The Girl

A Big Lie




            Fortunately, that day, no one used the practice room. No trainee. No SM artist. But A hip hop music could be heard from the room. There were Donghae and Lyan who played the music and danced in their own style. It looked like Donghae helping Lyan to practice her dancing skill before she really debute. It was clearly that both of them were happy. Lyan was laughing when Donghae making fun of her with his movement. It was the first time since Donghae broke up with Eunso he could smile and look really happy. He felt that he was alive again. Ever since Lyan appeared as SM new solo singer wanna be, Donghae started to act differently. The gloomy Donghae slowly changed into the rising Donghae. Donghae couldn’t even erased the smile that always spreaded over his face. He found that Lyan such a nice, pure and lovely girl.


Moreover, Lyan felt the same. Her anxiety was eating her up when he thought about everything, being a trainee, seniority, and another bad possibilities before he met Super junior, her sunbae, specially Donghae. She felt it was impossible to get a good impression since she was new there. But, so far, everything went smoothly as Donghae there to help her.


Once They both felt tired. They decided to stop and sat on the floor with a wet face because of their previous activity. They sat next to each other while leaning their heads on the wall. Without Donghae noticing, Lyan starred at him.


Donghae oppa


Why are you so nice to me?


The way you help me..


The way you hold my hand..


They way you look at me at the first we met..


That was.. was.. everything was giving me..


Such.. such.. a warm feeling..


I had no idea why I texted you first when I need someone to help me around..


Is it because... because..



            Lyan stopped his though out of sudden when Donghae starred her back.



“Lyan?” Donghae asked.


            Lyan who was just shock still not find the words to say. So she was just silent and looked down as she remembered what she thought before.



“Yah.. am I that handsome till you starred at me like that a while ago?” Donghae said and let a small laugh.


“Hmm.. I.. no sunbae.. I just..” She said.


“Yah Lyan.. how could you.. I’ve told you just call me Donghae.. or oppa” Donghae said with a low tone because he found out to say the word oppa was quite hard and it was kind of embrassing.


“Huh? Oppa?” She asked as she confuse, but deep inside her heart was telling her to say yes and agree to tell the handsome boy oppa.


“Yes.. oppa.. I know.. we just met. But everytime you call me sunbae I feel like..there is a big distance between us. You know.. I think oppa sounds better” Donghae explained and starred at the shy girl who kept avoiding his gaze.


“Yeah.. ok.. I’ll try.. op..oppa” She said and blushed right after she said that word.


“Good try!” Donghae said cheerfully. It was succesful to make Lyan who got shock relax bit and laugh with this special man behaviour.



            Both turned like a mute couple. They were silent. Donghae who felt the awkward situation took a bottle of drink and started to gulp the water. Hopefully, it can decrease his nervousness, and so did Lyan.



“Thank you, oppa” Lyan said as she broke the silent.


“For? The helping? The dancing?” Donghae asked as he pretend not knowing anything.


“For everything” she said looking down again for the numerous time.



            Donghae smile in satisfied. Slowly, he moved a  bit from his position and getting close.. close.. and closer to Lyan. The was only about an inch gap between their face. Donghae kissed Lyan’s cheek bravely. Lyan felt a soft lips on his cheeck but it was enough to make Lyan shock in hapiness.






What did you?


What..just you..


Gosh.. I’m going crazy..


What would I do next..


Maybe I better cover my face and run away...



“Op..oppa?” She asked with her eyes opened widely.



Well.. It’s can be called as take advantage of people...



But.. to be honest.. I’m proud of myself for kissing her cheek..       



            Donghae stood up suddenly and ready to leave the shock yet blushing girl.


“Well.. It’s already 5. I need to go.. you know.. Ryeowook.. bed rest” He said doubtly as he felt shy as same as Lyan did.


What did I just say?


Why I drag Ryeowook into this awkwardness situation..


Yah.. Donghae-ah..


The members are right.. I’m really stupid


“Well.. see ya!!” Donghae made his step and left the red face Lyan who still sitting there.


Thank you oppa..


            Lyan thought still sat in disbelief  what just happened.






            When Donghae arrived at the dorm the first thing he saw when the scene of members who chatting happily and sat next to each other in the living room while watching random variety show. He was worried before because he had to leave Ryeowook alone in the dorm for meeting Lyan before. But he was relief as he saw the members gather in 12th floor right after caught their schedule only to check the sick dongsaeng.


            As soon as Ryeowook saw Donghae who stopped his track in the frame of the door. He called him to join.



“Hyung!” Ryeowook said cheerfully.


“Get it, hyung. Hurry up. The show just began. Let’s watch together.” Ryeowook said and went to Donghae. Holding his wrist. Dragging him to sit next to him and join the others.


