Love is painful. Chapter 5.

Can i tell you a secret? I love you...

Myungsoo’s eyes still followed the other as he walked away, but not only his eyes, but also his every thought and even his heart had disappeared along with Wu Yifan.  If only Myungsoo could change everything now... If only he could say what he actually wanted to.
He didn’t return to school that day, not even in next one, Myungsoo stayed in flat alone. He had searched the bag with letters Kris had gived to him in all this time and now readed them again, one by one, breaking himself inside even more as he did. But he missed the other...anything about him. His scent, touch, voice...anything. And since the letters were everything that he had left from Yifan, Myungsoo just drowned himself into them, not even saying anything to Kai or even Chanyeol, so they would know he’s still alive and fine... Even if he wasn’t fine at all. He honestly didn’t want to meet Chanyeol, in all this time it was first day when he didn’t want to see the boy anymore, he just wanted to hate himself and Channie at the same time, for loving the same person. 
Myungsoo knew it was worse now, even worse than it was before, because Kris thought, that he is together with Kai, and what could be worse than that, if the one you love for years is suddenly taken...




„I’m sorry...” Kai whispered to boy as they walked down the silent street, not even taking the bus as they both knew the convertation was too private and Myungsoo could catch too much attention by his sudden emotion change after he would hear the reason of the fight. They had got out of hospital not long ago, they had to take care of Kai and make sure he will be fine and that there is nothing seriously injured, but during the time he watched his friends’s face get cleaned up all Myungsoo could think about was...if Kris would be fine. Did he taked care of himself? Myungsoo hoped that he wouldn’t be worse than Kai. Anyhow, now when they both were side by side walking to the flat, Kai knew he had to tell, and he also knew that Myungsoo wouldn’t ask, the boy have been looked dead since the moment Yifan left them both in front of academy. 
„It wasn’t my fault, but Yifan just got it wrong...” He tried to start again, couldn’t really find the right words  to start with, since he had to find the best way to explain the situation and not hurt the boy even more.
„He wanted to punch me already from the first glance, because i stealed you from school the other day already, he already came angry to school and i couldn’t help, but to start protect myself. With words at first of course...” He cleared his throat softly before starting again. „You know i wouldn’t hurt him in the first place and i thought he wouldn’t hurt me either, just happened that way...” Kai let out a heavy sigh, looking down onto dark haired boy next to him, which now was at least looking forward and now down onto ground., but still avoiding Kai’s eyes. „I invited him to talk about side about it, since he of course wouldn’t step back and keep questioning me about the day i took you away from school and i would keep explaining my best, but he really pissed me off and then i guess i should have just stayed quiet...” He let out the last words as a mutter.
„W-what...” Myungsoo muttered inaudibly. „What did you yell...” For his own surprise he had breaked the silence between them and now was curiously waiting for an answer, looking up at Kai with his red, puffy eyes as his eyes were like that from crying.
„I just tried to explain, he should step away from you, that you don’t belong to him anymore and it just happened that way that he belong to me now...” He said and looked back down at Myungsoo, with a sad look.  „Kris thinks...i am your boyfriend.” Kai said the last words Myungsoo should hear and everything he had to know was told, at least he thought so. He knew why Yifan reacted like that, he knew why he cried and was willing so much to hear the answer from Myung. Everything was clear now, but it was too late already, it was too late to explain how it was and maybe it was better for him to think it that they were together, it was better..for who? Two people were breaking now when he was making happy his friend, that was price for his friends, Myungsoo was basically putting on the game everything he had...




That day, after Myungsoo had finished to read over all the letters ,he carefully, as if he would caress a puppy, as if he would hold a dimond in his hands he folded them all back and left onto table near couch, lying down on his side again as he was tired, tired from all the crying and thinking about Kris, thinking of what thay had and what he didn’t get.  Myungsoo now closed his eyes and let himself dream or how it could be if they would be together now, if everything would be different... He soon fell asleep, his tired body taking the precious sleep all he needed, since he slept until next day’s early morning, when Myungsoo felt that someone shaked him, frowning at the feeling.  „Myung, wake up...” He heard Kai’s soft voice as he tried to wake up the sleeping boy and soon enough Myung did open his eyes, knowing that it was stupid Jongjin, who wouldn’t let him rest anyway. „Aish, Myungsoo you have to get up, you can’t stay home anymore...” He scolded the boy and Myung could only let out a whine, hiding his face into his arms as he exhaled deeply.
„Go away...” He mumbled into the cloth as Myungsoo really didn’t want to leave his flat even in case he would have to starve himself. He didn’t want to meet anyone, expecially the one’s he knew and probably they were still talking about the fight in school, it irrated him so much he would just prefer to stay home.
„Fine, of course. It will be better if they will call your parents Myungsoo and then your parents will call Yifan.Huh? Is that what you want?” Kai sitted down onto couch with a groan, leaving Myungsoo speachless after those words. Kai really was right... Again...As always.
He needed to attend his lessons, just so his parents would think he’s still going well, otherwise he would have to face so much more problems again, and he didn’t want that.
„You should have start with that...” He mumbled and sitted up onto couch, rubbing his eyes as he yawned. 
„Good thing you got up so early, i thought it would take much longer... ” He suddenly smirked and ruffled Myungsoo’s hair. „Good boy. Now get ready while i make you breakfast.” He chuckled and stood up, already taking few steps in direction of kitchen before he takes one last glance over his shoulder at Myung and add’s. „By the way, you look horrible...” Kai smirked and at the last moment managed to disappear out of Myung’s sight as pillow was throwed in his direction, following with a death glare.
„Idiot...” Myungsoo mumbled under his breath as he slowly got himself up and made his way to the bathroom, to take care of himself, which he haven’t done last few days and it was pretty obvious. He really looked horrible, so he took a shower, fixed his hair perfectly and then when he looked like a human finally Myungsoo was ready to eat the delicious breakfast Kai had made during the time he was getting ready. Maybe at first he really regreted giving his friend the key to his apartment, but now it didn’t seem so bad anymore, he actually didn’t knew what he would do without Kai.

