Part 13

Love Dust



Only an hour later Kyuhyun put Sungmin in bed and could sit back and breathe with relief.


It seemed the composer caught some really bad stomach bug. After he finished throwing up in the living room Kyuhyun managed to drag him to his bathroom and drape over the toilet seat while he himself run to grab his mop and bucket. It wasn’t a if he hadn’t cleaned someone other’s puke before – he and Donghae were getting quite smashed together during the first years of university since the elder landed the job in the pub already then and they had access to free booze. And Hae more often than not was staying at his place since they lived separately at the beginning and the man had a very light vomit trigger.


Quickly cleaning the mess he emptied the bucket and washed it in the bathroom he was using before stripping off his already soiled shirt and jeans. He pulled sweats and his work t-shirt already on his way back to Sungmin’s bedroom just in time to witness another series of what I ate the last few days Sungmin edition. Not thinking much he kneeled beside the man and started to run soothing circles on his back with one hand, the other reaching for the cloth he grabbed in the last second and wetting it before he pressed it against the man’s nape.


Sungmin was breathing hard, his cheek pressed against the toilet seat. The vomit stench was filling the small bathroom already and Kyuhyun helped his boss to sit up before he flushed the toilet. Thankfully Sungmin felt a little better and managed to take a quick shower while Kyuhyun cleaned up the mess in the bathroom. Surprisingly it didn’t bother him that the man he was crushing on was in the stall not even half a meter away from him. He only worried how bad that thing Sungmin was suffering from was.


Turned out it was pretty bad because when Kyuhyun went to throw dirty clothes into the washing machine his boss had to quickly jump out of the stall and contaminate the toilet once again. Thankfully he managed to wrap a towel around his hips so Kyuhyun didn’t have the shock of his life.


That was the last time Sungmin threw up and he managed to finish his shower, dress in some loose clothes and crawl into his bed with Kyuhyun's help. He fell asleep immediately.


Kyuhyun plopped onto the floor when he finally heard the other breathing evenly. Judging from how bad the situation was moments before he somehow knew that it will repeat. He quickly run to his bag still lying on the hallway floor along with groceries and pulled out his phone.




Heechul was reading an important document about the company he was considering joining with when his phone vibrated on his polished marble desk. He glanced at the display and rolled his eyes. What the brat wanted this time.


‘What? I’m busy.’ He barked into the receiver his eyes still running over the text.


Sungmin is sick, get me some meds for stomach flu or food poisoning cause he’s gonna puke his intestines out and I can’t leave him cause he’s out cold.’ The younger’s voice was a little breathless.


‘Food poisoning?!’ Heechul screeched, his other hand already on the intercom buzzing his secretary to come. ‘How did this happen, you’re cooking his food!’


We went out yesterday to buy glasses for him and he insisted on eating Thai in the restaurant on the way. I see no other option.’ He could practically see the other shrugging. But judging from the nervousness in his voice he was worried.


‘ing Thai, either making him fat or poisoning him.’ Heechul grumbled more to himself than to anyone else. ‘Wait a moment, I’ll sent someone.’ And he hung up because his secretary entered his office.


‘Yes?’ She asked politely.


‘Jessica, send someone to pharmacy for some stomach meds.’ He quickly ordered. The girl looked at him for a moment then raised her brow as if waiting for something. Then it hit him. ‘, the training!’ Everyone from his agency was at the training he required them to take every few months. His agency was famous but not that big so he didn’t have that many people working for him. And he needed his secretary in the office with him because he had a meeting with a producer in a few minutes.


He was thinking for a second. Then closed his eyes and sighed. ‘Call Jungsu.’




Kyuhyun was stirring the rice he cooked when the bell rang. He googled food to eat when you have stomach flu and this was one of the options. He would have to force it into the man probably but he needed to eat.


Wiping his hands on his t-shirt he jogged to the door and opened it. He blinked.


‘Jungsu-ssi?’ He asked seeing a hooded form, there were some dirty blond strands sticking out.


The man raised his head. His eyes were a little glazed and his nose was red like a tomato.


‘Hey. Heechul sends me with these meds.’ The man’s voice was very nasal as he spoke. The paper bag with the logo of popular pharmacy chain got pushed into Kyuhyun's hands.


Kyuhyun furrowed his brows. ‘You’re fine?’


Jungsu waved his hand. ‘ing allergies.’ He managed to say before a sneezing fit caught him.


Kyuhyun backed off with disgust.


‘Wanna come in?’ He asked, hoping the man will just leave and not spread his cooties around even if it was just hay fever.


Unfortunately an eager nod answered him and in a few minutes he had two patients at his hands. One snoring in the bedroom and one wheezing like a dying whale on the couch.




