The separate world we live in is actually one..

Just Love ME! OK?

Hanbi woke up to find Joon's leg wrapped around her waist and his arm s possessively across her back. Hanbi closed with her palm, preventing any sound from leaking. Slowly, she moved Joon's hand and leg from her. Tears flowing like a river without end. It was more tha physical pain... she felt betrayed as she thought that joon used her as an object of lust.

He's no longer a sweet giant.. He's a monster.

She sat at the end of bed, bending towards the floor.. staring blankly. Joon felt emptyness next to him. he opened his eyes to see Hanbi's warm back. He moved slowly, hugging her from back.

"baby, it's still early.. let's get some sleep" he said, kissing Hanbi's neck. Hanbi was sobbing. Joon tried to tilt her head so that he can wiped her tears bt she pushed him away and moved to the cupboard. she started to dress herslf, covering her body. Joon sighed in guity as he saw bruises and lovemarks tainted that small figure. He walked out of bed and hugged her again. this time, hanbi pushed him hard and slapped his face.

"enough.. enough.. i'm tired of this mess!" she yelled. she packed her clothes back into her suitcase and walked out fornm the cottage.

"Hanbi.. wait.. let me explain.." Joon yelled, trying to prevent hanbi from leaving.

It was useless as she slipped into a taxi in a flash.

"what have i done. is it wrong to love someone this much?" Joon cried, his head resting at the end of the sofa. His eyes caught a black object sitting at the table. The videocam... He wiped his tears and picked the videocam. Hanbi, when the time comes.. noting can stop us from being together.


"how's your trip and why are you here rite now. You should be back by tomorrow?" sunny asked as she placed a plate filled with freshly cooked pasta. her boyfriend,Junho was sitting at the kithchen counter while munching green apples. Hanbi let out a short sigh.

"it was boring.. so i decided to get back home. plus i still have a lot of things to do. my wedding is in 2 month" Hanbi replied as she started eating. Junho and Sunny looked at each other as they both can feel that there's something wrong about Hanbi. After having dinner, Hanbu excused herself. She locked the door of her bedroom and lied on the bed.


what should i tell Jae when he realized that i'm no longer a ? will he accept me? he will rite? he loves me...

she walked to her table and pulled out something from her drawer. An account book.

< The Next Day>

Joon went straight to his office as soon as he landed. suddenly, he heard a sound from doorknob. He starled as he saw the person he was charmed by standing. Hanbi looks pale in her baby blue dress. She walked in and bow. Joon lifted his left eyebrow, wondering what will happen next.

Hanbi placed two envelope on his table. Joon grabbed both  and opened them. The first one has a resignation letter and the next one contained cash worth 20K.

"wae..." he stared at her, tears started to form. Hanbi kept on telling herself to be strong.

"it's over.. we need to move on" she turned and leave Joon crying in his room. Joon knows that forcing her is useless. that's why he let her go.

It won't be long...

Jaejoong received a box with a pendrive inside it. a sticky note sticked on the pendrive. It says:

"u thought u know her? think again..."

he quickly connected the pendrive to his laptop. there's only one AVI file. What's this? the double clicked the icon and sound of ,screaming,sobbing and grunting filled his room.

Hanbi's ing a guy... the guy looks familar.. is that her boss?

She's a who played me...

Jaejoong dialed Hanbi's number and told Hanbi that he's coming over. He asked her wheather sunny is around and she said No. He stared back at the video, clenching his fist.


Jaejoong throw the snapshot across HAnbi's face. Hanbi dropped on the floor. She felt week. Where di he get this?

"oppa...i" she tried to explain but Jaejoong slapped her hard. He dragged her ho her room, He pushed her hard that sh end up on the floor. Jaejoong hovered over her and started ripping her shirt.Hanbi yelled in pain as Jaejoong forced himself inside her. The pain was greater that what Joon has done. it was different.

"you .. .... !" she slapped her like there's no tomorrow as she started to cry. He felt betrayed. the woman who said she will stay a till she got married is actually a . She's a two-faced who seduce him with her innocent charm.

When he's done, he put back his clothes and and leave Hanbi on the floor.

"Wait, if she's not a .. why is there blood on the carpet?" Jae wondered ads he drove fast to his home.

Hanbi tried to stand but she couldn't. the pain was too extreme for her. Phone! she grabbed her phone and tried to call sunny. there's no answer. She dailed Onew and was greeted by his cheerfull voice.

"oppa.. come.. it's hurt.."Onew heard hanbi's shaky voice. he was in Joon's office at that time. His face turned pale.

"something wrong?" Joon asked.

"i need to go..i think Hanbi's in danger" he stood up.

"lemme follow you" Joon tailed Onew's steps. They reached at Hanbi's home. Onew, who was a regular guest at Hanbi's house unlock the door. They ycalled HAnbi's name but there's no answer. Onew screamed as he saw hanbi covered with blood. Joon puhed onew aside and carried Hanbi bridal style to Onew car. he sat ath the backseat with hanbi on his lap.

