He's a rules-natic...

Just Love ME! OK?


Joon POV

“Fine. Spill it out” she took a pen and started writing on her organizer.

“First, don’t ever go back before your boss. You better get yourself ready because you’ll be spending most of your time looking at this handsome guy”

“Like I care… next!”

“once I reach my office, I want a cup of ice coffee from the coffee shop in front of this building. Plus, only 10 ice cube. 10, neither more nor less.”

“10? Wow, great… now I have a number-freak as my boss”

“I’ll take it as a compliment…” I smirk, looking at her annoyed face. I’ll give her a taste of hell! Hahahaha

“Make sure you clean my stationeries with wet tissue every morning”

“clean freak!”

“I hate white, so no more white staring from tomorrow”

“what soooo good about black?”

“Nothing, I just don’t like white...”


“Let’s just stop here. I’ll update the rules whenever I like. So, your task today is to study me schedule. There, in that book…” I pointed to a green book on her table. Inside the book is my schedule, written by onew and my previous secretaries.

“Before I forget… during lunch time you have to go to my house and pickup my lunchbox. Before you get back here, you need to prepare my clothes for tomorrow. Just pass them to my maids, they will iron it. Hmmm, don’t forget to feed Kyu. He’s a vegetarian so no meat shall be served”

“Sure…” she pouted. Somehow, those lips melted 10% of my heart. Exactly 10%. My instinct told me that she won’t stay long. I’ll torture her till she begged me to fire her.


Hanbi pouted. This Joon guy is sure are picky. 10 ice cubes… wet tissue… no white… lunchbox? Is he a pre-school kid?

“What am i? his maid or his secretary! This is modern day slavery… “She looked at the green book. This guy is really busy. His schedule is full until next month. He must be damn tired. Maybe that’s the reason why he’s acting like a mad dog. Tsk..

When the clock striked 12, she grabbed her handbag and headed to the door.

“wait, where are you going?” joon asked, without looking at her. he was busy signing documents.


“ooo… but I never told you the address”

“You don’t have to… I’ll never forget that house” she walked straight to the car park.

 She stood still in front of the mansion. She never thought of coming back to that place. The place where she lost the ability to think rationally. She rang the bell. Soon, a young lady opened the door. The lady in a maid outfit bowed...

“Hello, I’m Hanbi. Mr.Lee Joon’s new secretary. I’m here for the luchbox…” Hanbi bowed back.

“hello, I’m Jinyoung. Please come in, Mrs.Jiwon is waiting for you at the kitchen” the maid leaded her to the kitchen where a woman dresses in a blue dress standing in front of the stove.

“Mrs.Jiwon, the secretary is here” the maid said before leaving the kitchen. The woman in the blue dress turned around. She was surprised to see Hanbi in the kitchen.

Jiwon POV

OMO, this girl… she’s the one I saw running out from this house. She must be Joon’s girlfriend.Secretary… hohoho, they must be really in love that they want to spend the whole day with each other. I never thought that Joon will hire his girlfriend as his secretary. Looks like I have a wedding to plan soon…hehehehe

“I’m Joon’s mother” I hugged my future daughter in law. God, she’s so petite and adorable. My grandchildren will be cute! The girl hugged me back.

“I’m Hanbi, Lee Hanbi” she said.

“Let’s go to Joon’s room so that you can choose his suit for tomorrow. Omo, I forgot… his lemon tea. Hanbi, can you co alone first? I haven’t finished packing his lunchbox.”

She nodded and left. Since that she have been here before, I bet she knows which room is Joon’s. Should I make another lunchbox for my daughter in law? Yep!


Hanbi walked to Joon’s room. “huh…” she sighed. Something on the wall cached her view. Polaroid pictures of Joon sticking nicely on the wall. How can a mean idiot like him do cute poses? He looks like a gorilla trying to act like a hamster. Hahaha.. So funny.

She step into his wardrobe to find the space filled with well-tailored designer suits. Shoes were lined up nicely on a full-height rack. Wow, he must be a black freak. Is he mourning? Maybe he’s a Goth… maybe…

After a thousand of “maybe” clustered in her head, she started searching for a perfect suit for him. She picked a grey suit, which was the only light colored suit she found and match it with a black v-neck t-shirt. She laid the clothes on a table at the middle of Joon’s room.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. It was Jiwon. Hanbi threw a  wide smile when Joon’s mother handed a glass of orange juice.

Jiwon stared at Hanbi continuously that Hanbi started to froze. Jiwon saw a diamond ring around her soon-to-be daughter-in-law’s finger.

“Are they engaged?” she wondered. Joon’s a family guy, there’s no way he could just propose to this girl without discussing it with his parents.

“Nice ring” she pointed at the ring. Hanbi smiled.


“Where did you get it? The design is something to die for…”

“Actually, it’s my engagement ring”

“God, you’re engaged” Jiwon covered in surprise.

