Bleeding love. Chapter 4.

Can i tell you a secret? I love you...

        Another day filled with fears, saddness and of course emptiness... But Myungsoo promised himself to go to school and study hard, because he couldn’t skip lessons because of Kris. That would be just dumb. But from the other side, he was dumb enough already when he thought that it would be right to avoid him. He knew, better than anything else that Kris will be in school today again, just to see him and also, he knew with what it would end if Myungsoo would catch Yifans eyes, if he would feel his touch again... He would just go crazy, give up without blink of his eyes, just to get more of other. Ah, he should better get out of his head thought about giving up, because he wasn’t going to. Chanyeol should have a chance with Kris. If he really was into the other it should work, but maybe he would just make sure, he isn’t the one, which Myungsoo hoped for. What he would even do if they both would get together. Die. He would die inside. „You’re thinking about him aren’t you?” He heard others voice and felt Kai ruffling his well streightened hair. Myung looked at the other and twisted his lips a bit. It was a response already, Kai did understand his expressions really well. „It will be fine, trust me. I will stay here for now and if Kris will appear i will tell him everything he should know, okay?” „Yes, of course. Thank you~” Myung said and looked up at the other as they stopped in front of the academy.  „Now run to your class, i don’t want you to be late. ” He smiled playfully, since he really sounded like others mom and after he received back a soft smile from the other Kai nodded his head at the doors to give a sign he really should move. „See you soon then..” He said and left Kai alone, rushing to his class, since he didn’t want to be late and catch even more attention. „Myungsoo?” he heard his name was called out right after he entered the classroom. But for his own surprise it was his teacher. Myungsoo was a really good student, he didn’t have any problems with grades, why he should be called out so suddenly. Was it because he skipped this lesson yesterday? Myungsoo quickly payed his attention to the woman who was waiting for him to come over and quickly breaked the distance between them, going closer than he would usually, so teacher shouldn’t use a louder voice to talk with him, since he didn’t knew what was the topic. „I hope you feel better today. ” She started and cleared . „Ah, yes thank you. I feel bad about not being here yesterday thought. I will do my best to catch up.” He said and thought that it was all, when Myungsoo’s eyes widened. Something catched his attention, something that teacher was holding now. A letter. Not a simple one. Only from the way his name was writted onto it, he could tell from who it was. „Good, but that actually wasn’t the only thing i wanted to talk about with you. Someone came in today, a few minutes ago actually and give me this, asking if i could hand it to you, in case he wouldn’t have a chance to meet you in person.” She said and extended her hand, to hand boy the letter. „Thank you...” Myungsoo muttered and taked it. „Now take your seat, we will start in minute..” Myungsoo nodded once again and obeyed, slowly making his way to the back of the class, so he could read the letter without being catched by teacher. It  was a ‘deja vu’. Just like when he recived the very first letter from Yifan. When usually he would sit in front of the class, he took a seat at the end of it, just because he was too curious to wait until the end of the lesson. When he took the only free seat that was left at the end of the class, Myungsoo only then noticed that Chanyeol wasn’t here yet. He probably had slept too long and now he was late. Myungie looked down at the letter once again and let out a heavy sigh. Why did he hesitated about all this so much? Probably he didn’t want to know what’s inside of the letter, but being the curious cat, he ripped it open and pulled out the letter. 

