
Nothing's Over

A month had past and all of them were really excited about Kibum’s birthday party. After a week of tears and long talks about leaving his babies alone, Kibum was finally convinced by Minho to move to his house. So, the house was full of banners saying “Happy Birthday Key”. Minho was trying to prepare the living room for his boyfriend’s party but said boyfriend didn’t let him do nothing because he was determined to hear him saying “happy birthday” but Minho was having too much fun in not doing it.

“Who’s birthday is today?” Kibum asked, putting his hands on Minho’s shoulder and blinking.

“I have no idea”. Minho answered, smiling. “Who is it?”

“It’s me! Come on! Just say ‘Happy Birthday’!” The blond begged, making the other smile even more. “Why are you like this to me?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about. Let me go, I need to prepare the living-room.” Minho said, starting to walk but being immediately stopped when his boyfriend back-hugged him.

“Prepare the room for what?” He tried once more, seeing Minho rolling his eyes.

“I don’t know. I heard that I need to prepare it, but I don’t know the reason.” Kibum frowned and crossed his arms, pretending to be upset. When Minho was about to give up, the doorbell rang. “Go, go. Open the door.” Minho added, walking to the living room.

“I brought balloons!” Jonghyun exclaimed, as soon as Key opened the door, running to the living-room, leaving the other with a shocked expression. “I’m ready to the party!”

“Happy Birthday!” Jinki said, laughing at Kibum’s expression. “Just ignore him. You know he gets too excited about parties. Where can I put the cake?”

“Jinki-hyung! You said happy birthday to me and you brought a cake!” Key said, hugging him. “I should date you instead!”

“YAH! I heard you Kim Kibum!” Jonghyun yelled, making Minho laugh, and appeared in the hall, grabbing Jinki’s arm. “Sorry, but he’s taken! Come on Onew, let’s go inside!” He said, looking at Kibum. “And Happy Birthday, by the way.”

Kibum decided to help Minho with the table, while Onew went to the kitchen to put the cake on the fridge. When he went back to the living room, Jonghyun was lying on the couch, with his feet above the little table.

“What are you doing?” Minho asked, hitting him in the top of his head. “Get your feet out of the table, Jonghyun!”

“Jesus, you’re getting too similar to Kibum, and it’s scary.” Jonghyun said, widening his eyes. “Do you want Taemin and Kai to call you umma, too?”

“Don’t be an idiot.” Minho answered, waiting for Key to go to the kitchen to whisper: “I need you two to stay with him. I need to go out for a few minutes.”

Jonghyun nodded and Minho took advantage of the fact that the blond was still in the kitchen with Jinki to run out of the house.

When Kibum came back from the other division with an arm around Jinki’s shoulders and saw that Minho was not in sight he quickly scanned the room looking for him. After not finding him anywhere, he walked to Jonghyun, glaring at him.

“Where’s Minho?”

Jonghyun crossed his legs on the table again and smiled. “He is your boyfriend, you should know that.”

That earned him a smack on the head.

“If I knew where he was, I wouldn’t ask you.” Kibum sat next to him on the couch and grabbed him by his shoulders, shaking Jonghyun. “Tell me where he is, hyung, please!”


Kibum slammed his feet on the floor and faked a sob. “Hyuuuuuung. Please!”

“You only call me hyung when you want something from me.”

“You’re not gonna tell me?” He asked, one last time and Jonghyun shook his head. “Alright, there’s no cake for you.”

“What? That’s not fair! I was the one who bought it! With my money!”

“I don’t care because-“ He was interrupted by the bell ringing. “I have to open the door.”

Kibum got up from the couch and Jonghyun sighed in relief, grabbing Onew’s hand and pulling the older to sit next to him. He leaned his head on Onew’s shoulder and smiled, thinking that Kibum wouldn’t bother him anymore now that the guests were coming.

“Take your smelly feet of my coffee table, Kim Jonghyun!”

Jonghyun widened his eyes and look at Jinki, sitting straight. “Minho just told me something similar before he got out; it’s scary.”

“No, Jjongie, it’s cute.”

“No.” Jonghyun denied, grinning when Onew lifted an eyebrow. “We are cute.”

Jinki chuckled and leaned in to kiss Jonghyun but before his lips touch the other’s, a hand on his face was pulling him back and, judging by the muffled sounds of Jonghyun, the same happened to him. When he looked up, to see who did it, he found Kibum smiling at them.

“You’re not doing this here, shameless hyungs. Please entertain my guests while I answer my grandma’s call.”

Jonghyun sobbed against Jinki’s shoulder and couldn’t believe when the older actually got up from the couch and started to greet the people, which made him run after Jinki and wrapped an arm around his waist and greet Kibum’s friends too.

“Jonghyun, where’s Taemin and Kai?” Jinki asked after a while.

He shrugged. “I don’t know, why do you all keep asking me where people are?”

“Because you always know these things, you’re like Gossip Girl.”

Jonghyun wanted to answer but he didn’t have the opportunity to do so because Kibum was back in the room, running to the door since the bell was ringing again. He didn’t even have to try to guess who it was, the following scream making it very clear.

“My boys! How are you two? Did you eat well? Oh my, I’ve missed you two so much!”

“Kibum, they were only out for half a week.” Jinki said, chuckling.

“I don’t care.” He throw his arms around the two boys crushing them in a hug. “I’ve missed them.”

Jongin laughed and patted Kibum’s back. “We know; we missed you too. Happy Birthday!”

