chapter fourteen; *REVISED*

TOP Daddy


* please note that after chapter fifteen, the story will not be in Ririn's point of view (as much as I love writing about her inner thoughts, but then again, chapter fifteen is going to be longer than usual chapters.), it will be written in T.O.P's. also, if you have any questions regarding on the story, don't hesitate to leave comment.




“Uh, Ririn... Your 's vibrating.”


“I said your is vibrating.”

“No it's not! Why would it vibrate?”

“I can feel it!”

“Please stop talking.”

“But it is—! Oh, wait. It's my phone.”


Ji Yong instantly pushed me slightly off of his lap then quickly stuffed his hands inside MY jeans' pockets. “Damn, Ririn!” He groaned, struggling to get the phone out. “How tight do you want your jeans—”

The engine went to an abrupt stop, causing me to fall back to Ji Yong.


“AH! OW!!! You're sat on my hand!” He cried. “And stop squishing my face!”

“It's not my fault!”

Once again, we were in an uncomfortable awkward position. More awkward than the last time. “Your knuckled are so pointy!!”

“Sorry if my 'pointy' knuckles are hurting your !”

“Hey!” Seung Hyun snapped, which turned both of us silent. “Stop arguing! Do your... whatever it is your doing when we get home.”

“Yes, baby Rin-rin.” Ji Yong chuckled once I repositioned myself back on Ji Yong. “You should listen to your daddy T.O.P here. I think he just allowed me to keep touching your... you-know-what.”


Seung Hyun's eye twitched.

“Oh, wait—! No! Don't do whatever it is your doing again.”




- fifteen minutes later -



Once we arrived home, I received an unsuspecting surprise. No, seriously, I wasn't expecting a letter with the name 'Park Ri Rin' written on the welcome mat.

At first I thought it was one of the MILLIONS of fan-mails Ji Yong (yes, G-Dragon only) received, and when I gave it to him, he tossed it back and it hit me square on the face. The sharp corners almost poked my eye out!

PARK Ririn?! It should be CHOI. Ugh, people this days. Not getting names right.” Ji Yong mumbled as he walked off.


“A letter?! For me?!”

Oh yeah... I love using the 'surprised' tone.


The letter was so professional looking. It was as if it came from a rich company or... something. Before I even had the chance to open it, Seung Hyun swatted it off of my hands.

“Hey!” I exclaimed, attempting to retrieve my first ever mail back, but failed when Seung Hyun shrugged me off.

“It is my responsibility to read your mail coming from an unknown person. Who knows, this might be a scam.”

“Scam or not it's still mine! That's invasion of privacy!”

Seung Hyun ignored me and walked towards the living room.


“But that's mine—! Oh, whatever! I give up!”


Then I remembered something...

“Hey! You can walk!”

“Yes, because I have two legs.” Seung Hyun muttered sarcastically.

“But I thought you sprained it!”

Seung Hyun ignored me and sat down on the couch, opening my letter.



I walked down the kitchen to find Ji Yong ramming the fridge. “FOOD! There's no food!” He cried.

“But there's cake in the fridge.” I replied, sitting down on one of the stools.

Right beside me was an opened notebook with scribbles and writing all over. Being the nosy person I am, I decided to read them.


“Are you serious?! I can't have cake! I wouldn't want to ruin my perfect body!”

“Oh yeah... Right. Your feminine body that doesn't even show a single pack.”




'A kind of girl that looks better in jeans than a skirt
A girl that will eat the kimchi fried rice that I make instead
A girl who looks young even though she's old...'

'I like that kind of girl.'


Wow... How...sweet.




“What are you doing?”


Right behind me was Tae Yang, who had his head over my shoulder the whole time.

I jumped a little when I saw him. I didn't even notice he was in the room!


“Umm... reading—”

“—my note book?”


My eyes slightly widened. “O-oh... This is yours?” I instantly closed the book shut and handed it to him.

“Invasion of privacy, Rin-rin.” Ji Yong chuckled in the background.

I flashed a small glare at Ji Yong then turned my head back to Tae Yang. “I am so sorry,” I apologized quietly. “I didn't know it was—”

Tae Yang flashed one of his adorable smiles that made his eyes turn into the shape of crescents. I couldn't help but blush a little. His smile is too... What's the word?

Beautiful? Heart melting?



Ah... Tae Yang and his charms. It always catches me like a fish on a hook. (Or a butterfly on a net. Whatever sounds best.)



“Oh, look at this. Rinnie has a crush on Tae Yang!” Out of nowhere, Seungri popped up with a bag of groceries in hand. “Look at that blush on her face!”

“What, where!” Ji Yong exclaimed, rushing to see my 'blushing' face.


“I-I do not have a crush on Tae Yang!”


“Was that a stutter?! Did you hear that Seungri?”


I glanced back to Tae Yang who had an amused look on his face.










It was so NOT amusing.


“I must be one lucky guy then.” He muttered just as he walked towards the living room with Ji Yong following behind.


Did he just say? Nah. I must've been imagining things.

So, it's about four in the afternoon and I'm at home with nothing to do. I suppose I could go out, but then Seung Hyun would most likely to say 'Don't go out without anyone with you.'