Since Kai really had thought of everything they had enough time to go to school, not take a bus and Myungsoo was happy, because he had a lot to say to the other. This time it was his turn to talk.

„Hey, i know you feel bad, but...” Kai started to talk, but Myung suddenly interrupted him, not letting to even continue as he hissed softly.
„I’m sorry...” Boy started. „Sorry for putting you on danger all this time, bothering you when you could actually have fun and making you suffer when you shouldn’t...” He looked up at Kai’s handsome face, which now was ruined by bruise on his cheek, which still looked horribly red and his lip, that was obviously injured as well. Myungsoo felt so guilty about it all, he needed to do something. Even if it was slightly cold and that was the reason he had his hands burried into the jackets pockets, Myungsoo pulled his right hand out of the warm cloth and searched for Kai’s hand, taking it softly as it seemed even more warm now, the heat that exploded from the other making Myungsoo warm as well. „Thank you for being here, with me when i need you.  And protecting me, and taking care of me... really thank you Kai.” He smiled softly and saw the others lips forming in smile as well as he looked down at Myung now, giving his hand a small squeeze. „And i’m not angry for what you said to Yifan, it was his fault, i hope you understand.” He said and then with a small sigh added. „Kris was right. If we were meant to fall in love and be together, our hearts will find their way back together, if no then we should just be like this. And after all, i still have such a handsome boyfriend now.~” He chuckled playfully once in a long time and made Kai smile, not only because of his words, but because he saw that it was easier for Myungsoo now, to let go the pains and cling to all the useful things. He did a good job and for some reason Kai wanted to thank himself for being such a good support.
As they arrived to Myungsoo’s school he still didn’t let go of his friends hand as he looked up at Kai then with a small smile. „Thank you again, let’s meet up later on today...” He smiled and then quickly leaned up to softly peck the bruise on Kai’s cheek as if he could kiss the pains away. „Be safe.” Boy said softly as was about to pull away when Kai tightened his grip on others hand again. „Believe me Myung, this is nothing if i compare what you are going through...” He said and then let go of Myung’s hand, with a small smile starting to walk away as Myungsoo slowly turned around and entered the school then. Well, he was hurt...he was somewhat dead inside, but those wasn’t physical pains, that was the difference. With a small smile stretching his lips Myungsoo then went to his class, almost ignoring every look around him, except the one he haven’t seen for even longer, the look and person he would even gladly avoid. Chanyeol.
„MYUNGSOO!” He exclaimed almost too lodly and happily when he saw the boy, pulling him down in free seat next to himself as he didn’t even bother to ask anything. „Where have you been for so long? I have so much to tell you! YOU WON’T BELIEVE YOUR EARS!” He started to patter the words like a crazy fangirl and Myungsoo really started to feel curious what could make Chanyeol so happy, he haven’t seen other so excited since he told about Yifan, or in others words saying...his big crush. Myungsoo sighed before taking out of his bag his notebook and everything else he would need, already opening his mouth to answer when he got cutted off. „I was...” He started, but Chanyeol didn’t even seem really interested, as if he just asked to talk even more. Why to even bother others and ask if he’s not actually interested? Myungsoo exhaled deeply then again, he should have been used to this already, why couldn’t he still remember that there was no use to even open his mouth or nod when Chanyeol had something to tell. Badly, but Myungsoo didn’t get to hear what he had to say, because teacher started lesson and he didn’t get to know even in next break, because there was something else he needed to do, so lunch time had already started when Chanyeol was finally ready to tell everything. As Myung could expect he was stil excited about it all, the reason must be really something, Myungsoo thought.
„You can’t even imagine what happened like few days ago, three to be exact...” He started to tell as they sitted down to one of the tables with food on their plates already. „I was late for school that day, overslept, but that time i really seemed to be the most amazing thing in whole world. I was runnning to school already, rushing really quickly as i thought i would even be late for second lesson as well, but then i suddenly runned into guess who?” CHanyeol questioned happily, he haven’t even started his food yet as he was to busy with telling the story about day when Myungsoo just wanted to disapper from earth.

