Wins and Loses

Everything But Normal



Everyone's eyes were in shock. They were frozen to see the outcome of the battle. The match was so intense that no one really knew who would come out the victor at the end. Not even their friends could have guessed who would win. They jokingly said that they would both lose by knocking each other out but that didn't transpire.

Yunho and Micky's match lasted the longest out of any other match so far. Micky kind of had the advantage since he used water while Yunho was about the fire and heat. However, from previous matches one could tell that even if your power was weak against your opponents you could still beat them. This caused Yunho to be at the advantage since he'd been in previous matches before. He had more training than Micky when it came to fighting. So Micky was clearly at a disadvantage in the match. That didn't lower his spirits though. He'd always liked a challenge and battling Yunho would give him that. 

When the both of them entered the arena, no one was sure where they would end up. The arena in and of itself had gone through a roller coaster during every match. It was like it didn't change to the same thing twice. At first it might look equal to the arena of another match but once inside you'd realize you were wrong. Either new plants were around or certain things were bigger or smaller. The surroundings where different so no one stepped into the same place. This tactic worked well to confuse or give confidence to a competitor which either worked as an advantage or a disadvantage. In most cases it was a disadvantage since by becoming too cocky one would fall for an obvious trap and getting confused, in most cases had your opponent find you at a faster rate when you were trying to hide or you would fall for your own traps and tricks.

Yunho and Micky waited. The arena could either work with them or against them. Hopefully it didn't decide to be mean and worked with them this time. When the arena chose to change everyone gasped. It had turned into a very interesting battle ground. Half of the arena was a blazing inferno of flames and fire while the other was full of water and all its deities. Both guys looked around with wide eyes. Currently they were on the wrong side. Yunho was surrounded by water and ice while Micky was burning up in the heat.

"," Micky coughed and cringed. He never liked the heat. Sure, he could stand it but he liked the cool water more. The heat he was in now was scorching and if he didn't get out of there he wouldn't have to  worry about losing to Yunho. He'd lose of dehydration instead.

On the other side of the arena Yunho frowned in annoyance. He likes the water sure, but if he got wet his fire abilities would weaken. Not that much but probably enough for Micky to use it against him. He could very well trap him in the water with no way of him getting to the fine heat on the other side of the arena.

Both guys done with thinking began to run. It looked like they were running to each other, when in actuality they were just trying to get to their respected sides. Everything was better with a field advantage.

"Whoa..." Yunho slipped on the ice and slide only to come in contact with a bolder of snow. Snow he hadn't even noticed was present.

"Damn heat," Micky stopped running to catch his breath. Just in time for him to see a little Yunho figure slide and hit something from afar. He laughed at the notion but began to cough soon after when the heat made him chock on his own saliva. "Argh, stupid heat," he chocked.


On the spectators side Su, Steph, Min, and Jae started cracking up. Yunho slipping and Micky coughing was really funny.

"Wow," Su gasped between laughing breaths. "Maybe this should turn into the comedian competition."

They cracked up again.

"Maybe, we should be concerned instead of laughing our butts off," Steph let out between breaths.

They all looked at each other. "Nah," they replied at the same time. Laughing some more.


Oblivious to their laughing friends, both boys started getting their acts together. Yunho dissolved the snow by increasing his body heat while Micky used his powers to bring some water to him. Refreshed he began his trek to the other side while keeping an eye on the bundle that was Yunho. By melting the snow he was creating steam. It was starting to make him blurry, soon Micky might not be able to see him. Keeping that in mind he split the water he was currently bringing to himself and shot the second half straight to where Yunho was currently at. Yunho looked up just in time to see a spear of water coming right at him. He ducked into the steam and hid from his attacker. The water splashed all over and droplets of water landed on him. Getting up he looked around for Micky and noticed that he was halfway to the water already. Narrowing his eyes he concentrated on the spot he was walking to. In one fell swoop the ground around Micky got hotter. When he looked down he saw cracks on the floor. He heard a rumble and moved just in time to avoid getting hit by flame that appeared from the floor.

In a flash he turned to look for Yunho. Two could play at this game. Yunho was currently walking through the snow. Soon he'd have to cross the ice in order to get to land again. If Micky could get it right he'd be able to crack the ice and trap him. He'd be right where he wanted him to be. Without any more thought he splashed the water coming to him on the flames, extinguishing them. He made a run for it and heard as cracks in the ground resounded. A couple times he got grazed but not bad enough that he'd be seriously injured. Or that he would lose concentration.

At that point Yunho had finally reached the ice. He placed his left foot on it to test that it was sturdy. Then he put all of his weight on it. Yunho made sure his body temperature had receded so he wouldn't melt the ice. Walking on the ice was harder than he'd anticipated even though he'd walked on it before. Paying more attention to getting across than his opponent Yunho didn't notice how Micky had stopped walking and was looking his way. All of Micky's concentration was a few paces ahead of Yunho's current position. As well as the glob of water he was sending that way. When it was positioned above Yunho the latter looked up and tried to dodge it. Smirking at tricking Yunho, Micky shot the water straight down to the ice. It looked like nothing happened at first. Yunho gave a sigh of relief until he heard it. Looking down he saw the ice begin to crack. If he didn't get out of there he'd get stuck. He made a run for it but was then splashed with water that made him slip on the ice. Getting up as he rubbed his arm he looked to see that he was standing on a piece of ice that was still a little to far away from land for his comfort.

