Gossip. Chapter 8.

Can i tell you a secret? I love you...

A few days after their date, maybe two when Myungsoo went inside the school he noticed that stupid whispering beween people again, as if there would be another fight in front of school again, but there wasn’t any, he was sure since he just had came in through the main door. Anyhow, there shouldn’t be a reason for people to gossip around about him, he haven’t done anything surprising or anything that would be worth for gossip, at least he thought so until he heard girls talking next to their lockers, since their back faced Myungsoo and they didn’t see the boy comming they talked about it really freely, so Myung even stopped to hear.

„Yifan isn’t single, he have told my friend he have a boyfriend in his hometown...” One of the girls said to the other as she just tried to remember what lessons they have today and which of the books she will need.

„But he have been here for so long, no wonder why he’s cheating with Chanyeol...” The other simply said. And it was enough for Myungsoo to understand what they were talking about again, but then they spoke up once more and he stayed still to hear.

„No, that’s the thing. Haven’t you heard his name was Myungsoo? And the new boy in our school, his name also is Myungsoo, maybe they really are together, that would explain the fight...” Myungsoo slowly shaked his head as he quickly then passed by the girls, only hearing cursing behind him as they were really mad at themselfs for not being careful while talking.

Myungsoo entered the class, not looking at really anyone, just greeting the one’s who greeted him and sitting down in his spot, noticing that Chanyeol wasn’t here yet. Always being late for school... He let out a heavy sigh as he thought about what the girl had said to the other one. So Yifan did think of boy as his boyfriend, but when did they break up then? It means that it haven’t even happened yet... Myung twisted his lips a little as he felt bad for pulling Kai into this. Of course they spreaded those rumours about him as well as he was the one who now was ‘dating’ Myungsoo, fighting for him before in front of school. He wished that it would be possible to just stop lying to everyone and tell the truth, how he actually felt and how it was, not lie about every part of his life. It just had started, but he already felt sick of all those lies, knowing it was making everything even worse than better, but he just didn’t knew of what to do, Myungsoo just wanted to feel the same love again, forget about everything else and lose himself in his lovers touch just like before all those years. It just feels so wrong now...Everything he was doing. Acting, being fake, smiling and laughing when insead he should cry, because Kris wasn’t his anymore. He never really thought he was, Myungsoo had never really think about it that way, but more than anything else he was now sure about fact, that they weren’t together now and he didn’t knew if they will ever be together ever again. And it hurted, hurted to know he could fix everything with Yifan, so there wouldn’t be any more tears spilled over the other, but at the same time there would be everything ruined between him and Chanyeol, who just at that moment rushed into class panting, but with a wide smile on his lips. Of course he was smiling, because he had everything he wanted, but he guessed that’s how it happened in life. Not everyone get’s what they want, they just had to live further whatever would be their destiny.



The second date was here, and for Myungsoo it seemed like first one was just yesterday as he with disgust walked side by side with Kai to place where they all had to meet again. They didn’t talk much this time, because Kai was tired of practicing and Myungsoo just had a lot of things to think about at the moment. He wondered how Chanyeol haven’t heard any of those rumours yet, since he had to deal with them in every break and in every place in school, they had calmed down by now, but he was sure that everything would be up once again after their second date. It was useless to be careful, because someone always would notice, find out. It was just impossible to escape. Anyhow, Myungsoo was happy about fact Chanyeol was always busy with spazzing about Yifan or just was late for lessons, se he didn’t pay much attention on what happened around. He really was glad about it, thought no one couldn’t read it in Myungsoo’s face as he also looked exhausted and tired, even if he wasn’t. He was just sad and at the same time mad about fact they both had to waste their time now, to come on some silly date, when they could do more important things. But the thing he thought more about was how did Chanyeol and Kris spend their time together when Myungsoo and Kai wasn’t around. Did they watch movies in cinema...or maybe in Yifans flat... Did they went to eat somewhere or just walked around and talked. He was curious, because of jealousy that stabbed him inside. He never dared to ask Chanyeol in case he would get angry, but here was Kai, who made Myung more calm, so he still considered about bringing up that topic. Even if he knew, that it was better for him not to know, Myungsoo couldn’t keep calm his curiousity.

