She's MINE!!

Waiting for an Eternity








“ Stupid alarm clock! You always get in the way…just when my dream’s getting more exciting! ARRGGGHHH!!!!” rina was really irritated.

“ It’s still so early yet I have to get up…why does mom have to be on a business trip today?? Now I have to cook for myself…what a pain!” she’s now up and fixes her bed.

“1-2-3-4” rina is doing her morning exercise. She never really gets out of her room without it.



She kept repeating the routines she always do and spends almost 30 minutes of her time doing that. She’s really a health freak so she always does this.

“Hah…hah…”rina’s panting heavily. She’s sweating so much from that exercise.

“That’s more like it! Now I’m ready to cook!” Off she go and quickly ran to the kitchen.

Rina was seldom in the kitchen since she has her own refrigerator in her room. Also, everytime she gets home her mom always finishes the chores and all the kitchen work even though she’s really busy being a designer for a famous clothing company. Her mom’s so lucky that she can do work while in the house. She was only required to go when they have meetings and business trips but other than that she’s always at the house.

“Come to think of it, since we moved here I’ve never been in the kitchen. It’s been a month or so.”

Rina being a curious girl, she went hurriedly in the kitchen.

“WOAH!!! This is amazing!!! I’ve never seen a kitchen like this in my whole life!! This is like a chef’s kitchen! It’s complete!” she was so amazed on what she has seen.

“Mom’s really a goddess! Not only in beauty and wits but also in the kitchen!! She’s a superwoman!!!”

“I really am lucky to have a mom like mom!!!” she was so happy as she roam around the kitchen.

“Hmmm…I better start cooking now or I’ll be late for school”

She is now very motivated on making her bento. She opened the refrigerator and gather all of the ingredients she needs for her recipe.

“Hmm…  Let’s see, I need beef, broccoli, basil, oyster sauce…etc” she was really excited to cook.

She heat up the pan and put some olive oil. She sautéed the onion,garlic  and stir fry the marinated beef and brocolli then she made the sauce while she was waiting for it to cook. When the sauce was done and the beef and broccoli was good she poured the sauce in it and put it in her lunch box.

“Mmmmm…Delicious!!!” she was delighted for her success.

“I am a great cook!! HAHA!!” rina laughed devilishly and I don’t really know why devilish.LOL




After she was done in the kitchen, she went back upstairs and went in the bath. She pour her favorite aroma in the tub and indulged herself in it. She really feels relaxed whenever she plunges herself in the tub. The warm water soothes her body really good.

She spent about 20 minutes of her time in the bath and after that she went out and dress herself and do the finishing touches.

“There…This is enough!” she looked at the mirror and fancied herself.

“Do I look good or what?!?” for heaven’s sake this girl is really a forsaken narcissist.

She looked again several times at the mirror and finally got her bag and head down. Just as when she was about to go out, she heard someone ring the doorbell.

She quickly went out to look on who it was and to her delight she saw joonie waving at her on their gate.

“Rina!! Morning!!” joonie smiles excitedly.

“Hi joon! What’s up?” rina was smiling at him too.

“Let’s go to school together!!”

“Sure! I’ll just get my things!” rina hurriedly get her things and locked the door.

Rina ran to their gate and opened it.

“Let’s go!” the two of them shouted cheerfully.

The two went inside the car and started their journey to school. It was now Friday so they were very excited since tomorrow’s weekend.

“Thanks for the ride Joonie!”

“My pleasure”


Both’s POV

I’ve never expected us to be this close… It happened all so fast

Our friendship was made too fast but I hope that this will last long…

I don’t want us to be apart again..

He’s/ She’s like a puzzle piece that makes my life complete


The two of them climbed up the slightly steep road of the school grounds. Their school was really big. It offers both elementary and high school level so even the pathway’s wide. There were many students walking alongside with them, passing the lovely cherry blossom trees along their way. It was really beautiful.

“Joonie I’m really happy that we are friends now…I’m so lucky to have you as one” rina said smiling at him.

Joon patted her head and said “The feeling’s mutual Rin” joonie added a smile to soothe her more.

“Really thanks joon” rina was silent after they had that talk. She was just staring blankly at the sky.

