A Man's Best Friend

Star Academy

Since being in Star Academy, there wasn't one moment when you felt sad. Maybe homesick but even those feelings were once in a while. You really enjoyed your time here. The weather seemed to portray your feelings since every day so far, it was sunny with no signs of clouds. Except for today.

Dark clouds covered the sky with a harsh wind. Harsh enough for the trees to look like they were moving by themselves. The forecast also said that it would rain and you hoped it happened during class time and not when you're actually outside.

The classroom's attitude also was different from the usual. Instead of chirpy, happy voices filling up the classes, you can only hear the few depressed whispers from some students. You never believed that weather can change a person's mood but you certainly did after today.

English class was quiet. It was, once again, free time but not one person talked. Everyone just sprawled on their desks sleeping, texting or occasionally talking to their friend next to them. Sungyeol was passed out on your desk. He said this kind of weather made him sleepy even if he slept fine the night before. You felt bad so you left him sleeping even if you were slightly bored. Poor guy. I guess it's a bad day for everyone today.

The class finished, though it seemed to take longer then usually. Must be the weather. You gently woke Sungyeol up. He opened his eyes and seemed startled at first but calmed down when your eyes connected. "Class ended," you say with a smile, "I packed your bag for you." You pass him his bag and he nods. He slowly gets up and walks out the door. His behaviour was strange but you didn't question it since today was a weird day.

The both of you left in silence, not even saying good bye. You were slightly sad. Not only was the weather crappy but Sungyeol's attitude made you feel even worse. You walk into math class and were greeted with the same atmosphere as english class. Gloomy and depressing. You sigh and give your name to Krystal. As you sit down, you couldn't help but notice how Krystal's attitude didn't change at all. Everyone else had this dark vibe surrounding them but not her. She still had her serious face and the calm vibe that followed her. I wish I could have that same feeling right now...


Math class and history class went by and you thanked it was lunch now. Math was boring as usual and history was just depressing. The teacher decided that today would be the right day to talk about World War I. Not quite a smart idea. You didn't think it was possible for an already depressing class to feel even worse. Though, one thing was different. Taemin wasn't in class. Had he fallen sick?

You make your way to the garden, dismissing the weather and your thoughts. Once you get there, all the boys were crowding the wall that faced the garden. All of them had that depressing vibe to them as well.

"Hey guys." you wave walking near Sungyeol, who was passed out on the floor using the wall as a back support.

"(____)-a~," says Dongwoo from his spot, "I'm so depressed! Cheer me up..."

Even Dongwoo, the happiest guy you knew, was feeling down today. You frown.

"I would if I knew how." you take a sit next to Sungyeol and Sungjong. The order was now Hoya, Woohyun, Sunggyu, Sungyeol, You, Sungjong, L, and Dongwoo.

You leaned against the wall and started eating your lunch slowly. Silence was spread through all of you, not one atturing a single word. Suddenly you felt pressure on your right shoulder. You turn your head and see Sungjong resting his head on your shoulder.

"Sungjong-sshi," you start saying only to be cut off.

"Can I rest my head on your shoulder? I don't feel well..." Sungjong said with a low voice. Your heart clenched at the sight of your friend being so sad. You put a hand on his head. "Sure, rest up."

You feel him untense a little and small smile appeared on your face. If you could do anything to cheer up your friends, you certainly will.

You ate your lunch with one hand while the other played with Sungjong's hair. Some would consider this skinship. You weren't scared of it but playing with someone's hair was always soothing to you. Skinship or not, you didn't care.

As you closed your lunch and put it away, Sungyeol from your left opened his eyes and looked at you. "Oh (___) when did you get here?" he asks with a tired voice.

"A while ago."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I know today isn't a good day and you said weather like this makes you tired so I didn't want to disturb you."

Sungyeol stayed silent staring at the wall. You looked at him quizically, hoping you didn't make him sadder. Just as you were about to say something, a low voice disrupted your thoughts. "Thank you..."

