Chapter 3: The End of the World, My World

The 12 Guardians

A few weeks had passed since I got the first red note. Every day is the same, school, work, do things for auntie and uncle. Nothing happened, well, nothing that I thought was out of the ordinary, until now.

“Auntie! I’m going to a friend’s house after work, is that okay?” I said when I saw her watching TV.

“Just leave already.” Auntie said carelessly.

 I frowned slightly but obliged and left the house. I walked toward Ahjussi and Ahjumma’s restaurant.

Princess.” That now familiar voice hissed.

I cringed and leaned on a pole when I felt pain in my head. I closed my eyes and massaged my head until the headache subsided a bit before walking again. I turned a corner and ran into what seemed like a wall. My eyes widened as I felt my body slowly falling but someone managed to reach out and firmly wrap their arm around my waist before I collided with the ground.

I stepped out of his hold on me, “I’m sorry, I should’ve watched where I was going.” I said and bowed.

“It’s alright, I should’ve been paying attention too.” A deep, husky voice chuckled.

I looked up and blushed. He was standing so close I could almost feel his breath.

“Kai! Where are you?” I heard another voice say.

“Coming!” He called. Then looked at me, “Sorry, I have to go, what’s your name?” “Kai” asked.

“Haneul. Lee Haneul.” I replied.

“Haneul.” Kai repeated; his lips curved up. “I’m Jongin, but you can call me Kai. See you later Haneul!” He said before running off.

See you later? My head tilted slightly as I walked. I just shrugged it off when I reached the restaurant. I walked into the seemingly empty shop.

“Ahjumma? Ahjussi?” I called.

The eerie silence worried me. It was almost opening time, and it’s quiet as if we were closed for the day. I walked slowly to the counter; I could hear the muffled sound of the TV behind the door to the kitchen. I went behind the counter and let out a sigh of relief, there wasn’t anyone behind it. I peeked through the little window on the door, no one was there, but the stove was on and something was being cooked. I gently pushed the door open, but it didn’t swing as easily as it did before, it was as if something was blocking it. The entrance to the restaurant opened and the bell rung.

“Oh. Haneul, isn’t it almost time to open? Why aren’t you changed?” I heard Dong Hoon behind me.

I looked back, “Ah, I just got here.” I pushed the door harder. I turned my head back when I heard a thud after the door fully opened. My eyes widened for the nth time, and my body went cold. My heart fell into my stomach. I couldn’t breathe anymore.

“Haneul? What’s wrong?” I think Dong Hoon said, but it sounded as if he was miles away. I couldn’t hear anything but my heart beating and the breaths I took. I felt dread envelop me. My knees couldn’t hold up so I fell. I felt like the world crumbled right in front of my eyes.

‘’Oh my god.” I heard Dong Hoon murmur. My hand trembled as I let out my loudest, most heartbreaking shriek. I crawled to Ahjumma’s pale and ice cold body. A knife with an intricate design on the handle stuck out of her stomach. And she was surrounded by a huge pool of blood. Her eyes were clouded, no longer seeing. Yet, her face still looked kind and peaceful. I heard Dong Hoon’s hasty footsteps and the door swing open again, but this time, it never closed. I could see him shouting with all his might for someone to help, he ignored the countless times his voice cracked and the immense amount of tears treking  down his face as if he were right in front of me. It was the least of my worries.

Another person dawned on my mind, and I was filled with more fear, more sadness, more hope. Ahjussi.

I stood up and jumped over Ahjumma’s body, “I’ll come back Ahjumma.”  I murmured to her, though it killed me inside knowing the fact that I’ll never hear her sweet voice ever again. I looked in every corner of the kitchen, but he wasn’t there. There were only two rooms left, the employee locker room, and the break room. I immediately sped past the locker room, why would Ahjussi be in there when he owned the place? I looked around, the TV was on, but no one was in here watching it. I looked to the floor. Ahjussi, where are you?

I noticed something dark on the floor. It looked like water fell on the floor or something. I followed the trail of drops that led into the locker room. I opened the door slowly. I frowned,  It doesn’t seem like anyone’s in here. I followed the trail to the closet with cleaning supplies. There was a lot more of this dark liquid spreading before me. My body refused to move, but was if I couldn’t control my body and I opened the door. Ahjussi stood in front of me. His throat was slit, and his body and clothes were soaked in blood. His body leaned forward and fell onto me. I was knocked to the floor with this new weight. A knife with the same design as the one Ahjumma was stabbed with protruded from Ahjussi’s back. I screamed louder than ever, over and over again.

“Haneul!” I heard Dong Hoon’s loud voice and multiple footsteps.

“DONG HOON! HELP ME!” I screamed, I could feel my throat becoming raw. His hands went under my arms and pulled me away from ahjussi’s body. I stared at Ahjussi’s body. I saw the blood moving then stop immediately. Only it said, I found you.