So you’re in his pants already? Cause I don’t see you home and it’s past 11pm.


Kyuhyun growled at the question from his friend.


‘Sungmin’s throwing up since noon and I have Heechul’s boyfriend coughing his lungs out in the living room. I’m staying here to make sure neither of them chokes on whatever internal organ decides to detach first.’ He was wiping the floor in Sungmin’s bathroom after another, third already, attack of nausea took his boss out of the bed.


Ewwwww, have fun!’ Hae made a disgusted sound and hung up.


Kyuhyun sighed and sat on the edge of the shower stall.


Heechul called him to say that he had to stay longer for negotiations and he would pick Jungsu up in the morning. Sungmin was feeling like after he woke up from his quite short nap and couldn’t fall asleep ever since. He refused to drink or eat anything and Kyuhyun had to block his nose to make him open his mouth before he poured water into the man. He was just glad his boss was conscious enough to close the door when the case of really bad diarrhea made him stay in the bathroom for almost half an hour. Thankfully Kyuhyun left a bucket in there too because as it turned out Sungmin got sick again while in there.


The only problem with Jungsu were the sounds he was making while trying to breathe. Other than that he even tried to help with Sungmin but a sneezing fit rendered him completely useless and he retreated to the couch again.




A weak call made Kyuhyun jump onto his feet, throw the rag into the sink and run to Sungmin’s bed with a bucket prepared.


‘You’re sick again?’ He asked quickly seeing how Sungmin was writhing on the bed. The meds didn’t stay in him long enough to work apparently.


‘Hurts…’ The man breathed out barely audibly and groaned before pulling his knees up to his chest.


‘Ugh, wait a second.’ Kyuhyun dropped the bucket and rummaged through the bag with meds. He pulled a packet with powder he knew was quite effective since he bought it once for Hae. After he managed to make Sungmin take the medicine he sat on the bed and made the elder straighten his form despite the fact that it was hurting more. ‘I’ll massage your stomach, I read it helps.’ He said slowly hoping it registered and put his fingers on Sungmin’s covered stomach.


Sungmin whimpered and wanted to curl again but Kyuhyun stopped him and started to press a little. Now that he was thinking about it, his mom used to do that when he got food poisoning when he was small.


In a while Sungmin calmed down and there were only occasional whimpers escaping his lips.


‘Feeling better…’ He whispered with his eyes closed. Probably the medicine started to work its magic.


Sighing with relief Kyuhyun tried to retract his hand but it got stopped. He looked at Sungmin who had his eyes closed. Again he pulled but the grip was surprisingly strong.


‘Cuddle bear…’ Sungmin murmured, obviously drowsy.


Kyuhyun's eyebrows shot up. He knew what the composer meant.


Biting his lower lips Kyuhyun looked at the open door to the living room. He heard a loud snore from there signalizing that Jungsu probably fell asleep after wining his battle with clogged nose. After the amount of spray he applied into his nose it was a wonder no bone has melted there yet, much less that it unclogged.


Looking again at Sungmin who was still holding his hand tightly he sighed. ‘Do you want to cuddle?’ He asked in a low voice hoping the man fell asleep in the meantime. But it wasn’t the case.


Sungmin nodded.


Clenching his jaw Kyuhyun kicked off his slippers and pulled his legs onto the bed. He slid down so that he was lying on his side and in a moment Sungmin started to move slowly.


A few minutes later Kyuhyun sighed into Sungmin’s hair as the man snuggled into him and pressed his head under the younger’s chin. One of Kyuhyun's arms was serving as a pillow for the composer and the other was on his waist after he pulled the comforter over their bodies. He didn’t even want to think how their legs were entangled intimately.


Breathing in chocolate scent that Sungmin’s hair had since he bought him chocolate scented shampoo Kyuhyun wondered if he should feel bad about feeling as happy as he was at that moment about the fact that Sungmin was sick.




Insistent ringing of the doorbell brought Kyuhyun out of his sleep. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around. This wasn’t his room. It wasn’t the guest room either. Blinking he turned his head and saw USB drive with cleft pendant attached.


Oh right, he was in Sungmin’s bedroom.


Turning his head to the other side he saw his employer sprawled on the bed on his stomach, facing him. His lips were slightly parted and there were soft snores escaping through them. His face looked rosy, not sickly pale like the day before.


Stretching a little so that he wouldn’t wake up the other male in the bed Kyuhyun yawned. The ringing was still continuing and he really wanted Sungmin to sleep off the previous day’s sickness.


Sighing Kyuhyun slid to the edge of the bed and put his feet on the ground feeling it for his slippers. Not finding them he just got up and stretched again. Something popped in the lower part of his spine and he groaned with pleasure. That felt good.