They sitted down onto bench that was next to clock and then Myungsoo looked up at Kai, he had more or less thought about everything he wanted to and in this moment, when Chanyeol and Kris wasn’t here yet, he thought that it would be great to make his mood better. Kai always did that to boy, when he was feeling down, so he just felt like he had too, he knew how busy Kai was with practicing and all that dancing stuff, since he always pushed him all on what he was doing. Myungsoo leaned up and pressed his warm lips against others cheek, where his bruise was, it still haven’t healed, thought the scar looked better than before. It was a small kiss, but he saw that Kai’s lips formed into small smile at the feeling.

„Now it will heal faster...” Myungsoo said with a smile as he then pulled back slowly and rested his head on Kai’s shoulder, letting out a small sigh.

Kai with a small snicker moved his hand to ruffle bays hair, knowing that he hated it. „Silly...” He breathed the word softly as he turned his head to look at Myung. As their eyes locked Myungsoo smiled back, nuzzling his cheek softly against the warm cloth. He wasn’t even angry on Kai for ruining his hair, sweetness was just overflowing the boy and Kai would enjoy it as much as possible, because he liked when Myung was that way, and if he wouldn’t know the truth for a moment he would believe that he’s actually happy now. He moved to held the boys hand and tangled their fingers together, teasingly then leaning closer to Myungie’s face as he said, not even noticing that other couple had came already. „My lip haven’t healed yet as well, will you kiss it too?” He chuckled and Kai would swear, that if he wouldn’t have burst out into laugh, Myungsoo would take his words seriously. He saw the boy’s cheeks flushing red and that made him even more amused.

„IDIOT!” He blubbered, turning his head away from others view as he hided his blushed face. „I swear, i will kill you as soon as i won’t need you anymore, for doing this to me...” He said, with anger in his voice while Kai continued to laugh, then suddenly he almost jumped up from the place as he saw Chanyeol and Kris standing only meter away from them. Even if Chanyeol now started to laugh as well, Kai could swear that Yifan was already ready to kill him right onto place without hesitating.

„Aish, you guys are funny...” Chanyeol smiled, as they indeed, had surprised Myungsoo and also Kai, who now was wondering how he didn’t notice them earlier.

At the moment he recognized Chanyeol’s laughing Myungsoo had turned his head back to them, the heat from his face fully disappeared as he was almost looking pale from the shock and surprise. Of course the first thing he noticed was Yifan’s expression, everyone would notice the look that was almost burning hole in Kai’s head.

„Ah, you surprised us.” He smiled a little and stood up, pulling away from the Kai as Myungsoo tried to fix his hair.

„That was the plan, we didn’t want to mess you two, since you both looked so cute together...” Chanyeol said and then Myungsoo realized that he didn’t even knew how much they have heard, but somehow he felt that they both had heard it all, at least that’s what Yifan’s look was telling as he now looked at Myungsoo. He quickly averted his eyes to don’t make any eye contact as he thought it would be for the best, since he would either blush or feel bad for doing this to Yifan. Myungsoo smiled softly then at Channie’s words and watched Kai standing up and walking next to Myungsoo as he took his hand to hold it again.

Myungsoo knew that something wasn’t right, the tense look between Yifan and Kai. Jongin was just challinging his destiny by being so brave in front of the other, but Myungsoo didn’t pull back, he was confused and also scared at the same time. He knew that Yifan would get into another fight without thinking twice, so he suddenly said. „Let’s...let’s go to park. Or it will get late already.” He forced a small smile on his lips. „Good thing the weather today is really good. We’re so lucky...” He said and then turned around to walk, tugging Kai along with him harshly as he muttered to him, just enough so couple behind him wouldn’t understand what he says. „Are you an idiot? Don’t play around with fire...” Myungsoo looked up at the other, feeling bad for scolding him, but there was actually no other choice but doing that.

„Let’s go...” Channie said while looking up at Kris as they started to follow the both, they really didn’t talk much while being alone, it was obvious, it’s only when they all were together Kris really opened up and talked. And if Chanyeol would keep silent Myungsoo could bet, that they wouldn’t even say a word to each other. But who knows, only they two knew what was happening between them and Myung could only guess...

As they came to park, thankfully the pavement was just wide enough, so four of them would be able walk side to side, and as Myungsoo could guess he was in middle between Kai and Yifan. He would change his place with Kai, but then he was scared that something would happen, so he shyly continued to walk next to Yifan, hunging his head down and not looking up at him as he knew he would blush as they were so close.

