I'll Be Back Before You Know It

One-shot collections
Title:I'll Be Back Before You Know It
Length: Drabble
Pairing: Kyumin 
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Disclaimer: I own lazycookies and myself xD
Summary: Kyuhyun is leaving for a week and Sungmin doesn't want him to..


"Kyu are you really going to leave me?" Sungmin asked as he lifts his head from Kyuhyun's bare chest and stares at the latter. "I don't have a choice baby.. It's just a week.. I'll be back before you know it." Kyuhyun says as he lovingly on his lover's hair. "Kyu.. a week is soooooooo long! How am I going to live without you!? " Sungmin whines. Kyuhyun just smiles and continue Sungmin's hair.  

They spent the entire day lying on the bed like that, with Sungmin whining endlessly and Kyuhyun calming him down endlessly. "Baby.. stop whining.. I will be back before you know it.." Kyuhyun says for the nth time but Sungmin still continues whining. Kyuhyun remained patient because he knew that he would miss Sungmin as much as the lad misses him. 
"But kyu..." Kyuhyun planted a quiet but sweet kiss on his lips silencing him from whining any further. Kyuhyun pulled away from the kiss saying, "Enough whining hyung, let's go for dinner I'm hungry.. Let's enjoy the 2 days I have with you before I leave ok?" Kyuhyun says sweetly pulling Sungmin out from the bed. Sungmin blushes and just nods, I'll miss you soooo much kyu..
A week later, while Sungmin was sleeping at Hyukjae's house. Kyuhyun decided to visit him, knowing that Sungmin would be sleeping over at his twin brother's house. He rings the doorbell twice and waits for Hyukjae or Donghae to open the door for him. Finally the door swings open, and a sleepy Donghae greets him. "Kyu..? What are you doing here at this time? *yawns* It's only 5am.." Kyuhyun just smiles. "Is Sungmin hyung sleeping?" Donghae just nods sleepily and reckons him into the house. "Thanks hyung, can you do me a favour?" Kyuhyun asks as he enters the house, Donghae once again just nods. 
"Min.. Min baby? Min.." Sungmin hears a familiar deep voice. "Kyu..?Aren't you on your business trip.." Sungmin mumbles softly before jumping up realizing that it's real. "KYU!" Sungmin jumps up from bed and glomps Kyuhyun, causing him to fall over with Min above him. "I MISSED YOU!!!!!" Sungmin whines loudly. "I missed you too baby. I got you something." Kyuhyun smiles sweetly and takes out the 4 feet tall bunny from behind him. 
Seeing it Sungmin squeals loudly, "BUNNNYYYYYY!!!" Sungmin takes it from Kyuhyun and cuddles it. "I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE IT!" Sungmin chants happily. Kyuhyun smiles at the cute sight infront of him. Kyuhyun wraps his arms around Sungmin and whispers into his ear. "Hyung.. mind repeating what you said just now?" Sungmin looks blankly. "I love it?" Kyuhyun shakes his head "No the other line." 
Sungmin realized what Kyuhyun was getting at. "I Love you Kyu." Sungmin says sweetly before turning around and kisses Kyuhyun sweetly and lovingly. Kyuhyun smiled into the kiss saying "I told you I will be back before you know it." Kyuhyun smiles and kisses Sungmin deeper and sweeter. 


Title: Our Heart String (First out of Three Drabble series)
Length: Drabble
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: Kyumin, Ryeowook
Genre: Romance, Slight! Angst, Overall! Fluffy
Word Count: 482
Disclaimer: I do not own them, they own themselves. <3
Summary: Kyuhyun shows Sungmin how much he loves him.




“Min-ah! I have something for you!” Kyuhyun says as he walks into their shared room. Sungmin who was lying on the bed, playing on his Nintendo DS (since he had nothing to do) pouting cutely whenever someone attacked his character. He pauses his game and looks up at his handsome boyfriend with a puzzled look on his face. “What is it Kyu?”

Kyuhyun doesn’t reply but quietly walks up to Sungmin and ties the end of a very very thin string onto Sungmin’s arm, attaching the other end on his arm as well. Sungmin just keeps quiet as he watches the string disappear slowly. “Kyu-ah.. What’s that?” Kyuhyun just plainly replies that it was a string. Sungmin was left being confused.

Kyuhyun pulls Sungmin out of the room and sat him down at the dining table, as Ryeowook has already prepared their dinner. “Oh! Sungmin-hyung! Kyunnie! Heechul hyung suggested that we have Pizza today, so the leftovers are in the microwave if you are looking for it.” Sungmin nods and thanked Ryeowook, and Ryeowook left to look for Yesung. While Kyuhyun when to the microwave and took out the pizza. They ate the pizza quietly, whilst staring at each other immensely.

-The Next Morning-

“Min-ah.. How I wish I could tie you to me forever..” Kyuhyun says as they laid on the bed. Kyuhyun ‘s delicate fingers running through Sungmin’s hair, and Sungmin lying on Kyuhyun’s chest enjoying each other’s presence. “But.. you already tied me to you baby..” Sungmin looks up confused. Kyuhyun nods and Sungmin feels a tug on the string that was tied around their arms. “Kyu.. whats that feeling?” Kyuhyun just smirked and replied a simple “a tug?”

There was a knock on the door and Ryeowook ‘s voice spoke. “Hyung, Kyuhyunnie, breakfast is ready! Omma demands that we all go down for breakfast.” “Coming!” They said in harmony. Sungmin felt another tug on his arm and he turns to look at Kyuhyun. He then looks down and at the string and checks if the string is still tight. “It won’t break baby.. Don’t worry.” “I was just making sure..” Sungmin replied looking down.
“Kyu-ah.. If this string is tied does it mean I will have to go everywhere with you?” Kyuhyun looks at Sungmin and laughs. “Min-ah. Do you want to know the name of that String?” Sungmin nods furiously in reply. “It is called Heart string, you are now connected to me with your heart.” Sungmin still was confused. “If the string breaks, it would mean that either of us lost interest for each other..” Kyuhyun explains calmly and patiently. “Kyu… I love you.. and you know that..”

“Yes minnie I know and that’s why that string would not break.. I love you min.” Kyuhyun says as he kisses his Sungmin fully on his lips. “I love you too Kyu.. and I will never leave you..” 


A.N: Comments are well appreciate <3 Love you all <3 




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RayhanAdni #1
Chapter 13: Fightingggg to make more KyuMinnn <3
wow this is like a treasure box full of kyumin hehee
tiyan_mute #3
I'm very happy..... i found this :)
samitamui #4
WHAT!!!!! chapter 12 last story! it's too sad!!
petalcha #5
Chapter 14. T-T
finishing it till chap 14, woaaa its really good job :DDD
Irresistable XDDD<br />
fufufufu it's mix between crazy,cute and hot XD
SOULMATE!!!<br />
Its really good, i LOVE it,<br />
XD<br />
hehe,<br />
i'm sorry because just now i give comment,<br />
after read till chap 5, i wanna say that 'be mine' is your angst that i like.but it doesnt mean the other is bad, the other is good,really good,you do good job.<br />
Please dont angry with me. I'm just honest. <br />
Peace :D
wow it's sad<br />
i'm crying<br />
good job :D