You know me so well... Chapter 7.

Can i tell you a secret? I love you...

„No, i will stay here....” He whined while looking up in Kai’s eyes as he was fixing Myungsoo’s scarf just before they had to leave for bus, which would lead them to city center, where they all was suppose to meet. Kai unlike many other people never got annoyed of Myungsoo’s whining, he find it either way amusing or adorable, sometimes it was even mix of both of them, just like now. 

„Idiot, you will send me alone to double date?” He continued to smile, which soon turned out to be a soft laugh as Myungsoo’s face expression turned out to be even more painful than it was before.

„Say i’m sick and couldn’t come....” He looked up at Kai with big pleading eyes and even faked a small pout onto his lips, which of course was a good try, but still didn’t melt Jongin’s heart enough to let Myungsoo off so easily.

„Then we can just all come to your place and watch a movie~” He suggested with a small smirk and then with a playful tone added. „I don’t think they will mind...”

„How about, if my sickness is something that could stick to others as well...?” He asked with a small smile as if the idea would be really good, and in Myungsoo’s opinion it really was, but obviously he was the only one who thought like that.

„And how about no?” Kai rolled his eyes playfully and turned Myungsoo around, pushing him towards door as it was perfect timing to leave now.

„Aish, why you are so mean? I thought you love me...” He tilted his head back and blinked innocently with a small smile as Myungsoo just tried to fit in his stupid role right now. They looked so fake together. Like really, Myungsoo and either Kai was sure it would be good if they wouldn’t kill each other until end of the date.

„In your dreams, idiot...” He laughed softly. „Now move or i will kick your ...” He warned and since Myungsoo knew really well that Kai would actually do it he opened the doors and slomped outside of his flat, making offended expression as he watches Kai walking out before closing and locking the door.


Boy would still keep the same expression on his face as they would stand face to face in bus, there was no place to sit and they were pressed so close to each other it was almost hard to breath, but thankfully soon enough people started to leave the bus one by one, thought they didn’t move.
„What, are you offended on me now?” Kai smiled at the boy and even if Myungsoo still wanted to keep his act well and stay with the same expression as if he would be mad, he failed as corners of his lips slightly twitched and a small smile almost curled his lips before he averted his gaze. „Yah, you better be a good actor when the time will come...~” Kai said and moved his hand to ruffle Myung’s hair, watching them go perfectly back in place afterwards.

„I will try my best, you know that...” He softly muttered, nuzzling his neck more into scarf as Myungsoo kept his eyes down onto floor, not even noticing that they had to get out in next stop.

„I know, i know...” Kai softly muttered and let out a heavy breath past his lips as he shaked his head and moved back a little. „Come, we have to get out in next stop...” He said and reached his hand back for Myungsoo, so he would make sure that he will actually get out and not stay in bus, which he could like already expect from the boy.

Myungsoo was being childish as he actually observed that thought about not getting out with Kai, but he wasn’t a kid anymore and it wasn’t a car, where he could sit until his parents would come and get him out. This time it was a lot different, so he slowly reached out his hand and with a lot of hesitating took Kai’s then moving closer to the other and sticking to his back as if they would be glued together.

„I believe in your acting skills, Myungsoo...” Kai said as he held the boys hand tightly after they got out of bus and made their way towards the place where they were suppose to meet. It was in city center, next to clock, which was actually a really popular place for couples to meet up, the only difference was that they actually wasn’t a couple. As Myungsoo and Kai made their way towards the place he could already see from afar two tall males standing next to each other and talking, he saw Chanyeol smiling and chuckling happily as they got closer and Myungsoo again felt the same sting of a pain in his heart. It was jealousy.  He couldn’t help himself, but just feel that way whenever anyone would get Yifan’s attention more than he did, but he would keep caring the victim no matter how much it would take.

As they got closer, Chanyeol suddenly clapped his hands together happily and quickly skipped closer to boy as he hugged Myungsoo. „YOU CAME!” He happily exclaimed as if even Chanyeol would be surprised that he did and honestly it was suprprise for himself, so what kind of reaction he could even expect from others. When Chanyeol would pull back and bow slightly to Kai as they weren’t close enough to hug, he went after Yifan, tugging on his hand to pull him closer to other couple.

„Obviously, you know how to surprise people...” Kai grinned widely as he didn’t even dare to look at Myung, keeping his gaze straight to front as he really felt amused now.

„Shut up already...” Myungsoo nudged other right before Chanyeol interrupted once more, looking at everyone with a wide smile as he excitedly was craving to go somewhere.