Joonie was staring at her the whole time they were walking. He slightly blushed as he realized how gorgeous she was.


Joon’s POV

I’ve never encountered such a beauty like her… She’s so honest and kind..

She’s so pure… truly like an angel from above…

While joonie was having theswe thought’s rina was just blank…only staring at the sky giving out heavy sighs.


Rin’s POV

Mireu…I really wish you were here… I can be happier if you were here…

Oh panda…my panda I really miss you so much…

Come back to me Mireu…come back to me…


The day went by so fast… They hardly notice the time flew. Lunch is approaching really soon.

“Rin! Rin!” joonie patted rin’s shoulder.

Rina wasn’t paying attention so she was startled by joon’s sudden action.

“Y-Yes? Why joonie?”

“It’s lunch time! Let’s eat!”

“Oh? Already? Didn’t notice it…hahahaha…right, let’s eat!” rina smiled.

The two started to eat their lunch while chatting about their lives and on what they would want to be. The whole class was staring at them on their sudden closeness. The boys were so envious of joon while the girls were giving her death glares. Rina felt all of those glares so she asked joon to go out without her.

Lunch break was over everybody went back to class again. Hours passed and it was time to go home. Rina was still present in body but still her minds floating somewhere.

“Rin! Time to go home!”

“Oh right”

The two quickly went out of their classroom and was really excited on going home. They quickly boarded in the car and off they go. Just as when they reached rina’s gate they saw a limousine parked outside it and saw two familiar guys outside the car.


Rin’s POV

Am I really seeing what I’m seeing?

Is that truly him??

But--- it can’t be…

Oppa? Panda??


Rina quickly got off the car and stand outside. She was looking closely at the two of them.


Joon’s POV

Does she know them??

Who are they?

Why are they here??

They look like they are not from here…

But--- where? Could it be???


“Oppa?? Is that you?” rina asked.

The guy didn’t answered, he just waved his hand to her. Slowly a smile was being formed from rina’s face and when she saw clearly the other guy’s face, she was more delighted and unconsciously made her run to him.

“Mireu!!! Mireu!!!” rina shouted.

The guy smiled at her and opened his arms. It was as if he knew she was going to hug him. Rina slowly opened her arms as she was approaching him and finally when they were so close they huuged each other so tightly as if they never want to break up again.

“Mireu…” rina was in tears. “What took you so long?? Didn’t you know that I long for you so much?? It’s really great that you visited me here…Mireu I really really missed you” rina was still hugging him. She doesn’t  want to let go of him. “ don’t ever leave me again mireu”

“Don’t worry my cuddly bear…panda’s not going away anymore. Since today I’m going to live with you here…We’ll never ever be apart again…Your panda’s all yours again” mir was also teary eyed. He even hugged her more tightly. These two clearly shows how they missed each other and finally when they broke their hug, mireu gave rina a kiss on her forehead and cheeks then went in their house.

Joon was shocked on what he has seen. He never knew rina has a friend like that. Joon was really really jealous of the guy.


Joon’s POV

What happened here?

Who was that guy?

Why did they seem so close?

They were hugging each other intimately and I’ve never seen rina cried so much coz of too much happiness…

What’s the real score between them??

Who is he? How dare he do that to MY rina!!

No one and I mean no one is going to take rina away from me!!!

Just wait and see!

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flooring #1
im gonna advertise it :DD its so nice
Mir your my bias and your evil why?!!!!
@yamasau: Thanks for always putting up your effort in reading my story!! thank you so much!^_^
trust me Rain it would be interesting to watch!
aww i love the mini reunion!!
mshine #6
aha chapter one is crazy but i love it! hey check out my fanfic its in slow process but im getting their i hope you like it its called beautiful hangover replayed it has shinee bigbang and mblaqs mir and joon :)
oh im on the verge of tears poor joonie!!!!!! update soon!!!
anniekhun #8
hey there ickaxxino :) i read your new chapter and you improved a lot! Just keep those things I said in mind and you'll be fine! And it was also a good ending to the childhood so that was good as well! I've followed this story now so I can read your updates and give you some pointers, keep up the good work!
oh mireu is so cute!! poor joonie!!!!
LOL!! yep really, love knows no bounds!!<br />