The Finale (Last Part)

If You Come Into My Heart

The next morning, I woke up by the sound of the chirping birds just outside the window. Days turning cold as slight snow fall from the sky can be seen. I yawned heavily while scratching my back just to ease my itchiness. I tried to open my eyes but only a slight opening can be done. I scan around the room and look at the clock that placed beside me. 6:00AM. Slowly, I turn over to my side only to notice the world most beautiful and handsome man that the world can have. Cheondung. My lover is sleeping soundly beside me. The sight too wonderful to not to be seen by everyone.

I smiled.

I stand up and head over to the bathroom to wash myself up and thought of getting ready to go to work but another beautiful thought just came in.

"Maybe I should cook for Doongie?" I thought to myself.

It was a great idea! All these while, I'm the one who teach Cheondung how to cook and from then on, he's the one who have been cooking for the both of us. This time, how bout a change?

I made up my mind and quickly rush over to the bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face and hurry up to the kitchen and get ready to prepare a hearty breakfast for him.

I took out eggs, kimchi, anchovies, some tauke, and etc and start preparing all the food on a chopping board and cut everything into pieces before throwing everything into the pot.

"Uh? Hyung! You are early today!" I heard a voice behind me.

"Oh? Cheondung a! Did I woke you up?" I said while still busily preparing for the breakfast.

"Nope. I always wake up at this hour. Hyung, what are you doing?" Cheondung said while heading towards me. He took a glance at what I am doing as he stand beside me.

"I'm making breakfast for you" Seungho hyung said while chuckle to himself.

Cheondung heard what I am doing and suddenly, he hugged me from behind.

"Thank you...." Cheondung said.

"Haha, is okay. Hurry and wash up before you eat the breakfast" I turn around and try to shove Cheondung away to the bathroom to wash up.

It only take a few step away from my hand before he stumble and fall down once again.

I was panicked.

I quickly rush over to Cheondung to see if he injured himself or not.

"Gwenchana?!" I asked, worry sick about him.

Cheondung eyes opened wide as though he was in shock.

He keep staring at his legs but when I take a look him, there's nothing at all. I try to hold him up and after awhile, he is able to stand properly. I'm worried. Is been 2 days he's like that. Tripping and falling over. I guess I have to bring him to see a doctor.

"Cheondung, after breakfast, I'm bringing you over to see a doctor" I suggest.

"Is okay hyung. I'm fine" Cheondung said.

After a few step towards the bathroom, he trip and fall again. This time, is even worse.

"Hyung... I... my legs.... It feels numb." Cheondung said.

I can see that he's deep worried and scared as a few tears formed at the tip of his eyes.

I quickly grab my keys and piggyback him down to the carpark to get my car.

We say nothing at all during the journey to the hospital but I do take glances of him here and there when I drive. I can see that he's totally down from depression. I have mixed feelings. I almost got mad. I'm frustrated. I'm annoyed. What is wrong with Cheondung?!

On the other hand...

"I know what is wrong with me. I'm turning back into a mannequin, hyung." I thought to myself.

As I fall, I can honestly see my both legs are turning white now but why can't Seungho hyung see what I see at all? My hands felt heavy. I know I still can move my both hands but not for long. 3 days left. Just 3 days left...." I thought to myself.

Not long after that, we both reached the hospital and we are lucky to get into an emergency room for that but I already know what the doctor will say.

"There's nothing wrong with him at all. His pulse is fine, his leg is fine, there's no broken bones nor infected viruses / germs in his legs. His perfectly fine." The doctor said.

"But Doc, he keeps on falling over and sometimes he is unable to walk properly. You sure he's fine?!" Seungho hyung almost shouted. I can see he's frustrated.

"Yes, he's fine." The doctor replied.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhh" Seungho hyung can only sigh.

"Look. I'll give him some antibodic, a higher dose of pain killer and some medicine that can strengthen the leg bone a little more and see if he cure by next week" The doctor suggest.

Seungho hyung can only nod his head.

Me? Of course I'm sitting there feeling worse.

"And doc, get me a wheelchair as well." Seungho hyung said.

Later on, when we get back home, Seungho hyung calm himself down as he unfold the wheel chair and gently carried me to the seat. He squat down and take a good look at me, trying to give his best to smile.

"Is okay Doongie ya, everything will be fine. You will recover, I'm sure of it." Seungho hyung said.

I can only nod.

"If only you will say those words....." I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry that I gotta go work. Today I have an important meeting need to attend. I'll come back fast once I finish the meeting okay?" Seungho hyung said, getting ready to head off to his workplace.

"Is okay hyung. I'm fine." I said.

"I'll be back" Seungho hyung replied before closing the door.