I hugged myself, wishing with all my might this was just another one of my nightmares. I tried to wipe off Ahjussi’s warm blood off of my body. Why is his blood warm? My eyebrows furrowed. I went back to Ahjussi’s body and held his hand, it’s warm.

Catch me if you can princess~” The voice said, it sounded close, and real.

I bolted out of the room and through the ajar back door. I looked left, saw nothing, I looked right and saw a figure in the distance, running away from the shop. Rage filled me and I ran after the figure.  I saw the figure turn a corner and when I saw no one. I looked around and saw two really tall guys that looked a bit scary walking by. I ran up to him.

“Excuse me!” I called to them.

They looked at me, then at each other, then back at me hesitantly. “Have you seen anyone running by you in this area?” I asked.

I almost missed the one with black hair narrowing his eyes then turning to his friend.

His friend, much taller and with dirty blonde hair had a straight face.

“No one came by here. We were the only ones walking until you came running.” He answered hesitantly.

“Ah, okay. I’m sorry for disturbing you.” I bowed and slowly walked back to the restaurant.

Mianhe, Ahjumma, Ahjussi. I couldn’t find the one that did this to you. I stopped at the back door of the restaurant. I couldn’t go in. The memories I made at this shop flashed through my mind. When I first met Ahjumma and Ahjussi, when I started working at the shop, the kindness and generosity they showed me. All the unshed tears from when I found Ahjumma this morning came rushing out. I let out all of my pain and sorrows in loud sobs. I hugged the pole next to me but that didn’t help much so I ended up leaning on it when I couldn’t stand anymore. It felt like the end of the world. The end of my world.


Ahjumma and Ahjussi are dead! :( And she met Tao, Kris, and Kai! There's only 3 members left~~~! Kai said see you later, does that mean they're gonna meet again?? Who killed Ahjumma and Ahjussi if Haneul was chasing no one?

I've been dying to do that at least once in this story hahahah! But yeah, this was a depressing chapter. Haneul took it so hard because Ahjumma and Ahjussi helped her a lot in life and she basically sees them as a second pair of parents.

EXO's 2ND VERSION OF GROWL IS OUT! I love it, do you guys love it tooo?? ^___^

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Zoe_bug #1
Chapter 10: Glad to help! I've been wondering how the development was going! :)
kpopkoreaforever #2
Chapter 10: Waaaaaaah it's getting more and more interesting !! I like your ideas <3 awwww I hope that Luhan's little brother will be fine ><
I am soo excited to read the next chapters !!
Zoe_bug #3
Chapter 8: Just found your story and I really enjoy reading it. As for a name. Hmm, the mysterious woman calls her 'My little Sky' so it should relate to the sky. I read that there are many different variations for the name sky so I chose greek. For example - ANEMI (1) (Anemoi) The gods of the four directional winds and the heralds of the four seasons. Boreas the north wind was the lord of winter, Zephyros the west was the bringer of spring, Euros the east was the god of autumn, and Notos the south of summer. So you could use Boreas, Zephyros, Euros, and Notos as clans for the people of Anemi. Just an idea.
Then there is the Latin version - Latin earth: terra
Latin water: aqua
Latin fire: ignis or flamma (this one is flame or fire)
Latin air: aer (note this word can mean many other things)
Latin sky: divum or caelum (this one is sky or heaven)
The Latin names could be the names of the major cities of Haneul's home world.
As for Felix's group... Hmm, I'm not sure. If you want to stick with the greek go with ponéros or Kakos they both mean evil, bad, wicked, malicious, slothful. Google gave me a couple different greek words for this. As for Latin, there is Malum which is defined as: evil, misfortune, misdeed, crime, injury, damage. Or, Nocens which is defined as: bad, wicked, injurious, culpable, evil.
I was looking for the word evil but in a different language. Primarily Greek or Latin. Hope this helps! :)
kpopkoreaforever #4
Chapter 4: When I saw the 2nd version of Growl i was like o.o then O.O then OoO then *O* then *Q* and then *faint* they were soooooooooo handsome <3 <3 no one can resist their iness, handsomeness, cuteness ...... * sigh * enough dreaming and back to the story XD i wonder who is always calling her princess :/? If i was her, i will pratically going crazy and freaking out XS I'll wait for the next chapter so FIGHTING ;D
kpopkoreaforever #5
Chapter 3: *sobs* why did Ajhumma and ajhussi died *sobs* i really loved them *sobs* they were so sweet and cute :'( anyway, i loved this chapter and exo are just toooooo cute <3 <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 1: Exoooo where's exo ? I can't wait themmmmm
Death ? I hope exo or haneul is not the one who death lol