Chapter 4: New Friends

The 12 Guardians

I sat there, staring at nothing. I felt empty, like all of the life got out of me. I didn’t notice someone walking to me and kneeling in front of me so that they could see my face.

“… Are you… okay?” Kai asked cautiously, as if I would break if he spoke too loudly. I merely stared blankly into his eyes. He sighed soundlessly at my silence, “Though I don’t know what’s wrong, I’m sure you’ll get through this. You’re a strong girl.” He said softly, a sweet smile stretched across his face, his hand squeezing mine lightly.

“How do you know? What if this was just too much for me?” I said, my voice cracking, tears streaming down my already wet cheeks again.

“Because you are Lee Haneul, I know you more-” “Kai?” I heard a voice call from beside us. My eyes slowly trailed to a boy with large eyes filled with curiosity.

 His eyes met mine briefly before turning back to the tanned male. “What are you doing here?”  He asked with a slight edge to his voice.

“Haneul, this is Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo, this is Lee Haneul.” Kai emphasized on my name.

Kyungsoo stared at Kai questioningly and Kai nodded slightly after a while. His eyes widened even more and he bowed deeply, “Annyeonghaseyo! Do Kyungsoo imida, nice to meet you Haneul-ssi.” He straightened out with a kind smile on his face.

I felt the corner of my lips tug up despite my mood, “Just Haneul is fine Kyungsoo-ssi.”

“Haneul. Got it.” Kyungsoo nodded and joined me and Kai on the floor.

“Haneul, can you tell me what’s wrong? If I’m not intruding…” Kai grumbled.

Before I could stop myself, “Do you see this building right here?” I pointed to the backdoor in front of me. They nodded. “I worked here, as a waitress for this restaurant. The owners were really nice to me.” I smiled slightly, but let my gaze drop to the floor when the waterworks were acting up again. “But it won’t be like that anymore. I found them this morning, dead. Murdered.” I said quietly, holding in the sobs that were on the verge of escaping my mouth. I heard Kyungsoo gasp and Kai’s grip on my hand tightened. Then I felt several arms pull me in and sandwich me between their bodies.

“It’s not healthy to hold something like this in Haneul. Let it all out.” Kai mumbled in my ear. I felt Kyungsoo nodding on my neck and rubbing my back gently. Something in my heart said it was time to let everything go, and my body responded almost immediately. I buried my face into one of their shoulders and let out all of the sobs I was holding back.

I cried in their arms for a good hour or so. I pulled away, sniffling and taking in short breaths. A light blue handkerchief was held out in front of me, I looked up and was met with Kyungsoo’s smiling face. Something about his smile comforted me, I felt as if he would always be there whenever I had a problem. I took the handkerchief and wiped what I could of the tears off of my face. “I’m sorry, I caused you guys so much trouble when we barely met today.”

Kai shook his head, “It’s nothing, we wanted to help, right Kyungsoo?” Kyungsoo nodded rapidly in return, if he nodded any faster, his head is going to snap off.

“Yah, stop. You’re head’s gonna fall of.” Kai said before smacking Kyungsoo’s head.

“YAH! Don’t treat your hyung that way!” Kyungsoo yelled, rubbing his aching head.

My eyes widened, “Hyung? I thought Kai was older…” I said.

Kai smirked, “Seems like it doesn’t it? You look too much like a kid hyung.” Kai teased Kyungsoo. In return, Kyungsoo punched him hard in the gut. Kai groaned and fell flat onto the floor. I laughed lightheartedly. Kyungsoo joined me in laughing, “It makes me happy that you’re laughing, but sad that it’s my pain that’s making you laugh.” Kai huffed.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I was cut off by the tone of a phone.

“Ah excuse me.” Kyungsoo said and hastily walked away to answer the call.

“They meant a lot to you huh?” Kai asked softly.

Though he didn’t directly say who, I knew who he was talking about. I nodded, “they were like the parents I would’ve had.” I said distantly, thinking about my late parents. Kai nodded, and silence was left between us. I felt a feeling of serenity, like nothing was wrong, and nothing would disrupt us.

“Mian Haneul, we have to meet up with a few of our friends in a bit. Would you like us to walk you home?” Kyungsoo asked worriedly.

I shook my head, “I’m alright, if it weren’t for me you’d probably be somewhere else by now.”

Kai shook his head in disapproval, “Don’t say that, I’d help you any day.”

I smiled, “Thanks, really, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you two.” I said sincerely.