"cagiya wake up.. don't leave me" he rocked the weak body. there's no response. they reached the hospital in five minutes. Joond placed hanbi on bed as the nurses and doctors  started to examine Hanbi's body.

"i'm sorry but you can't stay here" a nurse tried to pushed joon out of the room.

"she's my wife!" he yelled as he grabbed on Hanbi's hand. a smile appeared as he was hanbi's eyes started to open. Hanbi was weak. she couldn't pushed him away like she always did.

A doctor patted his shoulder and lead him to the corner of the room.

"I'm sorry but we lost it.." the doctor said

"lost what?" Joon asked

"maybe both of you didn't know that she's pregnant since it's too early.. She had a miscarriage" the doctor explain. Joon felt that hios whole world was crushed. he looked to his left and saw Hanbi. She was crying hard as  the word LOST kept on playing in her head like a broken cd.

after being treated, she was sent to the ward.She heard a knock on her door. Her mom and Joon stepped in. Hanbi was so scared.. she was afraid that her mon will hate her for what happened. insted of yelling, her mom gave her a hug.

"we should make a police report" Joon said. Habi was annoyed. For her, Joon has no right to be there as he was the reason she was hospitailised. Joon is the reason for her lost...

"no.. oppa did nothing. it was an accident" Hanbi explain. he mom believed her.

"too bad that the wedding is off... appa was so mad. he was overjoyed when you said that you're getting married to Jae. Now that it's over, Jae's father stopped their bussiness venture"  Her mon said. Hanbi felt guilty for making this hard for her parents.

"the wedding is on..." joon said all the sudden.

"what?" both hanbi and her mom said in union.

"i'll help your husband... in fact, my family is more influential that jerk's.. marry, Hanbi-ah"

"no.. no.. i refuse" Hanbi screamed.. Onew entered the scene with a basket of fruits..

"Onew oppa.. marry me!" she screamed.

"nae.." onew who saw in schocked said.

Onew POV

did i just say yes?



hi everyone.. it's been so long sice my last update. i went to a seminar in KL the whole week. i met my besties there and we party like we own the whole city. last sunday, i went to my hometown for my cousin neice wedding.. OMG she just finished schooling. and the groom was only 19. why on earth they decide to tie the knot at such a young age. when i was 19, i was busy playing tag with my beasties. Last two days, Dino oppa called me and asked about my future plan. i told him that i'm gonna sit for engineers exam,get promoted, save money and marry him. he said "let's skip a few step..". he said that by next year, he already got enough money to marry me . he said that it was hard for him to be far from me. otoke???? i'm not ready to get married... but he's a perfect guy to be my husband.. Aigo, i'm in dilemma..




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minka_ichigo911211 #1
Whoaaaa unnieee~<br />
miss this fic so much!xD<br />
unnie, u r fasting? Great!! U can consider it as diet.hoahoahoa<br />
joon kissed his own cousin??<br />
Err, i meant His own cousin kissed him? It's sorta i think..<br />
Poor Hanbi, she didnt know the truth! That Hyori b*tch *cencored since it's fasting month. I aint allowed to say bad words*, can i kill her? And jaejoong, how many times i've said I want to kill him?<br />
I hope Hanbi would know that it's just jae's n hyori's evil plan.. Ow, kwangie's mad! He won't let his beloved girl being hurt.. Poor joonie, he lost hanbi's trust.. But its his fault, why he let hyori kiss him?<br />
Joon's such a babo!<br />
Cant wait to read d next chappie!xD<br />
ps. unnie, i miss u~
hyori vs hanbi?<br />
please update soon..
Updated! Hooray~
wuaah nice chappie.. please update soon!^^ good luck finding your new house^^
huWaah~<br />
i love your story!<br />
LeejOon!oNew!JJang!<br />
update soon~
bubbleme #6
minka dongsaeng, lolisho, alyssaq.. thanks for your comments <3
minka_ichigo911211 #7
whoaaaaa.. They're now married!!XD<br />
haha, hanbi's fooled!! It's a forced marriage... They switched the groom.. It's such a silly idea but it's brilliant!!<br />
I hope Kwangie wouldnt do something bad to their marriage life..<br />
But, hanbi wanted a divorce.huhu<br />
anyways, thx for d update!!<br />
lolisho #8
LOL. Onew andd his chick joke xD<br />
<br />
omo, that was sneaky! switching the grooms and the paper she signed...they were prepared! :O<br />
Joon better not do something bad again :C
alyssaq #9
they are married
minka_ichigo911211 #10
Onew+chicken=unseparable!LOL<br />
<br />
I got it. Onew got a plan.hahaha, our tofu is so smart!!<br />
But, hanbi hates joon more now cuz he wanna leave her. I wonder bout what her reaction when she knows bout their plan..hehe<br />
Ow, she wished joon being a gay!lol<br />
and tofu turned to b a y chicken.hahahaha<br />
like this chappie lots & lots & lots!<br />
What's gonna happen next??<br />