“Yeah, yesterday…”

“Congrats! Do I know him, your fiancé?”

“hmmm.. I don’t think so. But he’s kinda popular in business area. Kim Jaejoong” Hanbi said. Jiwon cannot hide her frustration. No more grandchildren in the making. If she’s engaged, why is she spending a night with our Joonie?

“Arranged marriage”

“Maybe, maybe not…I used to date him. When I’m about to dump him, he set me up. By forcing our parents into the scene. Our parents are good friends and that’s why I can’t say no”

“poor child. Hmmm,did Joon asked you to feed Kyu?”

“yep. Who’s Kyu?”

“you will know soon” jiwon grabbed Hanbi’s hand and dragged to the garden. Hanbi saw a white fluffy thing hopping around the garden. A rabbit. That Meannie guy got a rabbit. Hanbi wrapped her arms around Kyu and turned around like a child. Jiwon giggled. After feeding Kyu, she headed back to Joon’s office with the lunchbox. There were two lunchbox. A note sticked on one of the boxes. It said “Hanbi, you should eat more coz my Joonie is a mean bully but he’s a nice guy..(^_^)V”. Hanbi let out a small laugh.

She handed Joon his luchbox. The guy grabbed in hurry.

“yah, are you trying to kill me. Do you want to starve me to death?” he glared at her while spooning rice into his mouth.

“shut up and eat, you freak” she replied. Soon, her phone rang. She could see Jaejoong’s number on the screen. Hanbi pushed the green button on her phone.

“hello hun…” a familiar voice hit her earlobe.

“hi…” she said, in a lazy tone.

“Congrats on getting a new job! Let’s celebrate tonight.”


“The Cube, at 10”


“Should I pick you up?”

“I can drive myself there”

“See you tonight baby…Muaaahhhh!” Jaejoong gave her a smooch through the phone. She was getting more and more annoyed. Hanbi pushed the red button, the line’s dead. She placed her phone on the table. Joon’s eyes never leave Hanbi’s feature.

“What? Should I stab your eyes with these chopsticks?” Hanbi pointed at his eyes.

“Merong!” Joon sticked out his tounge, trying to get into Hanbi’s nerve. Hanbi looked away and started eating. “In the name of god, I’ll kick his if he keeps on acting like a child.huh!” she screamed, in her head.

AN: I realized that i haven't write much on other character. starting from next chapter, ill start focusing on other character. Mianhe for updating in tortoise pace...hehehe.. i'll update more on weekend. just wait, i'll add more hot guys in da scene so that we can have noseblled party..wahahaha

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minka_ichigo911211 #1
Whoaaaa unnieee~<br />
miss this fic so much!xD<br />
unnie, u r fasting? Great!! U can consider it as diet.hoahoahoa<br />
joon kissed his own cousin??<br />
Err, i meant His own cousin kissed him? It's sorta i think..<br />
Poor Hanbi, she didnt know the truth! That Hyori b*tch *cencored since it's fasting month. I aint allowed to say bad words*, can i kill her? And jaejoong, how many times i've said I want to kill him?<br />
I hope Hanbi would know that it's just jae's n hyori's evil plan.. Ow, kwangie's mad! He won't let his beloved girl being hurt.. Poor joonie, he lost hanbi's trust.. But its his fault, why he let hyori kiss him?<br />
Joon's such a babo!<br />
Cant wait to read d next chappie!xD<br />
ps. unnie, i miss u~
hyori vs hanbi?<br />
please update soon..
Updated! Hooray~
wuaah nice chappie.. please update soon!^^ good luck finding your new house^^
huWaah~<br />
i love your story!<br />
LeejOon!oNew!JJang!<br />
update soon~
bubbleme #6
minka dongsaeng, lolisho, alyssaq.. thanks for your comments <3
minka_ichigo911211 #7
whoaaaaa.. They're now married!!XD<br />
haha, hanbi's fooled!! It's a forced marriage... They switched the groom.. It's such a silly idea but it's brilliant!!<br />
I hope Kwangie wouldnt do something bad to their marriage life..<br />
But, hanbi wanted a divorce.huhu<br />
anyways, thx for d update!!<br />
lolisho #8
LOL. Onew andd his chick joke xD<br />
<br />
omo, that was sneaky! switching the grooms and the paper she signed...they were prepared! :O<br />
Joon better not do something bad again :C
alyssaq #9
they are married
minka_ichigo911211 #10
Onew+chicken=unseparable!LOL<br />
<br />
I got it. Onew got a plan.hahaha, our tofu is so smart!!<br />
But, hanbi hates joon more now cuz he wanna leave her. I wonder bout what her reaction when she knows bout their plan..hehe<br />
Ow, she wished joon being a gay!lol<br />
and tofu turned to b a y chicken.hahahaha<br />
like this chappie lots & lots & lots!<br />
What's gonna happen next??<br />