Micky on the other hand was ecstatic. Yunho was trapped and now he was surrounded by more water than before. Water that was ice cold. With a motion of his hands he began to make a whirlpool in the water. It would pull Yunho to it helping, helping Micky trap him even more. Yunho bit his lip. He wasn't in the best position possible and by looking at Micky he could tell that he was in for some trouble. Micky! Yunho looked at the boy. He'd stopped running to his haven and was still currently in the fire section. With a grin he concentrated behind him and flames formed to surround Micky. Losing concentration the whirlpool he was creating dissipated. With a scowl he stopped looking at Yunho and tried figuring out how he was going to get out of the flames. The flames out and grazed any part of his body they could touch. He winced every time one touched his bare skin. He could tell how Su felt during his first match.

Micky could feel the water. Breathing in and out he called to it and it rose up. Yunho wasn't as far from land when he felt the hairs on his arms rise. He turned to Micky and saw a wave of water landing where Micky was trapped and engulf him. He stepped onto land and made a run for the heat. Satisfied that he'd reached the flames and the heat that worked to dry him off the turned to look at Micky. Just in time to block the water attack going his way with the flames that were around him. Micky grimaced. Hoping that he would have hit Yunho while he wasn't paying attention. But no matter. With the water surrounding him he went on the offensive. It was a match of water, flame and steam. When Micky faltered in his step, Yunho used the opportunity to smack him with a ball of flame that sent him flying right into the water.


"That wasn't a good idea," Steph commented.

"You think Yunho's a goner?" Su asked. The longer the match lasted the more impatient he became. Steph had had to smack his arms more than once since with his nerves he kept on scratching himself and he even managed to draw blood at one point.

"Don't know," she replied. "We'll just have to see."

They both went back to watching the match. Micky was still submerged underwater. Yunho wasn't sure whether he should get closer or not. He didn't have to debate long when tentacles of water shot out and headed his way. He used his flame ability to throw them off but more just kept on coming. It was like once he destroyed one, two or three took its place. One wrapped around his right arm first. Distracted by that tentacle he didn't notice two more wrap around his legs. Losing his balance when they pulled he landed flat on the floor. The rest wrapped around his waist, arms, wrists and chest. He started as he was hit hard.

Yunho lay on the ice covered in water. Micky had done a very good job of hitting him with that big wave, it was like a tsunami. After the shock was gone everyone cheered. Su and Steph watched their friend with pride. He almost lost but managed to come back around and win.

"Good match," Micky grinned at Yunho as he picked him up and helped him out of the arena.

"Yeah," he replied disoriented. Good thing the healer came and took them both away so they could get their injuries taken care of. Yunho looked like he was about to pass out.

Once gone the announcers declared the next match.

Luna smirked at the names. She turned to Steph and gave her a look that could kill. Steph bit the inside of her lip. This battle had been coming for a while now. But she wasn't really sure what she should do. After learning a bit more about Luna's past as well as the others she didn't really dislike them that much. The same couldn't be seen from Luna though. If looks could kill Steph would have been dead more than a hundred times since she'd met the girl. With a sigh she turned away and looked at her brother with an unhappy expression.

What's up?

This match is not going to be pretty, she replied with a grim expression.

Don't worry so much. He grinned at her. You'll beat her hands down.

I'm not too worried about winning or losing, she told him. I just know that she'll try very hard to hurt me.

Don't worry. He placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze. You'll be fine. Beside the healer will take care of your injuries.

I know, she sighed. I'm just not looking forward to this.

Before Su could reply Min joined them. "Good Luck," he smiled at her. She smiled back. Happy to have him there. Steph walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She breath in his scent trying to use it to calm her nerves. Focus. That's what she needed right now. Looking up at him she stood on her tip toes and kissed him.

"Thanks," she separated from him and walked into the arena.

"i'm going to enjoy this," Luna's eyes glinted.

Steph looked everywhere but her. She wasn't scared. Maybe a little disturbed but not to serious. Looking up she saw her friends grinning at her and giving her thumbs up. She grinned at them. Then she turned to Luna and smiled at her.

"Let's get this over with." she tilted her head and stuck her tongue out at Luna. Just as the arena began to change.

The girls had been separated exponentially. Both were on top of a cliff. With rocks surrounding them. Steph walked towards the edge and whistled at how far down it looked.

"One wrong move and I'm a goner," She said.

"Yes you are," Luna scoffed.

Steph turned around. Luna was standing right behind her. Her eyes opened wide in shock. A few seconds ago Luna was on the other cliff across from hers. How the hell did she reach her so fast.