“See? Everyone is better than my own boyfriend that it’s not even here, right now.”

“Where’s Minho-hyung?” Taemin asked.

Kibum snorted and pulled back. “I have no idea, he disappeared.”

“How can you be so calm?”

Jonghyun decided that it was time to interrupt. “I’m the only one who knows where he is and I am not going to tell a soul.”

“Not even me, Jjongie?”

Onew asked close to Jonghyun’s ear making him shiver but he quickly took a step back, creating a safety distance. “N-not even you.”

“It’s okay; I don’t want to know anyway.” Kibum huffed, rolling his eyes. “Luhan, where is my present?”




When Minho arrived, the house was full of people. There were papers all over the living-room, because Key was opening his presents and throwing the papers to the air. Minho smiled at the situation but stopped when Kibum looked at him.

“You!” The blonde said, getting up and pointing at him. “Where were you? And why did you leave without saying anything?”

“Shut up!” Minho exclaimed, covering his mouth and pointing to a box with a little hole. “Here! Your present. I know you’ll like it.”

Kibum looked at the box and tried to guess what was inside. It was too small to be that huge Simpsons’ plush that he was expecting Minho to give him, but it was too big to be that shoes they saw the day before at the shopping. So what could it be? He took a glance at the brunet and grabbed the box. It was heavy. When he finally opened the box and a puppy appeared, Key felt his eyes tearing.

“Oh my God, so cute!” He said, holding the little brown puppy and smiling at Minho. “Thank you so much, I love him!”

“I knew you would like.” Minho answered, proud of himself. “Do you want me to name him?”

“Oh, ma little Comme Des!” Kibum exclaimed, hugging the dog. “Sorry, but this name fits him.”

“Okay, no problem. But look at the box! There’s other present for you.”

Kibum looked at the box and saw a little paper, but he was too excited to read so he just grabbed the paper and gave him to Minho: “What? What is this?”

“It’s the paper you need to take with you tomorrow so you can pick the other dog. I thought it would be better to bring one at a time.”

“Oh my God Minho, I love you, I really do!” Kibum said, hugging him and jumping with the paper in his hand. “Garçons, I’ll pick you tomorrow! Wait for daddy!”

Kibum crouched on the floor putting the puppy down petting him while squealing how cute and adorable he was and how much he loved him.

“Yah! If you keep that going, I’m gonna be jealous.”

“Pff, Minho is jealous of a dog. Taemin! Did you hear this?”

Taemin appeared out of nowhere, propping his arm around Jonghyun’s shoulder. “What, what, what? Who’s jealous?”

“No one.” Minho replied, pushing Taemin with his hand. “Go back to Jongin.”

“Now that you talk about it, hyung, since there’s a lot of people here… Can we, please, go to your bedroom and-“

“What the hell, Lee Taemin?” Kibum shouted, getting up looking at him in shock. “No, of course not. Leave my love nest alone!”

Minho widened his eyes while Jonghyun and Jinki started to clap their hands in amusement.

“Okay! Bummie,” He called and the other turned to him, smiling. “Let’s blow the candles?”

“Wow, Minho, was that some kind of innuendo?”

“Oh my god, Jonghyun, shut up!”

They reunited all Kibum’s friends on the table at the center of the leaving room and soon all were chanting the “Birthday Song” to the blond who was all smiles. When he blown the candles, Jonghyun tried to take a piece of cake and smashed it on his face but he was faster than it and the cake ended up on Taemin’s face. Needless to say that he was really not satisfied with it but before he could counter attack, Key was already twisting Jonghyun’s earlobe and threatening him and that was enough revenge for Taemin.

The rest of the afternoon went on really quickly and before they knew the moon was already shining on the night sky and people started to leave. Minho had to almost kick Jonghyun and Jinki out because the two of them were dozing off on their couch and wouldn’t leave.

So when he closed the door and was met with silence, he sighed, content. He made his way back, determined to let himself rest on the couch for a while but the strange sight of a silent Kim Kibum made him postpone his well-deserved time off.

“So, are you enjoying your day?” Minho asked, back-hugging Kibum when he saw him looking through the window. “How are you feeling?”

“You know…” Kibum started turning to his boyfriend. “I’m happy. I’m really happy. It seems like the best day of my life.” When Minho smiled, the world melted to Kibum and he forced himself so continue. “I’m so sorry. It was never my intension to leave and…”

“Forget it.” Minho said, pulling him closer. “I already did. Will you stay?”

“As long as you love me.”

“Do you promise?” Minho asked, showing his pinky finger.

“This again, Choi Minho?” Kibum asked, kissing Minho and crossing their fingers. “I promise.”

“I hope this time’s for real.” Minho answered, moving away and starting to walk to the couch, turning back to add: “Happy Birthday.”


So, we finally reached the end!

Thank you all for commenting, subscribing and reading. I hope the end doesn't dissapoint you guys <3

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Chapter 19: love it!!!
jongyu is cute
minkey is hype
taekai is still kids
Chapter 19: Bummie is soooo lucky to have minho
mzjonghyun #3
Chapter 19: ahh I love it so much
squishy1024 #4
Chapter 19: Awww! This is so adorable and fun. :) Thank you for this great story. :D
Galdy42 #5
Chapter 19: Perfect! Thank you for this wonderful story!
Chapter 19: I loved it ! you really did a great job ! ;)
Chapter 19: aww.. this is so lovely... >.< thank you for this wonderful fic.. :D I'm gonna miss this :P