I wait till Seungho hyung left for good before I call out to the man that intrude the room yesterday.

"Angel, are you there?" I called.

Then, a bright light appeared in front of me and came out the figure that I recognized. He scratches his head while heading towards me.

" You sure you wanna do this? Aren't you feeling of begging me to break the rules or something?" He said.

"Is better like this...." I replied.

I rolled the wheel towards the bedroom where I store the camera and then head back out to meet the Angel.

"I'm good to go." I said.

The Angel, gently hold me up and carry me before flew up to the sky and up to the camera store.

We landed just behind the store where nobody could see us. He then gently touches my both legs and utter some words and my legs turned to flesh again.

I was surprised. I try to move my legs here and there and it felt real again!

"I can walk!" I thought to myself. Then, a sudden thought came in.

"Why can't Seungho hyung see my legs turning white?" I asked, confused.

"Normal human can't see magical spells" The Angel said.

"When you are turning into a human, nobody see at all. Only when you fall down to the floor with a bang, Seungho can only see you" He said again.

I nodded my head.

"But my spells are limited. It can only withstand 2 hours" The Angel said.

After what I heard, I quickly run over to the camera shop and asked them to print out all the photos. It took awhile but since there's no customers in the morning, everything was finished in just 30 minutes.

I also went over to the gift shop to get something for both of us. As time is tickling, sometimes when I walk, I will trip and fall over to the fall. Luckily the Angel is here to help me out. My hands starts to get heavy. My eyes sight getting blurry. My hairs started getting hard. I have difficult breathing. Is just 3 days left.....

On the other hand....

As Seungho hyung entered the shop, Byung Hee rushed over to Seungho and pull him into the room. Chang Sun and Cheol Yong who knows nothing can only look puzzled.

"Gwenchana?" Byung Hee asked.

"Not good." I said.

"I'm sorry. Have you consulted the doctor?" Byung Hee asked.

"This morning. The doc said he's perfectly fine. I don't know anymore." I sigh.

"What?! That's nonsense!" Byung Hee exclaimed.

"Have you try to consult other doctor?" Byung Hee asked.

"He's the best in the town." I said.

"......" Byung Hee can only keep silent.

"I hope I can still make my dreams come true" I said, feeling sad.

"Just 3 more days will be your monthsary with him, right?" Byung Hee asked.

"Yeah. I hope I can cheer him up." I said with a little hope in my tone.

"Don't worry. Everything will turn out perfectly. Trust me." He said.

I nodded.

"So, what do you have in mind?" Byung Hee said.

"I'm gonna bring him to the place he love the most. The Amusement Park. We gonna have a romantic candle-light dinner there and......" I said, stopping half way.

"And?" He asked.

"And I'll broadcast to everyone with the TVs installed in every corner of the place and I'll tell Cheondung "I Love You" "I said.

"Woah! That's great!" Byung Hee clap his hand.

"Yeah." I laughed.




Just 3 more days.......


Author's Note : The next chapter will be the ending part TT

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Chapter 34: Oppa I like both of the endings!!! The 1st one is too sad TT it's really heartbreakingTT but the 2nd alternative ending is really beautiful><~ though it still a bit sad, but it has such a beautiful ending ^^
But Oppa, the letter that cheondoong wrote to seungho is really sad TT great job and great story Oppa ^^ Thankyou Oppa to making a beautiful story *bow* ^^
random-user1234 #2
Chapter 34: omg i read both endings... my heart broke the first time, i love the second ending much much better ^o^ wow author, you really are the best!!!!
Chapter 34: I love you so so so much! And yesterday you just broke my heart by not letting doongie and yng panda have their happiness!! Hahahaha <3
Chapter 34: glad-glad-glad.... ahahahahahha...
so surprising... jeongmal... I think that is the end... ahhh.. authornim... you jeongmal... something.. its amaing...
I love this end... hahaahahahahah
happy write story again... authornim... :)
Chapter 34: This ending is better, by the end of the first and sad ending i cried for them, this why this one is better because it does not make me cry
Chapter 34: Glad for this happy ending :)
Kyung1Ari #7
Chapter 34: I'm so glad it has an happy ending too. I enjoyed reading this story very much. Thank you for a wonderful story with both endings.
charlot #8
Chapter 34: Waaaaaaahh happy ending for both of them! kyahahah thank you authornim! I love you three times day!

anyhoo..please prioritize the Step by step! thank you thank you! mwah mwah chup chup
Chapter 33: So, my fic had ended. Do you guys enjoy it? Which fic should I write? Prayer or Step By Step?
Chapter 33: This as totally unexpected, seriously, i would have never thought it could turn this way, and even thought it wad really sad, it is still good that they could be together "sobs"

Thanks for writing this wonderful story : D