chapter thirteen; *REVISED*

TOP Daddy


This is definitely not my day. Why? Because first, my face is ruined, second I have a bangin' headache, and third, I just earned myself a week of solitary detention with Chul Yong (who surprisingly didn't know who BIGBANG were). That's definitely the cherry on-top of... the cherry on-top of that wonderful day!
Now I am going home... Because there was exactly thirteen minutes left until the end of school.
Again about the whole dream thing... I'm not sure which events actually happened or not. Hmm... I should make a check list.

Being in Health Class – Mm. Check, I guess.
Mr. Yang praising me – Since I couldn't find the homework anywhere, then I guess that's a 'check'.
Knocked out on the floor – Obviously. The bruises and the bandage didn't just magically appear. Check!
Seeing Tae Yang – Umm... No clue. But since Chul Yong mentioned something about a guy with a mohawk taking me to the nurse's office, then it's probably a 'check'.

Hmm... speaking of Tae Yang...
The image of him remains inside my head. I don't know why, but when every time I think of him, I feel... Like blushing? Giddy? Mm. I can't even think of the right word. 
It was too indescribable.

“Hey, Rin?” Ji Yong disrupted my thoughts by waving his hand in front of my face as we walked out of the principal's office. 
I glanced at him with a blank look, until I realised he was still in my clothes.
“Are you okay?” Ji Yong's male voice and female appearance... nuh uh.

“I... don't know.”

I stared at Seung Hyun's back for a minute, who was walking a few meters ahead of us. Then I looked back at Ji Yong.
“Explain. Now.” 
Thank goodness he wore one of my jeans instead of my skirts. Otherwise, people will see how hairy his legs are.


And damn, it's VERY hairy down there.
Oh, crap! That came out wrong!



“I... um... I...” Ji Yong's tongue was tied.
“He... wanted to wear your clothes.” Seung Hyun began, looking back at us.


I stared at Ji Yong strangely. “You have a room full of clothes, Ji!” I looked at him from head to toe. “What, are you trying to start another fashion statement?”

I mean... have you seen 'Heartbreaker'? I've never seen clothes like the ones Ji Yong wore in my life!

“That... That's not important!!” The cross-dresser (haha) snapped. “Let's go out and eat!” He wrapped his arm around my neck and sped off past Seung Hyun. “SEUNG HYUN, YOU'RE TREATING US, 'K?! GOOD!”
“I ain't got money!” Seung Hyun ran after us to the car park. “You pay!”

“Will you please let go of me Ji—!”

“No!” He shouted back to Seung Hyun.


“No! I'm the LEADAH!! KWON LEADAH!!! You listen to the LEADAH, 'K?!”

“Well... I... I'm T.O.P! And I'm the oldest!”

“Guys, keep it down, we're still in school!”



Aha... Well done boys, you've just completely exposed yourselves.

Fan girls crowded almost every visible window, stealing a glance from the two idols next to me.


“OH SH—!” Before I could hear Ji Yong curse, Seung Hyun covered both of my ears with my palms.



Really...? I'm eighteen for crying out loud.


Within a split second or so, fangirls began flooding from the doors.

“RUN!!!” Ji Yong shrieked, speeding off towards a familiar-looking black Murciélago.
He opened the door and jumped on the passenger seat.


Then it hit me like a bus.
OMG!!! MY CAR!!! MY BABY~!!!


“AHHHHH!!! T.O.P!!! I LOVE YOU!!!”

Seung Hyun abruptly grabbed my wrist and ran towards the car. He opened the driver's door and jumped in.

“WAIT!! There's only two seats!!”

Before I knew, Seung Hyun pulled me my waist and made me sit on his lap. “No time for that!!” He stuffed his hand inside his jeans pocket and pulled the car keys out. “DRIVE!!”

“THEY'RE COMING!!!” Ji Yong yelled like a damsel in distress.

“But I can't drive!! I have no permit!!”

“Ririn, didn't I tell you you were going to get private driving lessons?!”


“Imagine this is you're first lesson! Ji Yong and I will guide you!”

“HELLO!!! SCREAMING FAN GIRLS!!!” Ji Yong shrieked.


“JUST DRIVE RIRIN!!!” Ji Yong snatched the keys from my hands and pushed it through the key hole.
He turned it which made a click sound and the engine started.


What if I hit someone?!


Seung Hyun pulled the gear and kicked the reverse paddle. “Just steer the wheel and I'll do the rest! Just tell me when there's a person crossing or a traffic light. Stay calm, Ririn.”

Uh, yeah.

“I—I CAN'T! I really... can't.”

I felt like a failure, until...

