Clearing Things Up

Marrying Cinderella

“…I fell for you?” he said.

I laughed. “What are you talking about, Heechul?”

“Yerin, I’m serious.”

He did look serious. He looked right at me, not looking away, waiting for the right reply.


“I knew you’ll laugh at me once I tell you, but I’m seriously asking you right now. What if I fall in love with you? Will you love me back?”

I stepped back. “Heechul, wake up, please.”


“I’m just a teacher. I’m a nobody. How can you like me, moreover love me? I’m not even your type,” I argued.

Heechul lay on the bed again. “You can get out now,” he said, lacking energy.


My heart feels heavy once I closed Heechul’s bedroom door. I was thinking about what he said. Him, falling in love with me, is utterly impossible. He’s cold and sarcastic, never warm and accommodating. He’s giving me every reason to hate him. Not only does his personality is impossible, his intention is also impossible.

But come to think of it, he SOMETIMES helps me when I need him. He does take care of me ALTHOUGH he’s go pathetically sarcastic about it over and over again. He did give flowers… but that doesn’t mean anything, does it?

He is really IMPOSSIBLE! Not to mention UNPREDICTABLE!

I stayed at the living room, staring ahead. Silently, I tried to sort out what Heechul said. Few minutes later, Heechul came out of his room, heading to the kitchen and stopping in front of the fridge.

“I’m thristy,” he informed me, not even looking at me. He took a bottle of water from the fridge and drank about three gulps. He was going to his room when…

“Yerin-sshi,” he said, now looking at me.

I looked at him and waited for his next words.

“Forget what I said, okay?” he said coldly, and went back to his room.

He really is impossible. What was he thinking this time? A while ago, he was close to confessing. Now, he’s back to being the cold-sarcastic that he is. ‘Forget…’ he said. Is he serious? What he just told me will be imprinted in my brain. I’ll think about it every day, I’d probably go crazy.

Annoyed, I go to my room and slammed the door.

I heard the slam of Yerin’s door. For a few seconds, I was stunned. I blew it; my one chance of getting close to her, closer than being a pretend husband, is ruined. Every day, she’ll hate me. Every day, she’ll ignore me. And every day, I will be frustrated. I’ll probably go crazy.

I lay on my bed, cursing at myself. KIM HEECHUL, you are an idiot!


I was staring at the sink, to powerless to do anything. Although I already cooked breakfast, I wasn’t feeling well. Not physically, but mentally and emotionally, probably. I got back to my senses when Heechul’s bedroom door opened. He was already ready for work.

“Good morning,” he greeted smiling.

I was silent.

He took a sip from his mug of coffee and said, “I’ll be home late.” He took a bite from the sandwich on the plate that I made for him. “I’m off to work.”

He went for the door.

“Wait…aren’t you forgetting something?” I asked.

He turned around. “Forget what?”

“Like…clearing things out. Last night was a blur.”

He sighed. “I’ll…umm…later.”

“Come on Heechul.”

He looked at his watch. “I’m late.”

“ITS 6:30 IN THE MORNING!” I shouted, of course frustrated. I didn’t know what’s gotten into me.

Wide eyed, Heechul stared at me, probably disgusted about my act. “You didn’t just yell at me…”

“Well, I did. I’m frustrated, can’t you see?” I said, walking closer to him. “What do you mean IF you fall in love with me? Heechul…you can’t be seriously falling in love me, are you?”

He only stared.

“Do you love me?” I asked.

“What if I am?” was his reply.

With those four words, I fell silent. I can feel my heart’s pounding like a drum. I can’t think straight. I was dumbfounded.

“Yerin…” he started. “…can I clear things later? I really am late.”

I looked away. “Go. Have a… nice day at work.”

And he left.


Does this mean…I’ll be confessing when I get home?

“I don’t know…” I whispered.

“What is?”

Leeteuk, Sungmin and Eunhyuk were looking at me. We we’re on our way to our schedule, riding out usual big, white van to the location. Our manager was just in front of the van, I can’t just tell the three idiots everything here.

I took out my phone and texted Leeteuk.

“What!” Leeteuk yelled when he read to message.

“Ah, Hyung!” Eunhyuk said rubbing his ear, as it was the target of the ear-deafening shout of Leeteuk.

I look at our manager and saw that he was busy with a phone call.

“Can you keep silent,” I said irritatingly. “You’re too loud.” I stared at the window.

