Paradise Honeymoon

Hyoyeon's Only Wish

First of all, sorry for keeping you waiting... many things happened to me... first, I would like to introduce to you my niece Baby Jewel. She is my cousin's first baby.

and second, one of my friends in high school was dead. His name is Terence Jedolf. I'm so sad until now...=T.T=

Anyway, that's life... And here's you are all been waiting for, my update...

Yuri’s eyes widened when her manager told her that she will be joining Freyja in her drama show.

“Oppa, are you kidding me?” Yuri asks.

“Aniyo. It was Freyja who personally chose you.” Her manager said.

“How about Hyoyeon?” Yuri asks.

“You two will join Freyja in her show.” Her manager said.

“I guess Freyja sunbae isn’t bad after all.” Yuri said. “I want to thank her.”

“Tell that once you two meet.” Her manager said. “You can go home now.”

“Ne.” Yuri said happily.

She is on the taxi when she calls Hyoyeon. She knows that Hyoyeon will be surprised but she wanted to apologize for all the bad things she have done.

After 3 rings, Hyoyeon answers the call.


“Uhmm… Hyo.” Yuri said.

“Ne, Yuri?”

“I just wanted to say sorry.” Yuri said.

“That’s ok. I already forgave you.”

“Gomaweoh.” Yuri said.

“We are in the same group and we need to stay strong, especially our friendship.”

“Ne, I know.”  Yuri said.

“Need to go now. We are going to Palawan.”

“Oh right! Bye! Enjoy.” Yuri said.




Hyoyeon and Junho were mesmerized by the beauty of the place.

“It is like paradise.” Hyoyeon said while looking at the beach.

“Hyo, let’s unpack our things first before we go walk around.” Junho said.

“Ne.” she said.

The two went to the hotel. They just unpack their things and went back to the beach.

The staffs are waiting for them there.

They will gonna start the filming.

Junho and Hyoyeon walk around the beach.

Then, Hyoyeon saw something.

“Oh! Baby! Look!” Hyoyeon said pointing something under the coconut tree. She didn’t notice that she is holding Junho’s arm.

Junho looks at it. It is like a big lizard.

“Is that bayawak?” Junho asks.

“I think so. I search about them in the internet and that one is looks like it.” Hyoyeon said. She took out her digital camera and took a picture of it.

“Do you want to touch it?” Junho asks.

“Aniyo!” Hyoyeon said.

“Ok.” Junho said.

The two left the bayawak alone.

They went to the stalls that are selling different souvenirs.

They are planning to buy souvenirs for their groups.

“Let’s do that before we go back home.” Junho said.

“Ok.” Hyoyeon said.

They stayed on the beach just watching the people passing by, sometimes taking a picture together.

“Do you want to go swimming?” Junho asks.

“Uhmm… Later.” Hyoyeon said. “I want to see the crocodile farm.”

“We will go there tomorrow.” He said.

“Ok. Then, let’s go swimming.” She said.

Hyoyeon wears a one piece swimsuit while Junho is wearing a short for swimming.

The filming ended before they started swimming.


After their snack, the two went back to the beach to walk while the WGM staffs are filming them.

Junho and Hyoyeon are walking while their holding hands.

The two are now comfortable to each other. Hyoyeon and Junho are now calling each other baby.

Tomorrow, they will go to the famous places in Palawan.

The filming ended after the special dinner and they all went to their hotel suites.

Hyoyeon send the picture of her and Junho walking while holding their hands to Tiffany’s email. It was one of the staffs who took the picture without their knowledge that they were taking pictures by the staffs.

Luckily, Tiffany was online that time and she was happy to see the picture.

Tiffany said:



Hyoyeon said:


She quickly sends it to Tiffany.

After a while…

Yoona said (using Fany’s account):


Hyoyeon just smiled when she read it.

Tiffany said:


Hyoyeon said:


Their chatting interrupted when someone knocks on Hyoyeon’s hotel suite door.

“Ne?” she said after opening the door.

“Junho requested to have you two a bonfire on the beach.” The WGM staff said.

‘Hmmm… I guess it won’t be hard for me to ask him to set a bonfire.’ She thought.

“Uhmm… Ok.” Hyoyeon said to the staff.


Junho set a bonfire on the beach while Hyoyeon is setting the blanket they will go to sit.

Junho sat on Hyoyeon’s side.

“I wonder what they are doing right now.” Hyoyeon said to Junho.

“Probably, thinking what we are doing right now.” Junho said.

Hyoyeon laughed a little.

A wind blew and Hyoyeon can’t help but to hug herself because of cold. To her surprise, Junho wrap his arm around her.

“Are you feeling cold?” Junho asks.

Hyoyeon shook her head.

Deep inside of her she was touched of what Junho did. ‘He is still caring like when we were in high school.’ She thought.

“Baby, sing for me.” Junho said.

“I can’t sing.” She said.

“You are a singer.” He said.

