
Nothing's Over

Minho was so worried about Kibum and Kai that he grabbed the first shirt he saw in the bathroom, probably from the day before, and pulled it on. It took him about five minutes to finish all his morning business and he was out of the bathroom.

“Kibum, what did he say to you?” He asked, having no answer. “Kibum? Why aren’t you answering me? Let me help you!” When the brunet entered the room and found it empty, his heart started to beat faster than before.

Why did he left without him?

“God, that boy is insane.” He said out loud, starting to run to the living room, where he left his phone.

As fast as he could, he called Jonghyun, who took a few seconds until he answer the phone. When he did it, his sleepy voice was vanished after hearing Minho’s exclamations and questions.

“What?” Jonghyun asked, making Minho even more stressed. “What happened?”

“Kibum is going to meet that guy who attacked Taemin. He has Kai! ” Minho explained, now more slowly, grabbing his keys and putting on his sneakers at the same time. “Get yourself ready, I’ll pick you in a few minutes. We need to help them!”

“What? How are we going to do it? Do you even know where they are?”

He tried to make the conversation quick but Jonghyun wasn’t helping with his endless questions. “I’m entering the car; I’ll tell you everything when I get to your house.”

“Okay, Minho, but-“

“Hyung.” The brunet interrupted. “Maybe it’s better if you call the police.”



Kibum barely remember all the way to that stupid warehouse. He was worried with Kai and with the possibility that Minho will probably follow him when he finds out that he left the house. He could only hope that he didn’t have time to memorize the address.

When Key found his destination, he thought he was going insane. There were a lot of warehouses close to each other. Kai could be in any of them. Just the thought made him shiver. He was about to call Yongguk when he heard his voice, really close to him, making him turn around really fast.

“Oh, you’re fast!” Yongguk exclaimed, smiling, not seeming bothered with their proximity. “And you’re a good boy, because you came alone, didn’t you?”

“Where’s Kai?” Kibum asked, ignoring the other’s question.

“Wow, what a bad mood.” He said, looking at Kibum and frowning. “Calm down, your baby is fine. Let’s go inside!” Yongguk said, turning around and walking followed by Key.

When they passed the door, the last one saw Kai, lying in a corner, with his hands tied. The same was happening with his feet. He also seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness.

“Oh my God, Jongin!” Key exclaimed, running to him, grabbing his hands and starting to untie the knot. “Sorry, I’ll never let you go out alone again! I promise! Tell me, how are you?”

“Jongup, you know what to do.” Yongguk said, smiling when Jongup grabbed Kibum’s arm and pulled him.

 When he turned, surprised, Yongguk smiled even more.

“Let me go.” Kibum said, looking at Jongup when he realized what was going on. “Are you deaf or what? LET ME GO!”

“Calm down.”

“Yongguk!” Key said, turning to the one who talked. “Let Kai go!”

“He’s not going anywhere! He can’t go anyway or he will get lost. That’s what you want?”

“Yongguk, you promised! You promised to me! What? What do you want? Why are you doing this? Why are you-”

“Because of you.” Yongguk interrupted, with a serious expression.

Kibum blinked a few times with a confuse look.

“Me? What are you talking about?”

Yongguk laughed and started to walk around the blond, making him feel uncomfortable.

“The thing is, Kibum, I’m very fond of you.”


“I’ve come to like you. A lot. So I want you to stay with me.” Seeing Kibum widening his eyes, Yongguk quickly added. “Of course, I’ll give you time to think but if I was you I wouldn’t take much, something might happen to Kai.”

Just as he said that, Daehyun and Himchan approached Kai and grabbed him again each with a hand on his shoulders, ready to push him back and bend his spine in an awkward angle. Kibum wanted to run to him but Jongup was still grabbing his arms.

“Yongguk, stop that, I’ll-“

“Hyung, don’t do it.”

The blond looked at Kai, stunned because the other only call him ‘hyung’ when he was being serious. Before he could say anything more though, Yongguk voice could be heard again.

“Like I said, I’ll give you time to think. Jongup, take our guest to that chair, please. Don’t tie him, I’m sure he will be a good boy.”

Without tearing his gaze from the younger, Kibum was lead to a chair, right in front of Kai but still far from him. Knowing that he had no chance to talk with him, he took the time to look around him and tried to think about something that could make them escape.

In front of him, Jongin was still groaning, badly injured. He could already see the bruises he would gain from this and he couldn’t help but to blame himself.

“I have to go to bathroom.” Kibum said after what he was sure that were at least an hour.

He was silent the all the time, trying to think of a way to make them both leave unscratched but to no avail. He couldn’t think of anything. One had always to stay behind and Kibum knew that if anyone had to stay, it would be him because there was no way in hell that he would leave Jongin here with these people.

At least, Yongguk said he kind of liked him. Not sure if this also applied to Jongin but mostly likely not.

“Yah!” He felt a kick on his leg making him shook his head. “If you want to go why are you here yet?”

“How sweet of you, Daehyun.”

Daehyun rolled his eyes and Kibum got up from his chair, turning to him, ready to ask where the bathroom was but a finger pointed to a corridor in front of them, so he closed his mouth and started to follow the direction. When he reached the corridor, Kibum couldn’t really see where a bathroom could be but refusing to turn back and ask Daehyun again, he decided to figure it out on his own.

