The Interview

Twisted in love


It was a typical morning. Riyo was soundly sleeping while the sun light illuminated her room.


ring~! ring~! An alarm clock started ringing.


            “Aish~ 30 minutes more” Riyo stood up and went to take her alarm clock and adjusted it.


After a few minutes later she heard a voice from downstairs that made its way to her room beside her bed…


            “Hey! Wake up sleepy head. You're going to be late " A guy said while he was shaking Riyo.


            “Oppa 5 more minutes, I'm still sleepy” Riyo said while she tried to cover her face with her blanket.


            “For your information MS. LEE RI YOUNG, I woke up early just to accompany you today to your interview and now you act like a lazy kid?” He said shaking her more to wake her up.


            “Ara ara.. Sungmin oppa~” Riyo said while she got up… She went to straight to the comfort room to wash herself up.


 Sungmin, looking pleased with himself, said, “Very good Riyo” 



Riyo went down stairs and ate the breakfast that his brother prepared for her, Sungmin is Riyo’s one and only sibling, he's two years older than her.


He's very supportive and over protective with her... well you can’t can't blame him… Their parents are very busy in Japan because of our “family business”. That’s why the two of them were left to live together.


After preparing for their departure, they made their way to their destination, KyungHee University.


Kyung Hee University is a private university in South Korea. It is located in Seoul, with a second campus (Global Campus) in the suburban city of Suwon. They offer many degree programs fully in English.


When Riyo was looking for a suitable university that can enhance her skills, she was able to read an article from Joongang Daily Newspaper.


It showed rankings on Korean universities in 2010, KHU was ranked fifth among all comprehensive universities in Korea. While Chosun-QS Asian University Ranking 2010 ranked KHU as among the top Asian universities. And lastly QS World University Rankings for 2011 ranked Kyung Hee as 245th in the world and 6th best in Korea.


After reading this, it made Riyo determined to be a student and be one of the notable alumni’s someday of this prestigious university.


            “Riyo ssi~ you do your best ok?! Fighting!” Sungmin said while tapping Riyo’s back. And she gave him a ‘thumbs up’, showing that she can do it.



Riyo went inside the classroom where the interview was to be held. Leaving Sungmin outside.


            “Please prepare the following requirements so when we call you one by one, you're already ready for the interview.” a woman said in the front of the room.


Riyo sat in the second row where a guy was sitting next to her. At the sight of the guy’s face she had some thoughts running through her mind… Like the sight of him made a “cling” sound on Riyo’s head. Well you get the point... Just by looking at him brought her the feeling they’ve already met… He looked familiar so she started to look at him trying to figure out where they've met...






* * * * *






This happened about 4 months ago... where different high schools had gathered to compete for the Math Month. Students from various schools had gathered together with their teachers for the prizes… trophies… and of course some fun!!!


Riyo was obviously mathematically skilled… she was sent there as a student representative of the school for the math wizards quiz bee… she tried to approach some students and she tried talking to them while she was at the event…. Until she was able to get across a student who wasn’t as friendly and sociable as the others in Riyo’s perspective. RUDE to be exact.


            “Annyeong Haseyo! I'm Lee Ri Young. I'm the student representative for the math division for Sookmyung Girls' High School.” Riyo said while extending her hand as a friendly approach to her opponent. 


The boy raised his eye brows and gave her a grin… (talk about attitude???)  and said to her, “Yah. I can read you know” he said pointing at Riyo’s name representative tag where her name was printed in bold letters.


Then he showed his own name plate to Riyo, “Cho Kyuhyun imnida.” then he turned around to the other direction without shaking Riyo’s hand and walked away


During the quiz bee sadly Riyo only won 2nd place and that jerk with no manners won…


It would be just fine for Riyo to lose… however losing to Kyuhyun didn’t feel good after what he did…


‘I’m not stupid you jerk! A friendly approach probably deserved a nice gesture in return… but no~ he was rude enough to piss me off by ignoring my hand… a well mannered reply wouldn’t kill him right???’Riyo thought to herself..


 *end of FLASH BACK*


*    *    *    *    *


            “WHAT?” he already noticed Riyo was staring at him.


            “Nothing.” Riyo said and looked at the other direction making a scowl.


