A Promise is a Promise

Marrying Cinderella

The next morning, I was in a good mood. I was quietly drinking my coffee in the kitchen’s island, smiling at last night’s events.  I just received a cake AND roses from Heechul. So this how it feels when your ‘boyfriend’ gives you gifts because they’re ‘proud’ of you. I feel like I’m floating on air. My past boyfriends would just call and congratulate me if I accomplish something. Sheesh… It’s not that I’m complaining, but…I guess it’s my fault too, being too busy with my work.

Whenever I took a glimpse of Heechul’s bedroom door, I can’t help but smile. I wish he’d wake up already; not that I REALLY want to see him but I want to see how he’s going to insist that the flowers were from Leeteuk. Thank God, Leeteuk told me the truth. If he didn’t…I don’t know, I’d be making my smiles for the wrong person.

I put the roses on a white vase, and placed it on the end table of the living room. The white and red roses blended well on living room’s color.

At last, Heechul’s bedroom door opened, showing a sleepy-eyed Heechul, his hair messy.

“Coffee…” he mumbled.

Knowing that he’ll be looking for coffee, I prepared his coffee beforehand. Heechul sat on the islands stool opposite me. I placed the hot coffee in front of him. Slowly, he reached for it.

“That’s hot,” I told him.

But he seemed to be too sleepy to hear what I just said, so he lifted the mug and took a sip.

“AH!” he shouted. “HOT!”

“Well, I told you it’s hot…” I said, half smiling. “What were you thinking?”

He continued to blow on his tongue and gave me piercing stares.

“Hey, I warned you before you took a sip, okay? Clearly, it’s not my fault,” I told him.

He relieved an annoyed sigh. “I’m just too tired…”

“Then sleep more,” I told him.

“Can’t…” he said, before blowing on his coffee. Then, he finally took a sip, not burning his tongue this time. “I have schedule today.”

“Again?” I said, surprised.


“With your members?” I asked.

“No, just me. I think they have their own sched today. Why?”

“Nothing…” I said, taking away my gaze from him. “I wonder if your members are going to be busy tonight…”

“Perhaps…” his eyes narrowed into slits. “…you want to invite them over?” he completed his question.

Yerin looked at me with a cheerful expression in her face.

“No! Absolutely not!” I argued first.

“Why not?” she said, her eyebrows furrowed.

“I told you already,” I said, putting down my coffee. “Our house will be a complete mess if those idiots come here. Why do you want to see them anyway? You saw our performance yesterday, didn’t you?”

“Of course I did…but I just want to personally thank Leeteuk for the flowers AND set up a congratulatory dinner for you guys,” she said.

Leeteuk…AGAIN! I want to choke Leeteuk right now!

“Please…you have thanked Leeteuk enough,” I told Yerin, my face getting sterner by the second. I lifted my mug again and took a sip.

“I only thanked him ones…”

I cut her words. “Ones is enough…”

Then, Yerin fell silent for a second, staring at me while she did. I only ignored her and took a large gulp of coffee, since I’m getting used to the coffee’s temperature. Then, she spoke again.

“Mind me asking, but…are you jealous that Leeteuk gave me flowers?”

I almost blurted out the coffee in my mouth, but I swallowed fast, making me choke a bit.

“Are you insane? Of course not!” I almost shouted.

“Then why are you reacting like this?” she asked. “You don’t want me to thank Leeteuk, you don’t want me to invite your members here, plus…you’re acting really weird. What’s wrong with you?”

I only stared at her, annoyed that her words are true. Yes, I hate hearing ‘Thank you Leeteuk’ from her when the only person to thank around her is FREAKING ME! I don’t want to invite those monkeys in our house because I don’t want to exhaust Yerin as she is super tired from her work. Though it’s a weekend today, I know she’ll complain tomorrow that she didn’t get to do her lesson plans. And, I’m acting weird because…I’M FREAKING JEALOUS BUT I CAN’T TELL HER THAT, CAN I?

“Nothing…” I answered.

Yerin stood up from her seat. “If it’s going to calm you down…then send me flowers as well. Even the cheapest one will do…”

She put the mug down the sink and walked towards her room.