The pair shared a look, and then looked at me, “Anything for you.” They chimed sweetly.

I laughed, “Aigoo, go already, before you’re late and your friends will be mad at you.” I shooed them away.

“Arasso, we’re leaving. Annyeong Haneul!” They said and waved as the ran down the sidewalk. I smiled softly and waved back, watching them get smaller and smaller before disappearing altogether when they went around the corner.

 I turned and looked at the open back door of the restaurant. I sighed. I’ll have to face it eventually anyway. I took slow, small steps toward the restaurant. It was as if the weight of all of the animals in the world was on top of me. I walked past the locker room, past the break room, and into the kitchen. I saw Dong Hoon talking to a police officer and another man in a suit. The suited man noticed me approaching but merely returned his gaze back to Dong Hoon to continue whatever he was doing with him. Dong Hoon didn’t miss his glance and is gaze eventually found mine.

“Haneul!” Dong Hoon exclaimed before pulling me into a suffocating hug. The familiar smell of his cologne comforted me. I hugged him back and snuggled into his chest like a child and their teddy bear. “Gwaenchanha? You scared me when you ran out.” Dong Hoon asked.

I nodded into his chest, “I’m sorry.” I said quietly.

“As long as you’re okay, nothing matters.” Dong Hoon replied.

“Ahem.” Someone beside us cleared their throat.

Dong Hoon and I pulled away from each other to look at them. “Haneul, this is Detective Cho.” Dong Hoon introduced me.

I bowed deeply, “Annyeonghaseyo, Lee Haneul imida.”

“I’m Detective Cho, I’m in charge of this investigation, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.” Detective Cho asked.

I nodded, “Go ahead, anything to help you with the investigation.”

He nodded to the officer beside him and the officer got ready to write in his notebook. “Where were you this morning between 5 and 7 AM?”

“I was making breakfast for my aunt and uncle. Then I went out to get breakfast at the nearby café.”

“Is there anyone that could prove this?”

“Yes, my aunt, uncle, and the cashier at the restaurant.” I answered.

“Dong Hoon-ssi told me you found the bodies? Is that correct?”

“Yes that’s correct. I only just arrived when Dong Hoon entered.” The police officer nodded as he jotted down my statement.

“I also heard that you ran out almost immediately after you found Mr. Kang’s (Ahjussi’s) body. Is that correct as well?” I fidgeted then nodded hesitantly. “Why is it that you ran out Ms. Lee?” I hesitated to answer.

“Ms. Lee? Can you answer the question?” Detective Cho asked suspiciously.

“Haneul? Why won’t you answer.” Dong Hoon hissed.

“Because I don’t know if I really saw what I think I saw.” I hissed back. Dong Hoon shut up afterward.

“Ms. Lee, I’m going have to take you in for a formal interrogation if you won’t cooperate.” Detective Cho said.

“I-I’ll tell you… just, not here.” I stuttered.

Detective Cho nodded. “Shall we go somewhere more private then?” I nodded and he lead the way outside.

I was about to follow him but someone pulled me back. I looked back and saw  Dong Hoon staring straight into my eyes. “Please tell me you aren’t going to tell them what I think you’re going to tell them.” Dong Hoon frowned.

I sighed, “I have to Dong Hoon.”

“So you’re gonna tell a complete stranger in a heartbeat but you won’t tell your best friend?” Dong Hoon’s voice cracked.

“I would do anything if it means finding the one that stole their lives, they deserve at least this don’t they Dong Hoon?” I asked. I yanked my hand out of his grip and followed Detective Cho before Dong Hoon could say anything else.

“Thank you for your time Haneul-ssi. I’ll update you when I get a lead on the murderer.” Detective Cho said before leaving me.

“Kamsahamnida.” I said weakly as he walked away.

“Ah! Haneul-ah!” I heard a familiar velvety voice say.

“Oh. Luhan Oppa, Sehun-ah.” I said in a daze. Ever since they came that day, they’ve become one of my regular customers.

“What’s wrong noona?” Sehun asked and sat on one side of me while Luhan sat on the other side.

“Ahjumma and Ahjussi passed away. They were murdered.” I said, watching a teardrop all onto my entwined hands. Their arms wrapped around my torso.

“It must be hard on you, it's so sudden.” Luhan whispered softly into my ear. I only nodded as tears fell by the bucket down my face. We sat in silence until late in the afternoon.

