Chapter 2. To be in love. Part. 1

Can i tell you a secret? I love you...

 Weeks...months and years passed as Myungsoo continued to think of Kris, but he seemed to never come back. Not that he stopped to love the elder, but Myung just started to lose hope if he will see Yifan ever again. That year it was Myungsoo’s time for graduation, he finally looked rather manly, just that his chubby cheeks, he hated so much, didn’t seem to disappear fully. He had grow up. And now it was time for him to fly away for better school, since his parents thought it would be a waste to keep boy in small town, Myungsoo had a great head after all. While sitting into plane he lost his last piece of hope that was weakly lingering into his heart for a long time now, hope that he would meet his lover again. He was going away, even if Kris would suddenly come back home, Myung wouldn’t be there anymore. It was all useless... All those nights he cried and tried to make himself believe that Kris would come back, it was all useless...

But Myung didn’t knew one important thing, which his parents knew... They didn’t send their son to just any school, but they choosed one specific high school, with high rank and in one current town. Maybe Myungsoo thought that he haven’t changed after Kris left him alone, but people from the side knew what was happening inside of the boy and his parents knew it better than anybody else and that’s why they had to make a hard decision of where to send their only loved son. They never explained to Myungsoo why they choosed that school and he never did understand either, because there was a plan, a surprise they were planning for a long time and it just couldn’t be ruined.

Now when first weeks of the school had passed Myungsoo had got closer to one boy, Chanyeol, that not only from his looks seemed to be really handsome, but he was also sweet and funny and just really positive. Not really much common to himself, at least he thought so. Boy was really tall and rather slim, but even he really was pretty, in this town he wasn’t anything outstanding. But even how much he hated it, people still payed way too much attention on Myungsoo. He wasn’t even prettier than his friend, why people had to stare so obviously at him. Wasn’t that impolite? He wasn’t sure, but however, it wasn’t biggest problem in his eyes. Myung just tried to focus on his studies and if there was a free time he just liked to hang out with Kai. Boy decided where to learn at last moment, so they both didn’t even had an idea that they could still be so close to each other. Of course Kai lived onto the other side of the city, but it was still much closer than his hometown.

That morning they didn’t had first two lectures, but since they find it out only after their arrival to school, boys decided to find just some nice cafe where they could sit outside and enjoy the sunny day. It wasn’t really close to their school, but there was enough time to wander around the city. Chanyeol and either Myungsoo ordered a hot cup of black tea with lemon and small piece of cake, which seemed really tasty from it’s looks. They choosed one of the tabeles that was in part of the cafes garden territory and placed everything down there. Until now they had talked  about everything, because Myungsoo somehow felt really close with the other boy from the very start, as if he could already call Channie his best friend. He knew every part of Myung’s life, except the most important thing... Kris and everything that happened around then. Myungsoo had only told Chanyeol he loved and still love somebody, but he never mentioned the name or anything else, that was topic he tried to avoid the most. But unlike Myung, Chanyeol told everything about his life and every crush he have had, even on who he have crush now. „He’s tall and he have really pretty hair, that light sand color, it really fits him. You can’t even imagine.” He snickered and took a small sip or his hot tea. With a smile Myungsoo listened to the other, feeling really curious about how Chanyeol’s crush would look like. „The best thing is, that he lives in my town now, well at least now... I didn’t notice him earlier, but first time i noticed him was like...three years ago? I don’t remember that exactly.” With a light frown appearing onto his forehead, he tried to remember it, but since time have passed, it wasn’t that easy. „However, we have never talked before. He’s older than i am, even if i think it’s only few years difference, but if i like somebody it just doesn’t matter you know...” Myung slowly nodded his head in agreement, since he exactly knew how it was to be in love. „Now when i’m learning in university, i feel like old enough to confess finally. You don’t know, how i feel, but i really like him and it’s not because he’s just really handsome, but there is something more. For the first time i like somebody so much, so i hope something will happen between us.” He smiled and small smile appeared onto Myung’s lips as well. „I’m sure if you will go to him and just be yourself, he will fall for you in second.” Chuckling softly, he offered another sweet smile to his friend. „Chanyeol, you are a great guy and i bet he will notice that too, just i hope you haven’t found some jerk that don’t deserve you.” Quickly and really eagerly Chanyeol shaked his head. „No NO NO NO, he seems the sweetest person i have seen, even if i don’t know him, just from his look and eyes he seems kind and just gorgeous....” Yeol chuckled, because from the side he probably sounded like crazy teenage girl. „I know some of his friends and when i asked, they said he’s single. Isn’t that AWESOME? I’s a great chance for me! I can’t be sure about that, but even if his friends says that he haven’t dated anyone in this town, it could happen that he’s single, right? It’s really hard for me to find someone in my height, but he just...  he just seem perfect to me...” When Myungs eyes met Chanyeols he could clearly see the happiness and love that was overflowing into his eyes. He really was into that guy, he could clearly see that. „I’m sure for you people wouldn’t mind leave their boyfriends or girlfriends, even if they had one...” He joked with a light chuckle. „Anyway, if you need my help with something, i’m up for it!” Myungie nodded his head in aproval of his words and placed a small piece of cake into his mouth, slowly chewing onto it with a hum. „Thank you, i’m sure i will need your help with something.” Yeollie nodded, wide smile still forming his lips as he obviously couldn’t stop think about his crush. Myung pushed back his chair and stood up then. „I will be right back..~” He said and turned to walk to the bathroom. Right after he left, Chanyeol took another sip of his tea when suddenly someone stopped at their table, throwing a shadow over him. Slowly he lifted his eyes up from  the table, after placing his cup back onto it, to look up at the stranger. At that moment his eyes widened in the size of spoon, as if they wasn’t big enough already. It was Chanyeols crush, the man he and Myungsoo had talked about this whole time. Have he heard something? He really hoped that no, or maybe it would be just good...? No, he probably would look like sick stalker. „Hey, i wanted to ask you something, if you don’t mind...” Male said and his hand reached down into his pocket to pull out something. „S-sure, what is it?” Yeol stuttered out shyly and streightened himself into the chair as he curiously watched others moves. As letter was reached out in his direction, he blinked in confussion. „Can you please give it to Myung?” He asked and handed the letter to Chanyeol, after boy nodded his head. „Thank you, really. And may i ask in which school you learn?” He asked and leaned down slightly to clearly hear the name of the university, since it was really important for him. Since this was the first time they actually talked, Chanyeol couldn’t help himself, but stutter almost at each word, which made him feel really stupid. Once again, the stranger thanked to the boy and left as quickly as he appeared after he had find out the name of the university. Letting out a heavy sigh he watched his crush disappearing between all those people and because of that he didn’t even notice the moment Myungsoo came back, so as boy started to talk, he jumped slightly. „Yah, you still can’t stop thinking about him?” He chuckled and took the sip of his tea when suddenly his eyes catched the letter into Chanyeol’s hands. „Y-Yes, he...nevermind...” Yeol cleared his throat and noticed Myung’s eyes on the letter. „It’s for you...” He said and placed the letter in front of Myungie, with a bit serious look. How did he knew Myungsoo’s name? Why the letter? That didn’t made sense at all... „For me?” He chuckled and took the letter, opening the convert slowly and pulling out the paper. His heart missed a beat, his eyes widened and felt like tearing up in any second when his hands unfolded the paper. He haven’t even start to read when Myungie already knew who wrote it...

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i love your foreward :D
epicbabo951 #2
Chapter 4: omg gosh this story is really good. update soon please author nim!