You smile and pat Sungyeol's back. No words were said after that since the gesture said everything.

Sadly, the bell rang signalling class were about to begin. With a sigh, you wake up Sungjong. He wakes up and sits up right. All of you get up almost at the same time. You all say your good bye's and leave for the following class. Of course, Sungjong walked right beside you.

"Thanks for letting me rest on your shoulder. I really needed that." Sungjong said from beside you. You turn to him and smile. "Like I said, no problem. If you ever need to rest, just lay your head on my shoulder. No need to ask."

He smiled in response.

You both walk into class and do the usual routine. Give your name to the class president, grab the materials for the lesson and go back to your seat. Sulli seemed to have a chirpier attitude compared to the boys. It certainly brought your spirits up.

Class started but 10 minutes in, the intercom came on.

"Fellow students. Due to the weather, the last class will be cancelled for everyone. We ask for all of you to rest up given the extra time. That will be all, please have a good day."

The intercom shut off and a few students cheered. Not too loud but enough to show they were happy. Since your science class was cancelled, the last class of the day was gym. You sigh remembering Jongup and his antics.

Sulli noticed your sigh. "What's wrong?" she asks.

You look at her. Should you tell her about Jongup. Now that you think about it, you hadn't told anyone about him. "It's nothing really. My partner in gyn class never lets me practice and I have gym class next. I just remembered I have to put up with him for my last class."

"Is his name Jongup by any chance?"

You were taken back. "Yeah, how did you know?"

"He's known for being pushy like that. He's also the only first year to be on the basketball team." Great. No wonder no one wanted to switch with you.

"Good luck." said Sulli, patting your back. The both of you knew there was nothing you could do.

Once again, class went by with nothing interesting happening, other than the annoucement. After bidding Sulli and Sungjong good bye, you walk to gym class. Surprissingly, your gym teacher was standing outside the class instead of waiting inside.

She gathered all the students infront of her. "Listen up! For today, instead of practicing basketball, we'll be having a lesson on safety. It is important that you pay attention! Now go into the class," she said pointing to a classroom a few doors down from the gym. The bunch of you make your way to the class and once you walk in, you notice the tables could hold 4 people. A few people had claimed some tables, some filling the limit and some leaving a few spaces. You make your way to an empty table, hoping to get those who don't know anyone and are usually shy.

As you sit down, the chair next to you squeeks from being pulled back. You look at the person. Hey isn't that-

Your thoughts were interrupted when the certain person said, "Yo! We meet again!"

The person sat down and grinned at you. "Your name is....Dongwoon right?" you ask remembering him from history class.

"You remember! I thought for a second you hadn't remembered." You smile.

Just as you were about to say something else, another voice interrupted you. "You, get out."

The both of you look up at the newcomer who had spoken. What the- Jongup?!

Jongup stood at the end of the table, glaring at the two of you. You gulp. What's his problem?

"Be nice Jongup! She can stay right?"

"I didn't mean her. I meant you."

The both of you were taken back by what Jongup said. "Me? Why?" said Dongwoon pointing to himself.

"She's my partner. Now get up."

"No way man, there isn't even enough space for me to sit anywhere else. Guess we have to share~" said Dongwoon with a sly smile. You stared at Dongwoon with wide eyes. Is he insane?!

It was silent but then Jongup walked over to your right side and took a seat there. "Whatever, I don't care."

You gawked at him. He didn't care? Then what was the scene all about it!? Aishh, this is frustrating.

The teacher walks in at the same time as two other students. "Both of you, sit there." she said pointing to our table. The two rush to our table and sit on Dongwoon's left side. The teacher walks to the front and slams her hand on the little stand that was at the front of the class. "Once again, listen up! From now on, don't even think of skipping my class. I will find you. Don't be like those two idiots." she said pointing to the two boys who had sat down at our table. They hung their heads, hiding their faces.

