Chapter 1: The Voice

The 12 Guardians

I ran as hard as I could. Sweat was pouring down my face, but I couldn’t stop, I couldn’t get caught. I made a sharp turn and kept running, the footsteps behind me right on my tail. My muscles ached and burned, begging for me to stop and surrender, but something inside kept me from stopping. All that was ahead of me was a wooden door. Dread filled me, but I was going to take my chances and pray with my life that it wasn’t locked. I was filled with hope when I could feel the door swing open, but that hope was taken away like candy a child wasn’t supposed to have. I froze in shock at the sight in front of me. A deep red painted the walls; the strong scent of iron overtook my being. The room was wrecked. Broken pottery lay everywhere, pieces of ripped cloth hung on the walls. In the middle of this room lied the bodies of two women, one dressed poorly, the other dressed enough to be royalty. Soon, a pair of rough hands grabbed my torso and threw me over his shoulder. I squirmed and kicked, screaming as much as my lungs and throat could handle. But this man threw one arm over my legs to keep from kicking kept walking, away from the room with a tight grip on me. The blood filled room slowly got smaller as tears filled my eyes and I had given up. I just lay limply on this man’s shoulder and let the tears stain his back.

I jolted awake, shaken from the dream that was different from the last. I tried to keep my hands from trembling, but they only shook even more when I lifted them into the air to wipe the sweat that formed on my forehead and the tears that were unconsciously released. I slowly sat up, feeling a headache takeover my head. I clutched it slightly in pain, then turned my head to check the time. 6:00. I might as well get up since the alarm will be going off soon.

I slowly peeled the hot blankets off of my damp body and smoothly put my feet on the cool wood floor. I sat for ten minutes, waiting for my alarm clock to go off before getting ready for school. Once the alarm was disabled, I got up and hopped into the shower to wake myself up and wash away the remains of my dream. I exited the shower and went on the brush my teeth. I left the bathroom and changed into my school uniform.

I went into the kitchen to make breakfast for auntie, uncle, and me. In the middle of cooking, uncle came down in a suit and sat down at the table with the paper in his hand.

“Would it kill you to get the paper every now and then?” Uncle said.

“I’m sorry uncle.”

“Is the food ready yet?” Uncle asked sternly.


I heard Uncle mutter something to himself, but I didn’t bother to ask him to repeat it since it was probably something about me. I slid the eggs onto a plate and cracked some more into the pan for auntie then set the plate of eggs and toast in front of uncle along with his cup of coffee.

“I’m starving!” I heard auntie yell.

“Breakfast’s almost ready auntie.”

Auntie huffed and I heard the chair sliding on the floor and a soft thud soon afterward.

I put the last of the eggs onto the plate, then went to the fridge to grab the orange juice. After I poured the rest of the juice into a glass, I put the plate and glass in front of auntie.  I’ll have to go to the grocery store after work, I can’t stay and help ahjussi today.

“The next time I come down in the morning, I expect breakfast to be ready and you to be gone.” Auntie said coldly before taking a bite of her toast.

I felt a pang my chest, “Yes auntie.” I replied robotically then sighed softly to myself as I returned to my room to grab my bag and leave for school. It’s only 7; I’ll get to school early then.

I walked slowly to school, enjoying the peaceful neighborhood. I chuckled when I heard the neighbors, The Parks, Mrs. Park to be specific yelling for her son to wake up and get ready for school otherwise he’ll be late.

“You’re up early.”

I turned to face the owner of the voice.

“Ah! Annyeong, Dong Hoon!” I greeted brightly.

Meet Lee Dong Hoon, one of my best friends. I’ve known him ever since I moved in with Auntie and Uncle. He’s one of the people that lifted my spirits after my parents’ death.

“Yah. If you don’t start walking, I’m going to leave you behind.”

I was pulled from my thoughts and I looked up to see that Dong Hoon was way ahead of me.

“Wait for me!” I ran to him.

“Are you ready for the English test today?” I asked.

He shrugged, “I guess…”

“You didn’t study didn’t you.” I stated.

He smirked, “Yeah, I didn’t.” He said as he turned right.

“Dong Hoon!” I exclaimed.

He stopped and looked back at me. “What.”

“Where are you going? School’s this way.” I pointed in the opposite direction.

“I’m buying your breakfast. Why would I be up so early?” He asked back and left me behind as he kept walking.

My heart swelled and I couldn’t hold the smile growing on my face. I quickly caught up with him once again and followed him to my favorite café. After wrestling with Dong Hoon for a bit and eventually getting sent away from the cashier since he wouldn’t let me pay, he returned with a blueberry muffin for me and a cup of coffee for him.

