Foolish Bride

Just Love ME! OK?

At the Hospital

Hanbi sat on a chair as she watch Onew standing in front of the counter. She was discharged from the hospital. Since her parents were busy, they sent Onew to pick her up.

"Honey, it's done.. let's go" Onew grabbed her hands,helping her to stand up. Hanbi hissed as a small pain shoot her.

H.O.N.E.Y! it sounds wierd especially when it comes from Onew.

I thought his one and only love is chicken!

Onew helped Hanbi to get into his car and drove to his parents house.

"oppa, i thought u are supposed to send me home.." Hanbi said with a serious face.

"Baby, it's our home.. you're still weak! so, my mom will take care of you.."


"no but.. kaja, mom is waiting" Onew undo her seatbelt and opened the door for Hanbi. As she stepped inside the house, she was greeted by a tight hug from Onew's Mom.

"mom, stop it.. she can hardly breath.. wait' aren't you going to hug me?" Onew frown.

"aishh.. go hug your chicken plush toy!" his mom giggled.

"come honey.. let's go to our room" Onew guided Hanbi to a familiar room. which is obviously.. HIS ROOM.

"oppa, this is your room.." Hanbi pointed at the door.

"i've said it loud and clear.. it's our room" Onew moved his eyebrows, showing his ertness..

"err.. can i get another room? " she asked.

"you guy's are getting married tomorrow.. it won't be a problem if you sleep in Onew's room" his mom said, she was carrying a bowl of seaweed soup for Hanbi.


Hanbi sat on the bed with her back against the headboard. Onew feed her although she kept on resisting. plus, his mom was there. it would be wierd if she rejected Onew's help. When his Onew's mom leaves the room, Onew dropped the spoon on the tray.

"opss.. i forgot! i've got something for you.. take it as our wedding present!" he went to his drawer and took out a paper bag. Hanbi's heart was racing..

What's wrong with Oppa!

"open it.."Onew passed the bag to Hanbi. She opened the bag and found a y night gown in it. It was red.

"you like it.. i like red, it reminds me of chicken. Tomorrow, you will be my y chick!" he moves his finger across Hanbi's chin. he let a small laugh as Hanbi sat still like an ice statue. Onew stood up and went to bathroom with a towel in his hand.

"gonna sleep..gonna sleep..gonna sleep" she chanted the words over and over. When onew finished his bath, he found a sleeping hanbi on his bed. He went to her and spread a blanket over Hanbi.

"Mianhe sis.." he placed back the night gown inside the paperbag and put in on the side table. Then, he laid on couch. He dialed Joon's Number.

The Next Morning

Hanbi wake up to find herself alone in Onew's room. She looked at the pillow next to her, there was a card on it.

"see u at the hotel babe, Mom will help u dress up... Your Hubby, Onew"

Hanbi POV

This is it. there's no turning back! i'll be mrs. Lee Jinki..

i walked out of Onew's room after i took a long bath. i went downstairs where my aunty was waiting for me. we went to a saloon to fix my hair and get dressed. The hairdresser turns the upper part of my hair into a bun and let the rest down. My mom approached me with my wedding dress in her hands.

Wait, that's not mine.

It was the dress! the one i want! it's so wierd that oppa knows my taste well.

"mom, this is not mine.."

"since we have changed the groom, we decided to change the dress as well." mom helped me put on the dress.

It was the most beautifull dress i ever saw in my life. we then drove to the hotel. i waited at a room next to the ballroom.

knock..knock.. my dad opned the door. Onew Oppa entered the room, looking good in his white tux. He sat next to me and held my hand. he showed me a paper.

"i know it sounds selfish.. but i afraid that you will run away when u reached the isle.. so, i think.. maybe we should sign the registration paper first..look, i already sign!" he showed me his part in a flash. is he really afraid? he's sweating like a pig!

"oppa.. i'll never do that" i smiled

"please.." he pouted. i picked up a pen and sign the paper. He the fold the paper and gave it to my cousin, Taemin. i looked around but i couldn't find Joon. Where is he..

Hanbi! stop thinking about him! he's a ! he messed u up!

Onew oppa give my forehead  a kiss and walked out. after a few minutes taemin walked to my dad. he said that everything is ready. My dad offered his hand. I can see tears in the eyes of my parents. i saw Oppa standing at the end of the isle. He was facing the priest, i coulnt see his face.. but did he work out? his bicept is no joke!

i stant next to oppa.. to be honest, i was filled with doubt.. i couln't look at his face. i was so afraid.

