Back then. Chapter 1, part 1

Can i tell you a secret? I love you...

It was a while ago... Actually, almost six years had passed already when they met each other for the last time. But back then they were just kids, kids who were best friends or more than that?

It was a lunch break for whole school, but Kim Myungsoo wasn’t  hungry at all... Unlike his friends who were mostly disgusting pigs and were eating like they see food once in the month. „Guys, did you know that from side it looks pretty gross?” He asked while looking at Dongwoo who was pushing into his mouth another fork of spaghetti before even swollowing properly the last ones. „Yah, you know the break isn’t that long to just chill out and eat like gentleman, expecially it’s impossible for those who eat a lot...” Sungyeol tried to explain that to Myungsoo and at his last words eyed Dongwoo, since he really ate a lot usually. Probably right after he would get back to class another chocolate bar would be stuffed into his mouth or something like that. If only he wouldn’t be dancer, he probably would weight ton already.
„Whatever..” He murmured and continued to push vegetables with fork into his plate from one side to the other  when  he heard the ring that was a sign they had to be back in class already. Myungie pushed back his chair from the lunch table and stood up slowly, not feeling like rushing anywhere even if he didn’t want to be late for the class. Dongwoo, Kai and Sungyeol had already runned away, so there was no other choice, but to catch them up, since teached noticed them all sitting together earlier. He started to run after the other boys with wallet into his hand, squeezing it tightly, so it wouldn’t  fall out when suddenly  just when he turned around the corner Myung bumped into somebody with a loud noise. „Ughh~” He growled softly as he landed with his onto the ground.
The next thing he noticed was hand that was reached down for him and waiting for response. Usually no one didn’t felt sorry here for hurting others, but this guy was even helpful. He took the hand and Myungsoo was quickly pulled up again, taller male looking down onto him with worried eyes as he asked. „Are you okay? I didn’t see you, sorry...” Myungsoo only nodded silently, brushing off his from the dust before he finally looked up at the other boy. He was tall, obviously a little older than Myung since his features was a little more manly than Myungie’s chubby cheeks, which he really hoped would disappear one day. „I’m okay...” He muttered under his breath, while still looking up at the other. Something about his features catched Myungsoo’s attention. He was handsome, really handsome, but it was something else... Then his eyes slipped behind the taller male and he saw that other boys were disappeared into the class already, he let out a heavy sigh and looked at other male again. „It’s reall okay, don’t worry...” Myung nodded  and then noticed the other already parting his lips to tell or ask something, but he managed to slip behind him and add before he would disappear again. „I’m in rush, maybe let’s talk other time~” He gived a small smile to the other and started to jog to the class.

Kris was left there all alone again, confused and perplexed. He couldn’t find his class, since he was new into the school and just like other kids he wanted to rush to his own lessons, but if only he would know where the class was... There wasn’t any friends in the new school yet since it was his very first day, even thought he noticed that girls payed attention on him and guys for his own surprise didn’t push him away, but oposite... They clouded him over like bees and maybe even showed too much interest into the new student, not that he minded, but he wasn’t used to that at all. In every school he have learned before people payed much attention to his appearance, because he was tall and just outstanding with his look. People would call his face perfect, gorgeous, perfectly shaped. There was many people who wished they would look like Kris, but he was more than just a beautiful body. Kris was beautiful inside and outside. Even thought he didn’t seem to usually bother anyone with showing too much affection, he was sweet and caring. Kind and really smart. Only from his look people thought that he’s one of those highbrow persons. Maybe because he didn’t smiled a lot and just seemed fairly serious most of the time. Now he was standing still onto the same place he was before as his eyes followed the boy until he runned into the class and disappeared from Kris view. He blinked and looked down onto the floor. It was boy’s wallet, which obviously had fell out into the impact. He knew there was no where to rush anymore since he was really late already, so he bend down and picked it up, eyeing it up and down. He didn’t even had a chance to ask the boy’s name, the only thing he knew was that he was the most prettiest kid he have seen. Even he still seemed  a little childish from his features, there was something about him that caught Kris eyes. He had most adorable smile, he was sure about that, not only because kid had a pretty features, but when his lips formed into smile, cute dimples formed onto his cheeks and it would make melt any heart. „Yah, that kiddo is such a mess...” He mumbled to himself and slipped his wallet into his own bag, already starting to wonder the plan how he will give boy back wallet before that kid would need it. Then, when he was making his own way to secretary, so he could find out where he had his class now, a thought popped into his head and Kris stopped. He pulled boys wallet out again and opened it, his eyes scanning it’s content to check if there wasn’t anything that would tell his name. And for his luck...there was... Small grin appeared on Kris lips as he muttered to himself. „Kim Myungsoo...” He read the name and kept it into his head as he placed wallet back in bag and went to secetary to find out everything he needed now.

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i love your foreward :D
epicbabo951 #2
Chapter 4: omg gosh this story is really good. update soon please author nim!