He felt his heart starting to beat soundly, accelerating it’s pace as his eyes met with Yifan’s, it seemed like he wasn’t going to break the eye contact, so Myungsoo did, feeling how blush creeped up his cheeks, which he this time successfully hided by hunging his head. He just felt alive, knowing that he was here, that he still cares Myungsoo and that he still...he still miss the boy he loved before. It made a warm feeling form inside his body, it made his stomach flutter from all the butterflies inside it and it made Myungsoo remember the feeling of how it was to be in love.  For a short moment he glanced back up at the other, seeing him smirking and then bited his lip softly before Myungsoo forced his attention on conversation, which he didn’t even knew when, but had turned in really uncomfortable situation.

„It’s really weird that you both have such a scars...” Chanyeol wondered outloud as he looked at Kai and then back at Yifan.


„Ah, well, just a stupid coincidence, that could happen...” Myungsoo interrupted as he felt a bit nervous about this topic. Kai knew that he wouldn’t bring up the topic, but Kris didn’t knew their plan, so the best they could hope for was for him to play along or don’t say a word. Myungsoo saw the deep frown that appeared on Yifan’s forehead after his words and he just slightly shaked his head as their eyes met again, Myung couldn’t ruin everything on their first date already, not when it haven’t even started yet.

„Yeah, you’re right...” Chanyeol swinged his head a little as he this time didn’t really seem to believe Myungsoo’s lies, but it was the best thing he could say at the moment.

Myungsoo saw that Yifan was about to say something, as he never looked away from the taller male, so he quickly interrupted and managed to patter the words first. „Kai, got his bruises during practice, it’s just normal for a dancer. I’m glad it wasn’t something more serious like injury...” He then looked up at his ‘boyfriend’ and offered a soft smile to Kai, giving his hand a light squeeze before he suddenly felt his heart...his mind and every part of his body being distracted as he heard Yifan’s somewhat deep and really attractive voice.

„You better be careful, who knows what can happen...” Even if he said the words with a smile on his lips the three of them knew very well how he actually meant to say them, through the flowers he just warned Kai to be careful or it may end badly next time.

Myungsoo nodded his head slowly as if he was the one who should be careful, and for some reason he started to wonder what Yifan had told about scars to Chanyeol, didn’t he ask? Boy couldn’t believe it, so he was really curious, but since he didn’t want to risk with anything Myungie kept silent.

„So, let’s go to cafe? I thought that we should warm up with something  before taking walk or anything...” Chanyeol offered with a smile and as everyone seemed to agree with that he started to lead the way towards the cafe he and Yifan had choosed before.

The thing he noticed wasn’t where they were going or what Kai said to boy, but his eyes was glued to the couple in front of them, scanning the way they acted around each other and if there even was any skinship between Kris and Chanyeol already. It was a heart warming feeling as they seemed to stay close by each others side, but still didn’t hold their hands or anything like that, it just made Myungsoo brighten up in happiness.

„Yah, are you even listening to me?” Kai smiled at Myungsoo before he looked up at the other and shaked his head.

„No, i have better things to do...” Myung smiled playfully at the other and sticked out his tongue childishy towards Kai as he chuckled.

„Psh, not hard to guess with what you’re being busy...” He rolled his eyes playfully, keeping the smile on his lips. „..You creepy little stalker...” Kai joked and chuckled louder this time, catching Chanyeol’s and Yifans attention for a moment before with a soft smile they payed attention to their own conversation again.

Soon enough they arrived to the cafe they had planned to come, it was a silent place, the music wasn’t loud, but just in nice volume as there was playing some romantic and pretty slow ballad type of songs. It wasn’t a small and crowded place, but the space that cafe took was actually pretty big and there actually was a really nice design and atmosphere, it was place that Myungsoo would usually imagine in his mind, where tablecloths were pearl while and they would really nicely look with the fancy furniture, and table decors. It seemed like the owner had thought about everything from top to the bottom, and even if the place looked really expensive it wasn’t really like that as the prices was good, since the cakes and all the offered snacks looked amazingly tasty and cute at the same time.

„I really like this place...” Myungsoo softly muttered as he continued to wander his eyes around the place, the words he more like muttered for himself, but Yifan who was standing in line just in front of the boy had heard them and softly smiled.

Actually this place wasn’t choosen by Chanyeol, he also haven’t been here before, but Kris was the one who convinced him to come here as he said this was amazing place and he never really had time to go there as often as he wanted to and after those words of course he gived in to his offer to make the other happy, but the truth was that Yifan had time to come here whenever he would like to, it’s just that he always had wanted to take Myungsoo on a date here, because he knew what he liked,  what he loved and yes, he knew everything about the boy and he was sure he would like this place. „I knew you would...” He then said just above whisper before turned back to see what he wanted to take. 