Sehun abruptly stood up, “Okay, enough with teary time. From the 4 weeks I’ve known you noona, you probably cried ever since you knew and who knows how long ago that was. Let’s go have some fun!” Sehun and Luhan cheered and dragged me to the arcade.

“Hahahah! I can’t believe you did that!” I cried, tears fell out of my eyes from laughing so hard. Sehun was telling me a story of how he got Luhan to dress up as a girl and pretend to be his girlfriend for a day because he lost a bet.

“Yah! I think that’s enough embarrassing stories of me!” Luhan exclaimed, blushing harshly.

“It’s okay Luhan oppa, it’s cute!” I beamed, Luhan blushed even more, if that was possible.

“Haneul noona, it’s getting late, should we start heading home?” Sehun asked me.

I nodded, “Kaja!” We stood up and left the bubble tea shop Sehun wanted to go to.

“You know you didn’t have to walk me home right?” I rested my hands on my hips and stared at Sehun and Luhan.

Sehun shrugged, Luhan nodded. “We wanted to that’s all,” Sehun replied lazily.

“Thanks guys, you really made my day.” I smiled gratefully.

“You’re welcome!” Luhan beamed and eagerly hugged me. Sometimes I question whether or not he’s older than me.

“See you later noona!” Sehun said and ruffled my hair.

“Yah.” I whined and fixed my hair as they laughed and walked off together. I smiled and walked into the house.

I walked slowly and quietly to my room but stopped the minute the light .

“Yah, where have you been all day brat?” Uncle’s voice slurred.

Dread filled me and I turned around with wide eyes. Oh no. 


And that's it!! I hope you enjoyed! I'm sorry I couldn't update, school started and I'm trying to get used to the schedule of a high schooler!! It's so exciting and different!! :D Anyway, I hope you will be patient with me from now on because my teachers and assinging homework by the mountain!! I'm going to try to write a little bit everyday so that I could update on the weekends! If I don't update weekly, I'll try to update every two weeks. I hope you could wait until then! OTL

Until next time~~~! ^____^

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Zoe_bug #1
Chapter 10: Glad to help! I've been wondering how the development was going! :)
kpopkoreaforever #2
Chapter 10: Waaaaaaah it's getting more and more interesting !! I like your ideas <3 awwww I hope that Luhan's little brother will be fine ><
I am soo excited to read the next chapters !!
Zoe_bug #3
Chapter 8: Just found your story and I really enjoy reading it. As for a name. Hmm, the mysterious woman calls her 'My little Sky' so it should relate to the sky. I read that there are many different variations for the name sky so I chose greek. For example - ANEMI (1) (Anemoi) The gods of the four directional winds and the heralds of the four seasons. Boreas the north wind was the lord of winter, Zephyros the west was the bringer of spring, Euros the east was the god of autumn, and Notos the south of summer. So you could use Boreas, Zephyros, Euros, and Notos as clans for the people of Anemi. Just an idea.
Then there is the Latin version - Latin earth: terra
Latin water: aqua
Latin fire: ignis or flamma (this one is flame or fire)
Latin air: aer (note this word can mean many other things)
Latin sky: divum or caelum (this one is sky or heaven)
The Latin names could be the names of the major cities of Haneul's home world.
As for Felix's group... Hmm, I'm not sure. If you want to stick with the greek go with ponéros or Kakos they both mean evil, bad, wicked, malicious, slothful. Google gave me a couple different greek words for this. As for Latin, there is Malum which is defined as: evil, misfortune, misdeed, crime, injury, damage. Or, Nocens which is defined as: bad, wicked, injurious, culpable, evil.
I was looking for the word evil but in a different language. Primarily Greek or Latin. Hope this helps! :)
kpopkoreaforever #4
Chapter 4: When I saw the 2nd version of Growl i was like o.o then O.O then OoO then *O* then *Q* and then *faint* they were soooooooooo handsome <3 <3 no one can resist their iness, handsomeness, cuteness ...... * sigh * enough dreaming and back to the story XD i wonder who is always calling her princess :/? If i was her, i will pratically going crazy and freaking out XS I'll wait for the next chapter so FIGHTING ;D
kpopkoreaforever #5
Chapter 3: *sobs* why did Ajhumma and ajhussi died *sobs* i really loved them *sobs* they were so sweet and cute :'( anyway, i loved this chapter and exo are just toooooo cute <3 <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 1: Exoooo where's exo ? I can't wait themmmmm
Death ? I hope exo or haneul is not the one who death lol