I stood up from my seat and yelled out, “Ya! I don’t buy cheap! If I’m going to buy you flowers, I’ll buy flowers better than the one Leeteuk sent you! I’m not like cheap Leeteuk!”

Yerin stopped in front of her bedroom door, looked at me and smiled. “Less talking, more buying.” She opened the door, entered her room and slammed it shut.

YAH, SHIN YERIN! You’ll see…


I’m sitting alone inside the van after my schedule ended, pressing buttons in my phone randomly (as I was getting bored). I’m waiting for my manager to sort out my stuff that was left inside the waiting room that I waited into.

“Less talking, more buying.”

Yerin’s voice rang inside my head. I smirked when I remembered what she said this morning. Should I buy flowers for her or not? If I don’t, she’ll mock me to annoyance. But if I do, she’ll win. Finally, I made up my mind.

I was composing a text when the door of the van opened and my manager came in with a huge backpack slung to his shoulder. “Ready?” he asked.

“Yup. What took you so long?” I asked, annoyed. I ignored my pending message a bit.

His eyebrows furrowed. “I taught I was packing a whole wardrobe back there.”

“Huh? Why did you have to get a whole suitcase of clothes anyway? I didn’t even change my clothes.”

“Well, you know…just in case,” he said. “Let’s go,” he told the driver, and we went zooming out of the parking lot.

I again focused on the pending message that I was composing. “Send…” I whispered.


Finally, my work is done. I finished my lesson plans for tomorrow, done cleaning the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, even mine and Heechul’s room. And, my gosh! Heechul’s room is tidy. I didn’t know he’s that type of guy. There might be couple of clothes lying on his bed but the pillows and blankets are organized and nicely placed. His books and other stuff are arranged on a cabinet and his wardrobe is neatly arranged. He’s one tidy dude.

I’m about to doze off in the living room couch, as I was physically and mentality drained. It’s 5 PM. What could I possible do at 5 PM? I’ll just take a nap…

My phone beeped.

Lazily, I reached for my phone that was lying on the coffee table in front of me. I checked the message; it was from Cinderella. 

Hey, I’m inviting the gang over. Cook...for about a hundred people. :P

I quickly sat up from the couch. “Are you insane? Now, when I’m exhausted to death, you tell me!” I shouted at my phone, as if it was Heechul’s face.

I sent him a message as well.


Can’t you invite them some other time? was Yerin’s message.

“What’s with you?” I whispered to myself, reading Yerin’s message. This morning, you want the idiots so come. Now, you don’t?

I dialed Yerin’s number.

“I can’t cook dinner tonight,” was Yerin’s greeting when she answered the phone.

“Why not?” I asked. My manager was looking at me, mouthing ‘Who’s that?’ I simply ignored him.

“I’m exhausted; I cleaned the whole house. I just can’t; I’m tired to death,” she complained.

“Too late…”

“What is?” she asked.

“I already texted them,” I lied. Actually, I haven’t texted them yet, but I was planning to.

“WHAT!” she yelled.

“Yah…” I said, annoyed. “You were the one who told me to invite them. Don’t you complain or I’ll…” I paused. My manager was eyeing me closely. “…I’ll kick your !” I shouted. I intentionally raised my voice, so that manager will look away (and he did).

I cut the call.

“Who’s that?” manager asked, getting curious.

“No one,” I said, turning my gaze away from him. If he ask another question, I might spill the secret about me and Yerin.


Manager dropped me off at the dorm, because he still doesn’t know that I am staying with Yerin. Whenever I have a schedule, I make sure that I am at the dorm an hour early before my schedule. My manager doesn’t suspect a thing, thank God. And also, he doesn’t stay at the dorms anymore; he just had his own apartment.

Finally, we’re in front of the dorm. I rang the intercom and…

“Who’s there?” a familiar voice said. It was Donghae.

“It’s me…” I said, looking at the intercom; letting Donghae see my gorgeous face.

