
Marrying Cinderella

A/N: Yerin: Regular; Heechul: Bold




“Us? Live together?” I looked at my mother and said, “Please tell me you’re just joking.”

“Yerin-ah…”my mother said.

“NO! You really expect me to agree to that?” I said. “First, your dragging me in an arrange marriage that I totally disagree with, then you WANT me to live with someone I don’t know?”

“Yerin-ah…” my mom said again, obviously embarrassed in front of the guests.

Well, I didn’t care. I’m telling the truth, aren’t I? I’m the victim here. Well, so to say, Heechul and I are the victims here. Both of us don’t have a choice at all. Out parents drag us into this situation.

Then, Heechul’s father spoke. “Yerin, I know that you disagree to our decision, but please first hear us out.” I immediately calmed down and kept my silence. “Years ago, when both Heechul and you were high school students, we have already arranged your marriage. We were supposed to have the two of you meet. But then, Heechul entered SM and our plans changed.”

I fell silent. So, this decision was…made long ago?

“So, then…” Heechul spoke, “it still ends up that we’re supposed to marry each other? No matter how long the decision was made, it still ends up us being married. Great…” he said sarcastically.

“There’s also another reason why we did this,” my father said, looking at me. “Your grandfather has a big debt to Heechul’s grandfather…”

“So you’re marrying me off without a choice?” I blurted out.

“Yerin, please understand,” my father said calmly. “That debt can’t be paid off by money.”

“What is it then?” Heechul asked, getting interested.

“Your grandfather said my father’s life back in the days,” my father told Heechul. “If it wasn’t for your grandfather’s help, my father could have died. Then both of them became friends; they treated each other like brothers-in-blood. Then they decided to make it official; they wanted to marry off their first grandson and their first granddaughter. So happens that it’s the both of you.”

I don’t want to think anymore. My brain can’t process things fast. I’m still stuck to the fact that I’m marrying someone I don’t know. I mean, I know Kim Heechul the celebrity but I don’t know him as a person. I really don’t know what to do, or what will happen next.

“Yerin-sshi,” Heechul said. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

Without a word, I stood up and followed Heechul who was heading outside the restaurant. Still, that was unexpected, him ordering me and me, following him.

“What is it?” I asked, once we stopped at the restaurant’s deserted parking lot.

“Do you want this?” he asked again. “Just tell me if you don’t and I’ll put a stop to this.”

Then, the image of my dead grandfather emerged in my mind. He’d always tell me to marry my best friend, or marry someone who’ll take care of me until I get old. He didn’t want me to get hurt. He loved me to death.

I looked at Heechul. With him in front of me, I really can’t decide.


“I don’t know,” I simply said.

“Come on. Decide now.” He looked at me earnestly. Why didn’t you give me this look a while ago? You were so cold a while ago, now you’re warm.

“I really don’t know.” I bowed down in frustration, releasing a large sigh.

“Then let me help you decide,” he said. I looked at him again. He moved closer to me and said, “Do you love you grandfather? Do you care about him?”

“Yes,” I answered without hesitation.

“Then think about him. Think about what he wants…”

He wants…he wants…me to marry you…

I looked at him, trying to find the answer in his beautiful face. I more I look at him the more I want to agree to our parent’s and our grandfather’s  decision, especially now that Heechul dragged my grandfather in the picture. I have to decide…now.

“I can’t marry you very soon. But for the sake of my grandfather…let’s get to know each other first.”

Even though I said what I said, I still feel burdened.

“What about you then? You’re just going to agree to it that fast?” I asked.

He smirked. “Hey, we’re not married yet. When we know about each other and found out that we detest each other, then that’s the time we’ll protest to them. But, honestly, what’s there to detest about me?” He leaned closer, and said, “Nothing,” and smiled.

“Let’s go back,” he said.

Then, Heechul led the way back to the restaurant. We told our parents about our decision.

“That’s great,” my mother said happily. Her lips and eyes smiles together as she looks at me with delight. “That’s great. I know you’ll be the greatest couple there is.”

“That’s too early to say, mom. We’ve just met, remember?” I said.

“So? Can I not say anything like that?” she said in defense.

Heechul silently drank the wine from his glass and quietly listened to our conversation. For quite some time, I swear he was looking at me. I would stealthily hide under my shoulder-length, brown highlighted black hair.

