Chapter 9: Remembering

The 12 Guardians

Annyeong! I’m so so so sorry! I said I’d update soon and here I am months later. I have terrible punctuality in case you guys didn’t notice. >.< I’ll stop making promises that I’m unsure of being able to keep. But I do assure you that you will get at least a few updates this month and a little bit of the next since I’ve been on break for a while and was lazy for the first three weeks of it! xD

And just to remind you (and me >///<), the italics are Haneul’s thoughts.

And awkward silence consumed the air.

“What do you mean you don’t have powers?” Lay asked.

“I mean, I can’t do anything like control elements or move things with my mind or freeze time. I’m sorry, I think you’ve got the wrong girl.” I tried to stand but Sehun’s hold on me held me down.

“We don’t have the wrong girl Haneul. You are the princess of the Diamond Kingdom, you just haven’t activated them yet.” Xiumin said softly.

“Or received the proper training.” Kai piped.

I squinted my eyes suspiciously at them, “What is proper training? And how would I activate these so called powers? What kind of powers do the family of the Diamond Kingdom have?” I fired my questions and looked at every single one of them, expecting a satisfying answer. I wasn’t reassured by the silence that greeted me shortly.

“No one knows of the powers that belong to the Diamond Kingdom except for the royal family and the citizens that they protect.” D.O murmured.

“Not to mention it’s never been revealed to the other kingdoms.” Kris added.

“Then how am I supposed to find my powers?” I questioned.

“I have a sister that can trigger anything in someone else’s mind. However, she has never triggered something that the person has never experienced before so you would be the first person she’ll try this on.” Luhan said.

“And my grandfather could see the future! Maybe he could tell us what your powers will be.” Tao said hopefully. I nodded hesitantly.

“Arasso, I think that’s enough. She’s been overwhelmed enough today. We can tell her more about our world and history tomorrow.” Suho suggested and disappeared into the hallway, into his room maybe? Sometime after, the gathering had dispersed throughout the house doing different activities. I wandered around the house aimlessly, absorbing the decorations that lined the walls and inhabited the tables. Ah! I forgot to ask if I could leave now, and where my bag is. Auntie and Uncle must be worried. I ignored the dull ache in my head and walked around the house looking for a male that I was comfortable speaking to, so I mainly searched for Luhan or Sehun, but Kai or D.O would do.

“Haneul? What are you doing just standing in the hallway?” Chen interrupted my thoughts.

“Ahh….” I trailed since I forgot his name.

“Chen.” Chen chuckled.

“Chen! Mian” I said sheepishly. “Do you know where my bag is, I would like to return home.” I stated.

A frown grew on his face, “You want to go home?” I nodded. “Why?” He pried.

“I have business to take care of.” I stated.

Chen stared. “It seems like you were trying to leave to me.” Chen said.

“I was. But then I realized how stupid I’ve been and decided to return home.” I said.

“Arasso, I’ll get your bag for you then. It was in D.O’s room.” Chen left me in the hallway but returned to me soon enough and passed the bag to me. “Oh by the way, how are you feeling now?” Chen asked.

“I feel fine, why?” I asked.

“You don’t feel any pain anywhere right? You were quite beat up when D.O brought you.” Chen reminded me.

“What are you talking abou- AH!” I clutched my head and leaned on the wall beside us. Everything came rushing into my head, Uncle’s beating, Auntie’s words, the mysterious woman, Felix. I stood disoriented as I took in the events that happened the previous time I was conscious.

“Haneul!” Chen shook me.

I was pulled out of stupor. “Chen?” I asked, though my voice was drowned out by the by the worried voices of the boys. I looked around and I realized that I was on the floor.

“What happened?” Chanyeol asked.

“I don’t know! I was asking Haneul how she was feeling and the next thing you know she was clutching her head in pain and falling to the ground.” Chen told them anxiously. “Haneul, what happened?” Chen asked me.

“I don’t really know. I guess I finally remembered what happened to me the day that D.O brought me here.” I shrugged, the pain in my head started to fade.

“You forgot what happened to you?” Xiumin asked. I nodded. “And now you remember what happened right?” I nodded again. “Then would you explain why D.O brought you in covered in bruises and with a handprint on your face? We already know why you were stabbed.”

I thought about what I should say but then I realized that I didn’t need to say anything. “I think you can figure that out yourself.” I could tell that my words stunned them with the silence that took over yet again. Why is it always so quiet? Wait, what happened to me I thought I was covered in wounds? Suddenly, Chen pulled me in for a hug and I found comfort in his arms and relaxed into his embrace.

“I assume you don’t want to return home anymore.” Chen whispered in my ear, his breath tickling my skin. I shoved those thoughts in the back of my head to save for another time and nodded my head in response. My eyes drooped despite the fact that I slept most of this day and three days prior to my awakening. Chen lifted me and carried me into a room then placed me on a bed.

“You seem tired, get some rest.” Chen said and tucked me in.

“Whose bed is this?” I asked, noticing the unfamiliar scent.

