Back then. Chapter 1, part 2

Can i tell you a secret? I love you...

The same day when the lessons were about to end and just one of them was left, Myungsoo needed to go to his locker to take the books he needed for the last lesson – math. With his friends following him he walked to his locker and pulled out the key to unlock it, when his eyes catched something. It was a paper...or a letter? It obviously was forced into his locker using the small gap, just that corner of the letter was still out from it. He smiled to himself and unlocked the doors, quickly grabbing the paper, so no body else wouldn’t see. Thankfully his frinds were busy with their own thing, talking about some dancing competition that was comming up. Myungsoo took out the math book and notebook from his locker and placed latter in between them before he pushed the locker doors close and turned to his frinds again who were ready to go now. His mind was running quickly now, was it some kind of confession from a girl or boy? Or did he forget something important? Myung just couldn’t think of anything else as he walked back to the class. Unlike usually this time he sitted at the end of the class, so he could read the letter without any stress and so teacher wouldn’t take it away from him and read in front of all class. He knew what would happen in case teacher would see the letter, he didn’t want to be that embarassed today... Usually he would sit in front of the class just because Myungsoo came to school to study hard, he liked to get to know new things and his brains easily took in all information, so it was easy for him to learn. He was smart kid, with good grades, but even he could be one of those popural one’s...he choosed not to be. Myungsoo was silent type of kids, he would enjoy spending time by himself as much as he would enjoy doing it with friends. Of course he had a good friends in class, like Kai, Sungyeol and Dongwoo, Luhan. They didn’t look at the boy just as someone who’s good looking, but they knew Myung’s personality and what he was inside not outside. There wasn’t human in this school that could call Myungsoo ugly, he was one of the prettiest, people were jealous because they didn’t look like Myung. Of course he was still growing, but nobody couldn’t deny the fact that he got only prettier by days. His smile seemed even more beaming, his childish features turning into more manly and more people just started to fall for him even more. He was popular between boys and girls and many of them tried to be more than just friends with boy, but it just seemed impossible. Fact that he was friendly and kind liked many people, but the crappy thing was that he never really liked anybody who fell for him...

When the lesson started and teacher told students to open the book and just do the tasks, he quickly opened random page onto his book and his notebook as well. He was way too curious to wait any longer to know what was into the letter. He pulled the paper out of the envelope and quickly unfolded it. His eyes widened obviously, because the first thing he noticed was small drawings all around the page, just cute things like cupcakes and stuff like that. Not that he was surprised about it, but the name under the letter told that the writter was a guy. „Weird...” he mumbled quietly. Then he finally started to read.

[‘Hey, my name is Kris. I actually wanted to tell you that before already, but as you said you were in rush and i didn’t had a chance. Also i wanted to ask for help, but whatever... ’] After reading this lines he finally understood who wrote the letter. It was the handome guy which he had met in corridor earlier, Myung only smiled to himself awkwardly. [‘However, your wallet fell out into the impact and when i noticed that you was gone already, actually that it the main reason i’m writing this letter.’] Myung’s lips parted in ‘o’ shape as he quickly grabbed his bag to check if he really had lost his wallet. And sure he was... [‘I think we should meet up, so i could give it back to you before you would seriously need it.  P.S. Please don’t think i’m such a weirdo, but i didn’t had a paper, so i had to borrow it from a girl, i think that will explain the cupcakes and stuff...’] His smile grew wider and if there wouldn’t be death silence into the class he wouldn probably chuckle. [‘Wait for me after your last lesson in front of school gates, let’s meet there’] Myungsoo nodded to himself with a wide smile and folded the letter again before slipped it into the bag again. ‘Kris...’ He thought to himself, his mind totally away from the studies now, smiling like an idiot he tried to finally do some of the exercise teacher give to them, but being curious and excited about the meeting he couldn’t focus his mind on anything, but that now...

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i love your foreward :D
epicbabo951 #2
Chapter 4: omg gosh this story is really good. update soon please author nim!