“I am just a supporting vocalist in our group because I am the main dancer. So, I can’t sing.” She said. “You should sing for me.”

“Me? Ok!” Junho said.

After a moment, he began to sing. He sings Can’t Let You Go Even If I Die by 2am.

Hyoyeon listens while Junho is singing. She can’t help but to smile. Junho has a sweet voice and Hyoyeon was getting more in love because of that.

Hyoyeon claps her hands after Junho sang.

“Wow! Nice.” Hyoyeon said.

“You should sing for me, too.” Junho said.

“Oh ok!” Hyoyeon said. Then, she began to sing. She sings Complete by SNSD.

Junho looks at Hyoyeon. Junho admits to himself that Hyoyeon has a very unique voice and he loves it. He is tired listening to high pitch voices and Hyoyeon is not one of them.

Junho claps his hands. “Wow! You sing very well.” Junho said.

Hyoyeon blushed.


Hyoyeon is happy because of Junho. She is now in her hotel suite and ready to sleep.

“I think I’m falling in love more and more.” Hyoyeon said and hugs her pillow.

On the other hotel suite, Junho can’t sleep. He can still hearing Hyoyeon’s voice on his mind.

“I love everything from her. And now, I love her voice too.” Junho said.

He hugs his pillow and sleep.



On the next day, they spent their whole day going to the famous places in Palawan. The two had so much fun.

“Junho, I want to watch the sunset on the beach.” Hyoyeon said. It was their last day in Palawan and tomorrow morning they will be back in Korea.

“Sure.” Junho said.

The two stayed on the beach waiting for the sunset.

The filming ended and the staffs are just joining them watching the sunset.

“I will never forget this.” Hyoyeon said.

“Me too. This is the best honeymoon I’d ever had.” Junho said.

The sunset is slowly starting and Junho think of something.

“Hyo, can I kiss you?” Junho asks.

“Huh?” Hyoyeon was a little surprised, although, she was thinking that it would be romantic if she and Junho are kissing while the sun is going to set.

Junho and Hyoyeon look at the staffs not too far away from them. Those staffs are busy looking at the sunset.

“It is ok if you don’t like.” Junho said.

“I-I… I mean, you can kiss me.” She said.

Junho was happy because of that. He slowly moves his face close to her and kisses her on her lips. It was just 3 seconds but the two felt something weird inside of them.

Hyoyeon blushed and looks at the sunset. ‘Why am I feeling like this? I can’t explain it but it feels so good.’

Junho looks at the sunset and he also can’t explain the feelings he was feeling right now.

They didn’t know that one of the staffs saw it and took a picture.


South Korea…

“Unnie, for my upcoming album I want you to settle all about the songs.” Freyja said.

“I already know that.” Her manager said.

“Thanks.” Freyja said. “When will Hyoyeon be back?”

“Tomorrow perhaps.” Her manager said.

“Let’s order something for our dinner.” Freyja said.

Then, Yuri and Taeyeon enter the restaurant.

“Annyeong Hasaeyo!” Yuri and Taeyeon greet.

“Annyeong!” Freyja greets. “I see that you two are now in good terms again.”

“Ne.” Taeyeon said.

“Uhmm… Sunbae, thank you for choosing me as one of the characters in your new drama.” Yuri said.

“No problem. I chose you because I want you to show your talents.” Freyja said. “Anyway, would you like to join us in our dinner? My treat.”

“H-Huh? Ok.” The two said.


Incheon Airport…

Hyoyeon and Junho didn’t expect that the SNSD are waiting for them in the airport.

They were surprised when the girls screamed when they saw them.

“Unnie, since that you completed your mission this is our surprise for you.” Yoona said.

“Woah! How did you know that I completed it?” Hyoyeon asks.

“It is a S.E.C.R.E.T.” the girls said.

“Let’s go. We are excited to know what you have bought for us.” Jessica said.

“Junho, come with us.” Yuri said.

“Huh? Ok.” Junho said.


Freyja’s Dorm…

“Really? Great! I want to see her!” Freyja said to her manager when her manager told her that Hyoyeon is back.

“Is it ok for her to visit her? She needs to take some rest.” Her manager said.

“I’m so excited to tell her my good news for her. I’m going to their dorm now.” Freyja said excitedly.

“Ok. Take care while driving.” Her manager said.

Her manager doesn’t understand why Freyja likes Hyoyeon. “What is there something about Hyoyeon that Freyja likes so much about her?” she asks herself.

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Chapter 27: This story is amazing eventhough Yuri is annoying sometimes,i still like her role hete^^
Kindheart #4
immmmm a number one fan of hyoyeon
Chapter 26: cute the cute (*^﹏^*)
JunHyoandSpartAce #8
Chapter 26: happy ending for everyone .. awh .. finaly hyoyeon confess her true feelings.. more fanfic about junhyo , please .. hee
Chapter 7: This story is so gooood <3
I want to keep reading but I have to sleep now *-*
I have so much to learn from you!
Great job! ^^
I love it is it so cute