“Mine.” Chen answered.

“Where are you going to sleep then?” I asked my eyes slightly enlarged.

He gazed at me tenderly while sending me a mischievous smile, “I can take Xiumin’s bed. Or I could just sleep on the couch, but I’m too lazy to do that. Maybe we could share?” Chen suggested and waggled his eyebrows.

I blushed and hid my face in the covers, “No.” I said bashfully.

“I’m sorry? I don’t think I heard you.” I felt the bed dip. I uncovered my eyes and came to the conclusion that Chen had taken a seat on the bed and leaned closer to my head to “hear me better” but I knew he heard me.

“I said NO.” I shouted and grinned as Chen hastily pulled away from me and clutched his ear.

“Ouch, Haneul, there was no need to shout!” He exclaimed. I giggled and he clutched his shirt. “It saddens me that you find my pain amusing.” He mused, winking to signify that he was only joking.

I only smiled, “But seriously, where are you going to sleep.” I asked guiltily.

“Hanuel, it’s fine. Seriously, I could take Xiumin’s bed or one of the younger members. Here, I’ll get into Xiumin’s bed right now!” He tucked some hair behind my ear before jumping into Xiumin’s bed.

“How old are you exactly Chen?” I asked sluggishly

“I’m seventeen, almost eighteen. And you’re sixteen right? Since Kai is a few months older than you.” Chen voiced.

I nodded. “Chen do you know if there is a woman in Exo with dark brown eyes, curly, dark brown hair that reached her waist, and pale skin?”

“There are plenty of women like that in Exo Haneul, can you describe her more?” Chen asked as he stared at the ceiling.

I nodded again even though he couldn’t see me and pictured the woman in my mind. “She has small, thin lips, a tiny nose, a petite and delicate figure, small hands, and a strangely shaped scar on her chest.”

“What was so strange about her scar?” He questioned.

“It was in the shape of a…. diamond.” I said before drifting off to sleep.


Annnd done! If you didn’t read the tiny note above, I’m so so so sorry for not updating. I just really didn’t know what to put after her little history lesson. Well, now you know how old Haneul is, as well as the ages of some of the other members in the story as well! I’m so happy that all of you stuck around and I promise that it will get more exciting soon! Thank you guys so much for waiting this long for an update! OTL Until next time~~~ ^_____^

P.S Feel free to comment about what you think will happen or what you don't want to happen or anything really! I hope that this story is as good as you imagined or expected, and if it isn't, I'm sorry and it will get more exciting and hopefully meet your expectations. 

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Zoe_bug #1
Chapter 10: Glad to help! I've been wondering how the development was going! :)
kpopkoreaforever #2
Chapter 10: Waaaaaaah it's getting more and more interesting !! I like your ideas <3 awwww I hope that Luhan's little brother will be fine ><
I am soo excited to read the next chapters !!
Zoe_bug #3
Chapter 8: Just found your story and I really enjoy reading it. As for a name. Hmm, the mysterious woman calls her 'My little Sky' so it should relate to the sky. I read that there are many different variations for the name sky so I chose greek. For example - ANEMI (1) (Anemoi) The gods of the four directional winds and the heralds of the four seasons. Boreas the north wind was the lord of winter, Zephyros the west was the bringer of spring, Euros the east was the god of autumn, and Notos the south of summer. So you could use Boreas, Zephyros, Euros, and Notos as clans for the people of Anemi. Just an idea.
Then there is the Latin version - Latin earth: terra
Latin water: aqua
Latin fire: ignis or flamma (this one is flame or fire)
Latin air: aer (note this word can mean many other things)
Latin sky: divum or caelum (this one is sky or heaven)
The Latin names could be the names of the major cities of Haneul's home world.
As for Felix's group... Hmm, I'm not sure. If you want to stick with the greek go with ponéros or Kakos they both mean evil, bad, wicked, malicious, slothful. Google gave me a couple different greek words for this. As for Latin, there is Malum which is defined as: evil, misfortune, misdeed, crime, injury, damage. Or, Nocens which is defined as: bad, wicked, injurious, culpable, evil.
I was looking for the word evil but in a different language. Primarily Greek or Latin. Hope this helps! :)
kpopkoreaforever #4
Chapter 4: When I saw the 2nd version of Growl i was like o.o then O.O then OoO then *O* then *Q* and then *faint* they were soooooooooo handsome <3 <3 no one can resist their iness, handsomeness, cuteness ...... * sigh * enough dreaming and back to the story XD i wonder who is always calling her princess :/? If i was her, i will pratically going crazy and freaking out XS I'll wait for the next chapter so FIGHTING ;D
kpopkoreaforever #5
Chapter 3: *sobs* why did Ajhumma and ajhussi died *sobs* i really loved them *sobs* they were so sweet and cute :'( anyway, i loved this chapter and exo are just toooooo cute <3 <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 1: Exoooo where's exo ? I can't wait themmmmm
Death ? I hope exo or haneul is not the one who death lol