Be Mine *Edited format*

One-shot collections

Title: Be Mine 
Pairings: Kyuhyun/Girl!Sungmin, Broken!Kangin/Sungmin, Ninja!Kangin/Girl!Leeteuk
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Overall!Angst, Romance
Words: 1371
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything but the fic [:
Warning: Gender Switch. Kyuhyun’s POV, Mention of
Summary: Kyuhyun couldn’t stand the sight of Sungmin getting abused by her boyfriend. 

I watched over it, your love, the long farewell
Rather than always getting hurt, this is better
Look at me carefully. It’s because I don’t like you crying
Being hurt is tiring, yeah, every time I see you like that

The first time it all happened, I watched as you walked into the school with bruises and cuts all over your body, your swollen eyes. I watched as you walked into class quietly and sitting next to your friends. They asked you what had happened but you just kept quiet and looked out of the window. Tears gathered around your fox-like eyes, as you stare at a far. As I walked into the class all my mind was thinking about you, even when I started teaching I couldn’t concentrate at all. 

“Min, what happened to you?” I asked as we sat at our favourite hideout, the roof. You looked at me and smiled weakly. “I fell off the stairs.” You replied quietly. I knew you too well that you were clumsy, but not to the point that you would fall off the steps. The bruises and cuts on your body tells otherwise. “Oppa.. Don’t worry about me…” You turned away and looked down at the people downstairs. He must have hurt you again. I watched as you stood up when the bell rung, you hugged me lightly and whispered “I love you oppa” into my ear before exiting through the door. 

We were half siblings, it should be common for siblings to say that they loved each other. My heart broke when I saw you sad like that. I love you Sungmin, more than normal siblings would. 

Be mine. I love you, okay? I worry about you, okay?
I’ll take care of you till the end
Be mine. You know me, right? You saw me, right?
I’ll protect you till the end

The second time it all happened, you looked worst. When I touched you lightly, you winced in pain and yet again I asked you what happened. All you said was you met some bullies and got beaten up. I knew it was an obvious lie, anyone would know better than to beat you up. You were a professional martial artist.

This time I didn’t just let the matter off, I followed you back to your shared apartment with him. I peeped through the window and saw the entire incident unfold in my eyes. I watched as you fell onto the floor when he landed a big punch in your face. I watched as he tore your clothes and you, there was nothing I could do to stop it. However, this time I didn’t want to let it go so easily. 

Do you hear me—- Do you hear me —- oh
The end of your wet eyes full of memories, I hope it dies in my embrace
I try to at least protect you, who quietly heard the falling tears being swallowed by ripped hearts

I rang the doorbell vigorously and banged on the door impatiently, willing for you to open the door. When the door finally opened, it revealed you with tears and fresh new bruises over the already bleeding bruises. Your clothes were torn and your eyes widen when you saw me at the door. I walked into the house, ignoring your wails and pleas to stop. Stalking over to the one who caused you all this pain, I punched him hard on his face and threw repeated punches over his face. 

“Leave Sungmin, I’m not letting my sister into your care anymore.” I spat out and walked over to pick you up taking out my coat and covering you as I walked out of the house with you. 

I think it’s overflowing. You were always like that to me
My heart expands as your hurt grows
Come to me, it’s because I like when you smile
I’ll make you comfortable, yeah, at least I can for you

I hear as you cry loudly in your room, it has been 2 days since the incident had happened. You wouldn’t even eat a bit of food, neither would you take a step out of your room. Whenever I tried to feed you, the food would just roll down your lips because you simply wouldn’t open your mouth. It hurt me badly to watch you like that, you would just keep crying. Every night, I hugged you to sleep, but you would wake up in the middle of the night crying, I didn’t know what to do.

“Baby min.. You are a strong girl, don’t cry anymore.” I would say those words to you day after day. After a week, you started eating and had already stopped crying. I knew that you were still hurting on the inside, because I still hear your soft sobs every night. 

Be mine. I love you, okay? I worry about you, okay?
I’ll take care of you till the end
Let’s go together. Don’t walk onto the harder path, okay? It wasn’t easy, right?
I don’t want to see you like that ever again

It’s been weeks since the incident happened, every day I watched as you fake a smile. It was bad enough when one day, when you finally dared to leave house again. We just had to cross destiny with him again, but he was not alone. He was with a girl, this other girl was pretty and tall. When you saw it you ran away immediately, hands covering your mouth as you ran away. I chased after you and saw you running across the road. Just as I was about to run over to you, a car came and hit you hard causing you to fall. I screamed your name and ran over too you. The driver came out of his car and dialled the ambulance, as I held you in my arms crying and calling out to you. 

Be mine. I love you, okay? I worry about you, okay?
I’ll take care of you till the end

“Mr Cho, your sister has lost too much blood. We would need to do a blood transfusion immediately.” I couldn’t believe what I just heard, I offered to do the blood transfusion immediately without thinking. Throughout the entire time when the nurses were drawing out my blood, all that was in my mind was you. I would surrender anything for you to live, not because appa and auntie told me to, but because I love you. 

When the transfusion was successfully over, I sat next to you holding your hand. I looked at your peaceful sleeping face, and looked at your hands that were filled with tubes connected to your hand. I your face lightly and kissed your forehead. Holding onto your hand with both of my palms, I slowly fell asleep.

Will you fight, will you get hurt again
In an endless ring of hurt, it’s always a quiet war. That’s too much for you
With a shield of worry, I stay in front of you and
I revolve around you like a moon
The lights are turned off in your love, so leave it and look at me

“Oppa? Oppa?” I heard your voice softly ringing in my ears. I slowly looked up and sees you smiling at me. “Baby Min, your awake!” I smiled when I saw you looking better. You have been sleeping for 2 days and you finally woke up. I was shocked when I saw you smile again, it has been 2 months since I’ve seen you smile. I wrapped my arms around you and repeated the words out from my heart. 

“I love you, Sungmin.” 

“I love you too, Oppa. I’ve always do, more than a sister would love you oppa… But oppa.. I’m not ready to.. get into a relationship yet..” 

I pulled away from you and stared at you. I smiled and pulled you into a kiss. I know that your broken heart still needs time to heal, but I will wait. Wait till the day that your heart heals, and you would accept me. 

Until then….

I’ll cover up your deep scars and make you laugh. And make you mine

A.N: Angsty fic Ik but oh I love the song xD and sorry if its too boring >< but do comment ok?? [: comments inspires me the most [: especially to continue writing [: Love you all! 


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RayhanAdni #1
Chapter 13: Fightingggg to make more KyuMinnn <3
wow this is like a treasure box full of kyumin hehee
tiyan_mute #3
I'm very happy..... i found this :)
samitamui #4
WHAT!!!!! chapter 12 last story! it's too sad!!
petalcha #5
Chapter 14. T-T
finishing it till chap 14, woaaa its really good job :DDD
Irresistable XDDD<br />
fufufufu it's mix between crazy,cute and hot XD
SOULMATE!!!<br />
Its really good, i LOVE it,<br />
XD<br />
hehe,<br />
i'm sorry because just now i give comment,<br />
after read till chap 5, i wanna say that 'be mine' is your angst that i like.but it doesnt mean the other is bad, the other is good,really good,you do good job.<br />
Please dont angry with me. I'm just honest. <br />
Peace :D
wow it's sad<br />
i'm crying<br />
good job :D