Luna smirked. "I knew you were no match for me." a gust of wind surrounded them. Steph knew she was going to get hit. There was no place for her to go, except down. With a long inhale, she stepped back and fell. Angrily, Luna ran to the edge and looked for her. This wasn't how she was going to win. She wanted to injure Steph. She looked down and saw how Steph had managed to land on a platform of rock. Huffing she jumped to join her.

"That was pretty gutsy," Luna sneered.

"Thanks," Steph ignored the insult. "Your not the only one who can fly."

Luna narrowed her eyes. "How did you..."

Steph smiled at her before Luna's words died down in . She turned around fast to see green vines growing from the rocks.

"Did you forget I've practiced with more than wind?" Steph motioned her hand and the vines wrapped around Luna. "You should always stay one step ahead of your opponent." She advised.

A second later she felt the wind pick up. She turned to see a tornado of wind coming right for her. Looking at Luna she saw how the girl stared at her in triumph.

"Damn it," Steph huffed. She looked down again and saw another platform a few feet down. She was about to go for it when she felt flat on her face. Shaking her head she saw that Luna had managed to trip her. Steph glared and Luna returned it. It was like she could see blood thirst coming out of Luna's gaze.

"I don't know what the hell I did to you," Steph began to say when the vines on Luna were cut up into little pieces.

"You took everything," Luna said. Looking to her right.

Steph turned and was hit at full force with the wind tornado. Instead of flying off by the impact the tornado kept her in its grasp. She was in the heart of it. Luna motioned with her hand and Steph felt a searing pain on her arm. Luna had managed to cut her arm and she was bleeding. There was another searing pain in her left leg where another cut had appeared.

"I'll make you hurt. Like I hurt as a child," Luna whispered. With a final wave of her hand more cuts began to form on Steph's body. Her clothes where being shredded in some places as well.

Steph gave a piercing scream. The next cuts where longer and deeper than the first ones. Gasping she tried to think. Forget the pain and figure out a way out. She couldn't use vines because they would get torn apart. She wasn't near water or fire to hit Luna with. With a final breath she stared at Luna. Forgetting the pain she built it up inside her and sent a shriek of pain right into Luna's mind.

"What the hell," Luna yelled clutching her head.

The tornado extinguished by the loss of Luna's concentration. Steph fell to the ground in a puddle of her own lost blood. She groaned in pain as she tried getting up.

"," she cursed. Looking at herself she knew she needed to get this over with. The blood loss was starting to affect her. With the last of her strength she used the air, Luna's own weapon, send her flying against the wall. Luna groaned as she stood up, hovering over Steph she kicked her. Steph clutched her stomach and yelled in pain. Luna's kick had landed on one of her injuries making it bleed more. Angrily, she flung the air back at Luna and she hit the wall again. Getting up from the floor, Steph walked towards her. Used the trick Yunho taught her and powered her punch with not only the wind but the increased heat. Luna took the force of the punch right in the stomach and hit the wall one last time.

"The winner, Steph," Poseidon exclaimed. There was cheering all around.

The arena disappeared and both girls were on normal ground. With strained movements Steph walked towards Min who had jumped right into the arena when the match was over. She faltered in her movements and fell, but Min caught her.

"Are you alright?" he looked at her in worry. Her injuries looked really bad.

"Healer," she whispered.

He picked her up and hurried to the healer.

"Is she ok?" Su asked in a worried tone. "I can't believe they let Luna do this to her."

"Its a competition," Jae sighed. "Anything goes. Just as long as no one dies."

"Well she could have," Micky grimaced.

"But I'm fine," Steph shut them all up as she sat up. "Now move so we can watch the next match."

"Why don't you stay here?" Min suggested.

"No way," she got off the stretcher. Held onto it when she felt dizzy. "I'm all healed." she told them when it went away. "Not lets go. I wanna see the next match. Su'll be in it."

"So you heard," Su said as they walked towards the arena.

"Yeah," she nodded. "Your going against Kim Bum. After that Jae will fight against Sungmin."

"Let's go then," Micky wrapped his arm around Jae's waist, Yunho did the same to Su. Min was already holding onto Steph and the three couples walked towards the next match in the competition.


Hey everyone. Tell me what you thought. Not what you expected or what? Lol. I hope you liked this. Oh, yeah its seems that there are only around seven chapters left in EBN. So be warned that this is almost coming to an end. i'm going to try and update again this week, not sure when though. Until next time. XD

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 30: love it so awesome
Chapter 30: wow that was really great story and i never stopped reading it till its finished heheheh anad now i am truly dead to my own subbies for not being able to do my own updates hays but still its nice reading this fic of yours
Chapter 26: oh my god junsu ottoke that was a little stupid going there alone ____ he is outnumbered ottoke
Chapter 23: ahhh your story is really so nice love love it hehehe its going to my labels in fave which are my my fave fics are
Chapter 5: wahh i am loving this and goodness i am hooked
@musafine: thank u for the compliment <(^O^)>
musafine #7
U r a great writter and I enjoyed it all the way, keep writting more jeachun stories
Thanks everyone...your comments are awesome and i'm glad your enjoying the story ^O^