Leeteuk whispered to my ear. “What do you mean ‘Yerin already knows’?”

I whispered back, “Are you illiterate to not understand? I already told her. And she doesn’t believe me. I feel horrible…”

Sungmin and Eunhyuk was listening intently, getting every detail they can squeeze from the blurred conversation Leeteuk and I were sharing.

“What are you two talking about?” Sungmin whispered.

“Then tell her EXACTLY everything,” Leeteuk said.

“Like she’ll take everything I’ll say. She’ll just laugh at me,” I told him.

“Is this about Yerin-noona?” Sungmin asked again. We ignored him.

“How do you know…”

“She just did. Last night…”

Leeteuk didn’t know what to say after that.

“I told her and she laughed at me. I asked her if I fall for her, will she like me back. And she laughed at me.” I sighed and looked out the window.

Sungmin and Eunhyuk are still engrossed on our conversation, still trying to figure out what we are talking about. Nonetheless, we are still ignoring them. Complete idiots…

“Are you some kind of a beginner? Are you crazy?” Leeteuk looked disgusted. “You were beating around the bush. You didn’t even confess…”

“I did tell her…” I argued back.

“PROPERLY?” he said back. “Look, you only asked her.”

“Hey, wait a sec…” Eunhyuk butted in.

Leeteuk, Sungmin and I looked at him. “What?” I whispered, annoyed.

“You can’t be seriously asking for love advice from him, are you?” Eunhyuk said, pointing at Leeteuk.

Leeteuk smacked Eunhyuk’s hand and hissed at him. He then turned back to me and said, “Heechul, since you are already caught up with this ‘confession’ thing, do it properly. Give her the PROPER answer. If you don’t tell her what she wants to hear, living with her will be very difficult.”

“Then, if I tell her, she’ll avoid me,” I argued back.

“That…well, that you don’t know until you tell her.”

Sungmin snickered. “Well, tell us everything about it.” He rested his back on his seat, putting his headphones and smiling at Leeteuk and me.

“That I should wait,” Eunhyuk said, smiling.


I came home, as I told Yerin this morning, late. I didn’t know what to bring home but a bunch of marshmallow and two sodas. (That’s the first thing I grabbed from the stand of a convenience store).

“Yerin-sshi?” I called when I entered the room.

“I’m here,” she called back, apparently at the kitchen.

I went to the kitchen to see her sitting ON the kitchen’s island, with a coffee mug on her hand. She looked at me blank-faced. It appears that she’s waiting for me I thought she was camping on top of the island.

“Hey,” she greeted.

“How’s work?” I asked, getting closer to her. “Do you want some marshmallows?”

“What?” she asked amused.

“Marshmallows? Do you want some?” I asked again, stopping beside her and taking the marshmallow bag out of the plastic bag. “I bought some.”

It was totally awkward. I’m offering her marshmallows out of nowhere.

“Sure,” she said, smiling.

I opened the marshmallow bag and offered it to her. She smile made me warm inside. I totally forgot for a second my supposed confession. But, it was fine with me. I still need time to prepare.

She took a bite from a blue marshmallow she got from the bag.

“Fluffy…” she said.

I smiled at her immatureness.

“Oh yeah, work was okay,” she said. “Had a bit of trouble with some kids, but it still turned out okay.”

I stared at her face. “Yerin-sshi…”

“Yes?” she said, looking at me too.

“Umm…this is awkward.”

“What is?” she asked.

“Can you come down from there, please?” I asked. “I’ll help you.”

She put the mug on the counter top and took my hand that I offered. She got down with a soft thud. By the way, she looked cute on her white shirt and gray pants. Why does she always wear gray things?

“Come here,” I said pulling her to the living room.

She sat on the couch, looking at me. I can swear she was not blinking.


“So? So what?” I asked.


So she was waiting for my answer. I came closer to her, sitting beside her actually.

“Here goes. I do like you. There…”

She continued to stare at me. Then, a smile formed on her lips.

“But…I thought you hate me. You always treat me coldly, and you…you never care for me…”

“That is not true…” I stared at her too. “Yes, I have been treating you coldly, but I’ve always cared about you. I was wrong to treat you badly.”

“But…why now? Why are you telling this to me now?” she asked. “What’s your reason?”

I sighed. “Well, I liked what happened last night.”

I swear I blushed on the spot. All I can recall about last night was the time he hugged me; me, sleeping in top of him and liking the sensation of his touch.