[Are you feeling well? I’m worried Myungsoo... Worried not only about you and your health, but also because you left without saying a word. I don’t know where did you disappeared yesterday with Kai, i don’t even know if you knew i was waiting for you. But i did...Like an idiot. I really miss you Myungie. I want to see you really bad, but you should know that already. I will wait for you, no matter how much it will take, little...] At the moment he wanted to bang his head against the table really hard. Kris even remembered Myung’s nickname, which he used all those years ago. „I miss you too, you don’t even know how much...” Myung whispered to himself as he continued to stare at the paper, his eyes roaming around the drawings, only then noticing that this time there was also some texts with small letters in between them. ‘You are the star...’ He readed to himself and eyes the stars around the words afterwards. ‘Who light the way in my life...’ He found another line and continued to search for more. ‘You are the start of our love’ He saw the hearts, in bigger and smaller sizes, in different colors and shapes. ‘But there is no finish...’ With the last words he found, Myungsoo only wanted to bang his head against the table even harder, which he didn’t do of course, since he still was in his lesson. Ugh, of course there was no freaking finish for their love or was he going to make one? Was it even possible? What he was trying to prove? Only thing he could prove while being like this against Yifan is that he’s bigger idiot than everyone thinks already. Why Myungsoo’s thoughts were so against each other? It was making everything so much more difficult than it already was. He couldn’t think properly, his thoughts mixing together and making a big mess into his mind right now. Ugh, he couldn’t hate himself even more. He was miserable in every way. From the top to the bottom and from the inside and outside. ‘Pull yourself together Myungsoo...’ He thought to himself and finally folded back the letter, to place it into his bag. He had to get done with his thoughts and only then he could even talk with Yifan, give him some answers and just get closeer with him again. Myungsoo can’t steal Kai’s words and thoughts, he had to find his own, it should be his target for now. A good time of lesson had passed already and he didn’t want to stay back from the class, so Myungsoo started to write everything teacher said them to write down and keep in head. His head was stuffed already now, so Myungsoo was actually really afraid that he would not remember all this, he didn’t want to ruin his grades because of Yifan, not when he was so high. It’s only when he heard the ring, Myungsoo stopped to write and placed everything into bag, so he could faster leave the class. Kai had to be somewhere around in school and he would gladly meet the other and where else he could be if not in cafeteria, so Myungsoo walked straightly to there. But suddenly he noticed that people start to whisper around him, avert their eyes to tell something to their friends and some of them didn’t even bother to stay silent. „Did you see those two outside? Bad thing to ruin faces like that...” He heard two girls talking to each other as they passed him by. Probably another fight, Myung thought and didn’t paid much attention on that fact, but when he didn’t find Kai in cafe, he felt his heart accelerate it’s beat. Kai was suppose to be in school and Kris was going to wait for Myungsoo and where else he could do it if not in school. He suddenly cursed loudly without meaning to and as soon Myungsoo turned around on his heel, he started to run to the main doors. If they two were fighting now, why would they even. God, what he should do. Who to feel sorry for? Could he even appear when there was Kris? He runned as if he would run for his life and that’s how it actually was. He heard the bell and people seemed to get back into their classes already, but bunch of them still didn’t feel bothered continue to watch the fight in front of the school. Obviously people felt really entertained when Myungsoo get there. After he finally got outside, he throwed his bag aside and breaked throught the crowd. People start to leave one by one quickly, knowing they will get in trouble if teachers will find out. But Myungsoo didn’t care at all, that could be the less thing he could care about. Yifan had grabbed Kai by his collar and yongers face was already really ruined and bloody, but Kris wasn’t as handsome as usually too of course, Kai was strong and quick with his moves as well, they both really looked like actors from horror movies. „KRIS NO!” Myungsoo yelled and pushed himself in between the both males to avoid Kai getting another punch. He didn’t knew what was wrong, but Myungsoo was really sure that Kai couldn’t have done anything so wrong, so he would have to be treated like this. Also, Kris would never hurt Myungsoo, even if he promised to don’t hurt his friends as well, obviously he had breaked that promise. Yifan never wanted to hurt Myungsoo and hurting people who was important for him was hurting the boy, so he never dared to touch them before until now... Myungsoo had turned his head away and his eyes was squeezed shut as he thought Yifan wouldn’t stop his planned movement, but nothing did happen. „Myungsoo...” He could hear Yifan whispering his word and it made his heart flutter and gived most pleasant feelings he could get. Myung opened his eyes slowly then and saw that hand which was forming in fist not long ago had cupped his cheek softly. No, no no no...It was happening. He could feel his body begging for Yifans touch, he could feel his emotions raising high inside as if he could cry, because he couldn’t give into this, not yet. He slowly and with a lot of hesitating looked up into others eyes, which had widened a lot in surprise, but what he had done to his face. Bloods had obviously flow from his nose not long ago and there was bruises as well, there was so much things that didn’t belong to Yifan’s face. „Myungie, little... you’re here...” He whispered again and Kris lips started to form into smile of pure happiness, but also there was saddness...why did it suddenly seemed as a bitter smile? Wasn’t Myungsoo the one who was suppose to show that expression? „You idiots, of course i’m here! This is my school! What are you two thinking...” He felt his heart clenching and relaxing again, repeating it all over and over. He was on verge of tears again. ‘No, don’t cry, don’t cry...’ He repeated to himself in his thoughts, but in six years, even more than that, he finally saw Yifan. „Why this..? Look at yourself...” He felt himself let out a small sob as he looked at Kris face. He could remember about Kai’s presence there only when he felt his hand gripping Myung’s jacket on his back. „Ah, Kai...” Myungsoo quickly turned around to look at his friend and at the same time hide his tears. He felt his chest tightening  once more and without letting out a single sound he started to cry, just right there, in front of Kai and in front of Yifan, but thankfully he couldn’t see the tears that was wetting his cheeks, Yifan could only sense them.  „Myungsoo...” He could hear Yifans voice again. Why did it affected him so much? The way he said youngers word, the tone of his voice, just everything about him, Myungsoo missed it more than he thought he did. He tried to ignore it thought and bringed his trembling hand to Kai’s face, where his nose and lips were bleeding and it made the sight horrible. With his sleeve Myungsoo wanted to wipe it at least a little, but Kai didn’t seem worried about it now, all he could do was stare at boy who was breaking down just in front of him. What he was suppose to do ? He couldn’t pull Myungsoo away again, not now... With wide eyes Kai stared at the boy who even with blunt look throught his teary eyes continued to wipe Kai’s face. „I’m fine Myung, i’m fine...” He said and at that very moment when he was about to pull Myungsoo in his hands to give some comfort, Yifan had noticed it and with quick move he grabbed Myung’s hand and turned him back around, so boy would face him. He wanted to protest, but no words came over Myungsoo’s lips, all he could do is cry. His heart was crying, not only because of what they both have done to each other, but also because his lover was there, he was there again, after all this time, when Myung imagined and dreamed about him. He covered his face with both of his hands and didn’t really hold himself back anymore as he now cried with tears, sniffs and sobs. The next thing he knew was that he was being hugged against tall and strong body. He shouldn’t even open his eyes to tell it’s Kris. His scent, his voice, his hugs. Myungsoo loved everything about them and more. There was nothing he wouldn’t love about Yifan and that’s why he cried now, barely hearing his soft voice which whispered for Myungsoo that he’s here now.  But how could he be here, by his side again when he wasn’t able to anymore. He barely heard anything when a low growl escaped someone’s throat. Kai. „Did i not say to stay away from Myungsoo?” He said, no...he yelled at Yifan and of course he couldn’t leave it like that. „It wasn’t enough for you already you idiot? „ With a deep frown on his forehead Yifan hugged Myungsoo closer to his chest. „Can’t you just disappear? Not only from my but from Myungsoo’s eyes as well? Haven’t you noticed that you make him only cry? WASN’T SIX YEARS ENOUGH TO REALIZE THAT YOU HAVEN’T MADE HIS LIFE BETTER BUT WORSE?” Kai continued to yell, but while Yifan was still next to him, still hugging boy, all he cared about was them both. There actually wasn’t two of them. They were one. Shape of their bodies were perfectly matching in a perfect wave, making them just look as they were made for each other. Myung pressed his teary cheek against Yifans chest and inhaled the sweet scent of the other. The same scent which he had years ago already, the same sweet, but somewhat manly scent of Yifan. He couldn’t do anything as his tears stopped to flow and his heart was calm, so calm like never before.  It was effect elder left on him. He felt Yifan was ignoring Kai’s angry tone as well as he leaned down to boys ear and whispered softly. „I missed you, more than you will ever know...” And he would wait for reply that would say the same, but Myung didn’t said a word as he more would now enjoy the closeness and also, he had no idea of what he could say anyway. He still didn’t knew the reason of the fight anyway. But Kris felt...he knew something really wasn’t right and he could swear that this wasn’t reaction he would expect from Myungsoo. Was it right? The boy didn’t belong to him anymore? Kai? Would a person which he was able to think of as his friend would betray him and take the most important person away from his life? Kai wouldn’t fight if it wouldn’t be true, right? Was he right? Yifan guesses it was like that. Six years was long enough time to break anything they had...But for Myungsoo It just felt so good, everything about him, everything he did, well maybe not the thing that he pulled back with clenched fists. „Dare to say a word more and you will have no face..” He warned in such an angry tone, Myungsoo would be surprised at how angry Yifan would be now. His soft and light touched before didn’t give a sign that he would be angry, but obviously he was. „So it’s true, right?” He offered a sad smile to Kai and then looked down onto Myung again, who now had catched his eyes as well and with confused look digged into them. „I thought that you would stay with me no matter what... No matter how long we would have to be split from each other...No matter how big distance would be between us.” Myungsoo could see that Kris eyes would sadden with each word and he still was on verge to cry again, so it didn’t really help, but what he was saying... What did Kai said to him? What was happening? Tears started to linger in taller males eyes and Myungsoo would widen his own in surprise as he suddenly felt more worried. „That one year made me believe, that you could be the one, that you would stay with me even if we both were still a kids, i truly believed your promises when you said you would wait for me and what’s even worse... I believed that you truly loved me.” What? He could feel his own tears start to roll over his cheeks again and at the last moment before Yifan turned his gaze away and turned around, he saw that He was crying too. Myungsoo wasn’t leaving him, he wasn’t. He still loved Kris, but how he could say that when situation was like this. He didn’t said anything anymore to Myungsoo, his last words were for Kai before he left. „I guess that’s revard of being next to him all this time...”
        He could feel like every part of him had died a little again, just like when Yifan left him all those years ago, but this time it was more painful. Not because he was left alone again, but because it was all his fault and Myungsoo couldn’t deny he was the biggest idiot on whole earth.  He watched as with big steps Yifan walked yet runned away from the place they were standing just a little while ago. Myungsoo would bring his hand up to chest to grip the cloth tightly in place where his heart was when he felt a warm backhug from Kai. ‘I never breaked my promise, i never did and i never will Wu Yifan, but it’s better for you to don’t know, that i still love you.’

A: Sorry for taking so long, but this one is a long chapter and i hope it will please you after waiting for so long. And rn i'm so confused about fonts in aff. Have they changed? :// I can't find the old font for my story OTL

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i love your foreward :D
epicbabo951 #2
Chapter 4: omg gosh this story is really good. update soon please author nim!