My Panda!

Waiting for an Eternity








I heard my phone ringing, everyone was startled by it. I bowed my head and said sorry to them and after that I went out and answered my phone.






I almost felt like my eardrums have been shattered into pieces coz of Rin’s voice.


“Rina! Why are you shouting at me? Uhmm…Can we talk later I’m kinda busy right now.”


“Busy huh?? Well alright…go straight to my house after your work! Understand?!”


“Ok…ok…”. Well duh?!? As if I can ran away from her. I have to think of a way to fix this mess up.


The meeting ended, our new sched for the week was already given, now I have to face Rina in her house. I entered the elevator and went to the parking area. I grabbed my keys and went away with my blue Ferrari. As I went by, as usual girls are waving and getting rolled up coz of me---and my Ferrari.


“Sure they are getting more and more annoying…it’s just a Ferrari…”




“Rina…how will I ever explain this to you…”


I am so worried right now, I’ve never seen her so angry…not ever!!!




“Oh…look who’s here…you’re ten minutes late!!” she shouted at me.


“Did you say any time to me?”


“Well…no” she smirked at me.


“Then how come I’m late?”


“Co’z I said so! Say another word and you’re dead” she glared at me.


I’m getting goose bumps all over my body. She’s really scary right now.


“Now Mir…explain everything to me..I’m listening”


“uhmmm---you were involved in a plane crash thirteen years ago…and---you suffered from amnesia.”








“That’s it??


“Well yeah…” Of course it isn’t!!!


Then what about that Joon?? Why is he calling me as his bestfriend??”


“Right….About him…he was…he was your classmate back then, you got a little close with each other but then you both only spend a little time together coz we moved back to England.”


!! I lied! I just lied to her…




“Oh…so that’s it! I knew it wasn’t something more than that! He was nothing to me! Thanks for explaining Mireu!”


“Woah! I thought he was something special to me…glad he wasn’t…poor guy…I feel that he liked me a lot back then…”


I can’t believe she fell for that?! Why did she believe me? I’m sorry Rin…


I was caught on my thoughts when I was suddenly----








She kissed me!!! Well it was only a smack but still she kissed me!! Yay!!


“I knew you were a great friend!! I’m glad that you’re my panda and not anybody else…”


She then hugged me really hard…I am so happy right now…I know that this is just a hug and a smack from a friend…but I love her so I’m really happy.



Rina’s POV


I knew it!! I don’t have any bestfriend other than my panda!! Thank GOD!


But…I still feel like something’s off…I wonder what it is…


Well…I don’t have to worry about anything since my panda’s here with me again, plus he’s so cool right now coz he’s a member of the boy band that I’m recently crazed about!!


“Mireu!! Can you please stay here for the night?? Please? Pretty please?”


I looked at him with my puppy eyes…I know that he can’t resist it…


“Oh…boy…you know I can’t resist those puppy eyes!”


Yes! I knew it! Hahaha!


I ran to him and hugged him.


“Thanks Mireu!”



Mir’s POV


What an airhead! I’m a man too you know! Why can’t she see me as that?!?


I mean who could resist a  girl like her when they would sleep together in one bed?!?


ARRRGGGHHH!! Sometimes I wish I wasn’t her bestfriend…yah!!!



Rin’s POV


Yay!! I really missed him so much…I can’t wait to hug him all night!! WEEE!!!


Hahahaha! That’s right readers! I want to hug him all night…I want him to be mine tonight that’s why I invited him to be with me…don’t think of anything green though I just him to sleep beside me…nothing more…nothing less.


My panda looks so cute especially when he’s asleep…he always murmur my name though ive never had the guts to ask what he’s dreaming of about me…




“Coming Rin!!”


“Let’s sleep now!!”




He’s here now…I switched off the light and hugged him to sleep…


“I love you panda…” That's what all I can say as I plunged myself to sleep...



“I love you too Rin…”


Did I heard it right?? He loves me?? But---but---


Ahh…I can’t take it anymore I’m really sleepy…zzzZZZZZ




Mir’s POV


I kissed her cheek and hugged her tightly…


“I won’t let him snatch you away from me…you are only mine Rin…mine…




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flooring #1
im gonna advertise it :DD its so nice
Mir your my bias and your evil why?!!!!
@yamasau: Thanks for always putting up your effort in reading my story!! thank you so much!^_^
trust me Rain it would be interesting to watch!
aww i love the mini reunion!!
mshine #6
aha chapter one is crazy but i love it! hey check out my fanfic its in slow process but im getting their i hope you like it its called beautiful hangover replayed it has shinee bigbang and mblaqs mir and joon :)
oh im on the verge of tears poor joonie!!!!!! update soon!!!
anniekhun #8
hey there ickaxxino :) i read your new chapter and you improved a lot! Just keep those things I said in mind and you'll be fine! And it was also a good ending to the childhood so that was good as well! I've followed this story now so I can read your updates and give you some pointers, keep up the good work!
oh mireu is so cute!! poor joonie!!!!
LOL!! yep really, love knows no bounds!!<br />