“Hey.. who told you that you’re ok enough to get out from your bed?” Donghae ask in concern. He was afraid Ryeowook condition will turn bad like he saw for the past few days.


“I’m good, hyung. I think I can join you guys to perfom tomorrow” he explained.


“Who told you that? Are you sure?” Donghae continue questioned him.


“Donghae-ah.. you don’t have to worry to much. The doctor came earlier this afternoon and checked his condition. He said he was ok. Doctor even allowed him to join us to perform tommorow. But in one condition..” It was Leeteuk who spoke up this time.


“What is that hyung?” Donghae turned to face Leeteuk. Waiting patiently to hear Leeteuk answer.


“But we have to watch him for working to hard because doctor said Ryeowook is type of stubborn man who keep forcing himself to do all the schedules without carring his condition” Yesung who said this time.


“Hyung, don’t you think what doctor said making me looks like a kid who need attention?” Ryeowook asked to Donghae clearly annoying to the statement.


“Yes, you are. You are a stubborn kid who act like a mature one all the time but you are not”  Donghae said as he ruffled Ryeowook’s soft hair and made it totally mess.


“Hyung!!” Ryeowook said while fixing his totally mess hair.


“You both, can you turn your volume down? The show is began. I need to monitoring my performace in Radio star.” Kyuhyun said without turning to face his hyungs.


“Ok we will. But why do we have to watch your show?” Donghae asked the maknae as he took the remote. Soon he started to press the button randomly.


“Hyung!? Why did you..the show is just began.” Kyuhyun said clearly annoying with his hyung action.



            The members soon bursted into laugh seeing the maknae and Donghae fighting over TV. Soon Sungmin, Eunhyuk, and Kangin appeared and burst to the others while bring some snacks. As soon as they placed the snack on the table, the members  turned their attention completely and took some of them quickly eating them happily.



            While Sungmin eating the snacks as the others did, he suddenly remember what the doctor said to him and the members before he left.



“Ryeowook-ah, have you eaten your last medicine?” Sungmin asked and made the others turned their attention to Ryeowook.


“Oh ya.. I forgot. Well, I’ll go to get it” Ryeowook said as he tried to stand up.


“Don’t sweat on it. I’ll be the one who get it” Donghae said as he made his track leave the members to Ryeowook’s room.



            As Donghae took the medicine from the drawer, he saw a picture laying on the floor below Ryeowook’s bed. He thought maybe Ryeowook accidentaly lost it. He took it and took a look at it. His eyes focused on a girl who cling her arm on Ryeowook. They both looked happy in the picture. She looked familiar for him. Her smile. But he couldn’t find the answer at the moment. Donghae wondered who the girl was. So he brought the picture along with the medicine.




Donghae quickly made his step to Ryeowook.



“Here’s the medicine” Donghae said offering the medicine to Ryeowook. Ryeowook took it quickly as he wanted to perfom well without any medicinse later.


“Ryeowook-ah...” Donghae said as he the curiousity eating him up.


“Yes, hyung”


“I found this below your bed. Can you share with us who is the girl in the picture?” Donghae asked facing Ryeowook who gave him a shock expression.


“What is that?” Leeteuk asked.


“the girl? With Ryeowook? Let me see” Kangin said as he took the picture from Donghae.


“Mind to share, Ryeowook-ah?” Donghae asked Ryeowook who still froze in his position.


I was looking for it since this morning..


But how come.. it..


Oh gosh.. What should I do..


Should I tell them..


About.. her..




Hello guys!!

So this is the new chapter..

How was it? Let me know by commenting..please..(begging)....hehe

Hope u guys like this chapter and mind to wait for the next..

I’ll try my best to update it  ASAP..

Sincerity.. thank u so much for the readers  ^O^




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Kooky1106 #1
Chapter 20: is this the end?
purplegiraffe #2
Chapter 20: I just found your story.. And is this the end? :(
Chapter 2: i really love it ! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 7: we're the same..i like sooyoung too..
monsterallergie #5
Chapter 19: Lyan ahhh There shouldnt be a choice if you love someone though x.x wookie is just too kind to give in.
Chapter 18: I wonder what will happen next. But you know, I feel sorry for Donghae. I hope he and Ryeowook will not go on bad terms or anything but I can feel that they will. Well update soon! ^^ Fighting! Don't give up ;))
monsterallergie #7
Chapter 15: So so in love w this updateeeeeeee !!!
Chapter 15: Love this update and ouh you're welcome ;) Can't wait to see what happens next.
Chapter 14: I still support u no matter what. A little suggestion thou, maybe u should pace it up a little bit instead of running around the bushes ;)
Ouh and perhaps Lyan and Sooyoung is the same person? :0
monsterallergie #10
Chapter 13: ahhahahahahah poor ryeowookieee!!n x)