Honestly, what is up with Seung Hyun lately? The first time I met him, he was that cool dad every kid in the world would die to have. But now... He's so overprotective and quiet, opposite to what every kid in the world would die to have.


“Hey, Rin.” Seungri spoke which pulled me away from my thoughts.

“Yes, Seungri?”

“You seem a little bored. You wanna go out and get some ice cream or something?”

Please. But doesn't your back still hurt?” I smiled at him before jumping off of the stool.

“Nah. Boo Boo Spray actually worked.” He replied with a grin

“What happened to 'Evil'?”

“I dropped it. Oh, hang on a second!” Seungri quickly scurried through the grocery bag and pulled out a medium-sized pink box with a white ribbon on top. “I figured since I didn't personally get you anything on your birthday,” He stuck out the present right in front of me. “Here. Happy 'one-week and two days late' birthday! I know it's not as big or expensive as the car and designer handbag, but still.”

I glanced down the box then back at Seungri in awe. He wore an adorable smile on his face which warmed my heart.

“Aww. You really didn't have to get me anything, ya know.” I replied, using the cliché phrase everyone uses when receiving a present and taking the box off of his hand.


I carefully removed the white ribbon— it was too pretty to rip off!— and opened the box...







Seungri was right, it wasn't as big or expensive, but it was something I always wanted.










“Wow!” I exclaimed in joy. “I love it!”

I pulled my brand new white 'Fujifilm Instax' out of the box and grinned. Then I walked up to Seungri and pulled him to a big hug. “Thank you!”


“Promise me one thing, Rin.”

“Okay, what?”

“The first time you take a picture with that camera, it better be with me.”

“Of course!” I giggled, pulling the pack of film (one hundred pack!) out of the box.

I struggled a little with putting the film inside the camera, but Seungri helped me out.

“Let's take a picture outside where all the flowers are!”


I sounded like an excited little girl. But it can't be helped now that I recieved something I actually wanted for a very long time.


We quickly ran downstairs and went to the parking lot. “OK, Seung-Rin photo number one! Cheese!”




Within a matter of seconds, the picture printed out, and oh! Did I look hideous!


“Aw! You look so cute in the picture that were almost twins!” Seungri chuckled at the picture. “This is going in my room!”


“Nah uh! I'm making me a...”


A.... Memory book! Ah, yes!


“A memory book!”


Seungri blinked at me. “For what?”


“Hmm... My... Strange but unforgettable and awesome experience with the popular idol group, BIGBANG!”


“Ah, I see... But it's not like you're leaving soon.”


“Mm. I know.” I nodded. “Don't tell this to any of the guys yet, but being here makes me feel like it's my home...”


I took a dramatic sigh, like the ones from those dramas when they're saying something serious.





“...but it's a rented apartment...”


And Seungri completely ruined it.


“I, I know! I mean, with you guys. I never imagined in a million years would I be living with five men and feel comfortable about it! Like now, I'm not suppose to be doing this, but I'm letting all of my thoughts out to you because we're this,” I entwined my index and middle finger together. "close."






“...but you always did anyway...”


AH! And again.


“Ah, never mind!” I scratched my head a little. “Let's go! The ice cream is waiting to get inside our stomachs!”


“Do you wanna ride there, or just walk?” Seungri questioned and from the look on his eyes, it looked like he's rather take the 'ride there' option. “Because it's a few blocks away.”

“But we need the exercise!” I replied, walking a few steps ahead of him.

The man stopped on his tracks which made me turn back to look at him. “What's wrong?” I asked.


“Have you not seen my 'Stong Baby' photo shoot?!”


Crack crack crack crack~!


“Um, yeah. What about it?”


He stared it me with wide eyes and opened mouth. He pointed at his stomach. “Did you not see what's underneath this?!”


“Your... stomach...?”



“My abs! Six-packed abs!” He cried out. “It took me long painful months to achieve this!”


“Oh...” I made my voice sound uninterested and not believing, which worked.


“It's true! I have a six pack!”


“Okay, if you say so...”


“What! Stop using that sarcastic tone on me, young lady!”


“But you're only four months older than I am.”

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Thank you!
I actually have chapter twenty-two ready but I'm not going to post it because I haven't re-read the story! (after a three-year absence, I am completely lost) :)


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xxakai #2
Psh that uncle wants to take Ririn after he abandoned her?! >:( boys! Protect her from the evil uncle!

Thanks for your update ^_^
Chapter 23: oh god i need to cry ;-; this is so good bro!!
holy , you updated. that's awesome!
Chapter 21: Oh gosh. This story. I wish you could come back and continue it c: its really good!
Chapter 21: I love this story! It's so funny, happy, sad & whatnot! HWAITING Author-nim ^^
emenem27 #7
Chapter 21: please update soon... :)
이런 맙소사! I can't believe I actually found this fanfic after reading it in Winglin years ago! You don't know how happy I am to found this story here & found out that there are updated chapters already! (>̯┌┐<)

This is really hilarious, goddamit. I couldn't stop laughing xD
I actually died a little when I found out Ririn actually had that cancer. Like seriously..
& who is 'him'? , I'm so curious! (yeah~)
nanny_yo: Hehe, yeah it is :-) I'm glad you're still reading this! :3 After my long hiatus, 99% of my readers stopped reading this story :'( <br />
Will do! :-)