Then he suddenly took Riyo’s class card and started scanning it. It took him a few seconds looking in Riyo’s name that was written in front of her class card and he scanned her grades.


            “You have high grades.” He said while showing an evil smirk.


            “It’s none of your business! You really don't have manners do you???” Riyo said while trying to take back her card


            “Wait! I'm still reading it. I'll give it back when I'm done.”


'DONE WITH WHAT???’Riyo said to herself and she gave Kyuhyun a look that was trying to tell him that… ‘You’d better bring that card back to me within 5 seconds or else, you’l be dead.’


But it had no effect on the evil boy. Kyuhyun even seemed fascinated by her… he even looked trilled with how Riyo looked when she was mad…

            “Favorite subject?” Kyuhyun asked


Riyo just stared at him. Giving him a grin…


Kyuhyun laughed a little… “Oh come on, answering a simple question wouldn’t harm.”  He said


‘Yeah, like being polite for ‘once in awhile’ wouldn’t hurt’Riyo thought.


            “Math... now give me back my class card!” She said trying to snatch the card from Kyuhyun’s hand. But it failed… Kyuhyun had long arms.


Riyo stopped and gave Kyuhyun a death glare. That’s when Kyuhyun gave it back…


            “Here you go.” He placed it on top of Riyo’s table and he looked at her while smiling.


Riyo started murmuring "What the hell is your problem"




Then the woman in the front called out Kyuhyun’s name and he was a bit startled...


His interview started before Riyo and before he left the room he stopped and glance at Riyo and gave her a wink..


Riyo rolled her eyes ‘What a moron.”



After a few minutes, Kyuhyun stood up and the interviewer shook his hand like congratulating him.


‘Wow~ He made it.’ Riyo thought.


Before Kyuhyun left the room, he looked back at Riyo and gave her a smirk.


Riyo rolled her eyes.


Then she was called for her turn. During her interview, she did her best in answering all the questions with true and correct information through the best of her knowledge.


The interviewer seemed to be satisfied with her answers and gave her a smile. Riyo is confident and her personality is really lively which made them comfortable with the conversation.


          “Well, I must say… Ms. Lee Ri Young, welcome to Kyung Hee University!” The woman said reaching out for her hand.


          “Jeongmal kamsahamnida! I won’t let you down.” Riyo said.


          “I will count on that. Study hard ok? Fighting!” the woman said.




She went out of the room. Immediately searched for her brother Sungmin.


            “Oppa!” She ran towards him and gave him a hug.


            “How was it?” He said returning the hug.


Riyo smiled at her, “I’m in!”



They went out to eat and bond in our favorite cafe' like they usually do.   



            “I'll miss doing this” Sungmin said


Riyo knew what he meant, since he studies in an International University and it’s a bit far from their residence, They won’t be able to see each other more often because he stays in his dorm.


Thinking about it made Riyo sad. She had hard times during last year when Sungmin entered college. Even though Sungmin visited her on weekends, she felt lonely because she doesn’t like being alone.


The summer break was too short… she wasn’t able to spend more time with his brother. That’s why she wished it was longer.


            “Aw... oppa don't worry we can still arrange our scheds so we can still bond like the old days” Riyo said as she took a sip on her favorite café macchiato. She really  liked the scent of espresso with steamed milk. Somehow it made her calm.


But then she couldn’t help but get worried… thoughts of being alone in their big house AGAIN with no one to talk to was hard to bear for her.


‘So I guess I'll be alone most of the time this coming school year? Aish~ can I handle it??’She kept asking herself.


thanks for reading!






myevilgaemgyu smiley




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readingglass #1
hechull oppaaaaaaaa
kyaaa~!!!! update soon unnie~!! love it!
ryoukorin #3
jagiya!! your story is good.. mianhe if i only read it just now..
At last you updated already. saranghae ochibii~~!! Unnie will support you all the way. :)
Sorry if i can't update that much.. i'll try my best to update more.. kamsahamnida for all the readers.. saranghae! :))
hmmm... i stopped at chapter 14.... hmm... can't wait!!! xD
can't wait! can't wait for the next chapter.!! xD
Sugoi ochibii..! ^^ *thumbs up*
@SaskiaGumiho unnie !!! ^^
Ochibii! :)) youhna-chan here. :)