Chapter 6: The Woman

The 12 Guardians

“How is she?” My hand twitched.

“I’ve ~~~~” Fatigue took over me again.

I opened my eyes. “Where am I?” I looked around the bright white room.

“Where do you think you are?” I turned to face the owner of the unknown voice that strangely brought comforting and nostalgic feelings from within me. I haven’t had this feeling in a long time.

“I’m dreaming aren’t I?” I blurted out without thinking. The woman before me smiled angelically. She was beautiful. Her brown hair cascaded in curls down to her waist, her dark eyes sparkled, and her face free of stress and wrinkles and her pale skin had a slight glow. “Who are you?” I asked.

“You’ll find out soon enough” She replied softly, I could feel something coming from her voice… longing?

“Why am I here?” I asked curiously.

“You’re a special girl. You’re not from this world.” She said proudly.

I gave her a blank stare then burst out laughing. “Hahaha! You’re funny! Where am I from then? Another world with princes and princesses and magic?”  I joked.

“Exactly.” She replied. I stopped laughing and stared at her as if she was crazy.

“Your joking right?” I asked. She shook her head. “You’re lying.  There’s no such thing as another world.” I protested.

“Then how did you know this was a dream?” She questioned. I opened and closed my mouth repeatedly.

“I don’t know! If this isn’t a dream, then I must be dead or something!” I yelled and sat facing away from her in frustration.

She chuckled. “You grew up so well Haneul.” She said lovingly. My eyes widened, and I turned to look at her.

“How do you know my name?” I asked, my eyes narrowed while I examined her intently.

She shrugged, “You’ll find out soon enough.” She said mysteriously. I rolled my eyes and turned away again.

“I still don’t believe you.” I stated and crossed my arms.

“You see things right?” I didn’t say anything and she took my silence as a sign to continue. “You see… houses, towns, forests. You dream of people you’ve never seen before clad in clothing that humans would call ‘weird’.” I heard her light footsteps getting closer. “You hear a dark voice in your head calling you princess.” She whispered in my ear. My hands shook, she was spot on.

“H-how did you know?” I asked warily.

“I’ve been watching you. I saw everything.” She replied. I nodded hesitantly. An awkward silence filled the area around us.

“Why am I here?” I asked after a while. Her eyes widened in realization.

“I almost forgot!” She replied and smiled. I waited patiently. The silence dragged on.

“Well?” I said expectantly, “What is it?”

“Oh. OH! Right, sorry.” She laughed. “As you know, you’re not part of the human world.” I scoffed in disbelief, she ignored my interruption. “The world you’re originally from is called-”

“JUST get on with it already.” I ran my hand through my hair to calm down.

She sighed. “The Tree of Life is dying. You need to restore its power before they drain the Tree of Life of everything it’s got. ”

“What’s the Tree of Life? Who’s going to drain the tree of life? I’m doing this alone!?” I asked, I didn’t notice that she was fading away. “Wait! Where are you going?!” I reached out to her fading figure.

“The guardians! Find your guardians! You’ll know everything then! Goodbye, my little sky.” She said before disappearing entirely. Something twisted inside me. Her words echoed in my head. “Goodbye, my little sky,” where have I heard that before? The floor under me collapsed and I screamed as I literally fell into the darkness.


Aigoo~~!! Another short chappie!! Mian!! I just really wanted to put this in before she wakes up. >_< Forgive me ne? I'm working on the next chapter now but it will be much longer like it used to be. Also! I'm sorry I haven't been able to update until now! School was just overwhelming and I'm still adjusting since I've barely made friends and such. You've waited a long time and then you come just to see barely anything of a chapter. >.< Well, off the the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as well as love the next! ^__^

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Zoe_bug #1
Chapter 10: Glad to help! I've been wondering how the development was going! :)
kpopkoreaforever #2
Chapter 10: Waaaaaaah it's getting more and more interesting !! I like your ideas <3 awwww I hope that Luhan's little brother will be fine ><
I am soo excited to read the next chapters !!
Zoe_bug #3
Chapter 8: Just found your story and I really enjoy reading it. As for a name. Hmm, the mysterious woman calls her 'My little Sky' so it should relate to the sky. I read that there are many different variations for the name sky so I chose greek. For example - ANEMI (1) (Anemoi) The gods of the four directional winds and the heralds of the four seasons. Boreas the north wind was the lord of winter, Zephyros the west was the bringer of spring, Euros the east was the god of autumn, and Notos the south of summer. So you could use Boreas, Zephyros, Euros, and Notos as clans for the people of Anemi. Just an idea.
Then there is the Latin version - Latin earth: terra
Latin water: aqua
Latin fire: ignis or flamma (this one is flame or fire)
Latin air: aer (note this word can mean many other things)
Latin sky: divum or caelum (this one is sky or heaven)
The Latin names could be the names of the major cities of Haneul's home world.
As for Felix's group... Hmm, I'm not sure. If you want to stick with the greek go with ponéros or Kakos they both mean evil, bad, wicked, malicious, slothful. Google gave me a couple different greek words for this. As for Latin, there is Malum which is defined as: evil, misfortune, misdeed, crime, injury, damage. Or, Nocens which is defined as: bad, wicked, injurious, culpable, evil.
I was looking for the word evil but in a different language. Primarily Greek or Latin. Hope this helps! :)
kpopkoreaforever #4
Chapter 4: When I saw the 2nd version of Growl i was like o.o then O.O then OoO then *O* then *Q* and then *faint* they were soooooooooo handsome <3 <3 no one can resist their iness, handsomeness, cuteness ...... * sigh * enough dreaming and back to the story XD i wonder who is always calling her princess :/? If i was her, i will pratically going crazy and freaking out XS I'll wait for the next chapter so FIGHTING ;D
kpopkoreaforever #5
Chapter 3: *sobs* why did Ajhumma and ajhussi died *sobs* i really loved them *sobs* they were so sweet and cute :'( anyway, i loved this chapter and exo are just toooooo cute <3 <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 1: Exoooo where's exo ? I can't wait themmmmm
Death ? I hope exo or haneul is not the one who death lol