Outing!!! Mini chapter

With the Twins [Hiatus]

"Say, Taeyeon, why did you suddenly decide to raise a dog? I thought your brother had an allergy?" Yuri asked as she munched on the tuna sandwich Jessica made.

"Oh, after Hyunnie watched some SJ variety show whereby they adopted dogs, she suddenly wanted a dog too. At first we tried to explain to her that oppa was allergic, but she couldn't understand allergy, and went on an ignoring spree throughout the house. The only person she would talk to was Nana (grandmother) and that was only to try to use aegyo to persuade the eldest in the family to change everybody's mind. Finally my father snapped, he couldn't stand his princess ignoring him for so long, so he bought oppa a house to move into and Ginger came into our family while he was only 2 weeks old" 

"Wait, wait, wait, you mean your family chased oppa out of the house just so Hyunnie could have a dog?" Yuri exclaimed causing some crumbs to fall into Krystal's hair.

"Unnie!!" Jessica exclaimed as she brush the crumbs off Krystal's hair.

"Yeah, pretty much. But he liked it, he just got to a new level with his girlfriend, if you get what imean, but they couldn't find a place to *cough cough* regularly you know? Whatsmore, he made Hyunnie happy, which makes the whole family happy, therefore happy ending!!" Taeyeon said as she scratch Ginger's chin.

"Aish I can't believe your byun family" Yuri shaked her head while the other two girls blushed.

"But Hyunnie doesn't seem to like Ginger that much? Did she got over the phase?" Tiffany pointed out. It is true that many children begs for a pet, but after a while they lose interest, which meant that the adult in the family must take care of the pet.

"Oh, what you see is just Hyunnie being jelly, apparently when I'm not around, she takes great care of Ginger. She cleans his bowl, gives him water, and sometime help the maids bath him. Isn't she the sweetest thing ever?" Taeyeon cooed as she Seohyun's hair.

Hearing about her achievements, Seohyun raised her hand and said, "I even bring him on walks around our yard! And then Nana taught me how to train him, which I did!!!" She boast. "I just don't like it when Ginger steals Taeyeon Unnie away from me. Unnie has to bring him on long walks after she comes home, that's why I walk him in the yard, so Unnie wouldn't have to bring him too far away, and can spent more time playing with me"  she grinned.

"Hmmm~~~" the adults nodded as they absorbed what Seohyun said, while Taeyeon once again spazz over the Kim's family treasure.

At the end of the day, Seohyun still loves Ginger, but she loves Taeyeon more,


I know this is a really random chapter, but I just want you all to know that Hyunnie does not hate Ginger, she hates the attention Taeyeon gives to him. To her, all of Taeyeon's attention at home should be on her, and nothing else.

And just a side note, Taeyeon's family is rich, that's why they can do such an outrageous thing like buying a separate house just to have a dog for a 4 year old. Every person in the Kim family adores Seohyun, even the employees, she may be the youngest, but whatever she wants, if it's within acceptable reasoning, they would get it for her. But luckily Seohyun is mature, so she is not a spoilt brat. ^.^

Remember, comment, sub, and love the kids and me ^3^


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Chapter 12: A mí tampoco me agrada ese punk
Chapter 6: Este fanfic esta genial
williammozart #3
Chapter 14: Still hoping that you will finish this story.
Chapter 14: Ahhh :(( i dont know what to say......
Chapter 14: i'm gonna miss this story author T___T
Aish1994 #6
Chapter 13: Continue this story pleasee..pleasee update.......
xxyulxx9 #7
Chapter 13: Update soon author-ssi! Please don't abandon this amazing story❤
Happy_Panda #8
Chapter 13: Cute & funny story you got here.
I hope you'll continue to finish this story.
crazykwonyurifan #9
Chapter 5: I really liked ur story, update plz for readers like me... pwees.

qwan91 #10
I really loved your story and enjoyed reading it. I wish that you will continue this story one day ^^v.