Chapter 3

What Am I?


~Minho POV~
When we got to the nice mans house I looked around. It was very nice. There were many people on the walls. They were flat. Do people get smaller as the grow older? Will this man be holding me as I shrink? "I bet you are hungry would you like some food?" food is that why my stomach hurts? I nodded and followed him into another room where there was several things in it that were sharp. "How about a sandwich? One with turkey?" I nodded again. He quickly made it and handed it to me. Looking at it then up at him I wondered what I do with it. Do I just look at it? Suddenly I understood. I was supposed to stick it in my mouth. Doing so I take a bite and chew slowly. It tastes wonderful. Taking another bite I continued to eat as the door opened again. Looking back I see another person enter. He looked like the small person in the walls. Do people get bigger as they grown older? Then when was I small? Was I ever? "Hey honey this is Minho. he is a patient that will be staying with us for a few days. Minho this is onew." he looked me over completely uninterested. 
"hey man. Want to play Xbox?" he asked. What is Xbox? I looked At him confused as the nice man shook his head. 
"He can't understand you. But he will be staying in your room for now." the other groaned in annoyance as he went up the stairs. Just then the door opened again and another person entered. "amber this is Minho. He will be staying with us-" he was cut off as she walked away upstairs also. "Don't worry they will come around." he said as I finished the sandwich. He went upstairs to I think get one to come down. Instead of following I wanted to look around outside. It seemed so vast that I wanted to explore it. Opening the door again I go out into the outside world. Everything had a place. Where did I belong? Out of nowhere a beautiful melody drifted into the air. It was a mixture of numbers and euphoria. I had to know where it was coming from. Following the sound I entered the house next to us and found a tall young man playing the piano. He was beautiful. Auburn hair down cut neatly on his head. Suddenly he turned around making me jump back falling to the ground backing up running out the door. I donno if I upset him. He seemed surprised. 
I returned to the mans house to find myself standing in front of another man. This one had a mix of blonde and brown hair. "Who are you?" he asked in a deep scary voice. I backed up to the door "What are you doing in my house?" he growled as the man returned. 
"Jonghyun don't hurt him. He's a patient that will be staying with us for a few days." he said pulling the other one back
"key why didn't you tell me before?" key. That was the mans name. 
"It was a last minute choice. Come on only for a few days. Go grab some of onew's old clothes he can't stay in this." the one called jonghyun nodded and left us to also go upstairs. What was upstairs that was so fascinating? "come Minho. I have something I think you might enjoy. A lot of kids love it." he said bringing me to a labtop with a game loaded onto it. "This is to help you learn. Take the mouse-" he didn't get a chance to finish as I touched it and rolled it over the bird which started talking. "great Job." he said making me smile. He left me to learn as the one called amber came down and sat on a seat turning on a box that showed more small men talking. I just watched her as she flipped threw it changing it till it ended up on a place with several people killing each other while she talked on the phone simultaneously.  
"I know right. That should know not to touch him if he is with me. Those are the rules. I got him first." she said before saying goodbye and hanging up. "Hey Onew! It's on!" she yelled startling me. He ran down too and sat on the couch watching whatever they were watching. 
"Guys turn that off while he's working." key said turning off the tv. 
"What?! Why should we have to? Its not like he understands." amber said grumpily. 
"Hey don't say that. He can understand just fine." he shot back at her. She huffed and went back upstairs. I looked over at key who simply smiled. "dont worry about them. They'll warm up." right then the doorbell rang and he went up answer it. he was the only one kind enough to me. When he opened the door we were face to face with a stern looking woman and the beautiful boy behind her. "Hello there Ms. Lee. What can we do for you?"
"Yes we need to borrow some sugar." she said with no smile. I looked down away from the boy as they all walked in. 
"Oh Ms. Lee this is Minho. He's around taemins age. Hes gonna be with us for a few days." key said leading Ms. Lee into another room. I look up to see Taemin. He gave me a small smile bowing to me. Why did he do that? Is that their custom? 
"So your the mystery boy in my house. It's nice to meet you." he said as I looked down again. He was too beautiful. 
"Here you go. Have fun." key said as they returned. Both bowed again before exiting. 
"Why don't you go back to your game I'll set the table." he said leaving me
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Chapter 17: Waaa ... Who's the 'she' he's talkin about ? Omg !
Chapter 17: Omo... Who actually wanted to kill minho and who is person who save him??? And who is she that man mean??? Update soon.... :Dd to get answer... Update soon... :D
Chapter 16: Whoa ... He will be safe right ??
Excited to read this!
Chapter 16: Omo... What kind of experiment minho actually and he will in danger i hope somebody will come to save him... and please author-nim make it longer... Gomawo...
Chapter 15: Oh this is so short but thank you to updating... Update soon...
Chapter 14: oh my gosh the last chapter was so exciting!! and i want to know everything omg please update soonnnnnn :D
Chapter 14: oh... i hope minho will be okay alone in there...
Chapter 13: a good chp.liked it
Chapter 13: Omo.. What happen to minho?? Why that man attack him??? I hope he is okay...