“Last… night…” I mumbled.

“Well, last night, was the first time that I got yelled at by a girl, except for my mom.”

I smiled. “Silly…”

He smiled as well. “But, seriously speaking, you yelling at me and telling me you are concerned, maybe that rang the bell. I have liked you for a long time before, actually…”

“When?” I asked, intrigued.

“Since we met at the restaurant,” he said shyly.

“What? The time that you criticized my profession?” I said, getting a bit mad.

“Yes, that.” He sighed. “But… I think… it was love at first sight. I totally fell for you.”

He looked away. I stayed silent.

“This is awkward, not to mention cheesy,” he said, talking to himself.

I smiled. “So, you like me on the spot?”

“Yup,” he simply said.

“Heechul, look at me.”

And he did. I swear he is holding his breath.

“Look, I don’t think I’m ready. Like what I said on the day we met, I’m not ready to get married, not even fall in love.”

“But you said that because you don’t know you are getting married to. Now, we are living together…” he argued.

“But this time, I’m still not ready. I don’t know if I can trust myself with someone else.”

He looked disappointed.

That is not the answer that I want to hear. I wanted to hear…

“…but we don’t know. Maybe…”

I snapped out of thoughts. “Maybe what?”

“Today, I may not want to. But, we are not certain of tomorrow, right?” she said, smiling.

“Does that mean I have a chance?” I asked.

“Maybe…” she said, smiling. She stood up and headed back to the kitchen. She was eating the marshmallows we left there.

“YES!” I shouted in happiness. I was jumping up and down the living room carpet.

She was laughing. “Are you that desperate? I’m not the only girl in the world, you know?”

“Does my desperation show?” I said, walking towards her. “But I really think you’re the one for me.”

“Hey,” she was still smiling. That’s a good sign right? “Don’t get too excited.”

“I’m just so happy,” I said, smiling.  “Can’t wait to kiss you.”

“WHAT?” she was shocked.

I was shocked at well. “Did I say that out loud?”

“Yes!” she said, laughing. “You are out of your mind, Kim Heechul.”

“You know what they say. Love makes you crazy.”

I walked to my room to change my clothes, but stopped on the doorway when Yerin called.



“If that’s your reaction, I can’t wait to see how our parents will react,” she said, giggling.

“Not to mention this building under your name,” I said.

But she stopped giggling and forced a smile.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, curious and concerned.

“The pressure just got back to me.” But then, a genuine smile popped up on her beautiful face again.





Hey everyone. SInce you've been nice to my previous chapters, I'm updating again. Haha.heart

What do you guys think? Heechul was totally unexpected here, don't you think? I wasnt sure if I should write Heenim like this but... hey, he's Heenim, he's supposed to be unpredictable.

And again, comments are welcome. Want to hear from you guys. What's your reaction?


PS. I want some random scene next chap. Any ideas? Haha! PM them to me.cheeky

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Chapter 37: KYAAAAAA!!!!!! This chapter is so SWEET! I hope Yerin would be introduced to the whole SM Family. XD
jam_9445 #2
Chapter 37: Wow it has been super long since I read super junior, most specificly Heechul, fanfics!! Ahh what a nice way to get reconnected with them! I know Im late to review(understatement^^) but better late then never huh! You too seem to be on a break huh..Hehe;)
Sweet chapter! Finally she confessed and they kissed!! But wasnt it weird with all the SJ members watching them?? I bet Heenim's gonna get teased quite a bit! But all in all a good chapter!! All the best best with the next update!!:))
adys88 #3
crinazelda #5
Ohohohohoho~ boohoo. I'm losing subscribers? ..the hell? That's too bad. I guess the long hiatus backfired. In the face! Well, I hope I'll gain some again.
alrevilla #6
Chapter 37: I've been waiting for this update for sooooo long!!! Waaaah!!! So happy! So love the flyff. I miss thiiiiis
Chapter 37: The date was really romantic especially because of the dance & also the kiss they shared! Super Junior & also Sunhwa did a good job on planning the date and also on preparing it! really like your update so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
crinazelda #8
Who's reading right now? No comments??? :(
They say curiousity kills the cat, but I'm not a cat, so....I wanna know, how soon is soon? Author-nim~~~~~~
ps. you're forgiven....when you update this story. ^^
crinazelda #10
SOON! I don't know when, precisely, I will update. All I can say is SOON! Sorry my dear readers.