“Look, I believe in you.”

...those words came out of his mouth.
Words that I've never actually received before.

“We could either not let Ririn drive and be attacked by fan-girls or let Ririn drive an risk our lives but escape at the same time! VOTE, NOW!!!” Ji Yong exclaimed in a panic-stricken tone.

I placed both hands on the wheel and took a deep breath.


“GO, GO, GO!!” The Kwon Leadah screamed at the top of his lungs.

Seung Hyun pushed the accelerator pedal as I swirled the wheel slightly.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh...” I whispered repeatedly under my breath as the car headed towards the exit.




“OH MY GAH!!!!”

Seung Hyun stopped the car without warning and the air bag flew up.

Did I hit someone?!?!

AH! I couldn't breath!! And I was crushing Seung Hyun!
“...Rin...! Ah...!”
“Someone, pop this thing, NOW!” Ji Yong pushed the air bag out of his face.
He reached out for the house keys in house pocket and,


No, I'm totally kidding.
It made more like a 'phh~' sound.

Girls surrounded the car, hoping to see their idols. Ji Yong quickly tore a part of the air bag and wrapped it around his head like a head scarf. Seung Hyun on the other hand, hid behind me, hoping no one would find him.

Yeah, that's a shocker... I have four arms, four legs and two heads.
And I'm super fat.

Ji Yong covered half of his face with the air bag-scarf as he opened the window.

“G-DRA— Uh... It's just a woman.”

He stuck his head out the window and looked at the girls. “Did we hit anyone? No?” He began, using his high-pitched tone again. “Then please move out of the way. We're kinda in a rush.”
The girls obeyed him, moving to the side.
“Thanks, ladies.” Ji Yong continued in his normal voice which got the girls confused.

He closed the window and glanced at me with a stern look. “You. Sit here. Now.” He patted his lap. “You are so not driving.”
“Thank goodness.” I sighed, getting off of Seung Hyun's lap.
I glanced at him in worry as I sat on Ji Yong (awkward). “Are you okay?”
Seung Hyun gave me a small smile in return as he drove out of the parking lot.

“HA! I just thought of something!” Ji Yong chirped. “Ririn on TOP of T.O.P! Ya know, since you're stage name is T.O.P, right and... ahaha... I'm guessing it's not funny.”

“No it is not.” Seung Hyun and I mumbled at the exact same time.

“At least I'm a 'master in disguise'! Let's see you try making a joke Miss girl-who-can't-drive!”

“I'm only eighteen!”

“So? You're allowed to drive when you're eighteen!”

“Oh, whatever! I bet I can make up a joke better than you can.”

“Oh, yeah?”


“Go on then!”


Hmm... Ah! 

2pac's of 'Eminems' cost '50 cent. That's 'Ludacris' and can I have my 'Nickelback?'

“Ahaha, I get it.” Seung Hyun chuckled at my totally awesome joke.
“WHAT?! You blatantly read that from somewhere!” Ji Yong exclaimed. “I doubt you made that joke up!”
“Oh, but I did.” I replied cunningly. “I have more up my sleeves.”
“Yeah, yeah... I bet you can't beat Seung Hyun though.”
I eyed Seung Hyun who had his focused on the road. “What do you mean?”
“He's like the joke maestro. I'm not kidding. Hey, wait...” He instantly s both of his arms around my waist.

Oh yeah...
I almost forgot about Ji Yong's erted self... TT^TT

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I actually have chapter twenty-two ready but I'm not going to post it because I haven't re-read the story! (after a three-year absence, I am completely lost) :)


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xxakai #2
Psh that uncle wants to take Ririn after he abandoned her?! >:( boys! Protect her from the evil uncle!

Thanks for your update ^_^
Chapter 23: oh god i need to cry ;-; this is so good bro!!
holy , you updated. that's awesome!
Chapter 21: Oh gosh. This story. I wish you could come back and continue it c: its really good!
Chapter 21: I love this story! It's so funny, happy, sad & whatnot! HWAITING Author-nim ^^
emenem27 #7
Chapter 21: please update soon... :)
이런 맙소사! I can't believe I actually found this fanfic after reading it in Winglin years ago! You don't know how happy I am to found this story here & found out that there are updated chapters already! (>̯┌┐<)

This is really hilarious, goddamit. I couldn't stop laughing xD
I actually died a little when I found out Ririn actually had that cancer. Like seriously..
& who is 'him'? , I'm so curious! (yeah~)
nanny_yo: Hehe, yeah it is :-) I'm glad you're still reading this! :3 After my long hiatus, 99% of my readers stopped reading this story :'( <br />
Will do! :-)