are you getting a reading,” Minho asked as he made sure the hallways was clear for them to cross. “Taemin.”

“Huh? Oh, yeah it should be in the next room,” Taemin said holding his computer devise.

“Are you okay?” Minho asked turning to the quiet redhead.

“I’m fine,” he lied.

Minho managed to break the door in silence and stepped into the room. “Okay, where is it?”

Again Taemin just stood silent and looked at his hyung and it was then that he knew he couldn’t keep doing this anymore. If anything happened to Minho he could never forgive himself.

“Minho, I have to tell you something-,” before Taemin could finish his sentence there was an arm around his neck and a gun pointed at his head. the younger boy’s eyes widen in fear.

“I was starting to think you guys were never going to show up,” a dark voice said.

Immediately Minho grew angry and stepped towards them, “Yah, let him go-” there was a soft thud and Minho laid on the floor unconscious.


Minho began to stir awake, “Taemin,” he groaned his vision came into focus. He looked up to find 2 men starting down at him.

“What the-,“ he said as they brought him to his feet. He looked around and saw Jonghyun, Key in the same position. Jinki was the only one being forced to be on his knees.

“First Changmin and his team, now you too.” A man said amused, “LIST is really losing it.”

“Soo Man,” Jonghyun growled.

“Good job, Taemin.” Soo Man said turning to the redhead ignoring the glares he was receiving from everyone else, “You have successfully brought me 2 of Korea’s top teams in a single day. I’ve never been more proud of you, . . . son.”

“Son?” Minho repeated looking at Taemin. That explained why he was the only one in the room not being held onto.

“Minho. . . Minho, please I-“ Taemin begged, tears threatening to fall.

“Was that why it was so easy for you to break in here? Daddy left the back door open?”

Before Taemin could reply the doors swung open and 2 tall men walked in carrying something. They let it drop next to Minho with a loud thud. “Ummmf!” the object cried.

“We found her sneaking around the building,” Heechul said removing the bag from the figures face.

“Malkom?!” Key asked. “What are you doing here?”

“Can’t you see,” she smiled in pain, “I’m rescuing you guys.”

Soo Man began to cackle like a mad person as he made his way over to the girl. “Malkom, Malkom, Malkom, I couldn’t have done this without you. All your screw ups, it was almost too easy. So predictable, so weak, so pathetic . . . just like your brothers.”

“Shut up!” She yelled.

Soo Man didn’t hesitate to slap her and grab her chin to make her face in again.

“Why can’t you be more like your sister?”


The old man snapped his fingers and in walked a familiar y figure holding an automatic.


“Hello, bunny.”

“The irony,” Soo Man sighed letting go of Malkom’s face and walking over to put his hands on Sungyo’s shoulders.


“I could never get attention being good; why not get it being bad?” She shrugged.

“But he killed them-”

“Oh I beg to differ, if I remember correctly I believe you killed them and left me for dead.” She said her eye’s glowing with hate.

“ this,” Eunhyuk said taking his gun and pointing it at Minho.

“No!” Taemin yelled as he pushed Eunhyuk, but not before he pulled the trigger twice.

Lucky Malkom tackled Minho to the floor so as to get him out of the first bullet’s path, but they weren’t so lucky the second time.

“Ahhh!” Minho yelled in pain as the bullet pierced his arm.

“Take them away!” Soo Man ordered. Taemin stood frozen as he watched his friends be dragged out of the room.

Soo Man waited for them to be out of the room before turning to Taemin, “That’s a nice little show you put on, son, but you can stop the act now, son. It’s not needed any-”

“It’s not an act!”

“Why are you like this?”

“Why am I like this? Why am I like this?” Taemin asked in disbelief, “You made me like this! You treat me like one of your men. I’m your god damn son!” Taemin yelled as he walked out of the room.

Leetuek was about to go after him when Soo Man stretch his arm out to stop him. “Let him go.”


“He’ll come around.”

“What do we do with the other 5?” Donghae asked looking at the surveillance cameras.

“Kill them. Kill them all.”

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alicheungmss #1
haha hope you update soon
Chapter 19: This is an awesome story! <3
Chapter 19: Wow! Its a good thing i decided to read this. I found this tonight and read it in one go! Awesome plot and awesome way of presenting it! How I wish you could update this...i'll subscribe now and wait patiently :D
Shawolhottestandvip #4
Chapter 19: Please uppppppddddaaaaaateeeee OMG I started this today it's amazing you needa update!
pinkeyesmile #5
Chapter 19: Please updat it! I love it =)
Chapter 19: A very nice story i can't wait to see what's going to happened :D
Waterdroplet #7
Jongkey finally!!!
Plmokn #8
Update soon
@Ch.19 - DONTDIEDONTDIEDONTDIE. Sungyo's not that bad in this.xD Jongkey.. Finally.
@Ch.18 - *sighh* Sisters are annoying.