chapter sixteen; *REVISED*

TOP Daddy


"Do'you think any of them noticed we were gone?"


Oh yeah, I totally did.

What? Young Bae wouldn't know? I share a room with him, and obviously I would know what he was up to!

I stood a few meters away from the front door with my arms cross and my signature glare. Oh, I already had a mouthful for those two. I mean, sure Ririn and Young Bae could go out, but WHY NOT TELL ME?!

As Ririn's guardian, I have to keep a close eye (OK, not too close, otherwise that'd be freaky) on her.


"They're probably still asleep."


Pft. I didn't even sleep. Too much paper work and song-writing and .


The front door creaked open, and the first thing I saw was (my) BAPE hoodie cover hand. Then Ririn stuck her head inside, checking if anyone was in the room. I guess she failed to notice me, seeing as she stood straight back up and walked in casually.

“Phew, no one's here.” She flicked off imaginary sweat with the back of her palm.


I made sure my infamous glare was cold and hard. Ah... No wonder they chose me to play the killer on 'IRIS'. I'm totally working it!

Young Bae also walked in then quietly shut the door. He glanced up at the wall clock on the far end of the room , again failing to see me standing there.

AM I INVISIBLE OR SOMETHING?! Hello, I'm T.O.P! The not-so-self-proclaimed y beast!

“It's already seven? Whoa, I didn't know we were out for so long.” Young Bae spoke with a small smile.


What the? I wonder what they've been doing. They've been out for almost six hours.


Ririn was walking backwards towards the living room (for some unknown reason), where I was, but she was too busy looking at Young Bae to even notice me.

“Oh well, if was fun though,” She giggled.



He better not have done something to her!


Ririn spun her heel around and—


her face hit my hard-rock chest.


“OW!” She shrieked, rubbing her head. “What the h—” She looked up to me and her instantly eyes widened. “WHAAAAA?! What are you doing here?!”

She took a few steps back, her face clearly showing fear. Ha! The magic of my 'angry Asian eyebrows'!

“Where have you been, young lady?” I tried to sound stern, evil and deadly, but that pretty much failed when I chuckled at the end. Ririn's face was just too priceless!

“What? What's so funny?” She replied, still having the fear-stricken expression.

“Seriously, where have you been? Isn't it past your curfew?” Ririn didn't even have a curfew, but what the heck.

“But, I don't have a curfew...” She answered, her expression now changing to a puzzled one. “And, don't worry. I was with Young Bae.”

“And you didn't do anything... foolish?” I continued, using a suspicious tone.


Ririn plumped down on the sofa and stretched her arms out. It made wonder, why didn't anyone attack her? I mean, first of all she was with BIGBANG's Tae Yang. And second, her clothes are worth at least five-hundred dollars (hundred and ten for the Jordans and four hundred for the hoodie; I spoil her way too much).

Young Bae walked in the living room and sat on one of the white bean bags opposite the sofa Ririn was sat on.


“Foolish? Why would you think such things?” He flashed one of his signature eye smiles.

Who in BIGBANG actually doesn't have anything signatured? I mean, Ji Yong has the whole fashion thing going on, and Young Bae has the mohawk and eye smile, and Daesung has the 'angelic' voice and smile, and Seungri has... The panda eye bags?

And I have the (extremely y yet beastly) glare that could probably kill someone and the irresistable deep voice.

Hmm... I guess that's true... Young Bae's too pure and good to do anything... strange to Ririn. But if I find out that he... hmm... I don't know kiss her and such, I swear I will kill him.

Ha, I have this whole 'daddy' thing rolling on! I'm so going to be a TOP daddy of the year when I have my own kids.


Oh wait, I already have one.


“We should tell him, Young Bae.” Ririn responded with a small grin. “He needs to know.”

Wait? Since when did Ririn start calling Young Bae by his real name? And, WHAT?!

“Tell me what?!” I snapped, though it wasn't my intention to. I shot a glare at Young Bae and said, “What did you two do?!”

But, no. The man decided to ignore me. He glanced at Ririn and shook his head. “Naw, he doesn't need to know.”



Gah. It felt as if my head was about to explode.

But, ugh... I need to calm down. I already have a bunch of problems weighing me down. Like, Ririn. I don't mean her, I mean her... condition.




I dare someone to go up to my face and say there's a cure to pancreatic cancer!

Oh no, that's just one thing, she was born with hole in her heart and has Huntington's disease.

In a few weeks... yes, in just only a few weeks, she probably wouldn't be able to walk, talk, eat... or even remember me.


She's been going to treatment ever since the nuns suspected the disease, but for some reason, no symptoms has shown yet. I doubt she remembers going to the hospital... She was six the last time she had a check-up.

The nuns at the orphanage thought it would just simply go away, but the week before I adopted her, it instantly went back as if it were a bullet. But this time, it was much worse.


Ririn's dying...

Yeah... , yeah... She's ing dying and no one can save her.

Not even God.

What has she ever done to Him?


I've been reading her list of symptoms like a book lately, so I pretty much remember everything.


Loss of balance – that's definitely never happened before, but she's been having accidents in school lately.

Blood loss – I don't know. I saw her with a pretty terrible nose bleed a couple of days before though.

Chest pains or Heartaches – She's never complained about chest pains.

Severe headaches – Hmm...

Random change in emotion – Definitely.

Easily Bruised – I guess...



It's hard to believe, right? That this cheerful and strange yet bubbly girl is going to be gone soon. I've known her for less than a month but she has this nostalgic vibe that makes me attach to her more. I was actually reluctant on adopting her because it was such a big responsibility, but I did it for a friend. Not just any friend, but a special one.


Ririn jumped off of the sofa and stretched her arms out wide. “Ah... I'm tired but... I'm not. Is that even possible?” She said with a giggle at the end.

Young Bae also stood up and began to make his way to the staircase. “Well, I am.” He looked at Ririn and grinned. “I had fun, Ririn. Let's do it again sometime.” Then he walked up the steps to our room.
















* hopefully, you figured out what's wrong with ririn.


pancreatic cancer - this is damn deadly! click on the link to find out what it is (it's not wikipedia, don't worry ;L)

huntington's disease - this affects the brain due to faulty genes (or something) impairs a person's ability to walk, talk, think and reason. (this was originally suppose to be alzheimer's but i gave up on that idea.)

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I actually have chapter twenty-two ready but I'm not going to post it because I haven't re-read the story! (after a three-year absence, I am completely lost) :)


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xxakai #2
Psh that uncle wants to take Ririn after he abandoned her?! >:( boys! Protect her from the evil uncle!

Thanks for your update ^_^
Chapter 23: oh god i need to cry ;-; this is so good bro!!
holy , you updated. that's awesome!
Chapter 21: Oh gosh. This story. I wish you could come back and continue it c: its really good!
Chapter 21: I love this story! It's so funny, happy, sad & whatnot! HWAITING Author-nim ^^
emenem27 #7
Chapter 21: please update soon... :)
이런 맙소사! I can't believe I actually found this fanfic after reading it in Winglin years ago! You don't know how happy I am to found this story here & found out that there are updated chapters already! (>̯┌┐<)

This is really hilarious, goddamit. I couldn't stop laughing xD
I actually died a little when I found out Ririn actually had that cancer. Like seriously..
& who is 'him'? , I'm so curious! (yeah~)
nanny_yo: Hehe, yeah it is :-) I'm glad you're still reading this! :3 After my long hiatus, 99% of my readers stopped reading this story :'( <br />
Will do! :-)