legally Married

Just Love ME! OK?

Hanbi POV

Joon went out of the car and walk to the other side. He pulled me out off his car with his hand around my waist.

"get your hands off me!" i pushed his chest. All i can see is his everlasting smirk. He twist the doorknob. OMG, he really have a great taste in house deco. it was such a modern house with a huge window at one corner. He let go of my waist and went to the kitchen. A few minutes later, i heard him calling..

"baby..??" he said. Is he calling me? i stood still by the window.

"Hanbi, u better get you lilttle body here rite now.. dun let me go there" he said in a mushy-y tone. i sigh and went to the kitchen.


Hanbi went to the kitchen where Joon was sitting at the kitchen counter. She went to the freezer. It was filled with food.

" the house seems empty... where's your maid" she grabbed a bottle of mineral water.

"maid, we dun have one hun!" he giggled

"what do you mean? your parent's house got like..6..or 7..or maybe 10 maid.!"

"why get a maid when u have a wife?"

"No.. no way.. i'm not doing any housework!" she protested.

"Fine.. let our house be a dump yard.. or should i call your mother and tell her that you're acting like a spoiled brat?"

"dun get my my into that the best you can do? using my my to control me!" she yelled. Joon jumped down form the kitchen counter and went closer.. and closer till she can feel his breath on her face.

"look, i don't wanna be harsh on you.. will you just do it. Its not like we're having 10 people living with us.. it's just the 2 of us living here" he wishpered, blowing air on her ear. she hate it when he act nice when he's actually forcing her.

"fine" she looked down on her feet. Joon gave her a peck on her cheeck and lead her to his room on the second floor.

"tada.. your new room. Nice?" he asked. the room was in green and white theme with a balcony.

"where's your room?" she asked although she knows that he will never leave her alone. Joon sat next to her on the bed.

"if you sleep here, i'll sleep here.. if you sleep in the toilet, i'll sleep in the toilet.." he stood up and went to the toilet. After 15 minutes, Joon exited the bathroom. he was wearing a darl blue PJ with a towel on her head. she trembles as he walked to the bed. Joon lied on the right side of the bed.

"i already prepare bubble bath for you.. go refresh youself. dun bath too long, it's already midnight" he said with a closed eyes. Hanbi went to the bathroom. The bath tub was filled with bubble.

" hanbi, he's just pretending.. dun be a fool!" she knocked her head with her knuckles. She took a light blue PJ next to the sink and wear it.

"is he sleeping?" Hanbi saw Joon on bed, not moving at all. He smiled and went to the door. She decided to sleep in the other room.

"other rooms are locked.. plus, i only have one blanket" Joon siad, sitting on bed while rubbing his eyes.

"i'll sleep at the couch" Hanbi siad with a flat face.

"once you're asleep, i'll carry you to bed.. so, i think it's better for you to sleep here" he patted the empty space next to him. HAnbi layed next to hi, covering her body with the blanket. Joon went back to his previous position.his face facing the wall, trying not to show his crying face.

"mianhe honey" he sobbed.

ringgg. Hanbi Phone virbrated. Hanbi sat on bed, reaching her cellphone on the side table.



A/N: u guys must be dissapointed on thi crappy author (pointing at myself). mianhe evryone for being unactive this passed few months. I've been busy.. i will be transfered to HQ next month. so, i was busy doing house hunting (still no luck!).. i'm going crazy!! wish me luck finding a new house. Lately, i'm soo into "supa luv". but i'm no longer a a super fan of neil cuz i've found a new love.LJOE! wah, he's so damn hot with a pink hairdo! 


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minka_ichigo911211 #1
Whoaaaa unnieee~<br />
miss this fic so much!xD<br />
unnie, u r fasting? Great!! U can consider it as diet.hoahoahoa<br />
joon kissed his own cousin??<br />
Err, i meant His own cousin kissed him? It's sorta i think..<br />
Poor Hanbi, she didnt know the truth! That Hyori b*tch *cencored since it's fasting month. I aint allowed to say bad words*, can i kill her? And jaejoong, how many times i've said I want to kill him?<br />
I hope Hanbi would know that it's just jae's n hyori's evil plan.. Ow, kwangie's mad! He won't let his beloved girl being hurt.. Poor joonie, he lost hanbi's trust.. But its his fault, why he let hyori kiss him?<br />
Joon's such a babo!<br />
Cant wait to read d next chappie!xD<br />
ps. unnie, i miss u~
hyori vs hanbi?<br />
please update soon..
Updated! Hooray~
wuaah nice chappie.. please update soon!^^ good luck finding your new house^^
huWaah~<br />
i love your story!<br />
LeejOon!oNew!JJang!<br />
update soon~
bubbleme #6
minka dongsaeng, lolisho, alyssaq.. thanks for your comments <3
minka_ichigo911211 #7
whoaaaaa.. They're now married!!XD<br />
haha, hanbi's fooled!! It's a forced marriage... They switched the groom.. It's such a silly idea but it's brilliant!!<br />
I hope Kwangie wouldnt do something bad to their marriage life..<br />
But, hanbi wanted a divorce.huhu<br />
anyways, thx for d update!!<br />
lolisho #8
LOL. Onew andd his chick joke xD<br />
<br />
omo, that was sneaky! switching the grooms and the paper she signed...they were prepared! :O<br />
Joon better not do something bad again :C
alyssaq #9
they are married
minka_ichigo911211 #10
Onew+chicken=unseparable!LOL<br />
<br />
I got it. Onew got a plan.hahaha, our tofu is so smart!!<br />
But, hanbi hates joon more now cuz he wanna leave her. I wonder bout what her reaction when she knows bout their plan..hehe<br />
Ow, she wished joon being a gay!lol<br />
and tofu turned to b a y chicken.hahahaha<br />
like this chappie lots & lots & lots!<br />
What's gonna happen next??<br />