"Now, lets begin." She started her lesson and you actually paid attention. You wouldn't take the chance of not listening.

Sooner then expected, the bell rang. You sigh in relief. The teacher walked out and laughter erupted from Dongwoon. You turn to him. "Oh man, you both are idiots!" he said patting one of the boy's backs.

One of them answers back. "We thought she wouldn't recongnize if we left. It was all Minwoo's idea!" the boy said hitting the so-called Minwoo on the arm. "S-sorry! I did say it was probably a bad idea but you still went along with it."

"You're all idiots." The four of you look at Jongup who had gotten out of his seat. He left the room after his comment. Dongwoon scoffs. "He can be an sometimes."

"Whatever man, he's not our problem." said the one who's name you didn't know. His eyes suddenly landed on you. "Who are you?"

Three pair of eyes were now on you. "I-I'm (___). Nice to m-meet you." you stutter. "Same. I'm Donghae." So that's his name.

"I'm Minwoo, nice to meet you as well!" he said with a small smile and a slight wave.

"Lets get out of here. Classes are done now anyways!" Dongwoon said standing up. The other two got up as well. Dongwoon turned to you. "Bye (____)-a!" The other two just nod their heads and leave with Dongwoon.

You stand up next and leave the classroom. What do I do now?


After contemplating, you decide on taking a walk. You had gone to your dorm before to see if maybe you could hang with Sunny. But she wasn't there. So, you left your bag there and went for a walk. You went to the first floor and looked out the windows as you walked slowly. A few other students had the same idea but either they were a group or a couple.

The weather had gotten worse. The wind picked up and rain had started falling. It rained so hard that you couldn't see past a few meters. It looks like a grey wall from the rain. You walked for a few more minutes, enjoying the site a little when you noticed a tiny little shadow walking in the rain. You stopped and stared out the window. Is it a creature?

After a while, you were able to make out the tiny figure. It was a puppy! What's a puppy doing here! It seemed lost and walked very slowly like it was hurt. You didn't think twice and ran outside.

In an instant, you were drenched. But you didn't care. You slowly approach the tiny dog. The closer you got, the better view you had on it. It was a brown toy poodle. You bend down to the dog and call it. "Puppy, come here~" you say softly, trying to not scare it. He looked in your direction and ran inbetween in your legs. You bend a little to see it. It was shivering and lifting one of his paws, as well as being drenched. You grab it gently and ran back inside. Once inside, a puddle formed around you and a few students stared. Some laughed as well.

You hold the dog close to you. What do I do now? You wanted to find its owner but not in this weather. You start heading towards your dorm. You could dry the dog there and then find the owner when the weather calmed down.


You rub the towel over your head and look over to the small dog huddling on the small couch. You were able to dry it but it hurt its paw. You had placed a bandage over it so that it protected the paw since its all you could do. The dog was now sleeping, still shivering once in a while.

You sigh. "What should I do now?"

Just as the words left your mouth, Sunny walked in. You turn to her and greet her. "Hey."

"Hey!," she stared at you, "What happened to you? You're drenched!"

"If you didn't notice the weather, its pouring rain outside."

"Ha ha, I meant more what were you doing for you to be drenched."

"I saw this dog outside." You said turning towards the puppy. Sunny followed your gaze. "Dog? Oh my!" She walked up to him. "Poor thing, out in the rain like that."

She stared at the puppy for a bit before saying, "hey isn't this Key's dog?"


"I think this is one of my friend's dog. He has one just like it." She was about to grab it but you quickly stopped her. "Be careful! It hurt his paw and it's still sensitive." You picked the dog up gently, making sure not to put any pressure on its paw. You look at Sunny. "Should we pay him a visit?"


The both of you stood infront of a door with the number 106 on it. Sunny knocked on it and a voice came from the inside. "Door's unlocked!"