"will you Lee Joon take Hanbi as your wife and promise to cherish her with all your heart" the priest said.


i looked to my right and saw Joon standing next to me. I turned my head and saw Onew sitting next to my parents. and i saw Joon's mom next to my mom. tears started to well. they cheat me. i looked around and saw all the faces i  saw in the news. DAd's friend. if i stopped the wedding now, it would be bad for dad's bussiness. i turned bact to my right..

Joon's face went closer.

"checkmate! dun you read the paper.. my name was on it.."he wishpered as he wiped my tears. the priest cough and repeat his words. i heard the words "i do" came froom Joon's mouth and i know, it's my turn.

'will you Hanbi take Hanbi take Lee Joon as your husband and promise  to cherish him with all your heart?"

"i...i.. i do" i finally said it. I can feel Joon's hand gripped my hand tighter. After we exchange the ring, it was time for the kiss. i closed my eyes tightly.. it reminds me of the second night we spent together.. the night things went wrong.. i started to sobbed.

the next thing i know, i was crying in Joon's arm. He was kissing my cheeks as he tried help me calm down. i tried to pushed him but when i heard people's clapping.. i know pushing Joon is not a right thing to do.

After the dinner, i sat at one of the chair.. staring at the empty table. Joon was sending our family members at the main entrance. i saw AJ oppa walked closer and sat next to me. He patted my shoulder.

"i dunno what's going on.. but i sensed something wrong when i saw Joon this morning" he said to me.

"they trapped me oppa.. i'm a fool!" i cried.. hugged me as i cried harder.

"no, you're not a fool.. i promise, i'll be with you. Hanbi, i still love you.." he confessed. to be honest, i wasn't suprised. What suprised me is when Joon forcefully grabbed my hands.. he pulled me away from AJ oppa.

"if you don't mind, we, the NEWLY WEDDED couple will leave now.. it's our FIRST NIGHT and i dun want to waste our precious moment watching my wife hugging her best friend." Joon said with a relax tone

i tried to free myself from his gripped. he throw me inside his car and drove away from the hotel. we didn't say a word until we reached our destination. in front us was a white bungalow which i think is our new house.

"i want a divorce!" i yelled straight at his face. He grabbed my chin and lean foward

"in your dreams..."



A/N: aish.. only one comment on the previous chap..sorry if my fic is a crap! huhuhuh.. it was hard for me to update since i was busy at work.. I missed my mom! Please comment!


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minka_ichigo911211 #1
Whoaaaa unnieee~<br />
miss this fic so much!xD<br />
unnie, u r fasting? Great!! U can consider it as diet.hoahoahoa<br />
joon kissed his own cousin??<br />
Err, i meant His own cousin kissed him? It's sorta i think..<br />
Poor Hanbi, she didnt know the truth! That Hyori b*tch *cencored since it's fasting month. I aint allowed to say bad words*, can i kill her? And jaejoong, how many times i've said I want to kill him?<br />
I hope Hanbi would know that it's just jae's n hyori's evil plan.. Ow, kwangie's mad! He won't let his beloved girl being hurt.. Poor joonie, he lost hanbi's trust.. But its his fault, why he let hyori kiss him?<br />
Joon's such a babo!<br />
Cant wait to read d next chappie!xD<br />
ps. unnie, i miss u~
hyori vs hanbi?<br />
please update soon..
Updated! Hooray~
wuaah nice chappie.. please update soon!^^ good luck finding your new house^^
huWaah~<br />
i love your story!<br />
LeejOon!oNew!JJang!<br />
update soon~
bubbleme #6
minka dongsaeng, lolisho, alyssaq.. thanks for your comments <3
minka_ichigo911211 #7
whoaaaaa.. They're now married!!XD<br />
haha, hanbi's fooled!! It's a forced marriage... They switched the groom.. It's such a silly idea but it's brilliant!!<br />
I hope Kwangie wouldnt do something bad to their marriage life..<br />
But, hanbi wanted a divorce.huhu<br />
anyways, thx for d update!!<br />
lolisho #8
LOL. Onew andd his chick joke xD<br />
<br />
omo, that was sneaky! switching the grooms and the paper she signed...they were prepared! :O<br />
Joon better not do something bad again :C
alyssaq #9
they are married
minka_ichigo911211 #10
Onew+chicken=unseparable!LOL<br />
<br />
I got it. Onew got a plan.hahaha, our tofu is so smart!!<br />
But, hanbi hates joon more now cuz he wanna leave her. I wonder bout what her reaction when she knows bout their plan..hehe<br />
Ow, she wished joon being a gay!lol<br />
and tofu turned to b a y chicken.hahahaha<br />
like this chappie lots & lots & lots!<br />
What's gonna happen next??<br />