„I wanted to ask before already, but forgot. How did you guys spend your date?” Myungsoo asked suddenly as he looked at Chanyeol now, not daring to look at Yifan as he knew where the elders gaze was now. But Myungsoo suddenly got confused by his friends reaction, who only frowned his lips instead of happily telling every piece of their date, it’s only when Kris spoke up he did understand his reaction.

„I already apologized to Chanyeol, but i really didn’t had time to make a date, since studies took all my time...” He explained with a calm voice, the anger had clompletely disappeared from his voice and also from his eyes, which Myungsoo noticed as he did look up at Kris after moment of hesitating.

„It’s okay thought, we will go on date this week...” Boy brightened up again at the thought and Yifan nodded his head in response.

Other things they discussed wasn’t so interesting and didn’t really pull Myungsoo or either Kai into it, even if time by time they replied if the question was towards them or just said their opinion or laughed a bit, but why would Myungsoo be so quiet now when everything seemed to be fine? He always stuttered while he was really shy and indeed he felt really shy now and didn’t knew how to react or what to do as Yifan’s hand was brushing Myungsoo’s as they walked. It would be a simple situation, but he knew that Kris did that on purpose as he time by time played with boys fingers, softly brushing his own over them. From his face expression he would think that he’s innocent and pure, but Myungsoo knew really well that he wasn’t like that at all. He was making Myungsoo blush on purpose, just because he knew boy still liked Yifan. He was just making sure of it. That was the reason he kept his head down and talked less than he usually would, even his laugh would come out shakily and shyly. He just felt so stupid at the moment, but couldn’t really do anything, so it continued to like that for a while until they decided to split and then get back together to say ‘goodbye.’

The time seemed to pass slowly as Kai and also Myungsoo was tired of walking already, so they sitted down on one of the bench and stayed there, still talking about few things, but not really into doing anything as they wasn’t here really for date. Just like before Myungsoo rested his head on others shoulder and closed his eyes, feeling the warmthness taking his body over even more when Kai wrapped his hand around the boy. He didn’t tell Jongin anything about what happened before as they walked, it happened just between him and Yifan and no one else had to know, he could only imagine now the soft touch on his skin as he let out a small sigh and then suddenly remembered things he should better tell Kai after all.

„There are rumours going around the school...” He said, not opening his eyes yet as Myungsoo didn’t really feel that there was a need to do it anyway. „That we date...” He softly smiled and heard a soft chuckle leaving others lips.

„Really?” He questioned. „Why would they talk about it anyway. As much as i know it was a simple date, why would they talk about it...”

„Yeah, that was the reason they made all those rumours. They saw us all dating...” Myung explained and took a small breath before he would continue. „Maybe it wouldn’t take as much attention if whole school wouldn’t have seen you both fight in front of school before... however, it doesn’t end with that.” He said. „I heard girls talking and Yifan had told to his friends that in his hometown he have boyfriend Myungsoo, so girls in school thought it might be me, but...”

„But what, Myungsoo?”

„I don’t know, i haven’t heard much. They just think that Yifan is cheater and we both are a lovely couple.” He chuckled softly of how it sounded and opened his eyes lazily, then yawning as Myungsoo felt good like this, it was comfortable to be in others arms and made him sleepy.

„I think it’s about time we should get home. Otherwise if you will fall asleep i will leave you here.” He joked and pulled his hand back from the boy, then standing up and pulling Myungsoo along with him. „And i think it’s not that bad, that they think we are a lovely couple, aren’t we?” He smiled at Myungsoo.

„Yes yes, i’m so in love with you.” He rolled his eyes playfully, nudging Kai’s side as they went to search for Chanyeol and Kris to say goodbye, but insead of quick leaving they had to hear plan for their next double date, which made Jongins features turn to be more painful and it was the same for Myungsoo. That all made him just want to shout out loudly that they are just friends, but with every date they were pretending to be a couple seemed like even more and more people will see them. What a great plan. Myungsoo was sure that it was Yifan’s idea. Who else would suggest something like that. Thought when Myungsoo wanted to send him a death glare for making him suffer so much, his gaze softened as their eyes locked and he was forced to look away once more. Next date was probably going to kill Myungsoo from the closeness they will have, the stares they will share and he was sure he would die a little more inside at the moment he will see Yifan in suit...

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i love your foreward :D
epicbabo951 #2
Chapter 4: omg gosh this story is really good. update soon please author nim!