“Thanks Dong Hoon. I don’t know what I would do without you.” I said as I took a bite from the muffin.

“I’d rather spend a bit my allowance on your breakfast than having you starve every day. Besides, I earn a good amount with the work I do.” He shrugged.

“I don’t starve! I just get my only meal from ahjussi before I start working.” I replied.

“And my point is proven.” He replied and took a sip from his cup.

I watched him drink from his cup. He noticed I was watching and offered the cup to me.

“Want some?” He asked.

I grabbed the cup and replaced it with the muffin. He took a bite of the muffin while I took a sip of coffee. I swallowed and cringed as the hot liquid went down my throat and a strong bitter taste was left behind.

“Bleh! What is this?” I asked, taking my muffin back and forcing the coffee back into his hands.

“Coffee.” He said smugly.

“I know that. What kind?” I asked, slightly annoyed.

“Black.” He smirked.

“Ugh, that’s what I thought.” I said bitterly and took the last bite of my muffin, trying to take the bitter taste away from my mouth.

He laughed as we entered the gates to school.

“They’re here!” I heard someone shout from inside the building.

We entered the noisy building. Dong Hoon’s laughter was long gone and traces of his smile had disappeared and a polite smile was on mine. Girls sighed dreamily as they watched Dong Hoon walk by and boys-unfortunately- stared at me like hungry wolves.

“Later Dong Hoon.” I said and walked away from Dong Hoon to my locker, I saw him nod slightly to me in return then entered his class.

My locker swung open and tons of papers and envelopes poured out of it. I collected them then neatly tied them in a bundle before tucking them safely in my bag. I shut my locker and went toward my class.

“Good morning Haneul.” A voice quietly greeted me as I sat down in my seat.

“Morning Joo!” I replied and turned to the boy next to me.

He laid his head in his arms, little bits of his light skin showed here and there. Lee Woo Joo, my other best friend. I was ecstatic when I got the same class with at least one of my friends.

My breath stopped. My eyes were wide. All I could hear was the sound of my heart beat when I saw a child standing right next to Woo Joo. This boy was skinny, like he didn’t have enough to eat and one drop of blood slid down his chin from the corner of his mouth. Then something glistening followed, this time from a higher part of his face. I realized it was tears and I frowned slightly, wanting to wipe them away and hug him with all my might; but I knew better than that. I knew that the little boy was merely a figment of my imagination, a part of my mind’s sick tricks. I noticed his mouth moving, and my brows furrowed in concentration. His mouth moved the same way over and over again, as if trying to tell me something.

“Haneul. Haneul.” I heard Woo Joo call.

“Huh?” I blinked and made eye contact with him.

He sighed, “I said, do you have your homework?”

I huffed then reached into my bag to pull out my homework.

He grabbed it from my hands, “Thanks.” He winked then started scribbling away, copying my answers.

“You know, maybe you could try doing your homework for once.” I said.

“Haha, very funny.” He replied sarcastically and continued writing.

My thoughts pulled me back to the little boy. For some reason, I feel like whatever he wanted to say was really important. All I could see was his mouth moving over and over again.

“Lee Haneul?” I blinked, and I noticed the teacher was staring at me, as well as the kids around me.

“Ah, here.” I said, slightly embarrassed, realizing she was taking attendance. Her gaze lingered for a while longer before returning to the sheet in front of her and continuing to take attendance.

The bell rung, indicating that class was over and it was time for lunch. I sighed happily and stretched before standing up.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked Joo.

He nodded in reply and we walked toward the canteen. I merely followed Joo as we went through the line, scooping the food into our trays. We went toward a table by the wall and sat across from each other. I sat then leaned my back onto the wall while laying my legs on the rest of the bench and shut my eyes. Ignoring the things that others don’t see is hard work, not to mention trying to listen to the teacher at the same time. I heard a clang across from me. I opened one eye to see Dong Hoon eating next to Woo Joo. I shut my eyes and tried to sleep.

“Haneul, eat.” I heard Dong Hoon say.

“I got it.” I heard Woo Joo say before I heard more clanging noises.

I felt hands grab my legs and gently laid them on their lap. I felt something softly pressed against my lips.

“Open.” Joo said softly.

My lips unwillingly parted for the spoon to enter my mouth. I slowly chewed on the rice as if it was going to kill me. Woo Joo continued to feed me until about half of the food was gone, then I just wouldn’t take another bite.

“Haneul, you need to eat.” Woo Joo sighed.

“Shiro.” I answered and crossed my arms.

“Haneul, what’s wrong?” Dong Hoon asked.

 I looked him right in the eye, “Nothing.” I answered nonchalantly.

“Don’t lie. I’ve known you for twelve years, now tell me what’s wrong?” He said while massaging his temples.

