
Twisted in love


Riyo woke up early today and found her brother Sungmin's room empty. He left the house already about a week ago.


 After eating breakfast she made her way to Kyunghee University... Today is the first day of her college life...


            “Ri Young Lee!!!” a sweet voice called out from behind her while she was walking


Riyo stopped and turned around to take a look, “Oh, Sohee, it’s nice to see you again!” she told her. When Sohee reached her side, she ruffled her hair with much enthusiasm.


Sohee is Riyo’s super best friend since high school and up until now. Seeing her made Riyo really happy. :D



            “I heard you were going to take up Post modern Music? Why didn't you tell me that??? Good thing your brother told me about it ", Sohee said as she pouted her lips.


            “Mianhe Sohee, I forgot to tell you, and i didn't want to bother you in your vacation. How about you? I heard you're gonna study in KU too. What course??”


            “The same as yours!!!” she pinched Riyo’s cheeks and started to run like a kid.


            “What? Hey you come back here! Wait for me!” Riyo tried to keep up with her running.


Well Riyo thought that it’s kinda cool to know that she have Sohee by her side, meaning she won't have much hard time adjusting herself to college life.



When they entered the room they took the two front seats. And the a few seconds later Cho Kyuhyun came in the room and he smiled at Riyo. She smiled back not to be rude for the first day. And he took the seat behind her.


The professor just went on talking about himself. His grading system. Himself… the school… and himself. Nothing much about their subject. It is because official start of classes and lectures is the next day. So, their class was dismissed early ahead of time.


Sohee and Riyo decided to tour the whole campus first before going home...


They enjoy having the tour because the whole campus was really big. There was so much to see. There were a lot of buildings; the main building was located at the middle of the campus. Others were departmental buildings and colleges. They were able to see the engineering department the science department and other structural figures that were there to see.


            “Umm… Riyo, I think I need to go to the comfort room can you hold on my things for a minute please?” Sohee said while she crossed her legs. ‘Sheez~ she must really need to go.’ Riyo just nodded and held her bag.


*    *    *    *    *


Sohee really felt her urinary bladder was going to explode so she hurriedly followed a tall woman she saw in the way to the comfort room and immediately went inside a cubicle.


‘Thank goodness what a relief! It felt so good to release body waste.’Sohee thought after doing her thing. But when she exited the cubicle,


            “AHHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?” said the woman she followed in the way to the comfort room. She looked really surprised because of Sohee’s presence her voice was also deep like a man.


            “Whats with you? Don’t you have common sense??? What do you think people do when they go to the comfort room?!?” She said.


            “Aish~ you don't get it! Girls are not supposed to be in here!” the lady like guy said. It took her a few seconds to fully understand what she heard.


Sohee looked at her, examining her fully…


she was...




HE was flat chested...



‘OMONA!!!!!!!! I’M IN THE BOY'S COMFORT ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’Sohee said to herself. Trying hard not to look in a panic like what she already felt.


            “AH! I'M VERY SORRY!!!” She said as she ran out and went to the women's comfort room.


She went straight to the mirror and tried to fix my self... OW MY GOD THAT WAS EMBARRASSING! She kept on telling herself while she held her face with her two hands. She felt her cheeks burning.


Good thing HE was the only person in there. Sohee decided to stay for a while so she won't be able to see him when she gets out and make a total fool of her… SHEEZ!


*    *    *    *    *


            “What's taking her so long?” Riyo started wondering and made her way to the comfort room when




            “Ouch!” She said holding her head


            “Ah…sorry miss did you got hurt?”, a beautiful guy said to her but wait,  he's face was only 3 cm away from each other!!! This was the first time Riyo ever got this close face to face with a guy!!! And her heart started to beat fast and loud!



            “ye~ yes, i'm fine.” Riyo said while the guy helped her stand up. Oh~ my! Riyo even noticed his hands were soft and he smelled good... hihi.. ^^


            “I hope you're fine, you should look at where you're going so you won't end up like the girl I met earlier, I have to go now bye!”,  he said while waving goodbye to Riyo with a smile in his face


            “Oh wait! Can I know your name?” Riyo said without thinking. She immediately regretted it when it voluntary came out of . >.<


            “Its Kim Heechul” he said while he ran away


‘Wow~ what a nice name. KIM HEECHUL I'll remember that! I hope we get to meet again soon…’Riyo thought while smiling


 A few seconds after their encounter…


Sohee came.


            “Riyo! why are you smiling by yourself? Sohee” came asking Riyo.


            “Oh don't mind me., how about you, what took you so long?” Riyo asked her still smiling.


            “I- ahhmmm..  I just fixed my stuff and I also did some retouch.” she said while walking away.


They finished their stroll in the campus and went straight home..


It was a very happy day for Riyo.. She got to bond with her best friend and was caught love at first sight by Kim Heechul, how she wish they were in the same class!







thanks for reading!






myevilgaemgyu smiley



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readingglass #1
hechull oppaaaaaaaa
kyaaa~!!!! update soon unnie~!! love it!
ryoukorin #3
jagiya!! your story is good.. mianhe if i only read it just now..
At last you updated already. saranghae ochibii~~!! Unnie will support you all the way. :)
Sorry if i can't update that much.. i'll try my best to update more.. kamsahamnida for all the readers.. saranghae! :))
hmmm... i stopped at chapter 14.... hmm... can't wait!!! xD
can't wait! can't wait for the next chapter.!! xD
Sugoi ochibii..! ^^ *thumbs up*
@SaskiaGumiho unnie !!! ^^
Ochibii! :)) youhna-chan here. :)