Every look he earned from Yifan, every word he heard made Myungsoo fall in love with the elder again and again, as if it would never end. He felt a little bit shy as other had heard his words, but he wouldn’t be as shy if he wouldn’t have heard the reply that Kris give to him. Why did he knew the boy so well and remembered everything so good even after all this time, it just made Myungsoo crazy...crazy in love with the other.

They choosed a table for four people next to a window in place where wasn’t many people around, in fact there was only few and it pleased their minds as the atmosphere was actually pretty romantic and private, if you could say that. They all felt free around each other, even if Myungsoo thought he would be tense and stiff, it wasn’t like that at all, they joked around and just talked freely and openly about things. While slowly sipping on their lattes, hot chocolate or whatever each of them was drinking they didn’t even notice the moment it started raining outside and that meant that they would have to put the walk through the park for another day. They didn’t even notice how quickly time passed when they all were together, it just flyed away and no one didn’t even notice that another hour passed and it turned dark outside already, that rain had stopped a while ago already, it’s only when Kai looked into his clock and widened his eyes he softly whispered to Myungsoo that he should go, because it will take a while until he will get to flat and do his homeworks.

„Stay over at my place today...” He said, keeping his voice quiet as he leaned closer to the other. „You left your bag there anyway and it would really take a lot of time to go after it and then back to your apartment..” Myung smiled and playfully tapped tip of Jongin’s nose as he said. „Don’t worry so much, i’m fine with that...”

Inside he felt like he was going to explode, stand up right now and punch Kai’s face once more as if it wasn’t enough already. Yifan felt a sting of jealousy in his hear t as he heard what Myungsoo said to the other, the spark in his eyes the playfulness boy had, he hated it all, because it wasn’t he who received all that affection and attention from Myungsoo. But the thing he didn’t knew was that boy wasn’t so happy and cheerful because Kai was beside him, it was because of Kris, who had made him laugh so much this evening and who had been so nice, Myungsoo didn’t even felt jealous, because there was nothing to be jealous about. Yes, Chanyeol and Kris was sitting closer to each other, but that was it, there was nothing more, he joked with everyone and just felt good, once in a while he really felt good.


Then when they all decided that it was time to end their double date and split they left the cafe after paying for everything and headed towards the main street where not far for it they met each other earlier.

„Kai, are you busy on Wednesday?” Chanyeols question suddenly surprised him and with a slow motion he shaked his head in confussion.

„No, no no i don’t think i’m busy, why? You need help with anything?” He questioned with his eyebrows slightly furrowed together as he looked at the other.

„Yes, of course. Since we didn’t have a chance to take a walk today, you two totally owe me it.” He chuckled and nudged Myungsoo, which eyes was also now widened as he softly clearned his throat.

„Ah, well we...” He slowly started to stutter. „..we don’t want to mess your date again...” He slowly finished his sentence and looked at Kai with corner of his eyes as he knew the boy would laugh about him now if they would be alone and indeed he saw Kai smiling widely already.

Honestly Kai wanted to facepalm and mentally he actually did. He would never guess that Myungsoo would actually try his lame excuses, which yeah, indeed was lame.The only thing Kai was surprised about was that this time it wasn’t Yifan who suggsted the date, but it was Channie.

„Stupid, you make it more fun. And we will find our time to spend it alone, don’t worry. So it’s set. Wednesday at the same place and at the same time.” He smiled bightly at the two and then nudged Myungsoo’s side again. „We could make a double date once in a week or once in two weeks, it’s really fun~” He suggested and for the first time since they left cafe Myung heard Yifan talking again.

„I think once in a week isn’t something too much to ask, after all, you two even have nights to spend together...” He said almost coldly and Myungsoo knew that he have heard their conversation earlier and he could swear, he saw that jealous glam in others eyes as he looked at Kris over his shoulder for a short moment. He felt bad after his words, but they were just friends and nothing more...if only he could say that to other.

„Then it’s a deal, once in a week we will meet up!” Chanyeol said and then with a bright smile returned next to Kris side. They both looked good together, perfect height for a couple and they both were also handsome and sweet, no one couldn’t deny, just that there wasn’t that spark yet.

Saying last ‘goodbyes’ to each other Yifan and Chanyeol went to one bus stop when Kai and Myungsoo walked to another one. Actually Kris had to get to the same place where Myungsoo and Kai had to, just that he walked Channie to his stop and waited until he would step into bus as it was the last thing he could do to make boy feel special, since he couldn’t really show any affection or anything else yet. The thing that Myungsoo didn’t knew was that Yifan was living not far away from him, just that they never had runned into each other, but it was only question of time. Time will show everything...


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i love your foreward :D
epicbabo951 #2
Chapter 4: omg gosh this story is really good. update soon please author nim!