“I can’t tell you then.” I said, smiling bitterly with all of the pain and fear I’ve felt ever since I got these dreams, which started when I was 12; I’m eighteen now and I’ve been seeing things ever since my parents died. “I’m going to the bathroom.” I said and left the table.

I walked down the hall, seeing the walls and lockers covered in plants, roots, and dirt.

Princess. Princess. Princess.” Something sinister hissed.

This voice sent shivers down my spine. My hands trembled. I tried to cover my ears from hearing the voice, but it was as if he was speaking in my head. I felt someone bump into my shoulder. My eyes snapped open and I uncovered my ears. A boy was running in the opposite direction. The voice was gone, and so were all of the plants on the walls.

“I’m sorry!” He called over his shoulder and kept running.

Another boy came up to me and bowed. “I’m sorry for my friend.”

I giggled, “It’s alright, tell him to be careful okay? I don’t want anyone getting hurt.” I smiled sweetly.

He blushed, “N-neh.” He bowed again and chased his friend.

I watched him tackle the one running away to the groung. I tilted my head in confusion, That’s weird. I don’t remember seeing them before and I think I would remember handsome faces like theirs'. I laughed lightly and kept walking to the bathroom. I was washing my hands when the voice came back.

Princess. Princess. PRINCESS.” I clutched my head in pain, it was like the voice was yelling right into my ear. The room started spinning and then I felt pain on the side of my head. I saw the door swinging open and I heard some screams before I couldn't see or hear anything anymore.


I'm back! I'm sorry for not updating, so I'll try to make it up with 2 chapters!! I hope you guys aren't mad at me. >_< I have to be honest, I had no idea of how to write this chapter and when I finally just gave up and was like what the hell, I'm just gonna write and see what comes to me. And the next thing you know, BAM! I wrote a longish chappie! ^__^ If you guys have any suggestions, anything bothering you, or anything to correct tell me okay? I'm so sorry for not updating, I was too scared of it disappointing you and I hope this one doesn't disappoint! OTL

OH! And I almost forgot, I think a poster would do good for this story. Any suggestions for some good poster shops? Or anyone that wants to give a shot at making one? Comment or message me! :D

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Zoe_bug #1
Chapter 10: Glad to help! I've been wondering how the development was going! :)
kpopkoreaforever #2
Chapter 10: Waaaaaaah it's getting more and more interesting !! I like your ideas <3 awwww I hope that Luhan's little brother will be fine ><
I am soo excited to read the next chapters !!
Zoe_bug #3
Chapter 8: Just found your story and I really enjoy reading it. As for a name. Hmm, the mysterious woman calls her 'My little Sky' so it should relate to the sky. I read that there are many different variations for the name sky so I chose greek. For example - ANEMI (1) (Anemoi) The gods of the four directional winds and the heralds of the four seasons. Boreas the north wind was the lord of winter, Zephyros the west was the bringer of spring, Euros the east was the god of autumn, and Notos the south of summer. So you could use Boreas, Zephyros, Euros, and Notos as clans for the people of Anemi. Just an idea.
Then there is the Latin version - Latin earth: terra
Latin water: aqua
Latin fire: ignis or flamma (this one is flame or fire)
Latin air: aer (note this word can mean many other things)
Latin sky: divum or caelum (this one is sky or heaven)
The Latin names could be the names of the major cities of Haneul's home world.
As for Felix's group... Hmm, I'm not sure. If you want to stick with the greek go with ponéros or Kakos they both mean evil, bad, wicked, malicious, slothful. Google gave me a couple different greek words for this. As for Latin, there is Malum which is defined as: evil, misfortune, misdeed, crime, injury, damage. Or, Nocens which is defined as: bad, wicked, injurious, culpable, evil.
I was looking for the word evil but in a different language. Primarily Greek or Latin. Hope this helps! :)
kpopkoreaforever #4
Chapter 4: When I saw the 2nd version of Growl i was like o.o then O.O then OoO then *O* then *Q* and then *faint* they were soooooooooo handsome <3 <3 no one can resist their iness, handsomeness, cuteness ...... * sigh * enough dreaming and back to the story XD i wonder who is always calling her princess :/? If i was her, i will pratically going crazy and freaking out XS I'll wait for the next chapter so FIGHTING ;D
kpopkoreaforever #5
Chapter 3: *sobs* why did Ajhumma and ajhussi died *sobs* i really loved them *sobs* they were so sweet and cute :'( anyway, i loved this chapter and exo are just toooooo cute <3 <3 FIGHTING
Chapter 1: Exoooo where's exo ? I can't wait themmmmm
Death ? I hope exo or haneul is not the one who death lol