„Well, it could be our teacher?” He asked while placing a vegetable in his mouth and then felt his forehead was flicked.
„Idiot, that wouldn’t be such an amazing day then!” He frowned slightly and faced a small pout on his lips as Chanyeol really tried to look offended on his friend that he couldn’t guess the person.
Then Myungsoo strated to sort out everything in his head, it just happened automatically, even if he wasn’t so interested to get to know who the person was, it just happened that way. He also left school after first lesson, it was already start of the second one, if Chanyeol wasn’t in front of school by then yet, in who could he have runned into? Person who would make him happy... Yifan. He left just before Myungsoo did, it had to be him, who else.  Myungsoo for a moment stopped to swallow his food as for a moment he looked death again, the feelings from that day taking over him once again before he finally said. „Yifan, am i right?” He asked and started to eat again, to fill him up in some way, because otherwise he would drown himseld in saddness again.
„YES YOU’RE RIGHT!” Chanyeol shouted almost louder than anyone else in cafe, his smile wider than ever before as he obviously was thinking about that moment again. „You won’t believe what happened then. ” He calmed himself for a short moment before started to talk again. „He was obviouly crying for some reason, who knows why, but i just had to use the situation and you know how shy i am, but i...i asked him out!” He grabbed Myung’s hand then and shaked the boy softly. „Myung, i did it!” He said and overflowed with happiness, which you could not say about Myungsoo, who tried his best to just not stand up and leave without explaining.
„Really? Well...uh, congratulation...” He smiled at Chanyeol and when Myungsoo would look in his friends eyes he would see the true happiness, the love in his eyes. He just wasn’t ready to take it away from Chanyeol, he would never be ready for that.
„Could have expected to see you more happy, but you haven’t heard everything yet, so hold on...” He cleared his throat then and moved around a little on his seat as He stared at Myungsoo. „He didn’t even hesitated for long, but agreeded to our date. And when i asked where and when we could meet, he said that after few days he had a free time and we could meet then. Of course i would be happy to spend any time with him, so i of course said ‘yes’ as you can expect, but then he told me something i would have gladly heard from you Myungsoo ...” Channie said as he gived his friend another offended look, leaving Myungsoo really confused now. What could Yifan say to him? Could that be and he have told something to Chanyeol? No way, he wouldn’t be like that now in that case, he would probably be totally crushed in that case...
„Well...uh, i...” He slowly started to stutter, but what could Myung say when he didn’t even had a thought about what Kris could have said to Chanyeol? Thankfully, this was the actually first time when he was so happy that Chanyeol didn’t let him talk any further and interrupted again.
„Yah, i thought i’m one of your best friends here and you couldn’t tell me that you’re together with Kai?” To keep himself looking busy Myungsoo had started to eat again, but Chanyeols words almost made him choke, so he drinked water really quickly before looking at the other in disbelieve. THAT IDIOT.  He have even said that to Chanyeol...How could he patter that non existing fact around so easily. Or probably he didn’t knew yet it was ‘non – existing fact’... But wait, why would even Yifan bring that up? „Anyhow, he suggested that we should make a double date. Like, we both could go on date together, wouldn’t that be great? That’s the best idea i have heard!” He clapped his hands together happily and would expect the same reaction from Myungsoo, but boy with his eyes in size of spoon stared at Chanyeol in disbelieve. ‘HE HAVE SAID WHAT? GOD, I WILL KILL KRIS....’ Myungsoo thought as he swallowed down the fact and then nodded stiffly.
„Y-yeah, why not...” He muttered and sten nodded his head at the othesr plate. „Eat, the lesson will start in a moment...” He said and then started to eat again, wondering of how he will get out of all this, and what would even Kai say about that idea of them being a fake couple? Gosh, Myungsoo was in such a trouble now with his lies and everything he had tell to the other and everything he had done. How he was going to fix the situation? How he could even go on that date when there would be Kris, Chanyeol would sense the tense between them, ori n fact he probably wouldn’t notice, because all he would think about would be Kris. He sighed heavily and rest of the day would continue to just listen about that day, thinking of how he could avoid the date every single minute until the bell ringed and they had to get back to class...




A: Sorry for not posting anything for so long, but got sick and then school was eating me up and then brain concussion, well, i still have it, but i try to write since i have somewhat more time now. Hope i don't disappoing you ^__^ Please say what you expect and what you would like to expect from this story. :)) I would love to hear your opinion. ^_^

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i love your foreward :D
epicbabo951 #2
Chapter 4: omg gosh this story is really good. update soon please author nim!