A few seconds later and the door opened, showing Donghae’s silly face. “Hyung…” he greeted, raising his hand up high, as if wanting to do a high five. I ignored him and just went inside the dorm. Maybe to not embarrass himself, he did high five with our manager, who was still holding a large bag. I lazily drop to the couch and closed my eyes.

“Guys…whenever are you going to tidy up this mess?” our manager complained, looking at some clothes that were piled up in a chair.

“It’s not mess,” Donghae argued. “It’s art. I call it ‘The Tower’,” Donghae said dramatically.

“Quit being a kid and clean those up,” manager scolded. “I’m going now, I still have work back in the company.”

I opened my eyes and saw that manager was wearing his shoes (which he took off before entering the dorm). Donghae came to him and asked, “Do we have schedule for tomorrow?”

“I don’t think so.”

I couldn’t see Donghae reaction but I sure he was smiling widely because manager said, “Don’t celebrate just yet. We don’t know if there is going to have an emergency schedule for tomorrow.”

“Manager-hyung, will you relax? That’s what you always say to us…but there never comes an ‘emergency schedule’.” Donghae , sneaky as he is, really know how to handle this stuff. I’m guessing manager was getting full of this Donghae non-sense.

“But don’t you just party yet,” manager said. “I mean it…”

Donghae bid goodbye before the door was shut close.

I quickly got up. “Donghae, where’s the others?” I asked.

“Oh…in their room. Why?” he asked, coming closer.

“Yerin wants to invite you to a dinner,” I simply said, heading towards Leeteuk’s room.

“REALLY! I better get changed then.” Donghae ran to his room and shut the door close.

“Leeteukie!” I yelled. I opened his room’s door and saw him sitting on his bed, watching something in his white laptop that was sitting on the bed in front of him, an earphone plugged in to his ear. His eyes widened when he saw me, like he just saw a ghost.

“Why you…scared me,” he said.

“What are you watching anyway?” I came closer, and then sat on his bed.

“I was bored, so…” he said, showing a DVD case of a horror film.

“I thought you hate this type of movie?” I asked.

“I am…but I told you, I was bored.” He paused the film he was watching and took the earphones off his ear. “What are you doing here? Are you going home?” he asked, looking at me.

“Are you hungry?”

“Starving. Why? Are you going to treat us to dinner?” he asked, a silly smile forming in his face.

“Not me…Yerin. So get up, change clothes, and call the others.”

“Now?” he asked.

“Ummm… let me check first.” I walked out of his room and came back to the living room, where, unexpectedly, Shindong and Kangin were there.

“Oh, Heechul-hyung, why are you here?” Shindong asked.

“Can’t I come here anymore?”

“Well I rarely see you coming here again. Maybe because we have different schedules all the time. Our time doesn’t match,” Shindong said.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Kangin added. “Maybe you should hang around here more often.”

“I guess…” I said.

I took my phone from my jacket pocket and dialed Yerin’s number.  I sat beside Kangin on the couch. It took about three missed calls before she finally answered the phone.

“Why didn’t you answer my calls?” I asked, irritated.

“I’m busy cooking. Why, are you guys coming?” she asked. She seemed out of breath, not to mention the clatter pans and spoons on the background.

“Ummm, no, take your time.”

I was about to cut the call when she said…

“Heechul-sshi, please help me. I can’t do this alone,” she pleaded.

“You wanted to invite them, didn’t you?” I said. “Are you backing out now?”

“No, it’s just that… I cleaned the whole house, I finished my lesson plans. I hurriedly went to the mart to buy anything that I should cook and now I’m just stressed out with all the dishes that I should prepared. I have only done two dishes…and I’m sure it wouldn’t be enough.”

I paused. Geez…she’s probably IS stressed out right now.


“I’m on my way.” I cut the call.

I stood up went to the door. While I was putting on my shoes, Leeteuk came out of his room, already dressed up.

“Where are you going?” he asked from across the living room.

“I’m going home, Yerin needs help.”

Leeteuk, with wide eyes, said, “You’re going? Are you serious?” half surprised, half amused.

“Yes…do you have a problem with that?” I said, getting frustrated. “I’m going there first to make sure your dinner will be edible enough to eat.”

“Then are we coming with you now?” Leeteuk asked.

