Deal's Extension

Twisted in love

Sohee's expression suddenly change when heechul said that she had to extend the pretensions in their school!!!


' why don't you just tell them the truth? ' sohee said looking very irritated


' i can't! our parents wanted us to date because of companies sake! they would only turn it down if they see that i'm really serious with another girl! ' heechul said


' you already told them that you had a girlfriend! you want me to keep on lying with you??? ' sohee said shouting, people on the all way looked to their direction... some were murmuring.. heechul grabbed my mouth and said aloud.., ' hahaha! what are you talking about! you're so funny saeng~! '


' we need to talk somewhere else ' he said pulling sohee to the back of the building


' the heir of the Im family transfered to this university in my same class!!! so i need you to pretend to be my girl in campus ' heechul said


' OMO~! you really are insane! it wont cause me any benefit in this kind of setting! and besides, your mom already said that she'd turn down the agreement! ' sohee said


' but the Im family is very pesistent... and that girl.. ' heechul said pouting his lips


' look.. this is your problem.. fix it yourself.. ' sohee added crossing her arms to her chest


' oh come on please i need your help! i'll do anything in return! ' heechul said


' anything?? ' sohee said sounding like she's having a second thought about it...


' anything!!! ' heechul said


' how long do i have to pretend?? ' sohee asked


' until the Im family stops pushing through the agreement.. then we're through ' heechul said having some hopes



' wouldn't that take a lot of time?? ' sohee said


' a bit i think.. but don't worry! i'm sure they'll get tired of it ' heechul sounding assuring


' ok then ' sohee said


' really??? yaaaahooooo~!!! ' heechul hugged sohee while jumping


' will you let go of me?? i still have my conditions before i agree.. ' heechul stoped when he heard this


' what conditions? ' he said looking like a kid who didn't get his candy


' you will have to pick me up every morning and dismissal so i can save money... also.. you should always treat me for lunch and snack time while we're on this boyfriend girlfriend thing.. ' sohee said raising both of her eye brows


' why do you need to save up money? ' heechul asked


' its none of your business ... take it or leave it ' she said smirking


' arasso.. arasso! i'll give you what you want... but you also have to follow some rules so we wont get caught ' heechul said


' what rules? ' sohee said


' should be sweet to me when we're at school... specially when SHE's around... 2.. you should always look your best... and 3.. you shouldn't date other guys.. ' heechul said counting with his hands


' aish~ what is this??? a verbal agreement?? ' sohee took a paper from her bag and started writing...



                    This is an agreement that is set upon by the conditions and terms that Ahn Sohee will be acting as Kim Heechul's girlfriend for the next days... and in return.. heechul will answer all her expenses in travel and food... this deal is set on the following grounds:

1. WE should be seen together in school but it doesn't mean that we should be sweet..

2. WE should always be at our best.

3. WE shouldn't date others.

4. NO physical contact

5. falling in love with each other is forbidden!


' wait a minute! no physical contact? meaning even holding your hands is forbidden? ' heechul said pointing at the paper


' aniyo.. you already know what that means! ' sohee said


' oh.. ok.. how about # 5? ' heechul said scratching the back of his head


' thats just to make sure ' sohee said


' sure of what ' heechul asked


' just don't mind it! ' sohee said


' oh before i forget ' he said taking the paper and added some additional rules..


6. NO shouting

7. and no one other that us should know about the contract.


' thats fine with me.. ' sohee said.. and they signed their hand written contract...


' now its settled ' heechul said shaking sohee's hand


' see ya tomorrow ' sohee said waving goodbye


' i thought i was supposed to take you home?' heechul said


' oh yeah.. so i can start saving money ' sohee said


' lets go ' heechul said 


' aish.. pabo. i'm going home with my friend.. you can do that tomorrow ' sohee said while she walked away


while walking home with Riyo and Sunny.. sohee was just quiet..


' sohee chan.. is something bothering you? riyo asked


' ah? i'm fine don't worry ' she put up a fake smile


sohee was really worried.. she can gather up the money that she needed... however.. she felt that this is wrong...


she suddenly remembered...


* FLASH BACK of sohee *



they went out of the hotel and took heechul's car to sohee's way home.. no one was talking... it was a complete dead air... heechul sensed she was mad for what he did... until they reached sohee's house...


sohee got out of the car and walked to the gate of her house.. however, due to impulse, heechul suddenly grabbed sohee's arm..


' wait ' heechul said


she turned around and looked at him, ' what? '


' punish me ' he said closing his eyes, waiting for sohee to punch or slap him right in the face...


then sohee gave him a soft pat in my cheek.. she didn't hit heechul, ' its ok, i thought you wouldn't ask for forgiveness.. ' she said smiling


' i know i'm wrong.. coz men should never touch women if they are not permitted to, thats why i feel bad ' heechul said... 


' thank you.. ' she said


' why?? ' hee asked


' because even for one day, i got another chance to call someone my omma ' she said... and sohee had some tears building up in her eyes...


' oh no crap! ' sohee said as her tears freely flowed through her cheeks...


' why are you crying? ' heechul asked


' i just remembered my mom.. she died two years ago.. i miss her so much! ' sohee said looking down


thats when heechul came close to her and gave her a warm hug... sohee tried to get away... but..


' i may not be good in words.. but they say a hug can calm a person and make them happy ' he said hugging sohee.. she hugged back... she felt a bit comforted...


heechul broke to the hug when sohee stopped crying


' i have to go now, you take care and gomawoyo! ' heechul said before ridding his car and went away...


* END of Flash Back* 



'this feels so wrong ' sohee said to herself...


*end of chapter



Kamsa for reading! :D

stay tuned for next chapter

chapter 14 : the party



A/N : anyone here who can help me make a poster for this FF? suggestions and comments are highly apreciated... i'm really not good in editing mianhe! ' ^^


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readingglass #1
hechull oppaaaaaaaa
kyaaa~!!!! update soon unnie~!! love it!
ryoukorin #3
jagiya!! your story is good.. mianhe if i only read it just now..
At last you updated already. saranghae ochibii~~!! Unnie will support you all the way. :)
Sorry if i can't update that much.. i'll try my best to update more.. kamsahamnida for all the readers.. saranghae! :))
hmmm... i stopped at chapter 14.... hmm... can't wait!!! xD
can't wait! can't wait for the next chapter.!! xD
Sugoi ochibii..! ^^ *thumbs up*
@SaskiaGumiho unnie !!! ^^
Ochibii! :)) youhna-chan here. :)