Rubbing his face with his hands he excited the bedroom and dragged his feet towards the entrance door. He caught the sight of hand sticking above the backrest of the couch. Right, Jungsu was sleeping over. So probably Heechul came to pick him up.


Without looking through the peep hole Kyuhyun swung the door open. The ringing stopped instantly.


‘I’m back!’


Siwon exclaimed with arms opened widely waiting probably for Kyuhyun to jump right into his embrace. Kyuhyun blinked a few times. He grabbed one of the outstretched arms by the wrist and looked at the watch on it.




With a grunt he dropped the hand and slammed the door shut.


Dragging his feet through the living room towards the kitchen he stopped over the couch.


Jungsu was spread all over the piece of furniture. His mouth opened widely, a wheezing sound coming from them. His lips were dry and chapped. He stripped off his hoodie during the night apparently since it was rather hot in the living room and Kyuhyun could see part of some Chinese word tattooed on the left pectoral right above heart. Also the legs of his sweats rolled up to over his knees and Kyuhyun could finally see part of the serpent that was wrapped around the man’s calf.


Shrugging he padded into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. It was a hot night, why was he even sleeping under comforter… oh, right. Sungmin.


Remembering about the man Kyuhyun quickly chugged the whole bottle. On his way back he glanced once again at Jungsu who turned to lie on his stomach revealing that he had pair of wings tattooed on his shoulder blades which Kyuhyun could see since his wifebeater was low cut.


Sighing he went back into the bedroom this time closing the door behind himself. For a second he stopped in the middle of the room deciding how much his bladder was screaming to be emptied. In the end it won and Kyuhyun made a short trip to Sungmin’s bathroom before shuffling his way back towards the bed and sitting on it. Sungmin stirred and raised his head.


‘Kyu…?’ The elder inquired drowsily.


‘I’m here.’ Kyuhyun replied while sliding his legs back under the comforter.


Sungmin nodded and shifted. In a moment his arms were wrapped around Kyuhyun's chest and he was breathing into the younger’s hair as Kyuhyun embraced his waist and snuggled into the wide chest falling back asleep instantly.




It took Sungmin three days to get back in shape. Although he stopped returning everything he put into himself on the evening of the second day he was still feeling like crap and his stomach was hurting a lot. Kyuhyun was massaging the man every hour since Sungmin claimed it helped him. He ate some rice – which came back with a vengeance not even an hour later. Later Kyuhyun made him some boiled apple – at least after it Sungmin said he could enjoy it almost two times which made Kyuhyun cringe and stuff the chuckling man with bland toast bread. Sungmin was still as disgusting as ever.


Heechul came for Jungsu in the afternoon so Kyuhyun had to feed the suffocating man. Upon inquiring if he couldn’t take some medication Jungsu went into full blown explanation how the pills were making him fat and he only had to endure the allergies for a few weeks each year. All that left his mouth while he was munching on beef stew with rice that Kyuhyun made for the both of them for lunch. Thankfully Sungmin was too weak to get out of bed and try to steal some but he was whining from his bedroom all the while they were eating. And then he threw up once again.


So when the third day arrived and Sungmin went to the bathroom to just pee Kyuhyun was ready to cry from happiness. No more puke to clean.


Of course Kyuhyun was staying in the apartment the whole time. But only on that first night he cuddled Sungmin to sleep. The next day his employer just dozed off by himself and Kyuhyun regrettably had to go back to the guest room. Never before he imagined that he would miss sharing his sleeping space with another person.


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Chapter 19: UH OH
Chapter 8: I would be too if I was hae
Chapter 6: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 3: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
kaleidosdope #5
Chapter 19: That "ing heechul was right" cracked me up!
mykyunie #6
Chapter 21: I love it, I love it, I love it
mykyunie #7
Chapter 21: I've read this about ten times, I think they are more in realty and I can only say that I love
This is one of the best stories I've read, my eyes are hurting from staring at the computer screen for three hours because I couldn't stop reading, I absolutely love your style of writing and especially how you describe Kyuhyun's personality. His snarky words got me cracking up multiple times while I was reading. Theres been a lot going on in my life these few days and your story really served as a nice release, a nice three hours when I didn't have to think about any of it. Thank you so much for writing such a good fic!
miniaaaa #9
Chapter 21: It was a funny and intersting story(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
I really enjoyed it(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
ThanKYU(っ´▽`)っ ♥
angelamy #10
Chapter 21: woohoo it finally came to an end! sorry it's just that i got addicted to the story a little too much and couldn't stop read! @_@ my eyes are hurting ! thank u for the story ^^