Sunny opens the door and holds it open for you. You walk in and look around the room. It had the same set up as yours but the colors were green and white instead of blue and white. A boy sat at a computer desk while another was sleeping on one of the beds. You couldn't see his face since he was turned the opposite way.

"Hey Key, are you missing a dog by any chance?"

He looks up from his paper and looks at Sunny. "What?" He looks over to you and gasps as he notices the puppy in your grasp. "Comme Des!" he says getting up from his seat. Before he can grab his dog, you stop him. "Be careful! His paw is hurting. I put a bandage on it but he'll need to see a vet."

Key stared at you and nodded. You handed the dog to him. He cuddled the dog and its tiny head. "Comme Des, what were you thinking!"

Key explained that he usually brings his dog to one of the workers at the school. She takes care of the dog, who's name is Comme Des, while Key is in class. He assumed that the dog must of gotten away from her and wondered outside before it rained. Key placed the dog in a cage and the dog quickly layed down on a giant cushion and fell asleep.

Key turns to you. "Thanks for saving him. I'll make sure to take him to a vet. How can I repay you?"

"No please. I'm glad the dog is safe, I don't need anything in return." He smiles at you and bows. "Again, thank you."

Sunny patted your back before staring at the person in the bed. "Your roommates sick?" she asked Key.

He looked over to the bed before nodding. "Ya, Taemin got sick last night."

You stare at Key. "Did you say Taemin?" He looks at you and nods. "Do you know him?"

You nod and make your way to the side that Taemin is facing. Sure enough, it was Taemin. But he looked extremely pale and his breathing were short breaths. "Poor Taemin-ssi...." you say moving a strand of hair from his face.

Key and Sunny stared at you. You look at them and quickly stand up. "S-sorry, I was just worried."

"Are you a fangirl?" Key aks.


"Nah she's not Key. She never mentionned him once." said Sunny. You looked at the both of them confused. "Is Taemin popular?"

"Ya, he's quite popular. Me too actually." Key said with a smirk. "Stop boasting." Sunny smacked his arm.

"I'm just his classmate, you can ask him when he wakes up." you say making your way back to Sunny. Key nods.

"I'm heading back, you coming (__)?" You nod and follow Sunny out the door. Before you leave, you glance at Taemin once more and wave to Key. Taemin-a, please get better.



Another update! :D

Hope you guys enjoyed!


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SAy_ma_name #1
Chapter 14: Aww,please update....... This story is so cute...... I know you haven't update for about 3 years but..I wanna put some hope to it..Anyway, this story is great....Keep up with the good work...I really wanna read this till the end...
Frida-lm96 #2
Chapter 14: I love the story!
Hwaiting autornim ~ ♡
Chapter 13: Oh oh oh. I havent seen the Jo Twins, Minah(I think lol), Yongguk, Zelo, Hyuna, MBLAQ members, Taeyeon and others. But, I'd like to see Daehyun. Heheheh ✌
Chapter 13: Oh oh oh. I havent seen the Jo Twins, Minah(I think lol), Yongguk, Zelo, Hyuna, MBLAQ members, Taeyeon and others. But, I'd like to see Daehyun. Heheheh ✌
Chapter 13: Oh oh oh. I havent seen the Jo Twins, Minah(I think lol), Yongguk, Zelo, Hyuna, MBLAQ members, Taeyeon and others. But, I'd like to see Daehyun. Heheheh ✌
Chapter 13: omg i forgt about this story!!!! i missed it!!! i will wait patiently ^^
angel41195 #7
Chapter 12: Aww, please let us know if you will continue this, because it's really good and I want to keep reading it, but what would I do if you don't decide to continue this story? this is one of the really good ones that I've read, and I was so looking forward to seeing the rest....I hope you decide to continue it!
are you still gonna continue this? ;A;
nerry55 #9
Chapter 12: I love this story. I love how everyone gradually became friends and it wasn't all rushed and realistic.