“No…I’ll send you a message when we’re almost done.”


I’m freaking stressed out!

Okay, I really am regretting inviting the boys to our home. It’s just too stressing! I’m cooking stew, sautéing, pan-frying, roasting… and PANTING, all at the same time. I don’t know what to do. God, help me.

Then, I heard the door opened and Heechul came in, holding a huge bouquet of an assortment of flowers. It was so exquisite I really don’t know how to describe it but…

“Wow,” I exclaimed.

“Are you okay?” Heechul asked, coming closer.

“I’m…fine,” I said, eyeing the flowers.

A smirk formed in his lips. “You like it, didn’t you?” he said, handing me the flower bouquet.

“This is for me?” I asked, even though the bouquet is already in my hands.

“Told you I don’t buy cheap,” he boasted.

I looked at him, straight in the eyes and said, “Thank you…very much.” A while ago, I was stressed out. Now, I’m finally relieved. I’m smiling from ear to ear.

Heechul, then, suddenly ran to the stove and stirred the meat that I was frying. “It’s burning…”

“Oh! Right…” I said, putting down the bouquet neatly on top of the dining table.

Then, for the full 30 minutes, I ordered Heechul around. Do this and do that, but he didn’t complain. I was fascinated that obnoxious Kim Heechul can be ordered around like this. I’ll thank him properly later.

“You already texted the right?” I asked Heechul.

“Yes, they’ll be here soon,” he answered.


I noticed that Heechul was sweating crazily. After I arranged every dishes on the table (about 6 dishes to be exact, all in proportion to Super Junior members), I walked closer to Heechul.

I wiped the sweat that was running from his forehead to his cheek. He looked at me in surprise. “Freshen up first…” I told him.

Without a word, he stood up, his eyes still onto mine.

“You don’t want you members to see you like a sweaty pig, do you?” I jokingly said.

“What? Sweaty pig? You look like a sweaty pig as well!”

“Right…” I said, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

“Let’s both take a shower…SEPARATELY,” he said, looking away. “I don’t want them so see me like this.”

Heechul ran to his room and shut the door. I can’t help but smile when he said ‘seperately’.


YAH! KIM HEECHUL! What were you thinking! You could have just told that to her casually. Why should you even look away? Now, she might be thinking…OH! I can’t even think about it.





First of all, please don't hate me. I know I in a really long break. I don't know, I guess I was just too lazy to write, aside from I had to review my lessons because it was our exams.

But, yes, finally! I had time to update. I really want to make it up to you guys but this is all that I can do. I hope i dont disappoint you.

Thanks for reading. Comment ahead!


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Chapter 37: KYAAAAAA!!!!!! This chapter is so SWEET! I hope Yerin would be introduced to the whole SM Family. XD
jam_9445 #2
Chapter 37: Wow it has been super long since I read super junior, most specificly Heechul, fanfics!! Ahh what a nice way to get reconnected with them! I know Im late to review(understatement^^) but better late then never huh! You too seem to be on a break huh..Hehe;)
Sweet chapter! Finally she confessed and they kissed!! But wasnt it weird with all the SJ members watching them?? I bet Heenim's gonna get teased quite a bit! But all in all a good chapter!! All the best best with the next update!!:))
adys88 #3
crinazelda #5
Ohohohohoho~ boohoo. I'm losing subscribers? ..the hell? That's too bad. I guess the long hiatus backfired. In the face! Well, I hope I'll gain some again.
alrevilla #6
Chapter 37: I've been waiting for this update for sooooo long!!! Waaaah!!! So happy! So love the flyff. I miss thiiiiis
Chapter 37: The date was really romantic especially because of the dance & also the kiss they shared! Super Junior & also Sunhwa did a good job on planning the date and also on preparing it! really like your update so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
crinazelda #8
Who's reading right now? No comments??? :(
They say curiousity kills the cat, but I'm not a cat, so....I wanna know, how soon is soon? Author-nim~~~~~~
ps. you're forgiven....when you update this story. ^^
crinazelda #10
SOON! I don't know when, precisely, I will update. All I can say is SOON! Sorry my dear readers.