Chapter 10

Let My Heart Loving You
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When Dahyu look at Kyuhyun, who was driving that car. Suddenly her strange feels come back again.

‘Eh? What is this? Why is he look so shining?’

She kept staring Kyuhyun. 
“A! Dahyuah, if you arrived at that place don’t be surprised ok? And don’t seem too happy till you freakin everywhere, ok?” KyuHyun smiled.
“E-eh? What?” She pouts. She look at outside, she opened the window.
“Kyaaah~ Kyuhyun ah! Today the weathere very good, and the cloud! Look!” DaHyu pointed at one cloud.
“Like a cotton candy!” She hissed.
“O~, i see. I knew what the reason why did you like cloud so much! Cloud look like cotton candy. Jih~.” He sigh.
“Wahh, i feel like cotton candy melting in my mouth, yummy!” 

Suddenly everything turned so silence,KyuHyun just feel so strang, why so silence?? when hee peeking out DaHyu, he saw Dahyu already fel asleep. He smiled at DaHyu. He thought about one thing ...

‘if i realized DaHyu’s feels early, it wouldn’t hurt anyone. Me either DaHyu anymore. And now, i and DaHyu will be happy.’

But that’s too late now, he must accept the reality that DaHyu’s feels slowly disappeared, it’s seems already erased. 


“DaHyu-yah! DaHyu-yah! Wake up!” Kyuhyun awake DaHyu.
“Are we already arrived?” Dahyu yawns. 
“Yup. Come on.” KyuHyun ask her.
They’re get out from kyuhyun’s car. DaHYu so surprised, bacause a big and rich hall in front of her. What’s this?
“Na-ti-o-na-li-ty The-a-ter?, Nationality Theater?” DaHyu surprised. She look at KyuHyun.
“LeeTeuk oppa?” DaHyu ask Kyuhyun, she saw a huge banners of musical.And inside the banners is Leeteuk face as the main character. Kyuhyun just nodded snd smiled.
“Really? Kyaaahhh!” DaHyu run in to the theater.
“Aishh, is she didn’t understand what i say ?” Kyuhyun followed DaHyu.
“Dahyu! wait!”


DaHyu feel so nervous , she can’t wait to see LeeTeuk. She think about LeeTeuk, she remembered about LeeTeuk first musical. That musical was so amazing, how about it? It must be more more amazing. She have seat beside KyuHyun.

“KyuHyunah, how LeeTeuk oppa now? “
“Yah, just see it.” Kyuhyun’s finger poited  the stage.

Slowly, the musical will be begin. The light slowly dissapear, and stage’s light more brighter now. The netting slowly opened. DaHyu heared a voice, singing . One by one character appeared. And now, the main character appeared. DaHyu’s eyes opened widely.

“Omo, LeeTeuk!” She whispered. 

Dahyu follow part by part of the story. She can’t blink her eyes even just once. LeeTeuk look little thin now, but hi

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love your study ^^ kekekekeke :) please update soon :)
Grapelolly #2
UPdate :)
trangd #3
Love your story! Update soon!
Grapelolly #4