He walked past a window that was the only source of light in that space filled with high shelves full of boxes. To be honest, Kibum was scared. He was trapped in there without knowing what to do and all he could think about what that he was going to spend the rest of his life like that if he wanted to Kai to leave in peace.

His mind was almost made but before he could admit that to himself, his body was strongly pulled from the left and a hand closed around his mouth, muffling his shriek. Instead of felling his body colliding with the metal or the boxes, it collided with something warm.

A body. One that he knew all too well.

“Thank God, you’re okay.”

Came from Minho’s voice behind him and Kibum could sigh in relief. That is, until he realized that Minho was not supposed to be there.

“What are you doing here?” He whisper-shouted with wide eyes turning around to look at the other man. “Oh my god, Minho, are you a complete idiot? How did you even get in here?”

“Shh, calm down.”

“How can I calm down? Do you think they are stupid?” His voice was getting louder. “They will find you here and then… I don’t even know what they’re going to do, Minho. This is the stupidest thing you’ve ever-“

 Kibum was hushed by Minho’s lips on his, preventing him from going on his rant. Immediately, he melted into the kiss, forgetting what he was going to say. The taller one pulled away then and smiled, leaning his forehead on Kibum’s, knowing that he weren’t be able to nag if they were like that.

“Hyungs are out there and-“

“What? You brought dumb and dumber with you?”

“Kibum, don’t be like that. They were so worried, they had to come.”

He took a step back. “Minho, you don’t understand, they are dangerous. If any of you gets hurt, it will be because of me and-“

“It’s you who doesn’t understand. We love you, Kibum, and we just got you back so we’re not going to let you go again. No way. You’re stuck with us.”

Kibum tried to fight back a smile but in the end, he ended up grinning like crazy and threw his arms around Minho’s torso. He really started to believe that they all could make out of it without a scratch when suddenly Minho was yanked away from him and he heard Yongguk’s laugh.

Needless to say that he wasn’t really amused.

“So, Key, were you taking your guest all to yourself without sharing with us?”

“No, Yongguk, I-“

“Quiet!” He yelled, making Kibum flinch while Minho was being grabbed by Daehyun and Himchan. “I was being nice, Key but I’m done with it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Take him to where Kai is.”

The other two took Minho who was thrashing around trying to be release and when Kibum tried to follow them, Yongguk grabbed his arm, making him stop. He tried to wiggle away from him but his grasp only got stronger.

“Let me go! What are you going to do with him?”

Yongguk smirked, never releasing his grip and began to push him forward.

“We’ll play a little game.”

“What are you talking about?”

The leader walked them to where all the other were and only stopped when they were across Minho and Kai. He gave some instructions to Daehyun and Himchan and in no time the two were standing behind his friend and his lover, making them fall on their knees.

When the first blow was delivered on Jongin, Kibum cried and tried to run to him only to be stopped by Yongguk’s hands now on his both arms, pulling him until his back was against his chest. Kibum’s whole body went stiff.

That didn’t go unnoticed by Minho who felt his anger rise and began to shout, demanding Yongguk to stop. Unfortunately, the latter just laughed it off and motioned with his head to Daehyun who with a sickening grin on his face started to land punches on Minho, making it impossible for him to do anything.

“Stop it!” He yelled, desperate for not being able to do something to stop what was going on.

“Listen, Key, I’ll make you decide right now. Either you stay with me and I let your precious friends go or you’ll leave and can only take one with you.”


“Shut up!” Daehyun demanded, kicking Minho on his stomach. “You don’t have any right to talk.”


“Kibum, no. Don’t worry about me. Take Kai with you.”

“We told you to stay quiet!” Yongguk screamed in Minho’s face, hitting his jaw with his fist. “Kibum will decide by himself.”

The blond looked between Minho and Kai, both being held by their hair with their faces painted with pained expressions and felt the tears starting to fall from his eyes. His breath was uneven and he took a step forward until he was right in front of the other two.

“I’m sorry, I really am.” He crouched in front of Minho and cupped his face. “I wish we could’ve had more time. I’m sorry, I’m always breaking our promises.”

Kibum sniffed and tried to aim for a smile, that only look awkward and then walked back to Yongguk.


“I’ll do it, I’ll stay with you. Let them go.”


So... only two more chapters to go and we reach the end!

I feel bad for making BAP the bag guys, I absolutely love them :(  but they have this the bad boy image that fit perfectly.

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Chapter 19: love it!!!
jongyu is cute
minkey is hype
taekai is still kids
Chapter 19: Bummie is soooo lucky to have minho
mzjonghyun #3
Chapter 19: ahh I love it so much
squishy1024 #4
Chapter 19: Awww! This is so adorable and fun. :) Thank you for this great story. :D
Galdy42 #5
Chapter 19: Perfect! Thank you for this wonderful story!
Chapter 19: I loved it ! you really did a great job ! ;)
Chapter 19: aww.. this is so lovely... >.< thank you for this wonderful fic.. :D I'm gonna miss this :P