“Here you go,” Heechul’s father said, after shoving a piece of paper in Heechul’s hand.

“What’s this?” Heechul asked, looking at the folded paper. He opened it and read, “Shin Tower’s, Seoul.”

“That will be your home until your relationship develops,” my mother comfortably said. SERIOUSLY, she’s probably more excited than I do.

“Our what?” I said, dumbstruck.

“Come on, Yerin.” She looked at me earnestly and said, “Don’t tell me that there will be no spark? You’ll be living with Heechul, for goodness sake.”

I looked puzzled. What ‘spark’? My mom and her love for language. Ex-English teachers really make me nauseous, especially when they’re your mother.

I looked at Heechul, who was looking outside the restaurant. He was smiling to himself.

I officially love Yerin’s mother. She really thought that I and Yerin’s relationship will work out. Well, I will work on it on the following days, weeks, and months living with her.

I looked at Yerin, finally wiping the smile in my face. Her furious and confused looked really amuse me. The more she becomes more frustrated, the more that I fell for her. I may not know her that well yet, but I am willing to know her completely.

I looked at my watch and said, “I have a schedule later. Can I go now?”

“Oh, that fast?” Yerin’s mother asked. “Can’t you stay a little longer?” she insisted.

“I’m sorry, Ma’am, but I really have to go. I don’t want my manager to yell at me,” I explained.

“Now we don’t want that, don’t we?” she said. I shook my head and smiled. “Well then, drive safely, and see you again soon.”

“Thank you,” I bowed, to everyone. Lastly, I bowed to Yerin and smiled. “See you again.”

Forcefully, she smiled at me. I left the now packed restaurant. At the front door, I took the last glance and saw that Yerin bowed her head down low.

I promise, I will not make your life with me a living hell. Or, I’ll try. *smirk*.


Why on earth did I agree to this? Now, I have to live with Kim Heechul. Geez! What am I going to do?

After a few more minutes of talking about me and Heechul’s “future”, they finally decided to go home and call it a night.

On the way to the out of the restaurant, I quietly pulled my mother close to me and whispered to her ear, “Why are you so happy that I’ll live with Heechul?”

“What’s there to be unhappy about? You’re living with him, a CELEBRITY…”

“That’s it? You like him because he’s a celebrity? Mom, are you serious?”

“Aside from he’s a well known celebrity, his and your grandfather agreed to this. We cannot do anything, sweetie. All we can do is to obey their orders.”

I sighed. Again, I’m helpless.

I bid goodbye to Heechul’s parent and my parent’s before heading to my red car that was a few feet away from their car. Again, I sighed as I recall all that has happened this night.

Apart from my busy work at school, I have to deal with Heechul and his extravagant life. What am I supposed to do?



Did you like this chapter? There may be some things that really don’t match up, but I really did my best writing this. Haha! I’m still having a hard time. But I hope you liked it anyway. Thanks!


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Chapter 37: KYAAAAAA!!!!!! This chapter is so SWEET! I hope Yerin would be introduced to the whole SM Family. XD
jam_9445 #2
Chapter 37: Wow it has been super long since I read super junior, most specificly Heechul, fanfics!! Ahh what a nice way to get reconnected with them! I know Im late to review(understatement^^) but better late then never huh! You too seem to be on a break huh..Hehe;)
Sweet chapter! Finally she confessed and they kissed!! But wasnt it weird with all the SJ members watching them?? I bet Heenim's gonna get teased quite a bit! But all in all a good chapter!! All the best best with the next update!!:))
adys88 #3
crinazelda #5
Ohohohohoho~ boohoo. I'm losing subscribers? ..the hell? That's too bad. I guess the long hiatus backfired. In the face! Well, I hope I'll gain some again.
alrevilla #6
Chapter 37: I've been waiting for this update for sooooo long!!! Waaaah!!! So happy! So love the flyff. I miss thiiiiis
Chapter 37: The date was really romantic especially because of the dance & also the kiss they shared! Super Junior & also Sunhwa did a good job on planning the date and also on preparing it! really like your update so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
crinazelda #8
Who's reading right now? No comments??? :(
They say curiousity kills the cat, but I'm not a cat, so....I wanna know, how soon is soon? Author-nim~~~~~~
ps. you're forgiven....when you update this story. ^^
crinazelda #10
SOON! I don't know when, precisely, I will update. All I can say is SOON! Sorry my dear readers.